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Tomorrow is the lawyer get together basically, so will there be any ramifications for no lawyer for Alice, which means no paperwork to present? It's time she faced the consequences of her actions over the last three years! I hope she gets the book thrown at her.
To the legal posters here, I am asking this question again. Will there be any consequences today regarding her sacking her lawyer? Or will we have wait another week, when the actual trial starts? There doesn't seem much point to the meeting today, if one party is absent.
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The post is fine although you've been forgiven to think that she is trying to connect it to her, but the "for once" is utterly hilarious lmao

I also note that she seems to have a lot of brainwashed Russian followers
BIB Probably because they're all bought and paid for.
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I'm not fussed either way and in reality Ioan and thus Bianca are always going to be linked to Alice unless and until either him or the kids go no contact. But if we need to choose one or the other I would go with Alice. (Never in a million years did I think I'd say that!) As much as most of us support Ioan and Bianca and want to see them live a happy, healthy, successful life, it's really Alice that these threads are about. We're all here watching her burn her world down in shock, awe, amazement, amusement, and hope for the three E's to escape to safety and normalcy. Thanks to all those who bring the receipts, these threads are a great resource to study a narc in action. While I've no doubt Ioan doesn't want to be linked to her, pretty much everything Alice does revolves around him and Bianca so we're never going to be able to talk about her without them being involved somehow. Plus, to be practical, this is a gossip forum, and I seriously doubt Ioan and Bianca read here. If we were really going to prioritize what Ioan wants these threads wouldn't exist tbw.
Except over time she won’t be doing anything newsworthy. Or gossip worthy. Ioan is the celeb in all this. 🤷‍♀️
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There's not even any evidence it was anyone from tattle that did that is there cause he was putting about his BDE* on twitter, not here. So it's their own social media platform they need to be accusing there, not our forum.

should really be SDE in this case but hey ho.
Oh you’re so right.
It was probably one of the minions for losing top sicko billing that week. Notice he’s went incognito and his bro hasn’t mentioned him for a while.
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There's not even any evidence it was anyone from tattle that did that is there cause he was putting about his BDE* on twitter, not here. So it's their own social media platform they need to be accusing there, not our forum.

should really be SDE in this case but hey ho.
A general observation: if you can be found by googling your name and "linkedin" think before you post something which your employer might not like.

Actually it would be harder for most tattlers as the rules don't allow us to name him directly!
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At the Hotel Cap du Eden Roc, Olivier Picasso, the discreet associate of Evil HQ, sat in his lavish office overlooking the sea. The view was in stark contrast to the news he had to deliver to Mrs. Gruffudd.

Olivier Picasso decided to FaceTime Mrs. Gruffudd, his expression unreadable as the call connected. Mrs. Gruffudd’s face appeared on the screen, and she greeted him with an air of confidence.

“Mrs. Gruffudd, I regret to inform you that Gloria’s new role in housekeeping at the Hotel Cap du Eden Roc is proving to be a total failure,” Olivier said, cutting straight to the chase.

Mrs. Gruffudd, taken aback, raised an eyebrow. “A failure? What happened? She was supposed to blend in seamlessly.”

Olivier Picasso sighed, “Well, Mrs. Gruffudd, it seems Gloria’s understanding of being a housekeeper is to spend the day glued to Twitter using a variety of sock accounts. She’s hardly attended to her duties, and the guests are becoming increasingly disgruntled.”

Mrs. Gruffudd, now both frustrated and worried, rubbed her temples. “This is unacceptable, Olivier. We can’t afford any hiccups. Find a way to rectify the situation and keep a closer eye on her.”

Olivier nodded, “I’ll do my best to salvage the situation, but we need a backup plan. The last thing we want is to draw attention to ourselves.”

As the FaceTime call ended, Mrs. Gruffudd realized that Gloria’s unexpected penchant for social media was jeopardizing the delicate balance of their covert operations. The village of Llwydcoed remained oblivious to the international web of intrigue that had ensnared Gloria, but the consequences of her actions were reaching far beyond the tranquil shores of Wales.

Unbeknownst to both Mrs. Gruffudd and Olivier Picasso, Gloria’s unintentional foray into the world of Twitter was about to set off a chain of events that would test the limits of their carefully crafted plans and bring the secrets of Llwydcoed closer to exposure. The tranquil facade of the village was about to crack, revealing the tangled web of deception that lay beneath.
😂 😂 I am BEGGING for another chapter! ❤
The thought of Alice turning up as Tony by wearing a wig and a tash has made me laugh far too much.
I think part of what's so funny about that idea is you know Alice has seriously considered it!
Absolutely but these actresses have more going on in terms of looks, confidence and talent. They use that to emote and wow. Rampling really traded on the steely stare and hard ass look.

There is nothing wrong with hooded eyes, it can be thing that defines you. I just think Alice didn’t have the modelling or acting ability to deal with it. I suspect when tried modelling it was pointed out a limitation. It stuck with her and she over uses the side pose, open mouth and big red pout to distract from it. When she isn’t giving herself 3 pupils.

She’s paranoid about all her looks and tends to project this loathing onto others. Ioan got the brunt of it. Saggy eyes was her self loathing. With Ioan gone eventually that loathing will be projected to the girls.

To be fair to her most of us mortals aren’t symmetrical (I have one eye palpably less wide than the other) and side angling is a good pose. I sort of admire her ability to strike a pose before she moves and the chins wobble in.
The image of 3 pupils and wobbling chins is sending me! 😂 Alice should move back to Britain and do pantomime.
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Good morning turds 💕

I’ve been up most of the night in pain 🙄 so been on Tattle to keep my mind off it and to also help make me dozy via reading! But apologies if many of you have received notifications overnight!

Anyway - on topic, those Alice Valentines poems were fucking great 🤣👏🏻 wonder if she made the girls make her card with “the bestest, funniest, amazingist, cleverest, beautifulist mummy in the world is who we love the most and more than anything. Honestly wouldn’t surprise me. No way is that lunatic going to get a genuine one from a bloke. Unless he’s a lifer in prison, because then fuck it, why not?? Maybe some write to her - omg imagine! AE getting hitched in a correctional facility and having conjugal visits once a month 🤣🤣

Pretty sure that’s definitely the level of man she’d be able to date now.
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Is there such a thing as 50:50 custody, with Alice having 100% physical custody, in California? That way Ioan retains the legal right to make critical decisions in the girl’s best interests, but doesn’t have to have them physically in his presence for 50% of the time?
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Most of those are bots. He has about three or four that ever interact with him. Abusers just like he is for a blue tick interaction. It’s embarrassing at this stage.
That's why I wondered if you have to pay extra for interaction. 🤭
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Chatty Member
That's why I only gave him a 50/50 shot at being fired. Smartest person in the room again...

Our thread title nails it.
#231 Roses are red, Alice is blue. We think she’s mental and Dupee does too.

While Ella is not me when I was 14, I would be very worried at that age about being totally dependent (except for money) on such an obvious nutjob. Then again I am not easily brainwashed, or a Golden Child so maybe it doesn't bother her.

However, it's possible Moms of Ella's school mates lurk this site and people talk...
BIB - I think so too. And I'm sure that some of her classmates or people that go to the same school know all about her criminal activities as well. I could also imagine there's a few parents that tell their kids to stay away from her for that exact reason.
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I think I’m more scared for his Jewish neighbour. His Instagram is highly disturbing.
I strongly agree to both points, he’s totally manic right now isn’t he. Did you see the video of him in the kitchen with the knives? Very very worrying.

The spiralling was just like the Marjorie days of old but she evened out and seems much more stable these days, although at one point she was getting scary.

Todd in recent days seems to be MANIC. A video went up 5 hours ago which has a lot of Mike in it and he seems a bit unaware how unsafe Todd is acting.
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I found our Caesar guys, and by coincidence it references the type of "fame" we always say Alice has!

View attachment 2772013
My favourite line from a film, ever. Makes me chuckle every time 😂
The report is a recommendation, and the judge will consider it with all the other evidence he is presented by both parties and the GAL. So I doubt that whatever she recommended would be taken as immediate gospel and acted upon without taking into account those other parties and their concerns.
Thanks @ButterTart, a really good point.
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