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I like those blue chairs with the gold legs? Mind you, I like the handbag with the ants all over it, so I'm obviously not one to trust when it comes to good taste! 😭
I rather like the marching ants handbag too...but I blame that on my love of old b&w sci fi films from the 50's...THEM anyone?! 😂


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As @Blurp says this is far too tasteful for Alice, and it just looks professional. Even the plastic lipstick and the credit card. I have to admit the poop coloured squiggles on the flip phone and the keyring are reminiscent of AFE Designs. Maybe there's hope for her fashion career yet.
Most things are too tasteful for AFE.
Aren't we due some pre court day selfies?
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There are many people that have turned out to be nasty despite the parents being perfectly nice people, and there are plenty of people that were raised by two horrible parents but have turned out fine. This is why I cant blame Alice's parents on how Alice has turned out (without knowing what they did, from Alice's story they appeared to lack boundaries, at least based on that house moving story) and why I don't think it's correct to blame the complete extent of Ella's behavior on Alice. Of course Alice carries huge blame here (and Ioan does presumably to an small extent too for letting it happen while they were married, that laid the foundations, but again, hard to say without being there), but I dont think that every child would end up escalating as much as Ella has, there will be children that don't react with abuse towards innocent people, but likewise other children may escalate even worse under Alice's watch. There are a lot more factors involved that shape a human than just parenting.

I'd say Elsie is how the average child copes. Resisting the attempts of alienation for a long time, and then after this still capable to not be toxic (the text messages to her dad showed this, also the fact that on that fateful day Ioan opened his arms to hug her showed that at the time he believed that affection was normal between them). Sure, she had a break down (a Evans Trademark) and was hysterically laughing and what not, but these are the kind of things that I think are to be expected if you are under that enormous mental stress as a child (and on that particular day the pressure was particulary high as they were on a mission and had initially failed). Of course in the interest of fairness I think it's easier for her than for Ella, the older sibling always has more responsibilities. I reckon when Ella turns 18 (maybe already at 16 when teenagers become a lot more independent) the situation will change and Elsie will be the one that Alice will focus on. I am obviously not saying that she will then act out the same way as her sister, they seem to be completely different characters even before the divorce, but I would like to mention that regardless.

At the end of the day my point is that while it's right to feel for children, it is very important to not make excuses, because otherwise recovery will be impossible.

tbh at least this woman suggested to not have daycare and at least save that money. Alice had two housekeepers while taking care of her kids instead!
I agree on not assuming there was an issue with Alices parents. No one knows what causes narcissistic behaviours. There is no reason to conclude her parents were the source of the problem. The fact her father doesn’t engage with her provocation shows he is the opposite of toxic.
There could easily be a number of factors that created the Alice we see today. Not all had to happen to childhood and not all need to be nurture based. I don’t even believe the house move story. Sounds like a vainglorious yarn or appropriation by Alice.

One of the issues that might be masked here is a neurological problem which could be hereditary. Solely focusing on the influence of Alice being the root cause of behaviour could mean a more appropriate and treatable diagnosis is missed. I am not saying this is the case. I’m not saying living with Alice would not make it worse. I hope the evaluation and any assessment considers a wide range of causes for someone to be acting out in this way.
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in one of the earlier court filings Ioan mentioned that one bank account in the UK of Alice had at one point over 100k in 2021 and then it was suddenly gone (Alice claimed it was spend on the kids lmao)

So that definitely wasnt Alice lying.

Edit: here it is
View attachment 2727241
Thanks a mill! Don’t know how I missed this! Hmmm. Very strange. With how reckless she is with money, do you think it’s possible she really did spend it all? Botox, filler, ozempic , wine, takeout, doctor shopping etc?
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Bit of a tangent but as the poster above mentioned London I had a memory of one of the FM’s calling South London Saaaaf. Can anyone remember that tweet on X? It was fairly recent and in relation to tattlers having a secret code so we knew who each other were if we ever met IRL. Anyway just leaving this here…

View attachment 2729849
Yes I have a vague recollection of this being the ex beckywiththeshithair sock, but it could have been someone else -not 100pc and I can't find the tweet
Think it was around the time turds were saying they could hear fireworks for NYE
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I haven’t really heard it said in that way in Ireland. The Irish police are called “Gardaí” (pl) with the í making an ee sound. A single police officer is a “Garda”. So it sounds to me like it definitely is a Scottish thing, but what would these Gobshites know 🙄

@Hahaha123 snap! 😂
I was too lazy to figure out how to put a fada in on my phone 😬 need to ask my kids how to do it 🤣🤣
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Hi I saw this pop up about Wendy Williams and thought of AFE. Wendy let a crew into her life to film everything for 2 solid years!( I can't take off the italics now, so that's fantastic). Anyways, if bonehead thought about this path now, it might bring in some cash. The problem is the girls would be potentially be filmed, and that's not cool. I don't give a rat's ass about what she does, actually. This just was a thought. And, I'd watch it.

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Old Soak

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Pssst, you do know there isn't really a dildo statue in Bristol don't you? 😂 I just invented that part because Alice and co started repeating things we were posting so we thought we'd see what the stupidest thing we could her to say was 😂
I actually don’t know if it exists or not to be fair hahaha. I was just tryna rely on my dodgy memory in this entire saga for clarification on why we all joke that he did 😂
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I'm so confused. Is AG Alice ? Is that Alice in realtime finding out that tony has had a visit and tony is sending her the "may have or may not have " as code for hey sis you fuxked me ? What's janurary 16 ? Why did tony go to bed at 7 and why is the different use of slang for cops important ? Help ? This thing feels like a Russian doll sitch - also will any of this be clarified in the custody trial ? Or will proof of the existence of tony be shown to court ? Will we see the revelation that tony is Nolonger alive or not connected via dialisis to the internet ? And that Alice's full time sock job will be revealed with Ip addresses and statutory declarations from Bristol that he is in palliative care and can't type or will tony take one for the team and say it was all him - under threat of being cut off from his last living relative who'll talk to him ?
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I just googled her and it looks like the ex husband still has custody. I don't know many of the details but I can't help but wonder why didn't she go and live in Monaco (where the ex and kids are) or France to be close to them? I don't know if she could afford it or not but I think if I was her screw the career until the kids come of age, try to live as close to them as possible and arrange your life around them until they are old enough to make up their own minds... 🤷‍♀️
This is a recent interview with her. Seems like things have settled down and she sees her kids regularly. In the article, she explains she could only say for 3 months at a time in France. She lives part-time in England now as she can spend 6 months there. Her case was definitely one of what you sow what you reap as the reason he lost his visa was because of false information she gave to the immigration services. I can see why he didn't contest the denial as she kidnapped the kids.

Edited to add link
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Speaking of celebrities (almost said "other celebrities" but Alice isn't even a celebrity? She's a celebrity's ex wife?) who give off similar vibes to Alice... Kate Beckinsale, anyone else feel some similarities in her recent posts?

I have loved Kate B. for awhile, but I'm realizing my following of the two is identical. Loved Ioan in Hornblower, started following his wife for content of him, found out she was zany in a way that entertained me (Don't come at me okay 😂). Loved Michael Sheen and found his daughter's mother and stayed for the zany content as well.

For awhile, but in recent posts especially she's been kinda going more crazy than normal. Like interacting with fan hate comments in her stories, posting difficult to comprehend rants in feed posts, etc. Also also, her daughter is over 18 but I felt like she was sexualizing her in a way that's weird for a mom to do? Like there's that whole interview from awhile back where they'll text each other Michael Sheen's nude scenes from films as a joke (it's her dad??)

Anyways I really feel like Alice is trying so hard to mimic Kate B's style, from quirky bow outfits to zany sm posts to make your kid a model, but it's obviously not working for her at all.
I've not seen a single SM post from Kate Beckinsale but she's been giving me off vibes for years from her interviews.
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. I have realised that I have the same size feet as Alice. I can understand why there might have been some questionable footwear choices in her early days of fame. It was so hard in those days to get decent shoes (disclaimer, I never stuck bows to my canoes) . However, these days, i can get pretty much any style I want online, so she’s without excuse. Her bad footwear is on her.

Her blue soft furnishings, teamed with leopard print and baby pink, as well has her layered rug looks are a sight to behold.

I wanted to ask if AE & Amanda Abbington were friends. I felt like I had seen someone post on here about the two of them. From what I’ve read, they both give me very similar vibes. A stranger posted a warm message to AA on social media and she replied ‘thank you, angel’. It seemed so gushy and completely over the top. I wasn’t very sympathetic when I read about her alleged ptsd that a friend claimed she experienced during strictly. I didn’t want to unfairly judge her. However, if she’s friends with Alice, my judgements are probably correct
I posted about Amanda Abbington when Strictly started. I used her as an example of someone of a similar age who had managed to pick herself up and get on with her life after the end of a long relationship. I don't think that there's any link with Alice.

I must say that I didn't warm to her on her stint on Strictly. As you say, she's very gushy and OTT.
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