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I have a number of friends and rellies in both the wedding and tourism industries and they are all on the look-out for the very private wedding which is to be held in Australia in our Spring. 👩‍❤️‍👨
Australia has many lovely beaches where a private wedding can be conducted far away from prying eyes, paparazzi etc. 🏖
So whoever is doing up the weekly roster please put me down for private wedding intel gathering. 🕵️‍♀️
Oh and make sure y'all keep this on the down low, under the official Ioan Secrets Act. 📸
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Tony calling himself a "little man" is the truest thing he's ever said. Sad, sad little man.
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It's pure speculation. Tone is Alice and she did find pictures of someone she was fighting with on twitter and posted them and their kid too iirc. As for the other crazy stuff, does anyone have receipts?? Also this happened a while ago, so why did the cops only come now?? No, "Tone" already told us. IG has flagged up this AFE sock aka Tone for harassment of him and BW.

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I’ve been thinking about what’s going on with Ella, and the disapprobation she still receives on these threads sometimes.
I teach psychology to pre-U students - one of my many hats. I won’t go into axons and dendrons; but I think it’s important to bear in mind what happens to the brain as a child reaches adolescence. In short, it’s Armageddon. Grey matter decreases; white matter increases. The brain refolds itself, trimming away extraneous matter. Neurons and neuronal activity increases. Emotions run riot. A teenager’s social state reflects directly on her mental state, and vice versa. Lifelong tendencies to depression and addiction are established during the teen years. Ella has been going through years of hell. We only see the carnage of Casa Evans from a distance. Ella is in the middle of it.
Alice referred to the girls as her ‘life’s work’. IG, for the sake of his own sanity - and I don’t think it would be pushing the envelope through the sorting-office wall to say ‘existence’ - left Ella at the worst possible time in her development, because Alice left him no choice in so doing. She was on the cusp of young adulthood, where, as mentioned above, the brain goes through sizeable and unalterable changes. Physical development, menstruation - with its huge challenges, not the least of which means a young woman realises her capacity for fertility and has to guard against it, plus all the predatory behaviour from the males of the species it brings - and, as a Harvard study suggests, cycling through every single human emotion once every twenty four hours… plus the nightmare of a manipulative and damaging mother-figure who punishes where she should praise, and praises where she should punish.
Ella should have been allowed to follow the normal maturation process, i.e. begin to separate herself from the mother figure and explore her own identity. (Usually, this involves a lot of slammed doors, ‘I hate you’, and competition.) Instead, she was forced to believe she could ‘change’ and counsel her own father. She had to witness her mother’s incessant drunkenness, alarming behaviour, and experience foulmouthed abuse. Ella endured endless tales of her father’s apparent betrayal, to the extent she became brainwashed against him. Then, at a time when she should have been indulging in customary adolescent risk-taking and social interaction, she was pulled from school and wider society for an entire year and isolated with an abusive, substance-addicted woman. God knows how many hours Alice worked on Ella. And God only knows what Alice claimed, given her unfamiliarity with the truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if Evans claimed IG perpetrated the most vile and horrific crimes in an effort to get Ella onside.
What seems to be forgotten is just how young Ella is. Her shocking behaviour during the sleepover is not that of an adult, but a much younger child. Older adolescents may have indulged in a bit of arson and/or criminal damage. Ella threw around groceries and ran away. The account of her behaviour by the psychiatrist is more reminiscent of a nine-year-old - and the judge saw it.
Because she has been simultaneously infantilised and parentified, she has been forced into the position whereby she feels responsible for Alice, yet has absolutely no compulsion to mature. Her various crimes - hacking into his IG and posting infantile messages, stealing $400 for Christmas presents - are the actions of a much younger person. Her height is irrelevant. She’s a damaged, disturbed kid who has been kept in a near-hostage situation. She has had no chance to develop at her own speed, and her enforced isolation ensures she’s infantilised.
She’s not beyond hope, though. The therapist with whom she is working will be making sizeable changes. By appealing to her immaturity, they will hopefully be able to instill in her the foundations for responsible, mature adulthood. But it is incredibly difficult to undo that much manipulation, estrangement and faux-adoration. Pushing her down the model route, so that Alice can be a Kardashian-style momager, is a catastrophic mistake. While Ella is undoubtedly a beautiful girl, she has neither the maturity nor resilience to cope with the dark, cutthroat, shallow and insincere world of modelling.
I think IG knows all this, which is why he hasn’t given up hope. It may take years for Ella to grow up and wake up to what has been done to her, but he will always be ready to welcome her home. She is a desperately wounded soul who needs understanding and compassion, no matter how vilely she has behaved. It is best not to judge her by adult standards, but see her as the wounded, manipulated child that she is.

(Apologies for the essay. Returning to lurking - depression. Love to all.)
I agree that (in my opinion) she should be viewed as a wounded, manipulated child. Her actions, however, are abhorrent. I think it’s understandable that observers are horrified by her behaviour. That doesn’t mean said observers don’t understand her vulnerability and the monumental damage Alice has done.
Incidentally I don’t think there would have been a good time for Ioan to leave. Alice would still have weaponised Ella and encouraged things like the credit card theft and online abuse. He was damned if he stayed and damned if he left. I do wonder though, if he believed she would agree to shared custody purely based on her laziness. That might have been the one thing that surprised him.
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Old Soak

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What I don't understand is why Tone is publicising the fact that the police may have visited him (I'm still not 100% convinced it is true yet).

If I was visited by the police, I would be mortified! I certainly wouldn't then go on Twitter and talk about it.

Unless the narrative is "look what my sister's evil ex-husband and his fiancée are doing to us! We're innocent"?
But you know who has form for that? Alice. When she caught a charge last year she had that story about a *wellfair* check that changed a bunch of times. I suspect Alice is at the helm of that account right now because even if the cops did show up about social media, she just can’t help herself but to go online and breadcrumb….
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Some of us may or may not have googled "Bristol dildo statue", thinking it was a local landmark 🥴😬🫢
He is a dick though. Does that count??

lol. We’ve got the screenshat’s Tony ya big shitebag.
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In a bizarre and preserve way I would quite enjoy the DM picking up Tones story. I just want the sad face picture.

My wild card speculation, Tone has been receiving large amounts of untraceable overseas cash. They are investigating him for money laundering. The only laundering an EVANS can get right.
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Bit of a tangent but as the poster above mentioned London I had a memory of one of the FM’s calling South London Saaaaf. Can anyone remember that tweet on X? It was fairly recent and in relation to tattlers having a secret code so we knew who each other were if we ever met IRL. Anyway just leaving this here…

View attachment 2729849
Jesus, how much better does Ioan look these days??!
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Thin Lizzy yo.

'Twas early in the evening, just before I shut the telly
Up comes a band of footmen and likewise captain Farrell
I first produced me 'xcuses that she'd stolen away me password
But I couldn't prove the latter, so a prisoner I was taken
Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Whack fall the daddy-o, whack fall the daddy-o
There's Tone in the slammer

On a serious note, I can believe Tone was visited by the nice policemen, they - according to the legend - do house calls due to online activity in the UK even when no actual crime has been committed. As a warning.

That said, no way they didn't tell him why they came. They would have told him exactly what they think he did wrong. Otherwise, how can they expect him to stop doing the wrong thing?
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View attachment 2725386

Have never seen an English person use thru, ever.
And the cops had 2 suspects in custody as of 1/29/2024--you can totes tell I'm in the UK because I know this! So Tone's whining about wasting valuable police resources on him--for an alleged visit on January 30, 2024 is a bit...stupid. Maybe he's just on their radar for crashing into a civic dildo. Or maybe he's just a dick. Or maybe he's lying. Magic 8 Ball says...
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brie l

VIP Member
Maybe Ioan is prosecuting him for UTTER UTTER DEFAMATION (well libel and harassment) and wants the police involved.

I wonder if Dupee advised him? What’s the betting there’s also a “Tone” email account?

But if it’s just about his Twitter the NZ pervert will be up next. Happy days. 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
I'm still so embarrassed that Loopy is a New Zealander. It's a small country and quite common to have a connection to other people. I mean I just found out that my real estate agent has been dating a guy I worked with. However I do assume Loopin and I run in different circles, I promise we aren't all weirdos.
Now I feel very sad that no one has asked me about driving a Prius! 😭 Wish we could run into each other "in the wild" like that! ☺

I feel like "akimbo" could be a Tattle code word to find each other. 😂
I wondered for a while if @sevenyearbiatch was my boss, like I said, NZ is a small place. So one day I asked my boss if she knew who Alice Evans was. She just asked me if that was someone she used to work with. I can only imagine how she would have looked if I covertly whispered "akimbo" under my breath to her 🤣
Now I feel very sad that no one has asked me about driving a Prius! 😭 Wish we could run into each other "in the wild" like that! ☺

I feel like "akimbo" could be a Tattle code word to find each other. 😂
If you do ever find yourself in New Zealand, you know how to find me 😉 ❤
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Maybe it's true. I mean he has made various physical threats on twitter over the years; and people have claimed to have contacted the police. it makes sense if they have him as a suspect when something nearby happens.

edit: wait, I read it wrongly. he is just going fully whataboutism about something unrelated lol

great news then

expect a Alice post about how trolls called the cops on her poor ill brother
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I work with a few blonde CA lawyers (99% sure different area of law) but I still like to drop hints when I talk to them just in case one of them ends up being you. They probably why I keep asking if they've ever considered driving priuses.
“Excuse me madam, but have you ever considered driving a Prius?”

“Oh, no, never, I hear they’re awfully prone to rats.”
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Game of Tones getting a police visit has made my fucking DAY! 😂

Also omg I love how we all come back here when there's any action from the morons. We sure do ride or die.
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I dont know if I ever shared this before but this cracks me up every time I'm in a shopping mall ever since this story
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This is probably Alice socking on the DM. Everyone's Bianca lol

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and this is what's called using the children as both a sword and a shield, just like Andrea Burkhart said. Of course, it's projection. AFE bullies her kids, not us. A narc's accusations are confessions.

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Yes and I've never done this. They are victims and should be protected. I don't think they should be photographed or plastered all over the media by their mother.
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