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I am old enough to have seen 'fashionable' diagnoses come and go, and also to have seen the usefulness of those diagnoses diminished as they are applied more and more widely.

I'm also really massively sceptical about a sort of public competition of "who is the most fucked up".
The wikipedia definition of CPTSD is more useful. I would say CPTSD is underdiagnosed if anything.

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is a stress-related mental disorder generally occurring in response to complex traumas, i.e., commonly prolonged or repetitive exposures to a series of traumatic events, within which individuals perceive little or no chance to escape. Examples of CPTSD's symptoms are prolonged feelings of terror, worthlessness, helplessness, distortions in identity or sense of self, and hypervigilance.

I also found this:

C-PTSD results from many experiences, but some examples are: (I listed the ones BW has had to deal with)
  • Living under severe threat for an extended period of time
  • Domestic abuse
  • Having to witness ongoing abuse or violence of another (ie IG)
  • Regular and repeated exposure to verbal abuse, emotional abuse or threats
  • Long-term exposure to bullying
  • Regular, long-term feelings of captivation or powerlessness
Incidentally, I wouldn't be surprised if the kids develop CPTSD too. They have been exposed to these ones:

  • Living under severe threat for an extended period of time (ie we'll be homeless, Bianca will kill you etc)
  • Having to witness ongoing abuse or violence of another (what AE did to IG)
  • Regular and repeated exposure to verbal abuse, emotional abuse or threats
  • Long-term exposure to bullying
  • Regular, long-term feelings of captivation or powerlessness
  • Cult membership (ie being foot soldiers for mAlice)

As for saying BW is playing a "who is the most fucked up" game - really? CPTSD isn't a game and she has got a proper diagnosis as opposed to AE who has 102 ailments, 80% bedbound, but nothing EVER diagnosed, though that might change thanks to Dupee. 💅

Only Alice is playing that "most fucked up" game but you blame Bianca? Very curious. 🦇🐒
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CPTSD goes in peaks and troughs. You can have a relatively good day; the next, you may be hypervigilant and your anxiety will be off the charts. I have CPTSD, and had therapy for it for five years. It still hasn’t gone. Certain things trigger and retraumatise me. And, as an autistic woman with suspected ADD (am being assessed sometime before 2030 on the NHS), anxiety and overstimulation are par for the course. I’m going back to therapy next week. I imagine Bianca is in therapy too.
She’s made the choice to face her demons and look them in the eyes while being positive about the hand she has been dealt, what she’s experienced and what she continues to grapple with. It’s admirable. In a world seemingly populated by a million vapid, pouting and preening influencers, she actually offers honesty and hope. Far from ‘piping down’, she has been a model of decorum and good form over the past several years. She has endured daily attacks from Alice, ‘Tone’, Alice’s demented fans and clingers-on, and even her partner’s children. She has been abused, accused and vilified while going through huge physical upheavals as a consequence of her MS and the emotional strain of not only supporting the man she loves and bearing the huge burden he has been forced to shoulder; she has been dragged through the tabloids and courts, lied about by a manipulated, unwell child and accused of assault.
Why should Bianca be quiet? Did Alice herself not say that she would never be quiet, never give up, refused to act with dignity? Has Bianca launched a campaign of hate and intimidation against Alice? Has she slandered her looks, misogynistically implied that she is sexually ‘impure’, had every facet of her personality, character and identity challenged, been held responsible for her behaviour? No? Funny, that.
I admire Bianca. Initially, I thought she was a little too good to be true; but her tenacity and courage under horrendous conditions is truly remarkable. She has - or was it her sister? - alluded to domestic violence in her marriage. She has endured mental violence from Alice and ‘Tony’ Evans. She has never backed down.
We don’t know what has been going on behind the scenes, but, given past performances from the Diva of WeHo - fake restraining orders, a damaged flat, physical intimidation by a manipulated minor, and likely a torrent of written filth from Alice’s poison pen via email, text and SM - the truth is likely to be more horrible, more unhinged and vicious than even we, pragmatic women that we are, can imagine. Something pretty extraordinary must have happened for Bianca to break her silence in this way. I’m sure that revelations will come soon enough.
Lastly, don’t attempt to silence victims. Don’t do it. Don’t demand that she - indeed, we: after a lifetime of pain of every kind - go in silence. Don’t insist that we perpetuate the status quo. Don’t try to take a young woman’s voice. Don’t give power to abusers. We no longer live in such a world; nor should we. To do so is to be complicit with the damaging structures and violence perpetrated. When people like Bianca speak out, they enable others to find their voices. She is not acting in malice, unlike the woman who has gone crazy for over a thousand days and left scorched earth in her wake.
I’m going back to lurking while I sort my head out - this time of year is always difficult, and physical problems have compounded my own CPTSD - but I had to respond to that. And wish you all a very happy New Year.
I bloody love you @Autisteuse. You are a shining beacon of compassion, understanding, sense, and the ability to write like an angel. I cannot admire and respect you more. The way you have dealt with the hand life has given you is remarkable. I wish you all the best for the coming year, and that peace, happiness and joy stalk you all your days. Finally, I totally agree with you ❤
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As it's new year's eve (and for a bit of fun) I'm going to make my predictions for 2024:
1. Alice sacks Bernal just before custody evaluation is published
2. Alice applies to postpone custody hearing
3. Alice gets arrested
4. Alice loses custody
5. Alice gets evicted
6. Alice moves to UK
7. Alice still doesn't get a job
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No, I don't think she's lying. I expect she has been given that diagnosis. I just think that diagnoses go through phases of fashion. Like ADHD at the moment, cyclothymia, eupd. I've been through things listed here,, including sustained domestic violence, and I wouldn't put myself in the same category as those who have been tortured, enslaved, or forced into prostitution. But I also wouldn't post about it publicly under my real name. I think I'm just not in tune with what passes for normal in some circles.
I’m truly sorry you experienced sustained domestic violence, and also there isn’t a one-sized-fits-all response to trauma. Remember, She is also dealing with a quite debilitating physical disability at a young age in addition to media spotlight and bullying. Not to mention all of the other things we don’t know about her. I’m not sure that because you don’t have that diagnosis or would make such an announcement publicly, means that her diagnosis is part of a societal trend rather than a genuine condition requiring treatment. There’s that saying — “we do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.” (I might be paraphrasing, but your reaction to her post made me think of this.)
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If you pause it, you can see she's just looking slinky in her dress.
View attachment 2654567
She looks fantastic. I really like Bianca's style, she's feminine, elegant and classy.
"Tone" is love and light as usual. PS the account is suspended and 'he' is replying to a very old post, just like his sis would. Thought 'he' wasn't going to talk about Alice anymore??

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It's only Boxing Day on the 27th if you're 8 hours behind LOL

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Was this posted before or after the bump speculation? Alice being her incredibly nasty, childish and spiteful self here. Oh sorry, "Tone."
That video doesn’t seem her usual style at all. Think it’s just a funny angle but it has me guessing. Maybe she was just loving the dress, just doesn’t seem her normal type of posts
I don't think it's her style to hint at a pregnancy reveal like this. Imo she would be open and direct about it, like she and Ioan were with their dating announcement, and she would include Ioan in the post. She looks beautiful, the dress is gorgeous, it's the Christmas season with lots of parties. To me the whole post reads like she's had a great time out, loves her dress and is showing it off and is happy and enjoying herself.
I like her dress. Cheeky minx. I think she knew what she was doing with that post. Teasing. Cat among pigeons. If that were Alice that chic simplicity would have had a dozen ribbons wrapped around it. And the shoes, a few more glued on jewels. He really has gone for the complete opposite to Alice in every way!
I really don't think she was. Bianca honestly doesn't seem like that, and regardless of how much we hate Alice, those kinds of games are cruel, immature, melodramatic and attention-seeking at others expense. Bianca has a serious illness that flares up with anxiety and drama, she is happily in love with Ioan and obviously enjoying her life even with that illness. I just can't see her as being that petty, immature, insensitive and attention-seeking to post either a deliberate "cat among the pigeons" post to stir up drama and get at Alice, or to cause a flurry of speculations and thus attention with the public. She has a whole life that she doesn't feel the need to live online 24/7, I doubt she feels the need or interest to deliberately cause drama just for the sake of it, especially when the potential backlash can affect her own health so severely.
I think the video was intending to show the shoes and the fact that Bianca can walk in heels once again. 🤔
I think she was also showing off that gorgeous dress, which I want! I don't need Yo Bucks this month Bianca, just the dress will do! 😂
Christmas is always difficult for Mr NR. Aside from just missing the children there is also...

People asking (innocently) "what are you doing for Christmas, spending it with family?"

When you meet anyone new at Christmas party they always ask "do you have children" and you have to explain you do but you don't see them and they don't speak to you because your ex wife poisoned them. And people think ...there must be more to it, what did you do to them?

The whole sending them Christmas presents knowing they will ignore you/not thank you and not respond to your cards and letters and emails.

And it marks another year of no contact.

It's not easy.
I'm so sorry NarcRage. Christmas is such a family oriented event that is literally shoved in your face constantly for months in the lead up too not just on the day, and it can be very, very painful for people that don't have that happy family for whatever reason. I'm glad you and Mr NR have each other and I hope you shared lots of love, peace and joy this Christmas. ❤

if you post about Salad Cream Clive a-squirting again, I might have to come visit you and have serious words! I still haven't recovered from that one phrase and I don't think I ever will.
Christmas is always difficult for Mr NR. Aside from just missing the children there is also...

People asking (innocently) "what are you doing for Christmas, spending it with family?"

When you meet anyone new at Christmas party they always ask "do you have children" and you have to explain you do but you don't see them and they don't speak to you because your ex wife poisoned them. And people think ...there must be more to it, what did you do to them?

The whole sending them Christmas presents knowing they will ignore you/not thank you and not respond to your cards and letters and emails.

And it marks another year of no contact.

It's not easy.
I'm so sorry NarcRage. Christmas is such a family oriented event that is literally shoved in your face constantly for months in the lead up too not just on the day, and it can be very, very painful for people that don't have that happy family for whatever reason. I'm glad you and Mr NR have each other and I hope you shared lots of love, peace and joy this Christmas. ❤

if you post about Salad Cream Clive a-squirting again, I might have to come visit you and have serious words! I still haven't recovered from that one phrase and I don't think I ever will.
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Feather fans

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It is people just losing their shit over some not very famous actor’s very ordinary brother who would probably be embarrassed by the attention. It is like a man has never been seen before.
Nah, its just Kingseven. But they are going to marry, its ok for the bride to be a bit excitable :) :)
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Expect an eruption in BH in the next few hours. She still has no idea of the amount of pain she has inflicted over the past 3 years. I acknowledge she must have had some feelings of betrayal in the beginning, but any normal person would be over it by now!

View attachment 2660693
Bianca was right: Alice's abuse/bullying will continue and by the sound of things also her gaslighting and hypocrisy

as for "why cant they just be happy" : these post that supposedly are meant to cause a emotional reaction is literally them being happy (despite all) LMAO
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Is it bad I really, really want her to be pregnant? 😂 Ioan is such a good dad and he deserves to be a parent. I think Bianca will be a great mom one day too.
it's not bad. in fact I'd like it too if that's what they want, but I think it's unfair because you never know what people are going through. If you are for example suffering from infertility every time someone talks about your potential pregnancy it hurts. And while she may be not suffering from that specifically she is certainly limited enough by MS to consider to perhaps not have kids, which, again, hurts then when it's brought up. It also may hurt Ioan to think about it since it reminds him of the (temporary or permanent) loss of his kids by the hands of his and their abuser.

and this is just that perspective, of course every speculation or just discussion may reach the kids and be used by their mother as mental torture, as it already happened. Better that it just happens when it's actually true (a psycho would say you shouldnt have more kids if your kids act like this, but thats psycho logic)
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Threatening your child that you are sending them to stay with the Nanny for a week after they get upset that you couldn’t stop drinking even on their actual birthday
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Poor Bianca, we do know she has been through some shit.

That post also makes me question what we haven’t seen- I can well believe that she has to read a lot of nasty instagram comments that we never see but it does make me wonder what Alice is up to in the background as well
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Chatty Member
Honestly Bianca is such a living legend, I can’t even.

Happy new years fuckos, seahags and turds. Love, light and continued laughter to you all ❤
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Lets be honest bianca has well a truly kicked alice right up the arse the past 24hrs and im here for every minute of it .
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On the off chance she tracks you down, @Hiraeth or @ButterTart could take her down (legally speaking) with one arm tied behind their backs, before their morning coffee, probably before they've even left their respective beds! It's actually a shame we won't get to see it.
We all know that this is the Texan's modus operandi of overblown internet posturing and it's endlessly amusing. 😂

Besides, I'd hate to be the poor lawyer.
Tex: "I am SUING the anonymous Internet user that made this statement about me!1!1!!"
Attorney: "Ma'am, there are obvious free speech issues here and actually finding the user would cost thousands of dollars that you don't have. Plus truth is an ultimate defense to slander allegations."
Tex: *froths* "How DARE you!"
Attorney: "Ma'am, do you rescue dogs?"
Tex: "Yes."
Attorney: "And are you famous, something to write home about?"
Tex: "I'm big in Japan!"
Attorney: "Um, okay... regardless, you do know that the statement that you're nothing to write home about is an opinion and not at all actionable?"
Tex: "FINE! What about the last bit, then?!?"
Attorney: "Have you SEEN the screenshots of your own internet posts? I can't reasonably argue the falsity of that statement. This concludes our consultation. That will be $600. Have a nice day."
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I don’t find it creepy. I’m not referring to any relationships or anything - just the statement. And it’s a social media bio about loving her kids.
I have never seen anyone post "I love my kids more than life itself", apart from AE. Also, I can't ignore the context. She might lose custody or (horror) have to share it and it's a veiled suicide threat. AE has previous when it comes to threatening suicide (it's a narc temper tantrum basically) but the kids don't know that. It's a good way of scaring them and makes them easier to manipulate and do her bidding.

Also I don't believe AE loves her kids. Anyone can post crap in their Insta bio - in this case, it's purely performative/threatening. She always puts herself first, not the kids. Is that love?? IG wrote that he and Gloria basically raised them and that I believe. Now they are deeply troubled thanks to AE's "love". So I find "I love my kids more than life itself" creepy, nauseating and a lie. There is nothing innocent about her so I always have to decode what she really means.
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I have a sibling (the one who famously said "men can't be abused!") who thinks that therapists/psychologists belong just to ex-soldiers or victims of trafficking. And to be clear, soldiers who have witnessed or experienced traumatic events, and people who have been trafficked definitely should have all the psychological support in the world.

But it's not a contest. I started going to therapy almost 3 years ago now, and I wish I had started going 3 years before that. I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and CPTSD (ironically, the CPTSD stems from the sibling's treatment of me during formative years, LOL). I've found amazing help from treatments such as rapid eye movement therapy.

Having broken out of the family stigma that mental health diagnoses and treatment is just for people at the far end of the trauma spectrum, I'm so thankful for the help I'm able to receive from my PTSD-specific therapy. It has allowed me to keep my job, relationships, and life.

I wish my sibling would do the same. I recognize that their treatment of me stems from so many mental health issues that they won't deal with because they refuse to admit that they could need help. Because they've never seen someone die in front of them or never experienced SA, they don't think they could have any diagnosis or receive any help from therapy. But I know if they did, not just their life would get better, but the lives of all of their friends and family who may otherwise have to cut them out of their lives eventually due to the behavior that's left unchecked.

Not saying that un treated mental health diagnoses are any excuse for abuse, but I am saying I have empathy for people who fall into that camp. Hurt people hurt people.

Even though B already seems so sweet and together, I bet that targeted PTSD therapies and medications will drastically improve not just her life, but all of her friend's and family's as it's never easy to watch someone you love suffer.
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