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But Alice never looks at Tattle.... and breaking your DVRO with a sock isn't embarrassing at all!

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AE is an emotional terrorist, hence the DVRO and PAing kids is evil.

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LOL "Hollywood hard core" more like the Beverley Hills bag lady.

Given what she did to those second hand bags, I can only imagine how bad her ideas were. Maybe she wanted to star in a home produced movie with IG like BW? Maybe that's why she's so snarky about AROS?
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Don't tell me, you didn't discover IG from Harrow etc, he was one of your clients?? I hope he brought the 24g of coke with him. Sharing is caring.

🍆 ❄ :devilish::ROFLMAO:
I've been rumbled! I'm one of the tag team of hookers that have been banging Ioan every time Ol' Tiny Eyes Alice turned her back! I have taken all the girls college funds and have spent them on DRUGS and KICKING PUPPIES.

In reality no, unfortunately my clientele tends to run older and more politician-y. Shame really, as they are not known for their looks... I'd take an Ioan in a heartbeat 😆
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He already has a DVRO why does he need to prove there was physical violence? He said there was in the application for the RO and mAlice never defended that.

The court and the law believes she is a domestic abuser end of.

btw we witnessed 2 years of domestic abuse with our own eyes with online harassment and online abuse.
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Sure, in Hollywood - for now. If arch antisemite Mel Gibson can make a comeback and Meryl Streep give Roman Polanski a standing ovation, G-list Alice Evans can shut her yap for a decade and come back as Miss Daisy or Beloved Grandma in the 50th reboot of ‘Charmed’.
The problem is that she won’t deign to work anywhere else. She thinks herself too profoundly special to lower herself to ‘ordinary people’ work.
I grew up in an upper-middle (UK) class environment. We lost all our money. So I went out to work from the age of thirteen onwards. Pizza parlours, Indian restaurants, music shops, tearooms, later pubs and bars - it didn’t matter; I wanted not to be poor and knew my parents couldn’t afford pocket money and the like. It gave me self-respect and an entree to all levels of society I’d otherwise have lacked. Making one’s own money is a heady thing. It allows a sense of not only power, but control over one’s own existence. She needs to climb down from her high horse - and encourage her daughters to appreciate the value of work. It’ll never happen, of course, but it’s what she *should* be doing. Living off others also creates a hellish level of dependency and powerlessness. Who wants to be at the mercy of the bill payer?!

Nonresponse? The Liar Paradox? A Fallacious Aliceism?
I don't think she can make a comeback in Hollywood at any time. Mel Gibson and Meryl Streep were/are A list mega stars and great actors. And even Mel's never quite got the shine back after his vile antisemitism was exposed. Her only chance would be something like Sharknado, a z list film made for pennies that unexpectedly becomes a cult hit. But she's such a crap actress, and such a bitch onset that I don't think anyone would go out of their way to hire her tbw. It's not like she's made friends in the industry who are willing to go out on a limb for her. Nor was she ever a big money maker/bums on seats draw for anyone to take a risk. And I don't think she wants acting work anymore than she wants any other kind of work. In fact I think the idea of it would terrify her - high-def camera's revealing the way she really looks today and no filters to hide behind? God, what if her character was allergic to scarves? The horror!
small voice

I don’t understand Bear’s penis. What. On. Earth. Has. Happened?
I know some turds don't like it when we go off topic, but this sentence, in the middle of Alice's shenanigans, is absolutely fucking hilarious! 😂 😂
I’m not at all surprised. Narcs go crazy with births, weddings, deaths, birthdays, and holidays. My own narc sister and mil went rogue at the birth of my firstborn. And other milestones. It’s unbelievably difficult.

Boy would I pay good money to have the tea on what happened at that wedding! Can you imagine the drama with Simple Tone, Malice, Phil, and crew? 🤣🤣🤣
Maybe this is why Alice stomped down the aisle looking like a literal maneater about to gobble up her prey?! 😂
I'm confused. Are you talking about Stephen Bear or Bubba Bear? 🤪
😂 @lulooo just called (Bubba) Bear her little crush cutie, and for a horrible moment I was confused and thought she meant Stephen Bear and his sausage roll.
Jada sounds like a real piece of work. She literally calls another man her soulmate. She makes Will Smith sound like he's going senile with one foot in the grave here.
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All if Ioan's so called lies are backed up with actual evidence. All Alice has is a half baked planned video with showed absolutely nothing but bad behavior from her daughter.
Alice's actions were so despicable he was granted a restraining order.

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“IG made everything public” says the nutjob who live tweeted the end of her marriage & subsequent divorce. Went on Lorraine, New Edition, live radio & podcasts as well as multiple trashy tabloids. Her delusional gaslighting knows no bounds.
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I think he said "Fuck You, Alice"
Through his lawyers and the DVRO, of course.

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She’s still trying to make him respond somehow. She thinks she’s talking to him this way. It’s pathetic. He doesn’t want to talk to you or about you ever again, Malice! He won’t fight with other people for you. He won’t fix your messes. He won’t pay your bills. It’s over. He’s free.
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All you need for success is to shag the right people.
I mean, its worked for me 😉

Pro tip Al: if you just want their money you know you can just shag em for it and go, right? My net income last year was a cool 1.7m, so it's always there for ya! xoxo
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I randomly saw this picture of Kerry Katona in my Instagram feed, so clicked on it to see what it was about, and… Look who commented?!?!?! So weird (for non UK tattle turds, Kerry Katona was in a girl band in the early 2000s, but has pretty much made a career in reality TV since then…)

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I’m sure I have seen Kerry comment on Alice’s IG before. Makes sense for two car crashes to follow each other.
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Chatty Member
His replies that say, Thank You? Or, the one that says, "let's stick to the schedule"?
His replies were submitted with with the text messages given to the court.
His actions will be his legacy. He is has survived domestic abuse from his hateful wife. He is now free of an abusive marriage. He will thrive.

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I don’t get this. She could have revealed his replies to the court to avoid a DVRO. She’s not gagged from filing anything with the court. If she didn’t have anything to file in response … then I find it hard to believe anything that suddenly appears on sm in 18 months is legit. Because why not file a response in court to help your own case? Why hang on to this damning evidence? I think with all the lawyers involved, the responses would have been entered as evidence at some point. This whole thing that only one side of the story has been told … but you’ve had 3 years to submit evidence disputing that story and telling your side. And there has been nothing. I didn’t automatically side with Ioan. I waited to see what else would come out. And nothing ever did despite there being multiple opportunities. I remember A posting that she didn’t get the chance and you can’t just give your evidence to the court or whatever. But that’s exactly what you do. If these responses existed and if she had some damning evidence, she could have presented it at the DVRO hearing she chose not to attend. THAT was her chance to tell her side. How does anyone think that there actually IS evidence at this point?

And I don’t think that DVRO is going to expire in 18 months. There’s more than enough reason to extend it.
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Agree with your point that Alice is normalising abusive behaviour with her children. You can see this as far back as the TMZ video of her carpark altercation with the Youtuber. Alice later said she was "proud of the video" and "so were her kids".

Another Alice quote for the wiki too: "People who provoke others deserve to get shouted at".

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Alice never apologises. Everything else is always someone else's fault. She just doubles down, aggressively defends her position (even if she was in the wrong), and makes fun of people who were the other party, or who try to show that she was in the wrong.

It's an appalling example to set to her children.
The kids ask to see it again & again, that’s most definitely not normal. I think she’s lying tbh.
Any child/teen I know would be mortified if their parent behaved like that
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Extras do act. They don’t just sit in the back of the scene and read their phones. Bianca was spoken to by primary actors and (as she played a secretary) she was asked to do things, the actor spoke to her, she reacted and did the action. That’s acting mate.
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It's even worse than that. Ella writes a dishonest post under Kayla's video to try and get an apology from her! The manipulation of Ella has been going on since birth imo. This was Feb 2020 so before the split. Then the post vanished when Tattlers saw it. Ella is learning all AE's nasty tricks sadly. There is debate about whether Ella wrote it but I say she did and AE supervised it. The gratuitous mention of poor lil orphan Alice's endless victimhood is particularly icky.

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Oh I know she did this too. This is already in the list of lies.

Also, I don't think Ella wrote that post. I'm fairly sure Alice wrote it, while pretending to be Ella and trying to manipulate the situation.

I'm writing a longer post on the Alice/Youtuber carpark altercation which I'll post soon. Stay tuned!
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Alice says there was no domestic violence in her marriage.

Keeping on the "an accusation from a narc is a confession" track, in this text message she sent Ioan (which was in his DVRO request), Alice says she was physically assaulted by Ioan's mum.


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1) What would Alice be taking Ioan's mum to court for? And does she know how expensive international litigation is (seeing as Gill is based in the UK)? Her Etsy shop takings and residuals wouldn't be able to cover even a tiny fraction of the cost.
2) What "form" is she talking about that she got people to sign? And who drafted the form - her lawyer? Herself?
3) Who are the "at least" 20 people who signed these forms?

These questions are all moot anyway, as we know Alice is lying as usual.

She especially loves to pretend she has people on her side who are against Ioan. It's a common tactic with her.

Oh, if Alice would still like to go ahead with taking Ioan's mum to court, and to get those forms signed by witnesses, I have drafted some text for the form which she can use for free. You're welcome Alice!

The form


Name: ...................................................................................
Address: ..................................................................................
Signature: ..................................................................................
Date: ..................................................................................


I, [........................................], hereby solemnly testify that on the day of Ioan Gruffudd's wedding to Alice Evans, the most amazing woman I have ever met, I saw Ioan's evil mother Margaret Gill Griffiths being so NASTY to Alice! Like what kind of a person would do that! FFS! Never in my life have I seen such behaviour! Gill then bashed Alice like that bogan Bianca would bash Ella with a door 16 years later. OMG, is Bianca actually related to Gill?

Gill was rolling around on the floor because she somehow im=gined Alice had said she was a bad mother. Her behaviour was so AWFUL it then made Alice roll on the floor and poor Alice was shaking like a leaf while vomiting. Alice then had to be calmed down by her brother Tone and his future wife Rachel (who he met at this wedding).

Gill is the most mean, calculating, egotistic, narcissistic, child‐l=ke ‘mother’ I have ever encountered. She only thinks of herself. She is like a child who has not yet been taug=t that other people have feelings too. She is quite possibly the most narc=ssistic person I have ever met.

She is an egocentric, pathetic person and her never ending unkindness towards Alice makes me very sad.

We demand that Gill publicly apologises to Alice and pays her monetary compensation.

We prefer that the apology is made via a post on X (formerly known as Twitter). If this is not possible, then we would accept an apology via a public Instagram post.

Alice has been hurt very badly as a child by getting bullied and her father disowning her. So please may she have an apology and some compensation. Please.


This is great but needs more abs. Not a sentence I thought I’d ever write.
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Ninas purse

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I follow the career of someone who sends their child to Brentwood, and he makes millions a year. He's worth many, many, many millions and bought a $6 million dollar home earlier this year, which he said it will be almost a year before he moves into because he's doing a complete renovation of this home, and, believe me, he spares no expense. So he will spend another million to put into renovations. Guess what? Those are the kinds of people that are sending their children to Brentwood. It's not just the tuition. You are expected to donate a lot of money to the school and often. He talks about it on one of his shows. Ioan and Alice weren't capable of that in 2021.

They had no business putting her in that school with his uncertain future salary, a TV show that ended back in 2020, and Alice with no job. What I was shocked to realize was that she started at that school way after separation, way after the divorce was filed, later that fall. So eight or nine months after separation Alice moves her from public school to private school like Brentwood? He didn't have a permanent TV show lined up or lots of projects besides that one in France, which after taxes and agent's fees, et cetera, wasn't a huge amount. The industry was coming somewhat out of the pandemic as far as filming, but certainly not back to full force. She's not working. They are divorcing. WTF?

What was going on in her pea brain to even put Ella in that school in August or September of 2021? And why did Ioan agree, or did he?
Her very limited access to Hollywood was slipping away from her grasp. She had a tenuous foothold into that crowd through Ioan. She realised that Ioan as her ticket was gone, so she was going to use the kids to be at least Hollywood adjacent. The kids make friends, get invited to parties and stuff, she gets access to the parents through her kids, she doesn't lose her toehold into her coveted community. It was never about an education for the kids, it was about the beefy-necked buffalo still being able to have access. Just my MOO
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This reference to Al working so much...

Ioan: 32 acting credits since 2010, including 116 episodes
Al: 9 acting credits since 2010, including 14 episodes. Nothing for years. And I was generous in counting short films.

She claims to be "active" again from 2023, with no roles, nothing in production. Fantasy land.
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my cup runneth

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semi-OT but I wish Loopy would go back to obsessing about Ioan, coz this might be his worst post ever :sick:

This dude reads about women getting raped and immediately thinks he is the expert and that resisting the Hamas or Nazi Germany is/was as easy as "resisting" in his little imaginary internet wars. fucking unbelievable
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He’s like Richard Madley on amphetamine. He thinks he knows everything, everything. Imagine having to listen to him IRL. He is truly the definition of insufferable. No topic is off limits. Women’s bodies, sexual abuse, you name it he will jump straight in as the expert.

Im gonna go out on a limb here and say for the average German at that horrific time in history it really wasn’t as simple as an opt in or out scenario with no comebacks on you.

His statement doesn’t even make sense.

‘We all have to makes choices around things we have no control over’

Entitled much? What about when you truly have no choice? He is such a dick.
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