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Some people think Alice is a psychopath or a sociopath. I HARD disagree. Don’t they at least try to spin convincing lies? Alice is like a monkey throwing shit at the wall. When people can predict your every move, well before you even do it, you know you really need to give it up. Another sock? Even the most dedicated psychos aren’t this bad.
Is there a limit to how many Twitter accounts you can make from the same I P adddres? I know you can only have a certain amount of IG accounts.
It’s also neither here nor there if Ioan found some of his fans annoying. Actors are human too, and some fans can be absolutely batshit crazy and intrusive. Like I said. Monkey. Shit. Wall.

I’d pretty much given up commenting on this mess, and was feeling sympathy for her here and there, thinking it must be mental illness.. but she needs to be in jail for involving the kids to the extent she has, and not stopping this ridiculous level of abuse.
Stop. Just stop.
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I think it seems a possibility because of how he acted, which both IG and AE seem to agree on for the most part. In terms of the continuing to send gushing loving texts, calls and so on, he says that he was 'keeping her sweet' to avoid confrontation and angst, whilst she says that is the reason she was completely shocked when he suddenly came back from a trip and was cold. Do you think he had already started to flirt or more with BW? To see that he may want to have a relationship with BW, hence a need to discard AE? Or do you think he was just fed up in the relationship with AE long before meeting BW? I'd really want to know if I was AE, not least because if he'd have told her that he was unhappy they could have TRIED to address issues in the marriage.
Wouldn't you like to know if you were the wife?
But, oh, like many men, that doesn't seem a great prospect to sit in therapists offices IF all the while they already have another woman on their minds.
With all due respect, fuck off Alice.
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Why is it a shit day for my opinion? A 'poorly researched' opinion? My saying that I find some of AE's posts funny is 'poorly researched'? I've read the wiki. This is not an AE hate thread it's a gossip forum and supposedly a discussion place I thought.
You’re looking for the Alice Evans GRUFFUDD rave thread. It’s in the rave about forum.

It doesn’t actually exist because she’s a toxic, abusive narc cunt.
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What struck me was how happy the family seemed and how it seemed to me that IG and AE loved one another.
There's video recorded by their daughter of Alice telling Ioan she wants a divorce, he needs a therapist, the kids will soon have a new dad, he's not a success etc. Does that sound happy?

I can't recall whether in court docs or here but didn't she say he said 'I didn't sign up for this' about her fibromyalgia?
No proof of this. He is now dating a woman with MS.

That's it for now. Can't be bothered. Read the wiki. Read the court docs.
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new lawyer: files request for continuation
Court: notifies Anne Kiley of new filing
Ann Kiley to new lawyer: you're supposed to notify me of this and confirm this in your filing
New lawyer: notifies Anne Kiley and files second request confirming what Anne Kiley told him to do

He may be half the price but if you pay him to do everything twice....c'mon Alice work it out. maths in is supposed to be in your genes
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House of Tea

VIP Member
Every one leaves Alice in the end, even the guy she had the affair with which started the decline in the marriage. She should change her name to Ex. Ex wife. Ex daughter. Ex sister. Ex friend. Ex actress. Ex decent human being.
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I’ve had it with the sock accounts talking about how hard things are for Alice because she’s a single mom. It’s insulting to all real single moms. Alice has a full-time nanny, and the kids have a father who is ready and willing to take them. For her to say that she’s a “single mom,” and that’s why she can’t work, or to use it as a way to get money from a GFM, is wrong. It’s a lie just like so much else of what she says.
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Possibly an unpopular opinion (I’ll go out on a limb though and say not the most unpopular opinion on here tonight 😂) - the question of ‘wouldn’t you want to know if your spouse had been cheating?’ Honestly? No. I’ve said on here before that my ex husband and father of my children is now with a former friend of ours and they have a baby together. The timeline would suggest there was a cross over but he has never admitted it and I don’t know for sure. But why would I pick over the bones of it? It was hard enough when my marriage fell apart without a forensic investigation of things that no longer matter and I can’t change. This probably deserves my first MOO.
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Peter Hitchens often writes about no-fault divorce. I wondered if anyone here feels that yes, marriage is a contract and why should the one who wants to breaks that not have some consequence. I believe if you sign a contract with the Navy for 7 years you have to pay to exit it early. Same with many mortgages, loans, and many contracts.
I'm not in love with AE, I just can't see why she is being blamed when for, idk, being married for 21 years? Being upset and going off the rails when this falls apart and she says he lied to her for long?
If your teachers told you you were an amazing student, marked your work as straight A's, told you you were kind and loving and whatever, and then suddenly one day they gave you all grade D's and point blank refused to tell you why, how would you feel?
On top of that, if they then started telling others, maybe a new 'A grade student' that you were actually a crappy student all along, and that despite claiming to enjoy having you in class they actually hated it and were suffering, how would you feel?
Are you seriously arguing that - in America - we should have to stay in an unhappy, abusive marriage until we can pay a penalty for wanting to get out and be safe and happy? You’re clearly not married. People outgrow each other and, in this case, they outgrow abuse. Have the respect to read through the Wiki and all the court documents before you try and defend what Alice has done to Ioan and their daughters. If he was telling her he loved her, it’s because he was trying to keep her from going off the rails (as she has done). He was scared of her reaction AND OF HER based on their past experiences. Respectfully, you’re wrong here.
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@Kitti okay I'll bite. Let's hypothetically say that Ioan cheated with Bianca for three years. This actually happened to my sister, btw. Her husband left her for a colleague he was having an affair with when she was pregnant with their second child. He had lied and gaslit her about it. So let's say Ioan is indeed the worst person ever. This does not justify the abuse she is dealing out! My sister never said a bad word publically about her ex and she never said anything to her children. She always fostered a relationship with them even though she was deeply hurt and traumatised by his action. It's been almost three years! Alice is hurting herself here too. Worst thing is she is hurting her girls.
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Let’s not let the gate crasher ruin the party.
Here’s to Ioan’s bifurcation. Bye Bitch.
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I am going to celebrate Ioan going fuck you bitch by rewatching Harrow. Bloody love him in this.

In other news, I have tomorrow off so went to the pub. We all know what this means in JoJo world, I’m a fucking lightweight and home already. But now I have a dilemma, I found a Gu dessert that may have been in the fridge for ages (I don’t often have a sweet tooth) but I ripped off the part of the package that has the best before date. Am I gonna be shitting for England tomorrow?

Off to my basement with foster cat and hoping for the best. And yes, we have a toilet down there too.
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Was at dinner with friends but had a sneak look at tattle and am absolutely over the moon for a man I have never met and probably never will but am so happy that he is going to be free from that barnacle called Alice. She’s going to go postal 😂😂😂
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