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Chatty Member
Peter Hitchens often writes about no-fault divorce. I wondered if anyone here feels that yes, marriage is a contract and why should the one who wants to breaks that not have some consequence. I believe if you sign a contract with the Navy for 7 years you have to pay to exit it early. Same with many mortgages, loans, and many contracts.
I'm not in love with AE, I just can't see why she is being blamed when for, idk, being married for 21 years? Being upset and going off the rails when this falls apart and she says he lied to her for long?
If your teachers told you you were an amazing student, marked your work as straight A's, told you you were kind and loving and whatever, and then suddenly one day they gave you all grade D's and point blank refused to tell you why, how would you feel?
On top of that, if they then started telling others, maybe a new 'A grade student' that you were actually a crappy student all along, and that despite claiming to enjoy having you in class they actually hated it and were suffering, how would you feel?
So you choose to believe A’s narrative. That’s fine. Most of us here believe what we’ve seen and read and followed online and since I has backed up all his claims and she hasn’t … I think his narration is easier to believe. And I think he’s more than suffered the consequences at this point.
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Kindness is Free

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So, have I got this right? Based on various sock comments, it seems Alice doesn't want to put "the truth" in her court documents because they're publicly available and she doesn't want to make her private life public, but she's instead going to write a book? I mean, I know no-one would buy it, but a book's hardly confidential, is it??

Make it make sense!!
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Meee too !! Gonna get a good bottle too! I feel kind of like a good Australian vintage? Anyone have any recommendations? In the US but can hit some stores that stock. Unless I can find a clever one with a fun label like
I'm just going to let a bottle of this breathe

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It's 2023 and a man still can't exit an abusive marriage without idiots judging him and accusing him of lying and having an affair. Sad isn't it?
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Can totally see why she's getting film offers, given how attractive she makes the film posters .....

Shotgun (2).png

Trainwreck (1).png
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If you have a look at her photos on Getty, there are hundreds of photos of her from the 90s/00s/10s hanging out with A-list to C-list celebrities. I think this might be part of the problem. She thinks she's beneath getting an ordinary job because she once attended film premiers/parties/openings and was the toast of the town in the 90s/early 00s.

There must be hundreds, if not thousands of other former models and actresses in her position. Hollywood is fickle, and many actors have other jobs in between shooting things. Most actors do not have lasting careers there.

It must be hugely damaging to her ego to have such a change in lifestyle and fall in social standing, but no one decent, and no one who was a true friend of hers, would have judged her for getting a job in e.g. Starbucks. Living in Hollywood has completely warped her. She needs to accept her life has changed and she needs to plan for a new life.
I think she just adored having her photo taken, being interviewed, being papped, and mixing with “A” listers. Remember she led a very high profile and glamorous life in Paris with Olivier. Then came the doggie film, and she thought she was going to be a movie star, hence the move to Hollywood, where they would appreciate her beauty and talent. This is the life she loved, thought was hers by right. I think it filled the empty space inside her. Her outward good looks hid, for a while, her inner ugliness, and as she aged, and her career as an actress failed, this ugliness began to show on the outside.
With Ioan leaving her, her entry into the life she adored was cut off, no more red carpets, no more “A” list besties, and invitations to important events on the arm of a good looking and successful husband. No more photos and interviews in magazines about her latest project. That life has gone, and the Abuser is raging about that, especially when she sees Bianca on the red carpet, being interviewed alongside Ioan. The article in The Telegraph must have made her so mad. This is her life, her territory, and her hub, Bianca has stolen them all from her and that’s why she’s attacking Bianca relentlessly.
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Whilst I think she is in control of her actions, I do think her grandiosity implies serious personality disorders.

Nobody cares whether she writes a book. So her ex is using the same lawyer as Brad Pitt or he once shared a flat with another successful actor, she is not part of a the Kennedy dynasty.

She thinks she is something special but really is a very ordinary person getting a divorce. Happens all the time.
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Chatty Member
B has turned comments off the Instagram post. I can’t see any comments anymore.
still there for me.
First time posting here. I had heard of IG though not aware of his personal life and not a follower or fan. I took notice of this not-so-conscious uncoupling due to the press attention. I think I'm in a tiny if existent minority who feels some sympathy or empathy for AE. I thought I might post some thoughts here with reasoning. I scrolled through AE's instagram before posting here. What struck me was how happy the family seemed and how it seemed to me that IG and AE loved one another. I don't think that you can pretend for 21 years. Although I don't believe anyone should be forced to stay in a relationship they don't want to be in, it is not so long ago that 'no cause' divorce didn't exist. Divorce is now a contract which you are signing (a supposed commitment for lifetime - unless you stipulate otherwise I guess), and which there are no exit fees. I don't think it's that fair. Why shouldn't the person who wants to exit the contract pay as a consequence? I doubt there's many business partner contracts which allow for one to exit without considering the effects on the remaining partner.

I just wondered if Ioan couldn't have tried to make some acknowledgements. Like, ofc I loved you, I still do (if he does), but feel we are better off apart. It also doesn't seem very, idk, helpful? fair? kind? to have been completely quiet about all the pain he was in, if that's what he is now saying. Telling your wife how much you love them, and how wonderful they are, to suddenly returning from a trip and being 'cold' does smack of an affair to me. Don't many therapists and women say that a lot of men don't ever leave until they have a new woman lined up? I think that may be the case here.

In one of AE's instagram posts IG is singing. He has a really great voice and honestly I think he could make music and it'd sell. In another post AE has drawn a sketch of their daughters. It's really good too. AE speaks a number of languages, and in the youtubes I've seen of her speaking French, she has a great voice. Personally, I find quite a few of her humerous posts funny. She is often self-deprecating, talking about fine hair, or joking about her enhanced mouth. In an interview about Harvey Weinstein she came across as insightful and honest.

It's a real shame to see how things have gone. I've been in relationships where the men have lied. The lying actually hurt me almost as much as the cheating ('it's not the crime it's the cover-up). One relationship was with a man I believe would be assessed as having NPD. I had never heard of this until afterwards in therapy. I've seen in many posts here that it doesn't matter if IG was cheating. It's not illegal and so on. I just wondered if anyone else felt that it would be important to them to know the truth and for their partners/spouse's to tell them the truth. Including what happened and when.

I just don't see this evil horror who made IG's life hell (he was away a lot of the time surely?). In so many posts AE is complimenting him and saying how lucky she is etc. Whilst at times putting herself down. It seems a bit more like she was a bit insecure, rather than she was full of confidence, in control, bossing him. I can't recall whether in court docs or here but didn't she say he said 'I didn't sign up for this' about her fibromyalgia? What if that's true? What if AE does have poor health? No spouse has to tolerate things they don't like, especially with no fault divorces now common. But maybe IG struggles with admitting to himself or others that his reasons are things like 'intolerance' or 'boredom', or 'feeling like starting over and wanting to have young kids again'. Idk, I would find it incredibly difficult to interact with the person who I thought had lied to me possibly for years or who was exploiting that men can 'start over' in their 50's, 60's and 79 for Robert De Niro.
Good lord. No. Youre assuming her version is the truth for some reason. Read the wiki.
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If this is true, we might have cause for a double celebration soon! 🥳🎉

View attachment 2276700
This spin is ridiculous. So after ALICE put an end to the collaborative proceedings (where she would have gotten more money than she’ll be getting now); and after ALICE went through five lawyers delaying the process by racking up legal fees; and after Alice held up the sale of the house with her delay tactics, it’s somehow Ioan’s fault for using his attorneys to (checks notes) file and respond to motions?!? And through all this, ALICE has refused to get any kind of work, whereas Ioan has worked steadily? Explain to me how it’s possibly his fault.
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When you've done a 20 year stretch, an extra 10 days is bearable.

ETA Just seen the update - it's been denied LOL 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎆 🎆 🎆
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Just a thought - is Selma going to help them get ROS made? She has the name and the contacts. My advice to B and I is that Selma should play the lead. Getting a name like hers on board can help green light this.

No offence to B, but it would be better for a more experienced actress to carry the movie. B can play a supporting role.

No charge for this advice. :m
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