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The most disturbing bit I find is that Ella kept jabbing Bianca, telling her not to touch her, calling her a fucking slut and then left giggling. This isn't a fucking joke, it's the rest of your life Ella.
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I can’t read them on my phone aarrrggghhhh! Can someone quickly summarise please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
It was a set up by Alice. Alice requested an over night. Ioan didn’t think it was a great idea and sought advice from two therapists and had one with him when he collected the girls. Ella kicked off as soon as she saw him at the police station pick up point. Kicked off about the leotard insisting they go to Alice’s. Had a tantrum at the mall and caused a scene. Then she poured milk over I & B’s bed. Writing fuck with mustard all over the place then poured oats over her father’s head. All while on FaceTime to her friends. She called Bianca a slut and ran from the apartment. I think she dropped or threw her phone during that altercation. Both kids ran with the dr and Ioan chasing them. Bianca was called to bring the car to help. Elsie had called a friend’s dad to pick them up to take them back to Alice.
Iris, the neighbour witnessed this and said there was no assault or any name calling from any of the adults.
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Apparently one of the main tattlers is an Alice FM.

For the record, it's not me.

If it's you Welp you're very good at covering it up.
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Chatty Member
This has to be the thing that finally ends this. It HAS to be.

I’m past words after reading those documents (thank you, Turd uploaders). They are awful reading.

Lock her the fuck up. Get those children away from her poisonous bile and into the care of someone, anyone who is a responsible, caring human being. She’s a reprehensible example of mothering and it sickens me that she claims to love them. She hasn’t done a single thing to put their interests first.

I’ll be interested to see what the Daily Mail do with this now. And whether Alison writes any stories in the near future.

Fuuuuuuck me I’m angry.
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Alice doesnt care. With the DM dictating the narrative the portrayal is and wont be as it should be, even if most have seen through her. While I'm sure plenty of things will be ordered by the judge he wont remove the kids from her care. And if he does Alice will use it to align with other "victims" of losing kids to the system. Any kind of joint custody or visitation would be a disaster: Ella has already gone full beans with emotional abuse and has started on physical, this will only go worse as she has shown to escalate all the time.

no happy ending on this one. Ioan is an impressive man for still trying and Bianca a impressive woman for standing by him.
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I know Ioan and his family ‘irl’ and have since I was a kid (he’s older than me, met him in his late teens.) Last saw the family at a funeral in 2018. They never took to Alice for various reasons, unsure if I can say why on here.
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The past few weeks, I wanted to say here multiple times that how would everyone feel if we learned Ella kicked at the dog. And I thought nah - I'll get piled on for being mean to Ella.

So as upset as I am to learn this actually happened, I'm gratified you all find this as horrible as I do. She's 14. She spent 12 years of her life being raised by her Father and mostly a nanny. I'm out of excuses.

I know many humans who overcame much worse abuse than being raised by Alice for 2 years. They are not like this.

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I’m still trying to digest what I have just read through.

Those girls are absolutely ruined. The part where Ioan says he was in the car park at the police station ready for handover and the girls were opening the passenger door to Iris and telling her to get out because they didn’t want her there and then dancing around the car is just one of the many shocking claims that. The fact Alice can watch her children act so disrespectfully and say nothing about it just shows her true colours.

She claims to love those girls but yet she has abused them beyond repair and they will be damaged for the rest of their lives.

Ioan and Bianca have done everything by the book and I pray to god that this awful recent situation will be the straw to break the camels back and that Alice will finally have the children taken from her and given the proper therapy and care they need.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry at someone I’ve never even met but Alice is evil from the inside out and needs to rot in hell.
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Fuzzy Slippers

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It is so hard to understand Big Al's constant lies but one that really annoys me is how Bianca wants a ready made family. But at the same time, IG left Alice because he decided he didn't want kids. Oh OK. 🤡 I would bet no young woman is desiring 2 hostile step kids for her new relationship, dumbass. I believe B wants to love them but Al is making that impossible.

What will be glorious is if B does have a baby. Can you imaging how absolutely horrid Al was during pregnancy? This quote from the DM: "Extremely high blood pressure earned me total bed rest for the last two months of the pregnancy and then there I was, in a hospital bed, sweating and screaming and writhing about – just like on television." I am sure the whole pregnancy was rolling around, puking, and histrionics.

Guess what Alice? If IG has a child with B he gets to actually help name the baby, have a say in it's upbringing, teach manners, summers in Wales with extended family, it will be little baby Bee Gruffudd. All the red carpets, events, etc with their adorable child and your children will be gutted because YOU ruined this for them. YOU ruined that relationship with their Dad because you are a selfish bitch. It is not too late, you can help repair this relationship and let your daughters have a Daddy, like they deserve. B and I may decide to never have a child but I hope they do. IG can see what an amazing journey pregnancy and raising a child with someone like B can be, instead of the insanity that Big Al brings to everything in her life.
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Me thinks that Anne Kiley is getting ready to beat Big Bird's musty behind and hand it to her on a platter. Ten bucks tells me Twitter and Instagram have already been served. Anne might already be in possession of all the texts from Big Bird and her minions. Cue a mad dash for the exits.
I can't imagine Anne would allow Ioan to include the details\beliefs about Alice's socks unless they had proof.
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Ninas purse

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Me thinks that Anne Kiley is getting ready to beat Big Bird's musty behind and hand it to her on a platter. Ten bucks tells me Twitter and Instagram have already been served. Anne might already be in possession of all the texts from Big Bird and her minions. Cue a mad dash for the exits.
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Imagine being *this* proud of the damage you’ve done to your own young daughters in the name of getting at their dad.
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MN is absolutely blind on this issue. They are seriously writing off all the evidence - all the court documents, all the reams of horrific abuse - as poor Alice just having a nervous breakdown because her husband had an affair. If the sexes were swapped they would be calling for Ioan to be arrested.

I don't give a solitary fuck even if he *did* have an affair, frankly. If it catapulted him away from that bride of Satan good for him, I'd be happy with him having a hundred affairs.
I think Ella would also be perceived differently if the sexes were swapped. If this was a six foot tall nearly 14 year old boy raging in an apartment, I think people would have different feelings about it.
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I guess even little E sees the behaviour as acceptable. It’s just so sad. This all could have been so different had Alice just put those kids first. It’s always been about her.
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House of Tea

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We all know the Daily Mail is without morals, but if they continue to portray Alice in a positive way after this, they take immorality to a different place entirely.

That Bitchoff woman is disgusting. Colluding with a monster. Wants the story, doesn’t give a shit about children’s wellbeing.
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