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Didn't the original agreed stipulation on visitation say Saturdays and increasing based on recommendations of the therapist? Or have I made that up?
and the therapist would certainly have prepared them on whether or not Bianca would be there.

Stinks of set up, but dear lord, they've done it far worse than I gave them credit for
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Well-known member
I don't disagree.

But, I was that little soldier.

My mother used to dial the number and hand me the phone and I would abuse my Dad and his girlfriend - multiple times a day. When I was on visitations I would sabotage their lives and be expected to 'report back'. There was no room for refusal, unless I wanted to suffer for it.

The first time I refused - she didn't speak to me for a week, and stopped cooking dinner.

I was 11.

It would absolutely be best for Ella if she wasn't with her mother - but to Ella, it's probably going to feel like a failing.
I’m so sorry you went through this.

I absolutely cannot write Ella off either. She’s been conditioned to act like this for at least three years, if not more. And she’s still just only 13. It’s so so young still, and you’ve got so much going on in your still developing brain.

I was an absolute nightmare as a teenager, moody, hormonal, acting out - and I had a reasonably okay upbringing.

my heart hurts for those two girls
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I saw this comment elsewhere: it seems like people are *finally* getting it, and it had a respectable number of ‘likes’ as well:
“I know a lot of people will read this and immediately jump on how awful the dad is, but I have a very different take on it. I think this latest is a very clear, very SAD, sign that Alice's nonstop campaign to drag her kids into adult problems has worked.
Her obvious ( to me anyway ) lunacy aside, at some point, no matter HOW much you hate your ex, you have to decide you love your children MORE. I'm not saying you lay down and become a door mat for them, but you keep in mind that the other person is their father/mother and you will be the bigger person not to make this any more painful or confusing for them than it already is. And if you do that, your kids will appreciate it so much when they get old enough to really understand. And, as in the case of Alice, those kids will turn on you when they get old enough to realize you just made them a pawn in your hate games. I hope one of the parents can salvage their careers ( my money is on him) because God knows those girls are going to need a LOT of therapy. Based on what little we know I think there's a good chance we're looking at parental alienation and emotional abuse.“
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Oh hang on. Didn’t loopy say they were both crying on the way over? So presumably Bianca wasn’t just sprung on them. They knew if they were crying like he claims (hashtag didn’t happen).
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Chatty Member
Her statement sounds like a huge cry for help. She admits to throwing food around, like a toddler having a massive meltdown. Poor kid needs an intervention and a very long time out, away from the source of all this malignancy.
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I’m fairly sure Andrea Burkhart said in her last video something along the lines of give her enough rope and eventually she’ll trip herself up. I may be wrong.
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Some of the things that Loopy uses as examples of Ioan’s cruelty really wind me up.

Loss of the housekeeper, despite Alice not working, having no other commitments and the kids being in school.

Not paying for a private school even with no guarantees that they could afford it on an ongoing basis for one child never mind two.

Selling the house and downsizing to run two households with only one earner.

Meeting their father’s partner. Most kids of divorce have to interact with one or both parents’ new partners. Many have to stay with them regularly - it’s only such a trauma for the girls because Mommie Dearest has painted her as a monster who stole daddy.

He must be bloody stupid to believe Alice that normal life events are traumatic and should be regarded as abuse.
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So the Twitter bollocks was just a smear campaign from Cunts that knew the TRO had been denied? What a nasty bitch.
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Just catching up but FA has said ‘she has especially tried to keep the kids away from their father’. Pretty big admission.
This tweet of FA is particularly important as she’s not only copped to actively trying to destroy his relationship with the kids but has also fully named the person he has accompany him on visits. Surely that’s crossing all sorts of lines.
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This is definitely written by a 12 year old. Imagine how low someone went to even suggest a fake illness. Mama must be so proud.
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What is Alice’s end goal now? He’s never going to speak to her ever again, he’s not coming back. LA Jolla is gone and so are her chances of 100% custody. He’s got a job acting so even that’s not working for her now. I wonder how many times she’s emailed [email protected]???
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“My arm got bruised, and I had a small bump
on my head.”

But according to Alice, SHE COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!

According to Loopy she had "her life stripped from her at every level", it was a "violent assault on a child", and she had to "endure chronic and wholesale emotional and psychological abuse".

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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This is true of my experience too. The things you say before you're old enough to stand up for yourself and work out your own feelings about things! I can remember saying horrible things about people I loved, just because it would make her laugh and let me actually feel close to her. When I started refusing to do this, our relationship broke down entirely.
I'm so sorry.

Yes, when I stopped allowing the interrogations and started actually spending time with my father that wasn't solely for her benefit (to help her destroy him), she abandoned me at a childrens Hospital and I didn't see or hear from her for years.

We have no relationship now.
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FYI. I have a political friend on Twitter who was just able to get an RO against a fellow Twitter user who had been stalking his account and saying vile personal things about him, his wife and his children by name.

He didn't have to subpoena an IP address because this person used their real name making their address and phone number easy to find. The RO was delivered to the abuser at their home.

So those accounts that are breaking the DVRO by proxy (especially if the police have previously contacted you about Twitter issues), just keep putting Bianca's and Ioan's names in your damn stupid mouths and opening yourselves up to RO's and defamation suits.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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I have been critical of the eldest daughter’s behaviour, what she really needs is away from Alice.
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