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Oh, wow, haha. 🤣 So many, lemme try to be brief but thoughtful about this lol…

I’m honestly not a huge fan of classical poets like Shakespeare nor Walt Whitman nor Edgar Allan Poe. I mean they’re INCREDIBLE but I was introduced to them as a young child who had no idea how to analyze a poem, so they were very frustrating to understand and I guess I was too scarred by my homework tantrums that I never went back, lol.

John Donne, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost are all enjoyable, well-known stars.

I’m faaaaar more into modern/contemporary poets, as I studied mostly those guys in university. Here are just a couple deeply special ones because you have a wonderful life to live and I don’t want to keep you, haha.

-Ross Gay, who can write 4-5 page poems in one brilliant sentence. His stuff is quite optimistic, he typically writes about pleasant, seemingly minor experiences like watching a neighbor eat a fig off his tree in the yard or buttoning up his shirt, and there’s this heartbreaking poem that talks mostly about his feet being ugly (lol) but he always takes that seemingly insignificant thing and ties it into these huge, broad themes of love/friendship, memory/remembrance, unity/peace, and hanging on to our gratitude.

-Patricia Smith, whose imagery is phenomenal. It’s hard to describe: when she’s writing about an experience she uses all the right verbs and adjectives to paint pictures in your mind that you never let go of. Like you feel like you’re there with her. She never, ever recycles words in each poem and she never, ever recycles images in her poems. Each one is absolutely unique and creative. I tried to write like her for a few years but it’s important to embrace your own style!

-Danez Smith, whose poetry has a sort of hip-hop style to it—not as rigid as rap but also very chaotic on the page. He doesn’t often use punctuation or capitalization and he formats his poems into different shapes on the paper.

-Fatimah Asghar, Ocean Vuong, Kaveh Akbar (also just a good, sweet person and friend!), Maya Angelou, Maggie Smith, and Margaret Atwood are all fantastic, too. I recommend!

I conclude this fan-girling with a poem by Maggie Smith about having hope for the world and, even, yourself. (And probably for Alice, too, lmao.) Thanks for reading this, hahaha. 💚

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Thank you so much, love that poem! Very appropos re SEL👍Love poetry in general its same as with music don't care what genre long as it speaks to me, & different ones speak at different times eh? Henry Vaughan & Wilfred Owen are long time faves of mine. But am going to take a look at all others. Many thanks♥
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It’ll pass… like a kidney stone.
I felt sorry for her too. I still do to an extent, but she’s not doing anything remotely proactive to improve the situation. She’s pissing petrol over the bonfire. It’s the kids that have most of my sympathy and concern in this sorry saga
I agree with you there it’s so shit for the kids
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It's an awful thing to say. Those poor girls. She has no boundaries. I can't believe the things she says in public, she has no filter. All those private comments about Ioan and their marriage, and the girls. I wouldn't even say those things on an anonymous forum!
Just think of Big E & Little E going to school next Mon or whenever. Dang. Why doesn't someone at their schools talk to Alice about how it's affecting the girls? Maybe they have already but AE won't say.

Can she do that in CA? Secretly record...I thought it you needed two party consent to record. She has already mentioned she has tapes...but I'm assuming she can't release them legally
Don't know the answer to that. But the FMs or one of them, said that Alice said that Big E secretly recorded IG. This was months ago apparently.
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Can't remember who said it (thread fatigue & still early in day here) about a lot of us all glued to this due to bad experiences with narcs (in whatever form, as someone else said many diff types) for me this is fascinating (poss wrong word as young girls sanity at stake here) hope you know what I mean - this very much is a helpful & friendly thread, have learnt so much that helps me personally (thank you for sharing) & so many of you are funny, poignant, & right on the button snarky. Possibly not many people understand the level of humour required to deal with this shitshow, that has been shoved in our faces by SEL herself, the fact she did that doesn't make me feel bad discussing it. I would imagine IG will need a long time to come to terms with fact he "chose" her the fact he tried so hard for so long speaks volumes. As someone who's father was 1st class narc/many other things I strongly feel IG isn't (of course I don't know anything for certain just my hunch). Hope wanting to be there for his kids gives him strength to get out other side🤞. Was late in my life when I realised I needed to cut myself off from dad (not that it bothered him anyway) & suck up fact that my own bad choices were driven by unprocessed feelings regarding his parenting then be grateful for all I did have. Now I truly feel sorry for him as I know he'll never be happy & that's his choice, not my fault. I rejoice that a lot of people here know how hard won happiness within yourself is worth👍😘and wish everyone strength with daily struggle to keep on track.🫂
NB sorry about that sentimental rambling. Need to access snark mode I feel a lot coming up any day now😱. Anyone want to start a book on how many threads this dire situation will take? 30? 50? 150?! *bangs head on empty coffee pot *
At least 30. Def at least 30.

I should look at graphing time for each thread and see how much each one escalates over the previous one.
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I think she is being more active on Instagram than twitter. I just saw that the post was19 hours ago and she had been replying. So maybe not the most updated.
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This is a fuckton I'm sorry lmao.

I'm really curious how people feel about this video. I don't mean to imply that there's "something there" that needs attention, but y'all have consistently provided some really stellar, well-thought-out commentary on her behaviors that I just figured I'd pop this in somewhere to see if anything is odd or concerning.

Here's my deal: I watch this and I think she's very cute, tbh. I watched it when I supported AE earlier on, and then I actually watched it again AFTER ending my support for her and I still thought it was cute.

Remember I told you about that BPD behavior I have called "splitting"? I struggle to broadly judge people's characters--if they do something upsetting one minute I'm likely to demonize them, but if they do something nice the next minute I'll likely think they're absolutely amazing. (DBT helps, been doing much better these past few years.)

So like...I watch this video now and it makes me split really, really hard, man. I don't know if it's totally me or if she's just kind and lovely for the cameras, but it kind of throws me for a loop. She's so vicious on social media but then she's so lighthearted during an interview. Idk, when you split it's very hard to be able to hold those two traits together at the same time, like you can only see black or white.

Does anyone have commentary or opinions to share on this? Completely understand if it's just a normal interview and there's nothing really there to be concerned about. I personally notice that they're holding hands, it seems. I do believe that AE is right in that Ioan is concerned about image (spousal abuse will do that tho), so I wonder if that gesture is something he preferred they do for the cams or if Alice wanted them to do it or if it was just completely natural...? It doesn't seem natural, like throughout the interview they just won't let go lmao.

Just watched it. Only watched it once. I agree, she seems spontaneous and 'cute'. She does seem likeable, unrehearsed and natural

To my surprise (why, when I've not seen him in anything apart from brief clips in this forum) I found him to be 'fake', a bit up himself/pretentious and crawly (especially when he says .. crawl, crawl ... that he 'likes to be surrounded by the best'

So -- she seems nice and he seems gay-ish and ever so hungry/ambitious. I'm surprised
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Now expanding the narrative to indicate Ioan would "remarry" her?????? This woman is an utter and complete lunatic. And I agree with others that she is now just expanding the narrative to keep attention on herself. Because once Ioan touches down in LA, it's NOT solely about her stories anymore.
Sounds crazy, but I can believe it might have happened. If so, it's an indication of how desperate he was to escape her. Also indicates how well he knew her and how desperate she was to hang onto him

also reveals she knew back then (whenever it supposedly occurred) that she no longer had a future in acting nor any means of financial support
other than IG. Sad for him and for her and of course for the children
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What else on IG’s back catalogue would you guys recommend? I’ve watched Forever (got much better at the end but the music never stopped annoying me) and s1 of Harrow. I’ve seen and loved Titantic. Is Hornblower on a streaming service?
Can't help, sorry. Haven't seen anything with either of them in it, apart from that brief Aussie 'Women's Day' interview with IG which someone posted here a few days ago
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Just William

VIP Member
She is explaining why what she has done going on SM is the right thing to do. Comparing it to domestic violence and staying quiet. I just woke up I need a few hours and a few coffees to digest her dribble. She will never accept that what she has done is wrong. She is never wrong.
She should get a T made up with that or a tattoo! I am Alice & I am never wrong.

I know people keep asking about voice work but I think she has a clicky mouth when she speaks. I think it’s probably quite an issue for that kind of work. Even in the HW interview she has it. It’s not as bad if the mic is further away
I know what you mean. Point taken. Just keep her far enough from the mic so you only hear the voice.
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She does go on about being in labor for 40 hrs. with the first child! I’m thinking what kind of Dr. allows that especially in someone who was of advanced maternal age with high blood pressure/pre-eclampsia? Did she find her ob-gyn at the same place as her therapist?
Sounds like my first labour! Although that was about 50 hours come to think of it…
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Ok it’s bad but I really want to see what this proof is she has. I want to see something other than a rando account on Twitter who has divulged some fake tea to get attention. And I want to know why she falls for it!
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