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Why can't we say the Twitter handles? 😭 It's hard enough trying to keep up but now I have to dig out my secret decoder ring? 😩

We care. 💞 I think we all appreciate your input. 😀
Mewhitt1 and Samwhitt11. Both spend huge chunks of their day attacking people on Twitter with a very similar style (and name).
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Chatty Member
I do wonder if he’ll move them away from LA if he can - after the comment someone posted here about him wanting to live in rural Wales. Real contrast to the current home in Hollywood!

I must admit I’m the opposite - all that open space gives me the heebie jeebies. I need to be in a big messy city to feel like I can breathe 😄

I dunno, I watch that and see the same woman but younger! All the little mannerisms are there (the funny mouth movements and the thing she does with her chin) and the rapid fire chat. It’s all really charming here though -maybe because I can’t understand her?! Lol - but it’s kind of interesting to see.
Oh I agree it doenst change her as a person she obviously always been this way to some degree just gotten worse as years have gone on I probably didn't word it correctly lol but definitely interesting especially with what she now posts on Instagram! 😬
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I used to live in Brentwood and I walked everywhere. I walked to Westwood a lot to read in the Borders there (RIP) and walked to Santa Monica a lot too. I think it's a myth you can't walk anywhere in L.A. In fact the last time I visited I ate McDonalds for 3 meals a day and walked absolutely everywhere and didn't gain a single pound, shows how much walking I was doing! I also never drove on a freeway, I knew I would die.
Brentwood it is then! Although I’m not as big a fan of Maccy D’s 😄. If I ever find myself in need of moving to LA will keep this in mind!
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Chatty Member
Yeah we are SO spoiled in London for public transport. There are always three or four different ways to get anywhere (which is why londoners have lots of boring conversations with each other about buses/tube stops/overground routes etc. There are even boats, trams and cable car options, depending!)
I went to grad school in London and those conversations always gave me homesickness for the traffic/alternate route conversations we have in California.
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Chatty Member
I have a question please…. How are tweets like these legal? Or are they not legal? I mean there’s this person in my life that has been horrid to me in the past and I’d really like the world to know what a horrible person she is. Would it be ok for me to go on Twitter to infer to the world that she’s plotting to murder me and she has some dark stuff going on…. Or would I get arrested?
I don’t know where you live but in California there’s nothing criminal about her tweets to warrant arrest. Can a temporary restraining order be issued if certain people named and targeted want to pursue that? Yes. Are they defamatory? Yes but that would be a civil case if that even came about because libel and slander in courts isn’t that cut and dry.

(Example: literally had a death threat from an employee at work that was sent to his partner in text and voice memos. Because she wouldn’t go to police herself (didn’t want to “call pd on a black guy”) and it wasn’t specific about how, just a day given police couldn’t do anything not even talk to him. If the same police dept couldn’t do anything about that then they won’t do anything about this drunk ass making vague implications or expressing thoughts.)
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There is absolutely no way any of this is being faked, or that being the new girlfriend in a situation like this helps you get roles in Hollywood in any way. This is extremely painful for all parties involved and is definitely not a plot or ploy.
As I said - I considered it but decided it was too cruel to do that. You can consider things but after thinking them through realise it wouldn’t be the case.
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One thing about the bed wetting - it's something that can happen when a child has gone through trauma or severe stress.
Gosh, I wonder if the daughters are feeling stressed about their home life.
Alice, by saying that, not only are you sharing something that shouldn't be shared, but you're making obvious the fact that they're not being protected from your raging emotional rampages, like you claimed. Have you considered that they are aware of your ranting online in the middle of the night? Of some of the awful things you call your ex-husband, who is still their one and only father? For pity's sake. Stop being so bloody selfish.
I think she’s lying about the bed wetting or referring to an earlier period when they were little. In any case, this isn’t something you discuss on SM!
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This WAS going to be my attempt at an idea for the next thread, however I think that horse has truly bolted:-

"Whoa there Alice, you're on a twitter diet, why ARE you that quiet??"
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I know people keep asking about voice work but I think she has a clicky mouth when she speaks. I think it’s probably quite an issue for that kind of work. Even in the HW interview she has it. It’s not as bad if the mic is further away
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I went to grad school in London and those conversations always gave me homesickness for the traffic/alternate route conversations we have in California.
Yeah I was just thinking that of course people in cities all round the world have these conversations!
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VIP Member
Is this why they wanted a legal seperation at first? (probably BS anyway)
View attachment 885390
btw re: "on the rocks" there is a Guardian interview of him published in early 2020 (conducted in 2019) where he talks about them struggling for 4 years. And Alice even linked said interview on her twitter back then.
View attachment 885391
She does have the right - for now!
OMG is he Irene’s lover killed by the can in the fog?!?!?
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Chatty Member
Sorry quick question regarding rules… do thread titles only count if they are posted on the last couple of pages?
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