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Well if she had pre eclampsia, a c-section is pretty much the norm in many countries.
Huh I didn’t know that. I think the NHS let you give it a whirl first with an induction before going for the c-section but I’m sure it depends on the patient.
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The dinners… aren’t they delivered to her?
I’m sure I read that somewhere. All paid for by Ioan.
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I'm really curious how this case is going to end. One thing is certain it's yet another proof for how easy it is to manipulate people. She has managed to make her "fans" thinking that all the things she herself claimed at some point came from Ioan and are lies and that he is the one doing a public campaign against her, not her (LOL). It's bloody shocking that she has any support.

And it would have been so easy had she just kept it very modest (see, I'm not even saying that she should have kept silent). Everyone had already assumed that he was cheating, and he would have been found out at some point probably. Then she would have had all the support she wants. But most see what she is like and cant even blame him.
Even SHE assumed he was cheating.
In her very early tweets when he first moved out she said she was worried about who the girl was. There was also the photo she posted with red hair on IG (since taken down) which I took as a hint that it was the woman who played the ex wife in Harrow. She knew there was someone else but of course does the mock surprise and outrage when he finally dares to come out.
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She’s been threatening stuff like this for a long time now. She and her idiotic Flying Monkeys have been saying oh just wait till the truth comes out about IG, then you won’t think he’s the guy everyone wants to take home to mother! He’s said and done the nastiest things. Well A lice and Flying Monkeys? We’re still waiting. Either piss or get off the pot!
The monkeys are the closest thing to therapy she's likely to get, considering real therapists cost money
Sooner or later she'll admit to herself that her monkeys are a waste of her time because singly and collectively, there's not a cent in it for her there
When she admits that, she'll dump them and will know she has to shut up and just get on with it
She's functioning as some form of twisted therapy for the monkeys! And she's savvy enough to have known that for a while now
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I'm not sure of Gloria's age - no doubt Alice will have put that into the public domain (but I haven't seen it so far), I wonder when Gloria's day starts and ends? Do we think Gloria's thought of Alice must be a lazy, self obsessed, privileged COW. Perhaps Alice would like to do a Wife Swap episode - to help highlight her easy horrific life!
Not privileged anymore!! Haha
She will have to get a job.
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Lovely hearing him speak Welsh! I think it's really sad for him that AE wouldn't learn what is his first language, with her skills she surely wouldn't have found it hard. Maybe just another tactic to keep him 'down'? The interviews I have seen he comes across as a nice guy!
I was half expecting Graham to throw some Irish into the mix as he will have at least done it at school!
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Well-known member
You are spot on Caitlyn. This is dangerous territory and if the roles were reversed, this would be a whole different situation. It's horribly discriminatory.
Her flying monkeys are complicit in her mental health decline.

She's missing the moderation/'enough of this' gene

The flying monkies seem to be the only validation she's getting

Lawyers charge by the minute. Doubt IG has the money, or wants to spend the money on lawyers plodding through all her different platforms

As mental health assistance isn't free in the US, who's prepared to put up the money to treat her?

Solution lies with AE going cold-turkey minus social and all other forms of media, for a start. What are the chances of that?

Imo, the cure for most of her ills/anxieties/fears/paranoia is cold hard cash which translates to a viable future/survival for herself. But who has enough cash to make her feel secure to the point she levels out and ditches social media?
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They look like they could almost be related in that photo of the two of them - possessiveness and negging photo aside, they look to be of a similar attractiveness here. Ageing, esp for women, is haaard. But by all accounts (including his) it seems like IG works hard to beat it - he seems into his fitness, plus what AE disdainfully refers to as his “orthorexic” food prep, the boringness of no longer drinking, the makeup (which he admits to!) Unfortunately whatever plastic surgery she’s had hasn’t been very good, and yeah, unfortunately booze and not sleeping don’t help. I’m not going to fat shame her but it’s pretty horrid of her to be so rude about his attempts to keep his looks, especially when - vanity aside - she knows how much his career depends on it.
I agree with them looking like they could be related when they were younger. They had similar colouring (AE has naturally dark hair and eyes), noses, lips and chins. Part of me wonders if IG lost physical attraction for her after she changed her face (nose job, lip fillers) and no longer looked similar to him.
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Yikes, they have published Lupins real name on Twitter. New Zealand is a pretty small place, not hard to find people. Luckily he knows no one I know. Mod - please delete or tell me if this is considered a no no to say this.
That's how I know his real name. His talking about himself on Twitter.
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I kind of call bullshit on this. Ioan isn’t an idiot, he posted the IG photo with BW fully aware that AE was going to incinerate his world into ashes after she saw it, but he got himself ready for this showdown.
I find it very hard to believe that he would ready himself and also have some horrid LIFE RUINING SECRET that Alice could find and use to destroy him.
She knows he reads her socials and she’s trying to bait him, imo.
So do you think he wants full custody?

I guess you're right. He did know there would be a big reaction. I don't believe he thought it would turn into the Alice Horror Show that it has. I would love to know what was going on behind the scenes that led to the Instagram photo, or if it really was Bianca pushing to come out in the open and live life and he wanted to wait a little while longer. I do believe announcing it when he was away, and not sitting down with his kids first, or kid if the other one won't talk to him, was not the responsible thing to do as a father.
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So Ioan isn't back yet? Or we don't know? Somewhere I thought I read on here that he and Bianca were still in France but I thought Bianca was back in Aus by now.
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Maybe it’s a false pregnancy she’s imagined her body into to trap IG into coming back home.
It has crossed my mind that she would play this card whether they had slept together or not, just to make him look worse. Not only did he leave us for a younger woman but while I was pregnant too! :eek: :mad:
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To be fair, I loved Hornblower from a very young age thanks to my father who has the books.
How are the books, friend? :) I tend to kick myself watching book-based films of my fave actors when I haven’t read the books beforehand—because then I get attached to the narrative I watched and may consequently feel disappointed reading the narrative differences in the books!
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Also, she does fuck all else so why are we meant to be weeping for her exactly? Most parents’ days start at 6am and don’t finish till at least 9pm - what with having jobs and no staff - if she’s got to do a couple of hours homework with them then big fat who cares.
I'm not sure of Gloria's age - no doubt Alice will have put that into the public domain (but I haven't seen it so far), I wonder when Gloria's day starts and ends? Do we think Gloria's thought of Alice must be a lazy, self obsessed, privileged COW. Perhaps Alice would like to do a Wife Swap episode - to help highlight her easy horrific life!
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VIP Member
Has that been suggested?
Attractive men do use prossies. Some see the expensive ones as luxury accoutrements and feel smug they can afford it .
Others just want truly no strings sex.
Others just get a kick out of it.
No! It’s more of her BS trash IG fantasy that some FM probably made up to get AE to pay attention to them again.
And I realize that they can and do use them but it’s not like their rolling in dough. Don’t give Looney any bright ideas as she reads here.
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