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I wonder how full custody if granted to Ioan would work out with him as a jobbing actor?
He could utilise Gloria or another nanny? Alice’s rage comes mostly from her having to actually parent her beloved babies. She resents that so much. She doesn’t want to spend any of her money on them, she wants Ioan to pay her to parent. It’s bizarre.
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It’s always the same pattern isn’t it. Alice is awful blah blah blah.. then trying like hell to make people turn against Ioan. Not because of what he’s done, we’re supposed to imagine what he might have done. How dumb is that?

I was quite enjoying the ‘Alice’s worse moments compilation’ shame they left so soon. 😂
This is what Fizzplops / Fuzzbobs or whatever does not get - the reasons we don't like Alice is that there is CLEAR EVIDENCE of her bad behaviours - it is not up 'for debate'. We have done pretty much what the judge in the DVRO case did - we have looked objectively at the available evidence - and come to a conclusion. Where is the CLEAR EVIDENCE of Ioan's wrongdoing? I do not think he is a saint and I have no doubt there are many things he did wrong in the marriage. But I see no evidence that he abused her, 'ghosted her', told her she was bad etc etc - that is all Alice's hearsay, not backed up by evidence (in fact the evidence disproves her hearsay - eg he did not 'ghost' her - he asked her to communicate via OFW and when she could not even do that he stopped all communication with her, and that was months down the line). There is no evidence that Ioan cheated - there is his sworn testimony that he did not have an affair and an approved statement from a mutual friend of I & G that they did not have an affair (I find it unlikely they did not have an emotional affair before he left Alice, but I cannot see any evidence to prove it). Other than that, nada. Alice on the other hand has provided reams and reams and reams of evidence showing her to be inconsistent, abusive, untruthful and mentally unstable with clear evidence of impairment from alcohol/drugs. And she provided all that evidence herself. And when given the opportunity to refute Ioan's allegations, and despite saying she had so much evidence to disprove his allegations, she did not put forward any defence at all and did not even show up to court. What innocent, abused person would not attend court to defend themselves? Only a guilty person who had no evidence would choose to stay away as they would be exposed. My opinion.
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Is it just me or has there been an escalation in the number of sock accounts defending Alice (not just the usual 2 or 3 regulars) and also attacking Alice (not the usual AEA and C&S - new ones who all know each other)?

Why has this happened suddenly?
There’s an attempt to create a narrative that Alice is being trolled and it’s coordinated by Ioan. She needs that story to play victim and justify continuing her awful behaviour. That’s why it’s so unacceptable for any of us to interact with her. It lets the team down and plays right into her hands.

I’m honestly not having a pop at anyone I can totally understand wanting to support people she’s going after online especially by someone that was doxxed themselves ❤ but I’m just restating it because there’s something going down and it looks like it’s to do with her decision to continue the online defamation and hate campaign against I and B.
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It’s a vicious narc circle. She breaks the DVRO and Ioan’s lawyers come for her, as they should, and she spins it into us setting her off and grassing her up. Does she honestly think she can hide it behind a protected account? She’s broadcasting this gumph to 38,000 people!
What puzzles me most is what purpose she thinks our reporting back to Evil HQ serves. Scanning her SM and sending it on does what? Prove she is breaking her DVRO? Here's a tip: DON'T BREAK THE DVRO!! Don't harass Bianca and don't talk smack about Ioan--go back to your bad political takes and "I love yous" to Joe Biden. Fill your days by gushing all over Tony the Spesh. Read a book, maybe, and start an online book club with your sycophants. Get the foam letters back out and post photos of your ugly handbags.
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Just my thoughts on the weekend meltdown.

Lawyer gone, house going, magic money tap being turned off, kids thawing towards their dad.

She may realise it’s all slipping away. Still don’t think any off that is what set her off. Ioan and B doing celebrity things is what sparks her.
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Her childish and visceral reactions to minor or constructive comments is worrying. A simple “sell the designer shoes” or “maybe learn how to cook” has her going off for days. Why?
She’s clearly not only got $26 in her account. It’s all so performative and fake.
Someone please remind me when the custody hearing is?
Surely her attention should be on that and supporting the beloved babies rather than arguing with people online? Oh that’s right…
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The worst bit for me is nobody is telling her this stuff. She’s missing the sarcasm and wit she tries so hard to emulate online when she’s reading here.
Rather ironically does she need a real welfare check and I’m not trying to be facetious or sarcastic this time. She cannot actually believe Ioan even knows who any of us or those tweeters are? Come on!
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curious km

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While I understand the need to defend oneself if being doxxed by the mAlice wrecking crew, I agree with @ButterTart and general Tattle rules to avoid the urge to engage. There is no “winning” a battle with these types, they will try to drag you down to their level and honestly I have been somewhat disappointed by some of those anti-Alice accounts out there (AEabuses, Champagne & Strawberries ) because their attempts to highlight truth come off to someone unfamiliar with this whole saga as a little vindictive and petty sometimes (my opinion). They don’t help the situation and while it can be so tempting to get drawn in, it isn’t worth it. MAlice’s own children and even IG before leaving asked her to deal with her sh&t but she chose not to. Randos on twitter aren’t getting her to stop. And if some of the folks were part of original fan groups for IG, that definitely feeds her paranoia about some “orchestrated” effort, which doesn’t help the situation at all. Grey rocking is best tactic. Use tattle to let off the steam. You give her exactly what she wants with twitter wars. She can manipulate it to look like the victim.
Love all the tattlers here but just saying it is best to not give her anything she can use to construct a misconception to fuel her rage.
Welcome to @EtsyWoman !! Sorry you were on end of a mAlice rage tweet for trying to be helpful. Silver lining is it led a lot of us to a new shop 😉

❤ to all tattlers here!
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I swear this KNOB has fallen off before???
Does this justify all the Panda Express?



bloody hilarious story Alice I’m glad you warned me before I started reading!

Here come the Thanks Giving potato excuses! Yawn!!!!

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Screenshots from last night that I believe are missing. How she projects her own behavior on Bianca is quite something lol
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When the FM’s come over here and say things like, well we don’t know what Ioan was like, he might have been a nightmare as well etc, etc..Well, we do know what Ioan was like from Alice herself. A wonderful, amazing husband and father according to her. She has said it plenty of times and how she was shell shocked that he left their happy home.

Everything you read here FM’s is in response to something Alice herself has put up on Insta or Twitter and the surrounding shit storm she inevitably causes. Without Alice’s continuous outbursts there would be no AE threads.

PS. The Fizz poster was obviously fishing for the Ioan hates Ella post. Interesting! 🤔
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Apologies in advance. I was cleaning the floors and thinking about Alice (usually only happens when I clean the toilet 🤣). I might need help 🤦‍♀️😳🤣 What'll I do?
Or as I like to say,

Waddle I do?

I'm in a mini crisis, the trolls are out to get me.
The paps are waiting, I'm too scared to go outsidey.
Waddle I do? 😟

My ailments are many, my days spent in bed
Tweeting sweet FA, paranoia runs through my head
Waddle I do? 🥺

I'm all alone, I have no friends.
I have no job, no funds to meet my ends.
Waddle I do? 😢

I can't afford groceries, it's all so dear.
Maybe I'll sell my bags on Etsy and resurrect my career.
Waddle I do? 😱

I'll set up a Go Fund me, sell all my shoes
But it won't be enough to pay for my booze.
Waddle I do? 😭

This Thanksgiving there'll be no turkey to carve.
I have no food ... each day I starve ...

Yet waddle, I do. 🤷🏼‍♀️🦆

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Save yourself the bother AE. I am sure your ex’s legal team screenshot this or have access to your archive twitter timeline. Yes, you really did go too far.

The thread on the maternal site has been deleted…
Was it deleted by the mods or the OP? Curiouser and curiouser…
Has anyone ever come across Gabbie Hanna? She’s an American YouTuber who’s been going for years; she wrote (“wrote”) a book of execrable poetry and, when it was poorly reviewed, cast herself as a victim of cruel trolls and lashed out horrendously at those who intelligently and methodically analysed her material. She’s said a number of really questionable things about Black people, gay individuals and minority groups, constantly acts as though she’s the most saintly and kind of individuals who stands up for the oppressed, while viciously attacking anyone who doesn’t think that the sun shines out of her arse. She grifted money from her fans and refused to provide them with content. She’s never wrong - like Meghan Markle (whom I’ve come to loathe for her insincerity, victimhood and pushy self-aggrandisement) she’s a Nelson Mandela, convinced that she is the kindest and most honest person out there… and that she never lies.
Sound familiar to anyone?
ETA - Louise Thompson is another one who reminds me of Malice. Lies incessantly, diagnoses herself with every malady in the book and doctor-shops until she gets the diagnosis she wants, does nothing for others without an agenda, waffles on about her trauma for months ad infinitum, is pathologically lazy, uses her child for content, treats her other half with disdain/as a fulltime babysitter, and has the self-awareness of a doorknob.
See, Malice? These two individuals possess the same characteristics, the same lack of self-awareness, the same selfishness, the same unfamiliarity with the truth… you could have done so much better. So much more with your life. Could have genuinely helped others, had you not been so self-obsessed and thin skinned. Instead, it appears that you are sending your deluded followers on fishing expeditions in order to obfuscate and diminish your own abusive behaviour.
Your EX husband is not paying us. His girlfriend is not paying us. We are here collectively to witness your batshittery and thank God that we are civilised, dignified, resilient and discreet. In other words, you’ve reminded us of what we do not ever want to be.
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View attachment 1751186
CBeebies Grant & Phil Mitchell are on the case. This persons crime? Telling Alice to sell the designer shoes to feed her own children.
Woman asks for financial help from strangers, having posted every conceivable piece of private information (including her address), including that regarding her children, online. Woman has spent two years defaming her ex. Woman breaks restraining order left, right and centre. Woman pleads for cash because she ‘only’ has $26 left in the world (what happened to the $300 ‘friends’ gave her for the weekend). Woman invites all and sundry to pity, support, placate, soothe and advise her.
Woman receives advice A: rather than spending a fortune on takeaways, get off her arse and the internet and cook for her family. Woman has a meltdown for two days and sends her minions to attack a nice, innocent person. Woman receives advice B: sell the boxfresh shoes she’s never worn. Woman’s minions issue personal threats.
I mean, it has to be seen to be believed, right? And let’s not get started on the ‘find a job’ debacle: her Cuntess has a million and one reasons why she won’t lower herself to labour like a normal person…
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