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Well-known member
Not to preach, but it’s a really good guideline to keep it on Tattle. Don’t interact with her elsewhere. She’s volatile. We can discuss everything here, no need to take the discussion to Alice. This is about her, not for her. 🙏🏼
I did that once and learnt my lesson for sure
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House of Tea

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Just a random thought. I wonder if Ioan had either one, or both of the girls, and had taken them to the cinema. The Abuser knew and went there to cause trouble/stalk.
I think the cinema thing is a red herring. Welp pointed out that the person on Twitter who said there was an incident in that location was unreliable. And looking at their timeline it can be odd.
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Having children is having hostages to fate when you want to get out. You know it's going to get worse when you leave but you really have no idea how much worse.
And then his worse fears bore fruit only it was all rotten to the core. I dont think even he seen this car crash show of his malicious ex wife . She's in for the long long haul of ruining him unless she's jailed and that would only be temporary.
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She doesn’t realise they wind her up more than we do. She has to seek us out on here. Those cunts are doing it for free while we screenshot for the d(Y)ough.
Fully agree! The majority gee her up to give them more ..
Encore malice encore ya silly bitch !

The rest are bitter oul dolls whose husbands scarpered quicker than Ioan did .
(feck! those dolls again🥴)
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I had a look at that woman's website and saw something that might be useful for Ioan.

Also she does define both BPD and NPD on her site and they are NOT the same.
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I apologise if I've broken any rules, in my defence, I was attacked on twitter and was defending myself. Last night I reported the people that were abusing me and also blocked them
She loves going after you so I'm not surprised you felt compelled to defend yourself 🫂
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Chatty Member
View attachment 1750632
View attachment 1750633
View attachment 1750634

Couple of interesting tweets about Alice today. One is alleging her police visit was about something that happened in Los Feliz 3, which appears to be a cinema according to Google.
I love this person, but my god we need more than just snippets... could someone suggest to her to come join us here and spill some tea! We need to know!

Also, AE is still a massive raving loony cu-nt.

Still playing catch up
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Feather fans

VIP Member
Gabbie Hanna. Is. Satan. I am CONVINCED. She is one of the worst narcs I have ever heard of.

PS, her “poetry” gave me heartburn and fleas and I could only speak in shitty haiku for several days. I went out into my garden and prayed against a tree to honor all of his fallen brethren whose great, hulking bodies were sawed and splintered and crafted into the paper used to create each and every copy of her horrid books. How there is not an active FBI investigation happening for the crime that was penning hundreds of pages of utter rubbish will forever astound me. Gabbie Hanna gets to publish shite, meanwhile a book I’ve severed fingers putting together is gathering cyber-dust because the only way I can be published is by winning competitions against thousands of other poets with the same dream and equally as much talent. It’s not fair.

Fuck Gabbie Hanna.
You nearly killed me! I chocked on chocolate and shrieked at "speak in shitty haiku" so loud that I freaked my next door neighbour (hotel rooms, work travel) 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Best of luck with your book! Im sure it’s wonderful! And there are loads of independent publishers out there nowdays + you could look into self publishing for starters. Once you done with exams and all x
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What if...?
E1: mum did you say dad hates me?
AE: nooooo never said that. Not me. Untrue.
E1: Hi I'm Fluzzblop do you have a screenshot of AE saying IG hates E1?
Tattle: here you go

Just floating it as a possibility....
Can't work out why they wanted that screenshot.
I somehow doubt Ella reads all the comments on the DM. She wouldn’t know who what’s her name is.
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Alice could’ve taken the kids to a park & let daddy watch his sports in peace… just saying!
Me and my daughter (14yrs) take ourselves on shopping/food trips when her dad and brother (15 yrs) are watching the football... and they both scream at the TV!
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I think there was news that they are getting divorced. Now sit with this for a minute

Amanda Palmer - who made a video breast feeding Trump - is better behaved than Alice when it comes to divorce.

We really are in the worst multiverse...
Literally 🤣🤣🤣
But is she going to pay her lawyer or ask them to do it for experience & exposure?
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It's the $11 that's the tell. It's like a chosen number.

It's not $5, which would be reasonable or more believable or higher, say $20+, which would be ludicrous.

I feel like she's had decades of creating just barely believable stories that drive people crazy. It's absurd but then it's followed by her refrain I Never Lie, like a Catholic mass recitation.

It's like you want to believe & she's delighting in the falseness of it.

The more I think about it the more macabre it feels.
So there was still $26 left in her account?
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I’ve joined to say what a fabulous bunch of people you are and how much this site has made me laugh over the last few months. It’s also made me gasp with horror of the behaviour of Alice. She is obviously a terribly unpleasant person with no morals or insight into her own behaviour. And that’s being kind!
I promise I’m not a FM and I must say if Alice is reading this site…take onboard some of the advice, it’s the only way forward. Otherwise you’ll end up festering in a pool of your own bile and cuntiness.
Hello and welcome! Shame you didn't join yesterday, you missed the drama of an infiltrator 🤣
Glad to have you on board, you'll find a great bunch of people here, some that have actually helped me with my own problems over the last year! Oh and some of the stuff on here is fucking hilarious 👌
Could someone please alert payroll for the new starter please 😉 (yep we have been accused of being paid by Ioan 🤦🏼‍♀️)

I was also petrified during Covid - watching what was happening in Italy while our government did nothing to protect us, and being trapped in an abusive environment that made me want to climb the walls. I don’t know how people are managing in China with the endless lockdowns: they must be absolutely frantic, poor people. What strange times we’ve lived through! Ever since 9/11 the world has got progressively darker - I just wish for simpler times…
Given what you’ve lived through, it’s unsurprising that you have a wobble every now and then. I certainly do five years on, even after excellent trauma therapy and EMDR: I think I read that the brain retains such trauma as a survival skill, a way in which to detect similar situations and avoid them. But you are free, thank God. I’m actually really glad that he left in the way he did - I had a similar scenario (my ex said one day, in the most casual of tones, ‘I think we should take a break’ and trotted out my replacement within three weeks. Thank God! I might not be alive otherwise!) - and it means that a) the abuse didn’t escalate b) their ‘hoovering’ attempts from the other side of the world can be ignored. Such sad, inadequate, stupid little people: they don’t possess one iota of the resilience we do. I think that’s why I’m in such sympathy for IG - well, you and I have lived it - and why I have such loathing for the Cuntess. Narcissists always think that they’re much more intelligent, subtle and capable of acuity than they really are: in reality they’re fairly average, dull and as transparent as a transparent thing.
I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall in Marie’s office yesterday… do we think Malice might have had a visit from the police? I can’t imagine that this legal team is going to put up with Malice for very long; the greatest shame is that the Cuntess is using IG’s money to abuse him through the courts.

You’re most welcome here! How lovely that we have some new members. Alice has to be seen to be believed. Have you read through any of the past threads? Our doughty super-sleuth, @welp, has screenshotted all of Malice’s most egregious posts.
The problem with Malice is that she never takes anyone’s advice unless it benefits her warped psyche and monstrous ego. She’s at the same exact point as she was two years ago. She repeats the exact same words, revels in her perceived victimhood, is the centre of her own universe and is hellbent on making IG pay for having the audacity to leave her. She truly is beyond redemption, the cuntiest of all cunts.
@Autisteuse, it sounds like you went through way worse than I did and then to parade a someone new in front of you in a matter of weeks. It's weird right, because it hurts to let go from even toxic people 😏. But yes onwards and upwards for us all. I'm a true believer in karma and I know they will get theirs!
Yep covid, I live in Central London and it was really scary for a while, being so densely populated. I remember queueing for an hour to go into the supermarket and came out with cheese, cucumber and long life milk...madness.

Anyway back on topic: MALICE IS AS CUNT!
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Well if she didn’t take the plavix then yeah it likely will clot and she will die. Ahh I’m not an Expert but I’ve taken out more sheaths than I wish to admit.
Those meds have to be taken diligently daily for a full year to prevent clots . No alcohol is highly advised to allow healing of the arteries.
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