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Didn’t Brighton Bond say that he had a plan the other day (a spy with a secret plan no less 🥸😎) I’ve seen he is going in hard with that champagne page. I think something has happened and they are trying hard to….well…God knows…none of it makes sense to me, they’re all loopy loop over at Twitter land 🥴I don’t know why anyone would want to engage with any of them, they give me the heebie jeebies (shudder..🤢)
My favourite thing is him mistaking that water ride boat for a slide. The whole lot of them are embarrassing.
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She’s (legit) verified on Instagram, not Twitter.
When you click her blue check on twitter it says this - This account is verified because it’s notable in government, news, entertainment, or another designated category.

Yeah, AE is entertainment but for all the wrong reasons.
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And many women 😂😂😂
I was screaming way louder than that in our last presidential election when I realized late into the night, watching the results that -- wait! What? What? We're not out? Trump isn't re-elected? We could win? We are likely going to win? We are going to win!!!! 😂😂😂
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am hoping this is up-to-date:

Custody hearing rescheduled: 15 February 2023 <Ref: post #757, thread #139>

Also - not sure if or when this will happen:
(25 November 2022) approximate date for a hearing (45 days after the initial custody hearing) to determine the exact timeshare of their parenting time, that's what Ioan requested <Ref: post #286, thread #120>
Ahhhh, a potential hearing this Friday, all this tweeting and going off at the smallest of things. She is worried big time. She said in one of her tweets, when she was saying she has 1000s of bills etc, that she's going down and has no option. So, maybe something has kicked in to that brain finally, that if the time is spilt 50/50, her allowance from him will be halved, and she won't have enough money for takeouts twice a week (who does that on here out of interest? I do maybe twice a month) or to pay for her blue ticks and weekly hairdressers appointments gin.
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Lulu's posts from here were screenshot and then she was doxxed. She is active on twitter and stuck up for herself. Sometimes, especially recently, she likes to bolster those who Alice has gone after by saying don't worry about it. So yeah that's being dragged into it. I don't think she's parading herself in front of Alice on twitter going lalalala come for me, so yeah she's been dragged into the delusional ranting of mAlice again simply for being someone that stuck up for herself and sticks up for others being picked on.
I saw the initial tweets/back and forth and let’s just say we can agree to disagree.

I have a Twitter account. Have never tweeted at anyone involved in this and never would. Alice feeds on shit like this - it absolutely suits her narrative.
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Glad (though that is not the appropriate word) to have a sister-in-suffering-and-sertraline… I’m even more glad that you’ve come through it, and that this site helped so much. Our community is a brilliant one, and has stopped me from feeling so alone and isolated (I’m as much of a shut-in as Malice, though for very different reasons: the place in which I live has suffered horrendously due to Brexit and Covid, there’s nowhere to go and nothing to do that doesn’t involve a 3 hour train and bus journey (I don’t drive), and a lot of friends fell away during the various lockdowns… so the warmth and camaraderie of this site has proven invaluable). The dole is awful, isn’t it (and so paltry, the worst in Western Europe)? But, yes - I’ve worked all hours, paid taxes and helped to educate a lot of fantastic young people. Just can’t wait to get more tutoring positions. What has slightly lifted my mood is that soon, I’ll be moving north to God’s country (Yorkshire) and away from my narcissistic, depressing, manipulative and verbally abusive father.
-I had a pretty bad reaction to Venlafaxine; twenty minutes after I took it, a red rash dropped like a veil from my forehead to my navel! I don’t respond well to prescription meds at all. I’m so glad that it’s worked for you, though, and that you’re in so much of a better place. I was really worried about you for a while; and, having gone through a very similar situation, I know just how much it hurts. But it’s such a relief when you wake up one day and think ‘thank God. He’s gone. I’m free.’
To keep this OT, I wonder whether Malice is preparing to deploy another ‘mole’ on Tattle in the foreseeable? The FP alt really stretched their credulity gossamer-thin; they’d ‘read’ the whole Wiki (hundreds of pages in an afternoon? I’m an extremely fast reader and it took me several days to go through it, due to the distressing material it contained), yet still wanted ‘evidence’ or ‘proof’ re: Alice’s parenting? Sure, because screaming that you want your children’s father to die is so heartwarming… but that bit about being unapologetic re: their previous posts was the cherry on the parfait. With no evidence at all, they went after BW in the most vicious of ways - yet wanted infallible proof that AE was the bad guy? Oy. Vey. Squared.
Oh jeez, that reaction sounds horrible 😞
Covid brought on a horrible bout of anexity for me, as I'm sure it did for many others!
I'm glad that you are moving out, a fresh start will be great for you x
Yep, thankfully I'm much better than I was 6 months ago, I still struggle at times and have a habit of just bursting into tears, that could be PMT tho!

Back to the cunt, her twitter is 100% private again, think it's so we cannot gather any receipts. I was thinking the lawyer might have given her a telling off, but that's never stopped her before 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I looked up this clip on her Instagram and it was one of 4 in total. In the 3rd one, you can see he is not happy at being filmed at all! I would say his reaction is excessive and maybe scary for the child. However, there is another video where he is in his underpants, reacting in exactly the same way and you can see Ella in the background, not in the slightest way upset. Not sure why Ella is so upset in this video but it was obvious that Ioan was devastated. The 2nd video is him giving her a hug with Elsie sitting on the couch in the background. Why did she post these and why did she continue to film when the kid ran off in distress? I would have dropped the camera immediately.
She is such a weirdo. An absolute weirdo.
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No more screenshots from me. I am blocked by Alice again 😢😂🤣 Guess I must have liked too many Is Ioan dead comments.
Thought of buying from the Etsy poster but her work is just not my taste. She did say that she has seen an up tick on her Etsy site after posting about that Alice's FMs making horrible comments.
As to the poster that mentioned the change of management for Ioan, she seems have lot of connections to various groups in Hollywood. Hope someone still has the inside to Alice's twitter account
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Feather fans

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Did we just have an interaction on here with the Queen FM herself hmm 🥴🐒
May be she genuinely didnt remember she said that about Ioan hating E and was checking if turds make things up … or she is going to use that screen shot to prove all our screen shots (and Ioan’s evidence) are photoshopped fakes?

I hope not. If we had known we would have…

View attachment 1750196
To use that for rolling her into the sea?! :))
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I doubt it was that much owing. Cameo takes a 25% commission, and services like Apple charge on top of that if you buy through them. I don't think she made enough cameo videos to have accrued two grand...
Maths isn’t Alice’s strong point!!!
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