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Alice Evans: It's not whiskey and ambien making her talk shyte... it's just her prefrontal cortex late at night
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I dont think he and Bianca will last. Who would put up with that crap? We all know that women who allegedly have affairs with married men are treated badly in Hollywood, so being seen as someone having an affair will not do her chances in Hollywood any good, so Alice has destroyed her career on no evidence. He will never go back to her though after all this shit. I doubt he will ever even speak to her again, which is a shame, as they have children, but that is entirely her fault. I doubt they 'spoke every day' and then he ran off with another woman. More likely she rang him to harrass him every day and then posted whatever he said back on Twitter!
I have a different take on their relationship (though I recognise we're all just making stabs in the dark haha). I actually think that to have gotten to the point of sharing their Insta photos they're likely pretty serious, he wouldn't have made waves and ensured his daughters would know he has a new partner unless it was serious. I also think there's every chance Bianca will stay with him through it too. She will have known exactly what Alice is like and what she was getting herself into and no doubt she sees Ioan as a victim of her throughout the years and wants to be there for him while he tries to recover and move forward with his life. Often adversity pushes a couple closer together, after all. And however much Alice kicks and screams once there's a custody agreement in place he WILL be able to see and parent his kids, and Alice won't be able to do a thing to stop Bianca from meeting them and maybe in the future taking a role in their upbringing.
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Does anyone remember when IG posted the BW post on Instagram, AE first claimed that she had been with a friend who said to her 'have you seen this picture?' and showed her the pic? I can't remember where she said it, but she definitely did. Then she moved onto the unblocking notification claim and now she's changed her mind again. It's just a small detail that's been bugging me!

Also I'm fascinated by all of this as i am BW and my partner's ex is AE. We've been living this same hell for three years now and the scariest thing is his ex is still as angry now as she was the day she started her tyraid. I honestly didn't think someone could maintain this level of anger for such a long period of time, but sorry IG I've experienced it first hand!! The courts literally don't care and she's told lies which have meant he lost access to his children for a while. We assumed it had gone wrong for us because we can't afford lawyers, but it's actually interesting to see that even someone with a legal team hasn't yet managed to stop this shit show.

Finally my ex husband actually cheated on me in the most awful of circumstances. But I have never let our children see anything other than positivity between their parents. So AE does not speak on behalf of this wronged ex wife.
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I don't think AE will be offered a reality show, however she may well be the inspiration behind a future episode of Black Mirror
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Alice just can't stand someone standing up to her. That's why she resorts to picking on looks
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NotRightNowDarling I'm sorry I don't mean to detract from your important post about women of colour! This is really upsetting to read, people shouldn't be treated on such idiotic things as what colour skin they have. Racism has no place in the world ❤

It reminded me that she is trying to compare the #metoo movement with her situation and that makes me angry too,
sexual assault and rape
are in no way comparable to a marriage breakdown 😡 😡 😡

She should be ashamed of herself for so many things at this point.
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This is why taking to social media in the way she has was never going to work. The one awful comment amongst 100 lovely ones will be the one that sticks with you- that’s just human nature. Some of her responses to a mildly negative/ neutral comments are disproportionate. Has anyone seen the “you’ve not been to university comment”?

She really needs some good people around her to cut this off.
Yep, I saw that comment. Maybe you’re more intelligent, maybe you’re not. Maybe she hasn’t been to Uni, maybe she has. It’s all rendered meaningless when you’re a bullying, classist snob that looks down their nose at people and incites others to relentlessly mock and pile on people on social media. I also saw one of her minions trying to mock Tamika for having (what she described as) a mental illness. These people are genuinely sick, it needs to stop. It really is distressing at this point and I’m going to stop reading her Twitter altogether.
I really hope no one allows this woman to advocate for any womens or anti bullying charities. She is the fucking antithesis of either. I’m angry, I’m going to go away and have a cup of tea 😂
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My partner's ex tried most of the parental alienation tricks in the book with him and his kids. She had cheated and left him years before we met but just wants to live a life of constant drama and chaos, refusing any offers of help, never working, blowing all her benefits and the maintenance money then borrowing the kids pocket money to feed them. Those were awful years but now they are grown up, can see more clearly and can't get away from her fast enough, although it has damaged their relationship with him too. Both kids now struggle with anxiety and depression and get a lot of support, thankfully. She got so bad with her next ex that their two got taken into care as toddlers. It's all just so sad and pointless. Selfish.
It's such a tough situation as you can see what is being done to them and you want to intervene but you know they will hate you. One of the kids did want to come and live with us and that triggered the worst meltdown so far where eventually she twisted things so the kids didn't speak to him for months they were so terrified of sending her over the edge.
It's awful to see something similar playing out here.
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Got so caught up in tonight's edition of Malice Through The Hooking Glass I nearly. forgot to put the roast potatoes in.
If that woman and her delusions had ruined my potatoes I'd have flown to LA myself and forcibly put Emma's bark collar on her. That might shut her up for a bit.
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Just in case they have not all been captured, the one claiming to be BW’s cousin is threatening her in one of the tweets, terrorising etc. If she is indeed BW’s cousin I am not sure whether IG has jumped out of the frying pan if that is the family he has joined. If he hates all this attention he will hate that input I would imagine.
It almost certainly isn't a family member. At best it's just a random troll.

At worst it's a sock set up to "attack" AE so she can get sympathy.

I know which one I think it is.
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Listen, there are definitely things exacerbating the situation and her behaviours (underlying personality issues, all the SM influence etc) but when you look at the widely accepted model for how people deal with grief and loss, she is not that far off it.
Yes, she may be spiralling pretty significantly but I argue that could be contributed by the fact she is missing 2 key components to being able to navigate this -proper emotional support and guidance and direction. Sycophants on social media do not count, and lawyers and counselling can only do so much - I mean, proper people with her in the ground.
Whatever her faults, she has no parental ot obvious family figures providing support, no best friend coming round to clear the empty bottles, stick her in the bath then put her to bed and hold her while she cries. She seems to be totally and utterly alone and that is just desperately sad.View attachment 872301
You've got to wonder why she's alone though. (actually having seen her in action, I don't need to wonder). I'm sure people have been trying to support her but there's only so much you can do. And we're a year on now - if I was having to go round to a friend's and clear piles of bottles/put her in the bath and then bed after a full year of these rages, I'd also be giving her a massive boot up the backside. She's a 53 year old woman, not a sick child.
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Someone really needs to put her in a time out - and / or teach her to regulate her emotions. I know this has gone beyond that but seriously. She needs a new therapist. Her current one is completely shit.
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also, we can now add “classist” to the list of things alice is considering she seems to not like “bogans”
She just sounds like Ja’mie from summer heights high saying that, along with all her other cutting and acerbic insults like…. Horse teeth.
I don’t think she’s aged past a 13 year old emotionally. All of this reeks of severely impaired emotional intelligence and emotional dysregulation.
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She wrote that. She posted something different from that just a few days ago, which
I believe would be what he would write in happier times. She wrote the last one drunk obviously.
I wish I had the former available but I don’t. I struggle to keep up.
Everyone struggles to keep up with a Narc!
If we weren't witnessing this as a collective then we would miss half of what is happening and AE would still be able to paint herself as the wronged wife.
Tweet and delete is text book for people like her. They also believe that if they erase it then it never happened and everyone else should think so too. When we use things like this forum to put the facts down as and when they happen then they can't control the narrative and that angers them. I believe this is what AE is doing.
She has a notion, posts it on Twitter and eventually passes out. When she wakes up her first port of call is Tattle. She sees we have proof that something never happened or that she's actually bare faced lying and she gets confused. Narcs think that their view/opinion is the only one and when presented with evidence to the contrary they get confused and panic. Then you get a rage and, in Alice's case, a delete spree on Twitter .
Most people watching the car crash are doing it on their own. We as a group see everything.
If you weren't on Tattle you would only be seeing a tiny amount that she's controlled.
Two really good examples of this are Jack Monroe and Roxanne Pallet.
RP was on celebrity BB and claimed a fellow contestant assaulted her.
Never happened and because they had hundreds of cameras on her they could prove it didn't happen. In her exit interview you can see on her face how confused she was. She said it happened so it must of happened. She couldn't wriggle out of it in anyway and she looked so confused.
Jack Monroe has one of the largest Tattle threads. She is the absolute poster child for Narc tweet and delete and trying to control the narrative whilst scamming vulnerable people. Not quite as big a thread total as Hinch but not far off!! Wander over if you're interested x
(Sorry for another essay!)
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