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It does not have to be on her terms. All these months when he got back in December, he could have, with his attorneys, taken her to court to force visitation at a neutral setting, no Bianca until down the road. I used to sit in on these kind of proceedings all the time in family court because of my job. Fathers with real issues , where mothers didn't want their kids to see them, were even given their rights after abiding by rules laid ou by the court, and the mothers had to bring their kids to a neutral place, and if there was no contact order between the parents, then someone else handled it. To think that Ioan could never have seen Elsie all this time because of Alice is not really true. Put her in front of the court one time, two times, three times, and she would know what fear is. I've seen tough judges really come down on a parent in hearings or the courtroom. They take no bull.

Maybe Ella, as an almost teen, would have been an issue, as we all know because of what had already been going on, but the court would never have looked kindly on Alice trying to call the shots with the younger one and withholding her. Ioan has a high-priced attorney. I do get that moving a stranger into his home, when the kids didn't know her, would be an issue as far as overnights for quite a while, but after he got back from four months away in France, he should have been taking her to court right and left to get access to Elsie, even if it was just once a week in the beginning, a full day together. There's not one document in the court file saying he did that. That's what the court system is for in family court when there are visitation and custody issues, protecting a parent's rights, especially in the face of parental alienation.
Agreed. He could have forced visitation at least with the youngest. For whatever reason he hasn’t.
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I tend to think "the source aka Alice" is true about Alice getting primary custody and Ioan visitation rights.
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I agree that if someone was in a good place mentally, and already able to address this , it would have been potentially a good way to go.

However, I believe Ioan was in a delicate place emotionally after he found the courage to leave. If this was the case (and we will never likely know the true extent of his mental health at the time he walked), then I absolutely understand his initial withdrawal, seeking a mediation solution initially, and taking time to re group mentally. He did the best he could at the time, given the circumstances and the awful battering I have no doubt he took emotionally before he left. In fact, he did a lot better than a lot of people would, in that position, and we don't even probably know the half if it. I take my hat off to the guy honestly. I think he's been an absolute mensch ( I'm not Jewish, twas the only word I could think of that sums it up!) given the circumstances. I know some here still bandy about the " be a man" vernacular. I, personally, think that's a reductive and out dated way of viewing a guys response to this kind of situation. I actually think he's been quite " a man" , or, more importantly, quite a good human, by how he has approached this. This is taking into account his personality and history, or what we know of it. Anyway, sorry for the very long spiel, but for some reason all the kindness everyone has shown me here recently has given me the confidence to speak more openly and not just provide responses . 😊 Take a collective bow, you know eho you are guys and gals! . You rock my world 🌎 ♥
We ❤ You too
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Ally Pally

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That's it!!! I'm laughing so much it's now caused an argument with my other half. What you laughing at now? What is it? He says as he tears his headphones from his ears in puzzlement. I can't explain! It's Alice Evans, what can I say! But those Pillsbury Doughboy posts....please, I can't take much more 😂😂😂😂
😂😂 I'm going to be laughing in my sleep tonight.
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Tabitha D

VIP Member
Anyone who’s saying he can’t do anything else is wrong. There are options available to IG to see his children. I’m not talking from a place of opinion , I’m talking from a position of fact.
However what I have always said is that he may be seeing them behind the scenes, he may be putting these options in place with guidance and he may have a plan. I don’t know - I just hope that he is because those girls need him- whether they know it or not.
I think the question is - what if the girls are literally kicking and screaming and refusing to see him? The law is on his side, but in practical terms, I don’t think a court can actually force contact if the child simply refuses. Or can they? I’d expect maybe they’d try mediation/therapy instead.
That said, I think Alice is exaggerating and I do believe he’s has some contact. He’s certainly been sending them texts, and we know there have been FaceTimes too. Plus the Wizard.
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Active member
I wonder if comments on the Daily Mail article will be unmoderated at some point? I think that’s what usually happens
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Yes Alice, the TRO application can be full of lies … UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY!!!!

Yes, you did have chance to respond, but you responded BEFORE even reading the application you muppet!!!!

No Alice, you can’t go round abusing people, making threats, screaming at people, bullying them, harassing them, stalking them or, heaven forbid, physically abusing or murdering them, just because they refuse to speak directly to you after you ABUSED them!!!!

Yes Alice, people ARE allowed to walk away from a marriage, particularly an abusive one! They are NOT shackled to you for life, even if you have children together, it’s called CO PARENTING!!

No Alice, it’s not ILLEGAL to have an affair, but just because you accuse someone of cheating IT DOESN’T MAKE IT TRUE!!
Show you someone that wouldn’t behave like that in the same situation… Jennifer Anniston, Nicole Kidman, even your good old friend Denise VA showed way more dignity than you could ever muster! Should I go on????

I hope you are reading here you horrible, obnoxious women! I hope you get thrown into jail… solitary confinement in fact, because I wouldn’t wish you on anyone!! F*CK YOU ALICE EVANS!! (and your two-bit brother).

Okaaaay! Glad to have got that off my chest! Now I’m all Zen again! 😊
I agree except for Jennifer Aniston, I know way too much to let her get a pass. Sorry, I don’t want to be snarky but that hit a painful nerve.

Yes, both the petitioner and the respondent have to attend the DVRO hearing.
What happens if one doesn’t show?
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Chatty Member
Can you outline the steps please bearing in mind that the system is totally different in the US? Do you know something his expensive US lawyers don't? Serious question.

I work in the uk and although I worked in the US for a few years I was East Coast, so I don’t claim to have expert knowledge, however there are usually processes in place such as above ^^
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