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brie l

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It's warm & muggy here, due to get warmer this coming week (oh deep joy!) so come Tuesday at 4.30 I'll be in my usual slobette mode - vest top & knickers, lol, (helps keep me cool, I live alone so I don't give a fuck!) balcony door open, fan on, cigs/snacks/liquid refreshments all close to hand, laptop on, eyes glued to Tattle! 👀

Just two more sleeps to go before Ioan hopefully gets his PRO! #JusticeForIoan 🛡
It's a wild wet weather bomb happening here, sort of mirroring Alice herself today. Hey I live with my husband and I still wear my comfy pants around home. You do you sweet William.
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I like how one of Alice's followers is so deeply attached to Ioan staying in an more expensive hotel for a few days in London. Besides that they mostly spend their trip in Wales at his parents and friends (so presumably for free) I would be very surprised if he had to pay the whole price. We almost always get hotels to a much lower rate because we both travel a fair bit and collect airmiles and booking credits. This will not be different here I presume, he likely will have also partly declared it as a business trip to get something back.

But Alice paying a completely pointless nanny while demanding more money is fine.

financially at least

tho Alice is such a massive grifter she would probably even then demand spousal support lol
Alice seems very relaxed today, shouldn’t she be worried about the upcoming hearing, I’m confused. 🤔
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Abuse according to Alice Evans: quoting abusive messages that she sent that crossed the threshold for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order.

*Not* abuse according to Alice Evans: sending abusive messages that meet the threshold for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order.

Oh sorry I thought in the mind of Alice saying Thank You was harassment 😂. Girl is somewhat muddled it would seem😂
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Are the 2 ladies of ioans FB fan account still supporting Alice? There is a tweet between the 2 that makes me suss they don’t. Not trying to discuss outside people but this is important if it’s the case.
That whole exchange is intriguing.
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Song for the list:

Blackfield: Go To Hell

read the lyrics 🤣

Seeing a lot of commentary about how some will lose respect for Ioan, be ‘done with him’ etc. if he doesn’t apply for a PRO. Totally respect that viewpoint and right to hold it. But I feel like we shouldn’t forget that this is an abuse victim that fled his home, leaving his children and all of his possessions behind, unable to ever return without protection. Who said (allegedly) he’d rather die than continue living with his abuser. Who has been kept forcefully from his children for over a year. Who has had to endure harassment, publicly and privately, for the crime of leaving an abusive marriage.

it’s extremely common for abuse victims to feel unable to press charges against or pursue restraining orders against their abusers. Sometimes out of fear: they’re scared if they do, the abuser will escalate. Sometimes out of misplaced hope: they desperately hope that if they’re lenient and forgiving the abuser might take pity and move on. Sometimes out of Stockholm syndrome, they identify too much with the abuser’s needs over their own after years of conditioning.

I’m just deeply uncomfortable seeing anyone judge an abuse victim that has fled their home and required an actual restraining order against their abuser being accused of not having a backbone, would we hold this same expectation over a female abuse victim? It can take YEARS and so much therapy to process and overcome the effects of long term abuse.

i’m fully aware there’s plenty going on behind the scenes we’re not privy too and whichever way it goes, it’s with legal counsel and I’m sure a considered decision. As much as I’d love to see Alice see some consequences for once.

I for one recognise the immense strength it has already taken for Ioan to have left, forged a new life, gone through a protracted legal battle to extricate himself from this succubus and fight to be with his children. Anyone who has read the TRO documents can see his ongoing attempts to remain civil and arrange to see his children and how much Alice has continued to use that avenue of communication to torment him.
I wish I could give this many heart emojis. This is totally how I feel.
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Re the public falling out....
It is very performative...but also it's exactly how a narc would react to the slightest criticism or perceived disloyalty. So I'm on the fence about it.
It could be a way to get round the TRO and release stuff without being responsible for its release. If they aren't friends anymore they aren't acting under her direction....

The deciding factor for me will be if a load of stuff is released by L/D in the next few days. If it is - the whole falling out is contrived plan between the three of them.
If they shut up and go away then it's a genuine falling out/the penny has finally dropped with them.
It could go either way....
Couldn’t IG turn against them if they do? I mean legally. Would they be so stupid to do something that would get them into legal trouble?
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Ok, hands up - who had the chuckle bro mistaking the word 'trope' for a term of abuse towards mAlice in the 'my dad's bigger than your dad' bingo? You couldn't make it up 😂
Smartest people in the room.
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There's a saying in my country that applies to this - 'Every bread has its cheese'. They just never told us that the bread is usually stale or the cheese can be full of smelly blue mold.

Maybe Alice's boyfriend is a nice Limburger. 🤣
In that case here is a picture of Alices new boyfriend. That makes her the stinking bishop of the outfit (though I have to admit I do love me a bit of Stilton). The other pictures sorry but I couldn't resist posting😂😂.


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