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I’m going to stick my neck out and say she’s lying. The PRO is going ahead on Tuesday as planned. She may have gotten one thing her way, in the long run those girls will hate her for the parental alienation, embarrassing them with her rolling about the floor drunk and Marjorie videos. It may not be next week, it will come. He is a good father, it’s obvious from the videos she posted to gain followers in the first place. They are half of him. Every wrong or bad word she says or allows to be said about him hurts them. Trust me.
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In Alice's mind "her husband" / "her man" (urgh) has been stolen away by a mistress (aka Bogan Ho) - but! good men are supposed to pledge to care for their wives and children. Forever. (in Alice's mind).

Alice, he is divorcing you yet you still can't bring yourself to say the word ex. Imagine telling someone they'd rather be dead than be with you (to me, that actually suggests that Ioan's mental health was suffering, is that just my interpretation?). How upsetting is that? How damning about how little that person values you? Surely that is a huge wake up call.

Like it or not, we have no obligation or duty to anyone - other than our children, pets or other cast in stone responsibilities. We are allowed to fall out of love or emotionally detach. It's shit, but it's life. Love dies. Relationships can do a full 360° and we have to confront the truth.

Alice sounds so exhausting and horrific I'm surprised he hung around longer than a few days, never mind years. Surely it must have crossed his mind that she would retaliate and her behaviour would escalate in an attempt to bring him down in flames? She already meddled in his career and with his online fanbase before they split for good - I don't blame him for being disgusted with her.

The only way Alice will move on is if she can face the fact Ioan is in the rear window of her life, to stop obsessing about the whys and wherefores and to wish him well in his new life (and genuinely mean it) and create her OWN life. For God's sake, Alice, you are more than just Ioan's wife. Stop talking about him all the time. You are your own person. You have so much and you're refusing to see it. I wish she'd stop acting like a fucking victim.

That bitterness, nastiness and refusal to face reality will hurt her - it already is. It's tragic. Her refusal to let go and that white-hot rage after all this time, makes me wonder just how much therapy will help her (she talked about having a few therapists at one point?). The first thing she should do is stop drinking.

I hope Ioan gets full custody - those two girls deserve far better. Her bitterness and chaotic lifestyle (you can just tell she's focussed on numero uno and barely makes any effort) - they need to get away from her toxicity, or they'll be parenting her soon, if they aren't already.
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Just William

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Such is the acrimony between the couple that friends of Evans told me this week that during an argument Gruffudd said: ‘I’d rather be dead than live with you any more!’

I can actually believe he said this. We know he was so distraught & crying on the phone to his mum & speaking in Welsh, 'thanks' to Alice LIVE tweeting his distress which spoke volumes.
As did the fact he left with just the clothes on his back & needed a police escort to collect his things a year later.
Yet some people still support this abusive bitch? Anyone who does is an abuse apologist & they belong in the fucking bin with Alice.
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House of Tea

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So she has left them abusive voicemails during the TRO. Despite knowing that her ex kept all the evidence that got the TRO in the first place. How the fuck does she claim to be smart? She has not moved on one iota. She is locked on for revenge. She claims to love the kids so much. And yet she is willing to get into legal trouble - how does that help her kids?
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Yes Alice, we all agree that the best way of using Instagram to demonstrate how much we love our spouses is to film them against their will, or when they're genuinely upset, or when they're asleep and have asked you not to post the photos. Nothing makes them feel more cared for. It's so clear from yours how much you loved him.
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Agreed. He could have forced visitation at least with the youngest. For whatever reason he hasn’t.
None of us know any of the players in this sad mess, but I think most of us here agree that Ioan comes across as a sensitive and kind man and a loving father. Being rejected by his own children must be unbearably hurtful. I believe he hasn't forced contact the past few months because he wants and needs for them to want to see him, if that makes any sense. He has been a victim of coercive control himself and doesn't want to do exactly that to his kids.

In my view, Ella is lost to him and he should let her go in the hope that she comes around like the proverbial bird that's been set free. She has shown with various behaviors that she takes after her mother, who has groomed her well. The same sense of entitlement, lack of boundaries. Throwing a fit when at her dad's apartment, most likely because he tried to establish rules about screen time, chores or something of the sort. Expecting that he drops everything to drive her to school after shutting him out for months. Equating being pulled out of an elite school he couldn't afford with child abuse. Hacking his Insta.

Elsie I really feel sorry for. I think she is in a very bad place, being manipulated and bullied by her mother and her big sister. What is an 8-year-old going to do when Mommie Dearest and Big Sis say, no, dad is a cad and you're not talking to him. A kid that age doesn't have that much strength of freewill.

Once the PRO is in place and he has increased leverage in custody, Ioan needs to fight for Elsie. I know, I know, it's frowned upon to separate siblings, but in this case I think it would be the best for everyone. They are 4 years apart, that age gap is going to become more significant as Ella moves into adolescence and Elsie is still in Barbie and unicorn mode. Ella has more of a bond with her mother, Elsie more with her father. Ioan could get Elsie the therapy she needs to get through all of this. And I can totally see Bianca being an understanding and cool stepmom to an 8-year-old. That would be my hoped for outcome.
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just one of many examples (december 9th)
View attachment 1336973
september (to prove that the first part of the above message is a lie)
View attachment 1336975
She is such a cunt. I can’t fathom how cunty you have to be to be this much of a cunt. Her cunt-levels break the ceiling like that glass elevator in the Willy Wonka movie. She is cunt-tastic. She is cunt-believable. She is an entire cunt—every delicate anatomy of a cunt is she, and I take near-orgasmic pleasure in the fact that next week her breakfast menu will consist of spaghetti, hamburger buns, and a PRO. Labia-lips is gonna be wearing that PRO ink on her tongue for the next five years and I am LIVING for it, mamacita. 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
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Mad Betty

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I don't think Alice riding the happy clappy rainbow cloud has a single thing to do with Ioan and Bianca. Zero. I think it's performative and likely entirely unrelated. Maybe someone offered her a vacation house in the UK for the Summer or a former wealthy flame sent her money. Like @welp I think it's just her usual mind games.

Three days to go until the PRO. 😎
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Yes Alice, the TRO application can be full of lies … UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY!!!!

Yes, you did have chance to respond, but you responded BEFORE even reading the application you muppet!!!!

No Alice, you can’t go round abusing people, making threats, screaming at people, bullying them, harassing them, stalking them or, heaven forbid, physically abusing or murdering them, just because they refuse to speak directly to you after you ABUSED them!!!!

Yes Alice, people ARE allowed to walk away from a marriage, particularly an abusive one! They are NOT shackled to you for life, even if you have children together, it’s called CO PARENTING!!

No Alice, it’s not ILLEGAL to have an affair, but just because you accuse someone of cheating IT DOESN’T MAKE IT TRUE!!
Show you someone that wouldn’t behave like that in the same situation… Jennifer Anniston, Nicole Kidman, even your good old friend Denise VA showed way more dignity than you could ever muster! Should I go on????

I hope you are reading here you horrible, obnoxious women! I hope you get thrown into jail… solitary confinement in fact, because I wouldn’t wish you on anyone!! F*CK YOU ALICE EVANS!! (and your two-bit brother).

Okaaaay! Glad to have got that off my chest! Now I’m all Zen again! 😊
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Alice unknowingly calling her brother Australian shit



so was he 20 years perfect like you claimed a few days ago, or not? Make your mind up ffs

No one that isnt supporting Alice needs to think any of the above about Ioan. She is doing a perfectly good job herself for people to not believe her, because she is vile and she is consistently changing her story as it fits.

It boggles my mind how you can believe someone that changes all the time her story, delivers no proof over somebody that attached 100 pages of proof.
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Bianca really is beautiful. How she responds to commenters, how she deals with her diagnosis, how she dresses and how in awe she is of Ioan is just beautiful. He deserves this and more after bargain basement Amber Heard for all those years. Imagine his relief and joy now knowing he doesn’t have to see the swivelled-eyed slack-jawed honey monster ever again.
Bargain Basement Amber Heard is my favorite thing ever in all the 101 threads and I’ve been here since the first! 🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Have they not heard of a family group chat? Every single interaction is performative. I don’t interact with any of my family in that way.
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Chatty Member
She loves bragging about what an absolute piece of shit mother she is. It’s another way to needle Ioan. Psychological torture. Keep them from him so he can’t parent them, tell everyone publicly it’s his choice to not see them and you’re desperate for him to parent, show off what a horrible environment the girls are in so he doesn’t even have the peace of knowing they’re well cared for. Look what absolute sub basement level care your kids are receiving from a high, addicted, manic, neglectful ‘mother’, oh but you can’t do a thing about it and I’m gonna tell everyone including them you refuse to see or pay for them.

She’s actually tormenting him. She’s sick and vile. Honestly can’t imagine what he went through with her and what the girls are still going through: she’s poison and infects everyone and everything around her.

It’s 9pm and I’m going to be asleep within the next half an hour even though I’m a night owl because my toddler needs me up and fresh to start the day at 6am. That’s just what you do as a parent. You put the fucking laptop down and get a good night’s sleep because they depend on you. I can’t imagine she hides her disdain for Elsie waking up at the perfectly reasonable time of 6am and wanting her mother.
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