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And you know she thought it was a way to tempt him into contact with her. “Just open the email, Ioan, there’s a sweet photo of the girls attached. That’s a good boy.” 😈

Hey just thought of another song for the playlist—

The Thompson Twins - Lies

Is she keyword searching Twitter to find these? Lawyers invent things?? What?

View attachment 1339067
And you know she thought it was a way to tempt him into contact with her. “Just open the email, Ioan, there’s a sweet photo of the girls attached. That’s a good boy.” 😈

Hey just thought of another song for the playlist—

The Thompson Twins - Lies

Is she keyword searching Twitter to find these? Lawyers invent things?? What?

View attachment 1339067
Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the finest legal minds of her generation - Alice Evans!

“Daily Mail: Alice, how do you explain why every lawyer who has worked with you hates you, wants to quit, and curses their every waking moment when they’re around you?”

“Alice: It’s easy. Lawyers just make shit up so I’ll look bad. I try to tell them that if a statement is harmful to my case, it’s obviously I was only joking (like doing to Ioan what Amber Heard did to Johnny Depp, hahahahaha). They have no sense of humor. So I rely on my trusty steed Loopy, who also makes shit up, but in a way that makes me look nice.”
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Is this her last hurrah or is she going to keep going after the PRO gets slapped on her?

I think the latter. As for dodging bullets, that would be Olivier Picasso.

AE: Nobody knows who you are. You're a nothing. You're hiding behind a screen. There is nothing sadder. I will never know who you are and never, ever care. Bye Nobody!

But Alice! I am now prepared to reveal my identity and claim the $500. Don't you want to know any more?? I'm saddened. 😭
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I've got a fresh case of whiplash, guys. 🥴 Trying to keep track of mAlice's lies, contradictions and mood swings.

So she's been going on now for weeks about how Ioan "cut them off", including firing Gloria and terminating Ella's crazy expensive elitist school. Moaning about the hard work, challenges and worries of being a "single mom" with no help or support, no-one to call in case of an emergency. Carrying on as if she and the girls are at death's door due to malnutrition because she can't pay the bills. Now suddenly she reveals that Gloria is still there? How is she paying her? That must be a walloping monthly allowance Ioan is giving her for constantly abusing him and holding his children hostage.

She posted 10 days ago about the rule of "happiness only" at home, which would be a delusional pile of §8)*, basically making the children suppress their feelings, like she apparently made Ioan suppress his. This week nothing but doomsday posts about being scared silly, now happy as a lark as if she just won the lottery, but has a PRO hearing 3 days from now. I've often wondered if mAlice is bi-polar, see this as a real possibility. My ex-husband is bi-polar. It is utterly draining to live with, like a never-ending rollercoaster ride with three loopings and a blindfold on, especially if the person refuses to get help. He took meds, but who knows whether they were the right ones or the right doses, and he flatly refused to get any therapy, which is an important part of treatment. I finally ended up taking the kids and leaving because I could feel all of us circling the drain.

So yeah, I think she's in a manic phase today and spinning her own story. I don't see Ioan dropping the hearing for the PRO, which would bring him advantages with custody, spousal support and some measure of peace. It must have taken immense courage to make his escape and my heart breaks when I think about him not seeing his kids all these months. He wouldn't throw that all away when he is this close.

As for that awful piece of one-sided drivel in the Fail today, that is the most disgusting piece of non-journalism yet. The inflammatory headline, as if it just happened today, then putting words into Ioan's mouth - about rather being dead than living with her anymore - when he has not said ONE SINGLE WORD publicly about any of this in 18 months. What a dispicable, libelous rag, never mind the people who read it and make their uninformed, nasty comments.🤮🤬🤮
This is utterly brilliant, dear Babsi.

She needs medication. She needs DBT. Or CBT. SOMETHING to challenge these raging mood swings and her twisted belief that it is OK to deceive people, among her many other issues. She needs help. I can’t say it enough, and again, I’m not expressing an OUNCE of sympathy for her—I’m just making a stiff observation.

I lived for about 22 or 23 years completely unmedicated and without therapy. My family—however dysfunctional, and the catalyst for my illnesses—tried to help me. At least Mama and my elder sister did. I refused therapy due to the stigma surrounding it at that time. I refused medication because I had this ridiculous, absolutely ABSURD conviction that all medicines render you a robotic shell of a person. I did nothing about it and I was a monster. I don’t know how they put up with me, how they expressed sympathy, or how they even loved me. The fact that I didn’t completely alienate myself from them was perhaps one of God’s greatest miracles in my life thus far.

She needs SO much fuckin help. She’s losing people around her. It seems that her only friends in real life are probably pursing their lips or walking on eggshells, and her fans have become substitutes for the losses of connection. You can have internet friends, but you can’t have internet friends solely because you’ve driven away everyone else. Any legitimate friendship she forms with any of those people she is going to burn like a bridge. I don’t feel sorry for her. I just see my teenage hardships in her.

Alice, I changed.
A LOT of people like me changed.
We are all changing.
How about you take advantage of your access to precious mental health resources and give it a fuckin try.
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My spidey senses are tingling with the triplet breakup. Seems a little too put on for me.
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Bianca really is beautiful. How she responds to commenters, how she deals with her diagnosis, how she dresses and how in awe she is of Ioan is just beautiful. He deserves this and more after bargain basement Amber Heard for all those years. Imagine his relief and joy now knowing he doesn’t have to see the swivelled-eyed slack-jawed honey monster ever again.
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Ooh don't provoke the Bristol Massive! 😂 Fucking hell, she reacted as if they said something really insulting and hurtful - like calling his mother a cunt maybe. Imagine getting so riled over such a petty insult where someone suggests you did shit at school. The comedy never ends.


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But Alice (Hi btw, we know you read here) we never said you and your brother were the same person. We said you used his account, and there’s definitive proof you did use it. Get over yourself love.

. "Famous" is doing some real heavy lifting here. 😵💫
Don’t you KNOW WHO I AM 🤣

erm… no!
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Let me guess… new story line - Deb and Lin sold the story to the DM And so Alice is mad at them even though they didn’t do it. She laying blame on “the friends” in the article. So she doesn’t get done for it.
I haven’t gone further than this in the thread so far so I have yet to see what else happened in the meantime, but I just want to say I agree with you. I think the triplets are in on it together and are playing up, both in time for the PRO and to get us to overstep the mark on here. Careful turds. I don’t trust either of them one little bit.
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Mad Betty

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"And the petition for the TRO can be full of lies. And that's public record. And you don't get a chance to respond. "

Another lie. You absolutely do get to respond to a TRO. She certainly did. She just responded in a reactive state, as she does, rather than waiting to respond calmly after reading the actual petition and evidence presented to potentially contradict any inaccuracies.
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Caroline Of Brunswick

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I'm still hung up on the wording of this. I take it to mean she has threatened violence, but it's cool, because she hasn't actually acted on it...?
He’s not your bloody ‘hub’ anymore. I know he technically is but 😡When I was divorcing my ex, ‘hub’ is the last thing I called him! I see her followers number is going back up ready for the PRO.
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I think Alice is just posting "stuff" (lies / falsehoods) to get a rise out of us and others - just so she can read the responses here and enjoy some more notoriety. She wants to know that we are paying attention to her.

but she's still full of (fill in whatever here).
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Let me guess… new story line - Deb and Lin sold the story to the DM And so Alice is mad at them even though they didn’t do it. She laying blame on “the friends” in the article. So she doesn’t get done for it.
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