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Chatty Member
She’s crazy. And cringeworthy. She’s obsessed with the idea of getting married but keeps saying how they only had a small wedding and how it was really cheap compared to some other weddings. She also mentioned that it was cheaper to get married abroad than in the uk? Do you think she didn’t want to spend a lot of money cause she knew the marriage wasn’t gonna last?
I thought maybe she had it abroad to disguise the fact they didnt have many people to come. It doesnt look like much of Spencer's family came and they could explain that away being abroad, not so much in the UK
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Just watched the video. The amount she talks about making herself “feel sexy” through makeup, doing her hair etc. Is really putting out the wrong message to young girls who struggle with anxiety and can’t even get out of bed. She’s teaching them their goals should be to “look sexy”

also at 24mins she says “my anxiety is preventing me from doing much” - ??? you’ve managed to upload your whole wardrobe on depop, delete comments from every man and his dog, fake tan, do your makeup about 5 times, bake shit brownies...what haven’t you done?!
By the sounds of it she’s done more in that video than I’ve done in 3 weeks
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Oh she's most definitely a 4/6. I don't see the need for all the lies, most people lie to make them smaller not bigger, not that size 10 is big in anyway.

Fake anxiety/depression aside the girl needs help. Not only for all of her lying etc but the ED she so obviously has. Or as @Elle says body dysmorphia, either way I wish her bloody husband or parents would get her help. Real help, not life coaches and fake therapists.

Thanks for all of the welcomes, feeling very loved right now, haha. Went to bed lastnight and woke up to another 3 pages, alot easier to catch up though, haha.
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Weird that she stresses in her story that she 'hasn't even done her brows' yet in her '400 panic attacks in a week' video her brows were done in every single shot (we all know it's cos it was all filmed in the same day but that's a separate matter). So, does being depressed mean you can or can't do your brows, I'm confused?
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Just uploading these for any huns who are lurking. These photos were very clearly taken, and uploaded, on the same day. If you believe imogen has lost her confidence and forgotten how to make on make up she has successfully manipulated you. Heres the evidence clear as day!

Also side note but i haven't touched my make up or felt very sexy in a couple of months because, oh yeah, we are living in the MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC!
She really is the biggest narcissist. Sorry, there's a global pandemic, people dying, unemployed, suffering from real mental illness, other health worries, but yeah let's make all your fans feel sorry for you that you don't feel sexy. She is vile.

Totally agree too, this is absolutely the same day - if it was a throwback to 'happier times', where is it on her Instagram?
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I’ve always assumed grimos baboon arse mouth is down to a lip implant rather than injections/filler.
This is permanent so they don’t deflate or loose shape over time, it holds a long “sausage” like firm appearance.
This would also explain why they look so huge recently! They just don’t balance out her face anymore, the more gaunt she gets the bigger they look!
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Ew Spencer chiming in with his fashion tips “on a summers evening, bit of knitwear” really made me cringe. Alright grandad 😂
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Sorry but if you had a self help book why would you write "(dairy free)" she's clearly done that knowing she's gonna show it! These videos should be deleted by youtube, her audience are young gullible girls this is so bad! She knows exactly what she's doing. Liars who actually believe their lies are the most dangerous.. She needs real help. I cant even bring myself to watch.
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Okay here’s my thoughts on her latest video:

- for those who didn’t want to watch it, you’re not missing much
-the whole video was a complete load of waffle
-she was acting faker than ever, trying to seem calm and not OTT but we can all see what you’re trying to do imo
- she said NICE so many fucking times I now have a big fucking headache
- all the outfits consisted of joggers that were too big for her and all outfits were “nice”
-lying about what sizes she bought as per
- spenny kept jumping in with these cringey comments, referring to Imogen as a “hot mama” and saying he was her “mirror” etc... 🤮
- she talked about not wanting to look in the mirror coz she’s insecure but managed to eye fuck herself in the viewfinder the entire video
- slipped in a little sponsorship clip because, as we all know, she’s really all about the wonga
- Spencer said some bullshit at the end because imo supposedly couldn’t bring herself to end her video
- oh and just to let you all know, if you want to be absolutely out of it within minutes, take a shot every time Imogen says “nice” it’ll help you to get though this absolute fkn joke of a video
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VIP Member
- Fake Fake Fakeeee!!
- That voice, seriously 🤢🤢
- how many fucking pairs of joggers does one woman need??
- you are NOT a size 10 or a medium!!
- you have zero fashion sense, wtaf was that hideous brown cardigan she put on with the two piece??
- said she cant remember when she last done a clothing haul. What about the one when you were flaunting and shoving your arse in your dads face a few weeks back??

All the inconsistencies you guys are picking up too, she is just disgusting.
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Please just go away forever Imo
This made me so angry! Happy to share comments like that, never shared those death threats though 😡
Thinking about posting a video has “given her anxiety” thought she was already suffering terribly having 100s of panic attacks 🙄
She’s full of fucking shit. Fucking arsehole.
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I can't fucking believe this girl. She's making a complete joke out of people's mental health conditions! People with anxiety
/depression struggle to do basic tasks never mind a 'self care routine'.
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Wow, what a wild ride that was! I'd like to start by apologising for all the likes everyone has received over the last... However long it's been (I feel like I've been sucked into a black hole and lost all track of time, haha) I'd have caught up a few days ago but was feeling so ill the last few days and really couldn't be bothered reading so much 😭.

I have never been a hun. I watched the start of one of her videos on the revolution channel when she first brought out her collab and I just couldn't, turned it off after a few seconds!!

Shes definitely had lip fillers, even my husband pointed out her fillers and I told him she says they're natural to which he replied "if they're natural then someone has repeatedly punched her on the lips" and honestly, I couldn't stop laughing. It's obvious they've been done, just don't lie.

I showed him the before and after spenny pics someone posted on here and he asked if her husband starves her! I didn't say anything to prompt this, just showed the pic. Which then got me to thinking, hes obviously an arsehole with a supposedly dodgy past and comes across as possessive etc. Imo babygirlprincess seems very possessive, clingy and manipulative and I really don't want to offend or upset anyone but I had the thought that maybe she is starving herself and has said to her husband spencer (🙄) if he leaves her then she'll tell everyone that it was him that starved her and he didn't let her do xyz? I dunno, could be way off but to me it seems plausible, especially going off of all the lies she teels and how she manipulates everyone around her.

The panic attacks /depression /suicide/insomnia - boy. I agree with everything that has been said so I won't add much but as another person that suffers with these things daily it really pisses me off and made me feel physically sick. She couldn't cope if she was experiencing these things and to lie about it is just despicable!! It's like when everyone says they have OCD because they like cleaning, again as someone that struggles with that, it really pisses me off as OCD isn't just cleaning, it's so consuming and I would wish none of these on my worst enemy but maybe one day she will experience these things for real and she will try to make amends. I doubt it though. So happy for her getting over it in a week though 🙄.

I had so much to say, honestly, as I was reading I was making mental notes of things I wanted to say but now I'm here I just can't think 😂 basically I agree with everything that everyone here has said. She's disgusting and should be ashamed.

Thanks for all the laughs along the way, you guys are hilarious and it was all of you that kept me hooked.

Please can I join the family? 😊

Oh!! One more thing, when she said if you feel bad remember other people have it worse?! I had to go back and listen a few times. What an absolutely disgusting thing to say especially when she's wallowing in fake despair herself!!!! Everyone has the right to feel how they want regardless of other people having it worse and to say that to people that are potentially suffering with these things she's lying about just makes me so angry. These young girls watching this could end up worse off because they're thinking they're pathetic or a shit person for trying to get help when "other people have it worse"

Anyway, now I'm actually caught up I hope to be posting along side you because I do love a bit of hate watching.
Welcome 🙌🙌 we’ve been waiting for you:ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Did anyone see the screenshot of her shitting herself with excitement that her vid was trending on youtube because of "how it'll benefit the charities" aka shitting herself with excitement because she's gained loads of new subs, more brand deals and more adsense for our baby girl imo

Glad all those years of drama school are finally paying off for you hunbun x
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New member
She says her parents told her she’s had anxiety and been diagnosed since she was 5 years old but she says she doesn’t remember it, and then continues to tell stories from around that age.... how can you tell a story on events that you don’t remember 🤔🤔
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There were similar comments that related to being careful to not describe normal feelings of sadness and anxiety as mental health issues as it can be damaging for a young audience, also all deleted. She deletes everything that doesn't lick her arse.

If she claims that MIND have 'literally saved her life' and the video is supposed to be about raising awareness, why hasnt she actually said what they have done to help her? No doubt because shes NEVER called them! Ive never called mind myself but i know one of the hardest things can be picking up a phone and speaking to someone. If she spoke about this process it could have been genuinely helpful to people! I do hope shes speaking to a therapist so they can diagnose the real problem - narcissism 😊
The fact she's not even linked Mind in her description yet has put affiliate links for self help books (that are NOT intended as a replacement for professional help) is a joke.
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