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Why does she act like she’s so hard done to? Her parents paid for her to go to private school, she was lucky enough to get a place at urdang and could afford to live in London (I know she says just about scraped by but a lot of people wouldn’t be able to fund anywhere near that money), she’s had everything she’s ever wanted, goes on lots of holidays, gets sent free stuff and doesn’t have to go to a 9-5 job. She’s living the life of Riley yet acts SO hard done to in EVERY aspect of life.

p.s. I’m not talking about her mental health I’m talking about how she generally is in life and how she acts on a daily basis, and the way she speaks of how she’s had such a hard life in her storytimes
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And I’m so bored and TIRED of her asking for the praise from doing her makeup or filming a video, no offence that’s her job lol. Does she think everyone else who has poor mental health goes into work everyday and seeks praise because they made it in that day????
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Hahaha, sorry! Trying hard to catch up but these threads move quickly 😂😂 I've never even watched Imogenation but it's a really juicy read. Only just moved onto thread 5 now so I'll see you all in about 3 weeks, hahaha x
I'm halfway through #6 now but I'm feeling left out, hahaha. I feel like we're all watching a TV show together but I'm 3 episodes behind 😂😂😂
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I wonder what she says to Spencer though when she's posting a video like 'this has to stop' but then is actually fine. Like he's there 247 and knows shes not feeling how she is portraying. How can he be so brazen to just go along with the lie?!
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when spenny was younger he was definitely one of those lads that dates girls loads younger than them because they’re too cringe for people their own age
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Why did she think putting a fucking duvet! On her sofa would look cute, maybe spence is in the dog house and sleeping on the sofa 😂
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I cant work out if she orders bigger sizes because she genuinely believes she is that size or that she doesn’t want to show how skinny she is to her viewers? Those white jeans she bought were falling off her! I’m a 10 and I am a completely different shape to Imo 🤯

im amazed she didn’t use her weight as a sympathy vote during the panic attack vlogs, although I don’t want to give her any idea so I’ll stop there lol
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I'm not surprised, there is a video with her mum where her mum states she used to to do a strip tease for the boys in PRIMARY school. She obviously gets it from her mum as she is just as attention seeking. There was another video when her mum fell over on a train and imogen filmed it. She fell over and then started laughing obnoxiously whilst kicking her legs in the air. Imogen then followed suit and fell with her and said 'if you fall mumma, ima fall wid you' I just can't. She gets it from her parents - all as attention seeking as each other.
Her mum actually makes me sick, she’s such an attention seeker calling herself Dirty Dee I would be a fronted in my mum acted like that! Now we know where Imo gets it from
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The final straw was meeting the wet fart that is spencer. I just got alarm bells ringing from the first time he ever featured and I knew straight away he would want to marry her quickly and ‘claim her’. He is punching and I was really suprised she was with someone so gimpy looking and personality of a lettuce, but he also loves the bragging rights that come with her being on YT and seemed a little too eager to feature in her videos.
Dying at this paragraph. Wet fart. Gimpy looking. Personality of a lettuce. Got me🤣🤣🤣🤣
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OMG this is my first ever post!!!

I literally am shocked - I used to absolutley love this girl. I then stopped watching her over a year ago. Since all her anxiety bullshit has started, shes come back up on my feed....


She has literally spent the past 3 videos editing in comments talking about how bad she looks for sympathy? I can't support someone who acts so desperate for attention.
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She’s easily a 4/6 on top! Its quite worrying that she lies so much about her size
It could be that she's experiencing body dismorphia and believes herself to be bigger than she is. We've all seen when she's complaining that she looks bloated when in reality her stomach is completely flat. Either way, this girl really needs help.
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I thought she was friends with saffron? And is buying her range? I’ve seen plenty of influencers who have obviously received the PR .. gutted imo
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You're spot on there!

In answer to your questions - no Alozz's video never got uploaded and she moved out I think because she had an issue with her dad's girlfriend? I think that was mentioned here some threads ago
ah thank you! I was trying to read so fast I knew I must have missed some parts, I’ve been totally enthralled and so glad so many other people have finally seen the same as me!
I didn’t know old salad head even had a girlfriend! Just goes to show all this perfect family life and amazing relationship she has with them all, it total crap!

So he ‘most amazing parents in the universe’ divorce for some reason which they know will have affected her.

she chose to live with her dad despite mummy being her bestestwested fwend

She embarrasses her older brother who clearly has issues with social interaction, in her videos, using him for content, to the point he refuses to be in them or have any public interaction with her.

hugobee also seems to vanish out of everything

she falls out with her dad and his gf to the extent she moved miles away to the new forest with mum

Also - she’s apparently been bullied so horrifically her whole life but is grateful because it made her such a strong person, so confident and sure of her own self, but now has a breakdown because anonymous people on a forum talk about her and some people said her lips were like sausages? Really? Hun, this should be a walk in the park if you’ve survived and dealt with everything you claim to have been through?!

The girl is just a total train wreck!!!

Dying at this paragraph. Wet fart. Gimpy looking. Personality of a lettuce. Got me🤣🤣🤣🤣
😂 he just IS though, he gives me the biggest creeps! I also think their relationship is so intense in a bad way, it will all implode and we’ll be in for the mother of all story times!
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Montage of what's to come

We are greeted with a shot of baby gal in the bedroom with her wardrobe doors hanging open...what's up Immo? Depop not shifting as much as you thought it would?

*short huff* as in keeping with recent vids RE: mental health. Baby princess doesn't know how to start a vid anymore, is second guessing everything but looks pretty confident and flows through the opening monologue fine.

Babygal feels like her channel has become very negative recently so she wants to make it more positive. 🙃

So...she's decided to make todays video on her ups and downs but she's not going to show the downs. The huns wonder whether that's because it's too much effort to fake more panic attacks?

she's all smiles while she tells the huns that a lot of people think she's "miraculously healed" but she's not going to lie to the huns. She is in a much better headspace (now MH week is over)

She wants to be honest with the huns and not lie to them, she knows it's going to be a long journey and begs the huns to stay with her. FUCK OFF YOU LYING FAKE ASS BITCH!!!!!!

Begs for likes and comments but then does a manipulative self deprecating skit. FUCK OFF!

Quick mention that LEE STAFFORD has send her a paint by numbers after whimsically talking about wanting to get into painting; even though she's no good at it.


she gushes and cutesies while colouring in like a child over how she can't wait to get back to feeling "sexy". she tells the huns (WITH HER BASE AND BROWS DONE) that she can't wait to get back to doing makeup. Shows off a gifted journal but says it's from her *friend* tries to fake a cry over a fucking journal.

shows the journal filled in....the huns think it looks like it was filled in by a 10 year old. Curiously she says she's staying off SM...WHO'S DELETING THOSE COMMENTS THEN HUN BUN?


fuck me I've another 20 minutes to endure still!

shows the huns a pile of poo looking brownie. She tells the huns it's shit and she hasn't bothered weighing anything. WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT HER DAD WAS A BAKER FOR A LIVING?!

fuck me. Here's sideshow spenny with his words of wisdom "well, erm, people say that you fail to prepare and you prepare to fail and you've done that but now you're prepared again. so you prepared to fail TWICE!"

WELL. Isn't that motivational! Immo bizzarely concludes that he's made a negative into a positive … 👀:ROFLMAO:

she makes a packet mix instead.

EXCUSE ME WHILE I VOMIT. The gruesome twosome play a game of lick the chocolate. The huns think they are trying to show some banter and sexual chemistry but it just comes across excruciatingly awkward.

boring, meaningless segment of her self help books. FFWDing. oh! hang on! a photo fell out of one of these new books!


the photo was from "one of her first meet and greets". ain't that a coinkidink? the huns wonder why she printed off a photo of her with 25 randoms. I mean 1) We aint in the 90's anymore Immo hun and 2) who has ever used a photo as a bookmark?

She's trying a new tik tok hack of using a dressing gown cord to curl her hair. It helps her anxiety.

Talking to the huns helps her anxiety as well apparently. The huns wondered why it didn't help her during MH awareness week?

Oh. NOW doing youtube calms her down, what a contrast to last week!

ok, clinically approved MH apps make her feel worse, but doing a facemask or wrapping her hair in a fucking cord to give her curls makes her feel better. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

oh she's had the worst sleep of her life. *not because she's tied her hair in a cord of course*

Babyprincess facefucks herself in the viewfinder cause she really loves the curls. :rolleyes:

skips to a clip of her and spenny watching the secret. No sign of the curls she loves so much. 👀

oh. she has makeup and curls now


still another 10 mins to go 🥵

She's taken a hundred photo's of herself and hates every single one. The huns wonder why she didn't just stop after the first one? 2nd? 5th? ahhhhh it's because she's a narcissist! anyway she tells the huns it's fine and she's put some makeup on.

She wants to film a makeup vid and tries to emotionally blackmail the huns to beg her to do a makeup vid.

hair mask. scrubs tan off. puts tan on again. plugs molly may fake tan. For some reason sideshow spenny is sitting on the lav waiting to fake tan her back.

some ad or #spon for another fake tan. Tells the huns fake tan / hair mask is the answer to recovery to depression / mental breakdowns / burnouts. Spenny is proud of her.

She tells the huns she doesn't normally fake tan and the fake tan has miraculously cured her "fear of the viewfinder"

plugs the merch again. still not sold out. she's got her hair in rollers again.

mentions "these charities" have helped "so many people".

Worries that people will unsub.

Thanks for this. Now I don’t need to watch it. Tbh I’m pissed off because I used to enjoy watching and laughing at her and I’ve lost all enjoyment of that now because she’s just a fucking prick.
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So basically what this all boils down to is she feels a bit ugly at the moment? Isn’t everyone feeling this during lockdown? 😂

All she goes on about is wanting to put make up on, wanting to feel sexy, can’t look in the mirror/viewfinder?
It all seems a bit superficial that all these “anxieties” are because she doesn’t feel sexy right now?
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It’s something that has given me such a wake up call to the privilege I have not only as a British Citizen, to not see this kind of hate crime on such a huge scale, but to be a white person who can walk down the road with no judgements. (Unless I’m wearing double denim! - just my way of lightening a mood) but for an influencer - whether liked or not, to not use their platform for such an important topic is really upsetting to see. I’ve shared everything I can and tried to educate myself so much more so I can stand as a voice. Why wouldn’t you want to do the same as someone with 100,000’s of followers?! Can’t wrap my head around it.
Thank you!!! As a person of colour, it's really reassuring to hear that! But yes totally agree, it's not a 'black' problem, it's a human problem and we should be seeing more influencers taking the time to educate themselves and speaking out!

I don't get why she posted about it if she admitted she wasn't educated on the matter, why were you posting about it then Hun? Couldn't take a few moments out your day to do some research?
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