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New member
Can't wait to see what this narcissistic of a shit show is going to post tonight,how can you recover that quick when you're claiming to have 200 panic attacks a day,think that must be a world record don't ya think,I cannot believe this fake woman believes her own lies and didn't think she would get caught out,all her HUNS believing all this so called true stuff
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Well-known member
Wow, what a wild ride that was! I'd like to start by apologising for all the likes everyone has received over the last... However long it's been (I feel like I've been sucked into a black hole and lost all track of time, haha) I'd have caught up a few days ago but was feeling so ill the last few days and really couldn't be bothered reading so much 😭.

I have never been a hun. I watched the start of one of her videos on the revolution channel when she first brought out her collab and I just couldn't, turned it off after a few seconds!!

Shes definitely had lip fillers, even my husband pointed out her fillers and I told him she says they're natural to which he replied "if they're natural then someone has repeatedly punched her on the lips" and honestly, I couldn't stop laughing. It's obvious they've been done, just don't lie.

I showed him the before and after spenny pics someone posted on here and he asked if her husband starves her! I didn't say anything to prompt this, just showed the pic. Which then got me to thinking, hes obviously an arsehole with a supposedly dodgy past and comes across as possessive etc. Imo babygirlprincess seems very possessive, clingy and manipulative and I really don't want to offend or upset anyone but I had the thought that maybe she is starving herself and has said to her husband spencer (🙄) if he leaves her then she'll tell everyone that it was him that starved her and he didn't let her do xyz? I dunno, could be way off but to me it seems plausible, especially going off of all the lies she teels and how she manipulates everyone around her.

The panic attacks /depression /suicide/insomnia - boy. I agree with everything that has been said so I won't add much but as another person that suffers with these things daily it really pisses me off and made me feel physically sick. She couldn't cope if she was experiencing these things and to lie about it is just despicable!! It's like when everyone says they have OCD because they like cleaning, again as someone that struggles with that, it really pisses me off as OCD isn't just cleaning, it's so consuming and I would wish none of these on my worst enemy but maybe one day she will experience these things for real and she will try to make amends. I doubt it though. So happy for her getting over it in a week though 🙄.

I had so much to say, honestly, as I was reading I was making mental notes of things I wanted to say but now I'm here I just can't think 😂 basically I agree with everything that everyone here has said. She's disgusting and should be ashamed.

Thanks for all the laughs along the way, you guys are hilarious and it was all of you that kept me hooked.

Please can I join the family? 😊

Oh!! One more thing, when she said if you feel bad remember other people have it worse?! I had to go back and listen a few times. What an absolutely disgusting thing to say especially when she's wallowing in fake despair herself!!!! Everyone has the right to feel how they want regardless of other people having it worse and to say that to people that are potentially suffering with these things she's lying about just makes me so angry. These young girls watching this could end up worse off because they're thinking they're pathetic or a shit person for trying to get help when "other people have it worse"

Anyway, now I'm actually caught up I hope to be posting along side you because I do love a bit of hate watching.
Sorry I'm late on the welcome to the family party I was at bloody work but believe me in my head I'm literally doing a cheer followed by a cartwheel into the splits you made you way through all the threads, my body though is sadly slowly falling asleep though there is the can't do splits anymore and not sure my arms could take me doing a cartwheel damn this coronastone .... But yeyyyyy you welcome hun x
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Chatty Member
She still goes on and on about her hun buns “saving” her every day 🤦🏻‍♀️ The kiss ass comments telling you you’re gorgeous save you? That’s just sad you’re a grown ass woman, enough!
Sure what's the need for mental health professionals when the solution all along was just to tell the person suffering that they are gorgeous and they would feel "saved"..this girl and her enabler husband are very dangerous.
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Active member
Couldn't be more jealous if I tried, he hasn't aged well though has he 😂
Haha, they still looked good! :love: It was a joint concert with my fave Backstreet Boys 🥳

It does take a really long time to come through. But still, she planned it so not a surprise 😂 it's like when influencers act surprised about post, well you quite clearly gave your address out....
She's just fake all around 😂
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ah thank you! I was trying to read so fast I knew I must have missed some parts, I’ve been totally enthralled and so glad so many other people have finally seen the same as me!
I didn’t know old salad head even had a girlfriend! Just goes to show all this perfect family life and amazing relationship she has with them all, it total crap!

So he ‘most amazing parents in the universe’ divorce for some reason which they know will have affected her.

she chose to live with her dad despite mummy being her bestestwested fwend

She embarrasses her older brother who clearly has issues with social interaction, in her videos, using him for content, to the point he refuses to be in them or have any public interaction with her.

hugobee also seems to vanish out of everything

she falls out with her dad and his gf to the extent she moved miles away to the new forest with mum

Also - she’s apparently been bullied so horrifically her whole life but is grateful because it made her such a strong person, so confident and sure of her own self, but now has a breakdown because anonymous people on a forum talk about her and some people said her lips were like sausages? Really? Hun, this should be a walk in the park if you’ve survived and dealt with everything you claim to have been through?!

The girl is just a total train wreck!!!

😂 he just IS though, he gives me the biggest creeps! I also think their relationship is so intense in a bad way, it will all implode and we’ll be in for the mother of all story times!
I think you hit the nail on the head with this one!! Fucking bore off imo!
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Active member
I went to school with Imo and sadly I don't believe she's changed a bit. The story times I've watched are elaborated and some completely false. I actually felt shocked she decided to start a youtube, due to the amount of skeletons in that families cupboards. It's telling how, again, another part of her life has ended up with her being 'bullied'. How does someone so confident constantly get bullied? It's sad to see her in a state, but I'm also aware that it's due to her manipulation and lies, which have backfired once again. She struggles so much with being her genuine authentic self, and always has been a sheep. Most people grow out of that, but sadly it looks like she still hasn't. I don't wish any hate on her and hate to be potentially bringing another female down, but it's got to stop. It seems like she's very alone and not got the right people around her. If she is accessing therapy - great, it sounds like it's needed. I think she made the mistake going from beauty to telling the stories, as she must have realised the people who she was lying about, would contact her. You can only spend so much of your time on that delete and block button. It must be so exhausting for her, really not a life to live. I don't agree with a lot of the hate comments about appearance etc on this forum. I think sadly, she's got a lot of hatred in her and you can tell by her judgemental comments and tone in her videos. I find it bizarre how she's playing this innocent card too, because that's the opposite of what I knew of her, not that that's a bad think, you do you hun. But stop putting on a false representation of yourself, it would be so much more enjoyable for her to be her authentic self. People fuck up, people do stupid things and people grow as they learn. I feel she's missed the growth part, but hopefully this will be the final learning curve for her, and she will realise it's time to grow up and deal with the world as an adult. The way she talks about people in her story times, 'bad people' - I'm sure a lot of those people have grown and learnt from their mistakes, it's very immature to tarnish people as horrible people and bullies, from incidents that happened when people were in heightened states as a result of your behaviour, it sounds like, or were under 12-18.
The school where she was ‘bullied’?
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Well-known member
Jesus thread 9 we're moving fast😂 just hope more HUNS come have a look on here n realise how fake she is
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VIP Member
I'm not surprised, there is a video with her mum where her mum states she used to to do a strip tease for the boys in PRIMARY school. She obviously gets it from her mum as she is just as attention seeking. There was another video when her mum fell over on a train and imogen filmed it. She fell over and then started laughing obnoxiously whilst kicking her legs in the air. Imogen then followed suit and fell with her and said 'if you fall mumma, ima fall wid you' I just can't. She gets it from her parents - all as attention seeking as each other.
OMG what video was that?? The first one
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VIP Member
Hello hunniez here catching up on the tea. Hope you are all well. Spent most of yesterday following that carer vs nurse in B&M story 😱😱
What's this about?is it on YouTube?
Also. Does anyone know if I have YouTube premium and dont get ads, (I know this is going to sound so dumb) will she get any adsense from me? Does it just mean I dont watch the ads and she still gets money or she just doesnt get any at all from my view?
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