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why whenever she mentions the size she got especially in joggers does she need to also mention because she wants them baggy? she’s obsessed with being skinny, same as Emily canham, it’s not healthy behaviour especially as hey both have a young audience.

I commented on some of the older threads and then when imo baby princess went on about how bad her anxiety was and stuff I stopped because I kinda felt bad? (Idk why lol) I watched the first video with her panic attacks and although I sort of felt bad i questioned if they were genuine why would you film it? I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks and the last thing I’d do is start filming myself, I mean I’m sure we are all guilty of taking a pic of us crying lol but actually filming a panic attack?🙄 and with no warning, I just think how triggering that can be for people who suffer with mental health. I really don’t understand why she hasn’t just said right guys I’m going to take a break from social media for a while? And then come off completely?? But no we get instagram stories of how poor her life is for the Huns to feel for her? If Spencer was any kind of husband he would tell her to come off everything for a while? The pair of them make me cringe, it’s clear that her being all over top is just for show.

you know what though I genuinely believe if she made a video saying all these story times were fake that some deluded huns would still stick by her😂😂

Sorry to rant shes just winding me up 😂😂

Also lol I asked my boyfriend if he thought her lips were real and he was like no lol and asked what was up with you her face, said she looked like she’d done 12 rounds of boxing and why is her mouth so swollen 😂
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The girl that was defending her on my comment has deleted her comments and apologised to me😂 I’m proud of myself for conducting myself so well clearly
I was close to saying something to her! I stopped myself though 😂😂😂 shes just as deluded as Imo herself clearly if she saw that as “hate” Following like the little sheep she is once she sees your comment back to Imogen 😂😂😂
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The joggers are a size medium!?!?! FUCK OFF!!!!
OMG, I kept thinking this the entire time!!!! I was like I wear a size medium in joggers and I am nowhere as sickly looking as her, quite the opposite actually. She has got to be ashamed of herself! Stupid liar.

Wow, what a wild ride that was! I'd like to start by apologising for all the likes everyone has received over the last... However long it's been (I feel like I've been sucked into a black hole and lost all track of time, haha) I'd have caught up a few days ago but was feeling so ill the last few days and really couldn't be bothered reading so much 😭.

I have never been a hun. I watched the start of one of her videos on the revolution channel when she first brought out her collab and I just couldn't, turned it off after a few seconds!!

Shes definitely had lip fillers, even my husband pointed out her fillers and I told him she says they're natural to which he replied "if they're natural then someone has repeatedly punched her on the lips" and honestly, I couldn't stop laughing. It's obvious they've been done, just don't lie.

I showed him the before and after spenny pics someone posted on here and he asked if her husband starves her! I didn't say anything to prompt this, just showed the pic. Which then got me to thinking, hes obviously an arsehole with a supposedly dodgy past and comes across as possessive etc. Imo babygirlprincess seems very possessive, clingy and manipulative and I really don't want to offend or upset anyone but I had the thought that maybe she is starving herself and has said to her husband spencer (🙄) if he leaves her then she'll tell everyone that it was him that starved her and he didn't let her do xyz? I dunno, could be way off but to me it seems plausible, especially going off of all the lies she teels and how she manipulates everyone around her.

The panic attacks /depression /suicide/insomnia - boy. I agree with everything that has been said so I won't add much but as another person that suffers with these things daily it really pisses me off and made me feel physically sick. She couldn't cope if she was experiencing these things and to lie about it is just despicable!! It's like when everyone says they have OCD because they like cleaning, again as someone that struggles with that, it really pisses me off as OCD isn't just cleaning, it's so consuming and I would wish none of these on my worst enemy but maybe one day she will experience these things for real and she will try to make amends. I doubt it though. So happy for her getting over it in a week though 🙄.

I had so much to say, honestly, as I was reading I was making mental notes of things I wanted to say but now I'm here I just can't think 😂 basically I agree with everything that everyone here has said. She's disgusting and should be ashamed.

Thanks for all the laughs along the way, you guys are hilarious and it was all of you that kept me hooked.

Please can I join the family? 😊

Oh!! One more thing, when she said if you feel bad remember other people have it worse?! I had to go back and listen a few times. What an absolutely disgusting thing to say especially when she's wallowing in fake despair herself!!!! Everyone has the right to feel how they want regardless of other people having it worse and to say that to people that are potentially suffering with these things she's lying about just makes me so angry. These young girls watching this could end up worse off because they're thinking they're pathetic or a shit person for trying to get help when "other people have it worse"

Anyway, now I'm actually caught up I hope to be posting along side you because I do love a bit of hate watching.
Welcome love!
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A question that’s slightly off topic but I’ve always wondered. If a vlogger receives items for free for advertising and then sells them, do they declare this as profit to HMRC? Does it count towards their taxable income?
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In a word, yes!

If a person receives PR with absolutely no strings attached and doesn't show it to an audience then its questionable as its essentially a gift. However if they've accepted PR and agreed to show it on their channel or from a sponsorship, then any income that arises from the product (ad revenue, sponsorship money, selling the product) is most definitely taxable.

The fact that Imogen clearly gets gifted clothes, takes IG photos etc wearing them without taking the tags off and then pops them onto Depop as "never worn" is appalling and I really wouldn't be surprised if she was a tax dodger too 🤔
Thank you for replying! I’ve always wondered how they can get away with it. HMRC need to investigate vloggers income more closely I think.
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I haven't wrote on here in a while but I just watched her latest clothes haul video and I hate to admit it but her not being a bubbly twat actually made me think to when I used to like watching her, like it's not all ab act and she is just talking about the clothes like an adult which is what people want (unless your 8yrs old) if only she could just stay that way then she MAY have a chance a being likeable
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Yeah her Depop stuff will turn up to you worn but with tags on still. Definitely not unworn and definitely not washed.
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At least the over the top type Imo is real though (as annoying as she is) - this is a load of bollocks to get people to feel sorry for her. It’s manipulative bullshit!
yeah thats true, i just always had a feeling that she was putting on an act beforehand as well to appeal to her target audience (of kids lol) but i mean i guess we will never see her true personality through her videos because she wouldn't want to expose herself for what she really is.
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She’s made the quickest recovery I’ve ever seen lol. Hundreds of panic attacks in 2 weeks (very realistic hun) to now moving on from it. Oh and I’m sure she’ll be a self proclaimed mental health advocate now. She’s making such a mockery out of people who truly struggle with mental health issues.
This. 💯🙌🏻
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