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Wow, what a wild ride that was! I'd like to start by apologising for all the likes everyone has received over the last... However long it's been (I feel like I've been sucked into a black hole and lost all track of time, haha) I'd have caught up a few days ago but was feeling so ill the last few days and really couldn't be bothered reading so much 😭.

I have never been a hun. I watched the start of one of her videos on the revolution channel when she first brought out her collab and I just couldn't, turned it off after a few seconds!!

Shes definitely had lip fillers, even my husband pointed out her fillers and I told him she says they're natural to which he replied "if they're natural then someone has repeatedly punched her on the lips" and honestly, I couldn't stop laughing. It's obvious they've been done, just don't lie.

I showed him the before and after spenny pics someone posted on here and he asked if her husband starves her! I didn't say anything to prompt this, just showed the pic. Which then got me to thinking, hes obviously an arsehole with a supposedly dodgy past and comes across as possessive etc. Imo babygirlprincess seems very possessive, clingy and manipulative and I really don't want to offend or upset anyone but I had the thought that maybe she is starving herself and has said to her husband spencer (🙄) if he leaves her then she'll tell everyone that it was him that starved her and he didn't let her do xyz? I dunno, could be way off but to me it seems plausible, especially going off of all the lies she teels and how she manipulates everyone around her.

The panic attacks /depression /suicide/insomnia - boy. I agree with everything that has been said so I won't add much but as another person that suffers with these things daily it really pisses me off and made me feel physically sick. She couldn't cope if she was experiencing these things and to lie about it is just despicable!! It's like when everyone says they have OCD because they like cleaning, again as someone that struggles with that, it really pisses me off as OCD isn't just cleaning, it's so consuming and I would wish none of these on my worst enemy but maybe one day she will experience these things for real and she will try to make amends. I doubt it though. So happy for her getting over it in a week though 🙄.

I had so much to say, honestly, as I was reading I was making mental notes of things I wanted to say but now I'm here I just can't think 😂 basically I agree with everything that everyone here has said. She's disgusting and should be ashamed.

Thanks for all the laughs along the way, you guys are hilarious and it was all of you that kept me hooked.

Please can I join the family? 😊

Oh!! One more thing, when she said if you feel bad remember other people have it worse?! I had to go back and listen a few times. What an absolutely disgusting thing to say especially when she's wallowing in fake despair herself!!!! Everyone has the right to feel how they want regardless of other people having it worse and to say that to people that are potentially suffering with these things she's lying about just makes me so angry. These young girls watching this could end up worse off because they're thinking they're pathetic or a shit person for trying to get help when "other people have it worse"

Anyway, now I'm actually caught up I hope to be posting along side you because I do love a bit of hate watching.
Welcome!!! So pleased you’ve caught up. Now you can contribute to all the juicy goss ❤
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I agree this could be worth noting, she would usually be around a size 10 from what I remember, where she looked in proportion for her frame. She’s lost so much weight and it seems to be in the time she’s known spencer. I don’t know what’s gone on but she really does not want to believe that she is now fitting into size 4/6, which doesn’t suit what her weight should be for her frame size to not look ill... people are clearly concerned that this just isn’t her at her healthy and happy weight
Edit: it’s perfectly fine to be a size 6 too, I’m a size 6 myself, but I don’t believe imo is a healthy or happy size 6 ☹
I agree with you the weight she is currently she looks underweight for her height and frame. She looked way better 2016/2017 a lot healthier even her hair. I know cause she has a ‘stomach condition’ I thought maybe that was why she’s lost a lot of weight but I’m not sure


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I might be so behind here but what happened to her older brother? They used to do so many vids together and she used to go on about how her and her brother would all get a house and live together. So weird in my opinion! As much as I love my brother I would not go on about how We’d all move out and live happily ever after 😂
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Chatty Member
That pathetic voice they speak together in 😂😂😂😂! By they I mean spencer because who else does she know 😂
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Chatty Member
Just uploading these for any huns who are lurking. These photos were very clearly taken, and uploaded, on the same day. If you believe imogen has lost her confidence and forgotten how to make on make up she has successfully manipulated you. Heres the evidence clear as day!

Also side note but i haven't touched my make up or felt very sexy in a couple of months because, oh yeah, we are living in the MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC!
“Never been worn”
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Ugh. So I’m really not happy with what I’ve just discovered. Imo has recently been verified on insta and has 242k subscribers.
Makeupbytammi has 268k subscribers and still isn’t verified!? What the actual fuck.
And in light of what is going on right now, I think this is truly awful.

There’s probably more with more followers than the dickhead who aren’t verified but this is one I’ve noticed tonight.
I remember back from the slimming world blogger phase, a lot of them became verified and it came out you can apply for a blue tick on Instagram. Not sure if it’s the same for Twitter.

I think we can all agree with our imo it’s likely she applied for a blue tick.
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I still don't get why she is still on social media when she needs to take a proper break, she really does, and there's nothing wrong with taking one, being on there still when trying to deal with things related to that is not going to help at all. Reading the negative comments isn't going to do any good it's better to just ignore, leave them etc as deleting in some sense just creates a bigger issue and more to come and even if Spencer is deleting them instead of her they'll either still talk about it or it'll get to him too, and I'm sure deleting them and keeping on top of it is draining.
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Ok hear me out but I have a little conspiracy theory.

She keeps harping on about not being her usual ‘bubbly and loud’ self and has just uploaded a story asking what she should film while she’s like this.

Do we think this whole palaver could have been a way to get rid of that character she’d created and try to mature herself and her channel? Surely it’s more prosperous to have an older audience with a salary rather than children with pocket money?
I’ve often thought about this! I think it’s a re brand move to get her a new rush of followers and ones of her own age rather than 12/15 year olds
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Anyone else just in a permanent bad mood atm? I blame Imo, cause she’s a prick

Nah the fuckin state of him in her latest story!!!!! you’re a barber for gods sake sort your shitty mop out
🙋🏻‍♀️ All the bloody time. Coming on here is the only thing that takes my mind off how fed up I am. Come
on Imo, cheer me up 🙄🤣
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Well-known member
Fuck me they went for you over there didn't they? Stay here darling, you're allowed any opinion you like. Unless you start praising Imo in which case I may have to assume your race and imply you are uneducated.
Oh, so I can’t say Imo has really inspired me to be the best version of myself? damn it.
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Anyone clocked who Spencer’s just started following?? Must of earned a lot of extra cash maybe now they can afford to buy a house ???🤦🏼‍♀️😂 like fuck is any of the money she gets going to charity

Sorry forgot to add this one!!
it looks like he has no friends from his following list and all of his posts are of him or with imo so weird 😂
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