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my first post on every single thread and also read the GG ones back in the day lol.
I used to be an avid HUN.. ew. I used to text Imo on snapchat and I also used to comment on her YouTube vids when I was about 15 and just started and Ben salad would always like and comment back. I’ll try and find them to show you guys.

A little while ago when she first met pups 🐶 I found his original Instagram and asked to follow him lol. Woke up the next day to find he blocked me and so did Imogen! Shows how controlling she was back then too, and yes that’s proof he had Instagram before no?
It goes to show that if she was so hysterical and worried about you following him, she was obviously embarrassed about what you would find and wanted to hide it
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Hey girls, took some time off here as I was spending far too much time reading through and sent my self to a bad headspace around the time she was posting the panic attack stuff and constant negativity.
I just watched the latest video and had to jump back on... I don’t even know what to say. She is the most vacuous girl I’ve ever seen. Wonder what she will jump on the back of next.

also I just seen on the first page of this thread, did @peachypie or @proseccolove (I can’t remember who it was) video they make get deleted? Really wanna watch it
It’s @peachypie ‘s but she’s gone AWOL :( if you go to the first page of this thread she posted it. It’s still there you just need to click watch via YouTube or something when it loads. She did so well, it’s got nearly 3k views! 💖
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She’s uploaded guys. I don’t want to watch someone please give the low down afterwards
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If she’s that anxious why even post a video? She Just take time off and sort her head out if it’s that bad surely you would wait until you felt 100% to film a video. It just makes no sense
She can’t let the hunniezZZzzz down
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Hey everyone! Long time lurker here...was on thread 7 but couldn’t catch up quick enough so come straight to the end...what’s the crack with the ex making a video outing the ridiculous man child she calls husband?? I’m soooooo behind😂
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Hello hunniez here catching up on the tea. Hope you are all well. Spent most of yesterday following that carer vs nurse in B&M story 😱😱
the carer reminds me of Imo. Attention seeking, crying, starting a witch hunt when actually the nurse is better educated and more professional but all the idiots jumped on the carers post just because she cried but it’s not what it seemed at all!
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I also think it’s clear that she never did or doesn’t have mental health issues due to the fact she’s saying that painting, writing and reading books about confidence is helping her and curing her? I understand doing all that to calm you down but if she really felt that awful and wanting to kill herself (she mentioned that in her previous video) I don’t think she’d be colouring in a picture of a butterfly.
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Pretty sure her make up in todays instagram story is the exact same as todays tiktok that was apparently filmed ages ago!!!

baby girl, youve got the same copper eyes, brows and nude lips in each... Oh and your hair looks the exact same
And the necklace!

1. Her latest Instagram pic. That wasn’t taken recently but was taken recently. Is it just me or are her lips looking a little less plump and manky? Has sheeeee edited that? Or am I pissed at this point?
2. yes it does sound pathetic Imogen. Some days, I struggle to get out of bed. And feeding myself is an achievement. But you do you honey. Giving young woman the outlook that make up will give you confidence is for sure the way to go. (Quarantine will defo lead to all of my make up expiring I’m livid)

The fame and platform. I imagine once he gets a bit of his own following they’ll be looking for a lawyer each ...
No no you’re right, her lips look different I swear.. something looks different at least but I can’t work out what it is!

And the necklace!

No no you’re right, her lips look different I swear.. something looks different at least but I can’t work out what it is!
Lol Oops ignore me about the necklace, just realised she wears it quite a lot 😂
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Yes, you have to apply and send off pictures of your ID and utility bills
you don't just wake up with it like imo is claiming :ROFLMAO:
It does take a really long time to come through. But still, she planned it so not a surprise 😂 it's like when influencers act surprised about post, well you quite clearly gave your address out....
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1. Her latest Instagram pic. That wasn’t taken recently but was taken recently. Is it just me or are her lips looking a little less plump and manky? Has sheeeee edited that? Or am I pissed at this point?
2. yes it does sound pathetic Imogen. Some days, I struggle to get out of bed. And feeding myself is an achievement. But you do you honey. Giving young woman the outlook that make up will give you confidence is for sure the way to go. (Quarantine will defo lead to all of my make up expiring I’m livid)

I wonder what she says to Spencer though when she's posting a video like 'this has to stop' but then is actually fine. Like he's there 247 and knows shes not feeling how she is portraying. How can he be so brazen to just go along with the lie?!
The fame and platform. I imagine once he gets a bit of his own following they’ll be looking for a lawyer each ...
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Just been having a quick look through some of imo’s old vids till now and she’s definitely lost the weight when Spencer came in the picture. She’s also changed (personality-wise) so much. Also, I can remember one video where at the beginning Spencer was cooking and he didn’t know imo was filming and he was in such a mood and seemed quite different, if anyone can remember what video that was in - it would be so much appreciated. However I don’t think it’s just Spencer. I think they’re both weird and controlling in their relationship. This is how I imagine it to be:

Imo- I want to control all your social media and I don’t want you to see any of your friends /family and don’t even THINK about other women
Spencer- fine but only if you eat less and let me say cringey shit in all of your videos

I genuinely think they have some sort of controlling compromise in their relationship. Just my opinion though 😆
Definately! Both toxic towards eachother behind closed doors 💯

not to be looking for sympathy in the slightest (im not trying to be attention seeking like our baby princess, i promise this has a point), but yesterday i had possibly one of the worst days mental health wise, i didn’t leave my bed, i didn’t stop crying, everything just felt like a huge negative black hole all day and i’ve woken up today feeling totally emotionally drained, im sure many who suffer with their mental health can relate. now the LAST thing i would want to do today would be to read anything that brought me any negative thoughts as after yesterday i don’t think i could deal with it.. so WHY if she was feeling as low as she was saying, supposedly having 1000s of panic attacks a day and whatever bullshit she’s spouted our of her swollen mouth, does she continue to go on social media where the problem started in the first place??? it’s a load of shit, she wouldn’t be able to mentally cope with it if it was effecting her as she says and it just makes me SO angry that she’s taking the piss out of something some of us have no control over and would do anything not to suffer with!!!!!! the fact she’s making out she’s practically cured herself (attention must cure anxiety????) after a few days is DISGUSTING and i don’t understand who the bloody hell she actually thinks she is?
Hope you're ok 💛

Angers me too! Extremely disgusting! 😡
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She still goes on and on about her hun buns “saving” her every day 🤦🏻‍♀️ The kiss ass comments telling you you’re gorgeous save you? That’s just sad you’re a grown ass woman, enough!
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She said at the end of her video she took 100 photos do glad that the 100 panic attacks have stopped or she wouldn’t have time to make her brownies! Also love that her brows are back to normal and not heavily drawn on like they were in her bullshit videos about her “breakdown”

Omg so happy for you. Thank goodness we have Imo and her miracle cures 🥰
She should be made a saint! Truly an angel princess sent from heaven 😂😂
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