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VIP Member
You have to wonder what kind of people would want to take life advice from someone like him anyway, given the mess of his own one.
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VIP Member
I just got an interesting email.

If you can bear, have a listen to the story Iain regales with around 9.30😲 this morning.

Really, Really….that happened. They filmed that and that happened….? Really…?

Hmmm, if I was a journo I would have a look at that.

You can easily identify that production company in a heartbeat from what he said.

He might have wanted to keep that story to himself (he thought it was funny).
What are you talking about? It isn't a secret, it happened years ago and was in the news at the time:
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Pat Mustard

Active member
Nigel from Maidstone, now theres a character. The having a poo in a field and nearly giving a man a BJ was an unintentually hilarious call.

Eyan helping fuel Nigels delusions of stardom with the catchy its Nigels Time song and then the calls for money /constant need for Eyan and Kaffbo to pay for his shopping after they did once was fantastic.

Easiestly the neediest of callers but also the most entertaining with his Miley Cyrus fueled fantasys and crazy drumming.
Nigel is Maidstone's very own Barry Manilow.
A wizard on the keyboard and a voice to match.
It was Lindsay Lo-han that was Nigel's wet dream.
Didn't know about the accidental BJ.🤣
Iain "Oh do put it away!" Lee wasn't near him for recompense for food parcels he sent to him by any chance?

I don't think he's ever spoken to a woman, so I doubt it.
Doesn't his mother count.
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Ex TLNA fan

Well-known member
Sorry but when I see "TRA" I think Trans Rights Activists.
Saying that it's not too off the mark with some of his followers.
There's a few of his tribe that feature on a "register" or two
General Kim has changed it to RA which is short for IRA... 😅
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If anyone did catch Iain's live reaction to Belfield getting a lengthy prison stretch, it was genuinely odd. He broke down completely, on camera, and Kath was there to scoop him up.

The victims who went through court didn't appear to have that strength of reaction (on camera).

When the Belfield Files were announced as a series, I think most expected a bit more evidence of the lengthy harassment Iain claimed took part over the last 10 years.

It makes sense that a Lawyer friend might be curious about evidence.

Come on Big G, tell all!

In any case, another Tweet Delete!
No doubt Kaffbo comforted Iain by putting his head between her saggy bitties.

Was one call, just over a minute long, from a Dave asking Eyan to perform a 'baseline' test to see if Eyan was fit enough to work due to COVID.

Technically, it could be two calls. Not sure if the second call was real or a pre-record clip. Was some bloke who kept on saying "hello" as nobody was replying, so he wasn't sure if he had got through to anyone.

Bit vulgar of Eyan to talk to Jo like that, imho. A pattern has clearly emerged with how Eyan talks to women. Some serious deep seated issues come to the surface when Eyan interacts with women in the studio. It's worryingly similar to how Alex Belfield talks to women.

He publicly humiliated Kaffbo at TR and continued with his "micro-humiliations" on Twitch.

Eyan's asserted his "authority" over Jo by humiliating her over being late to read the news.

Now he's continued by talking to her in this not-so-passive-misogynistic "sexualised" manner. Eyan's agenda is clear to me. It's exactly what I predicted he would do, and he's doing it.

Out of all the things he could talk about with Jo, it's particularly interesting why he chooses to say that to her.

Eyan is out to diminish Jo Summerbell's self-worth, "sexualise" his working relationship with her, lower her status and belittle her.

Eyan sees Jo Summerbell as an easy target who won't stand up to him. I hope someone has a word with Eyan (a total waste of time imo) before this gets out of hand, because it will.
Eyan is way out of line. He is grooming young Jo. He wants to bring her into his and Kaffbo's emotionally manipulative and downright sinister cult. Iain Brady and Kaffbo Hindley/Iain Huntley and Kaffbo Carr are a disturbing duo.

That’s pretty bad of him, at least it’s shows Iain’s true character!

Good somebody else. has seen the light.
Iain Lee/Brady/Huntley will regret falling out with Big G. Who else will defend him and Kaffbo Boyle/Hindley/Carr when they end up in court charges with something sinister?
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Active member
Let’s hope this means more of his Cult deem it necessary to depart. I’d expect him to turn on any of his fans that bring this up.

Might be worth calling into JackFM on Monday… if Iain makes an appearance.

Iain, if you are reading this, know we are glad you are sweating. Also, I think I speak for many…. A huge “Fuck Off” to you. We know you read this!!

You made your bed, now lay in it.
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Pat Mustard

Active member
Private clients and if he signs up to an app based service as they let anyone act as a paid counsellor.

Read horror stories about the totally unregulated "counselling" industry in relation to "counsellors" taking advantage of vulnerable clients physically, financially and emotionally.

Unfortunately it's all too common for those with deep seated MH issues to suddenly decide they're suited to be a counsellor.

I can see people queueing up to book sessions with Eyan because he's a (minor) 'sleb and completely ignoring any common sense
This popped up on my timeline and when I went to read the comments it was deleted. He says he’s scared vardy will sue him. Wtf is he going on about?
Well let's face it she could do with the money.
Saying that he'd barely register on the 'sleb detection meter nowadays.
(The above device is a repurposed handheld TV scanner which is not at all a box of bullsh1t.)
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New member
Maybe WOPHD has been busy hibernating? Like a fully bloated hamster and one who's also filled their cheek pouches to maximal capacity, using their little hamster paws, with a selection of Celebrations by Mars. The miniature versions of full size Mars brands: Maltesers Teaser, Mars, Bounty, Milky Way, Snickers, Galaxy and Galaxy Caramel...etc...

Wait, hibernating is a WOPHD winter thing and not a summer thing. My mistake!
I'm right here...
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@General Kim, when I referred to "sticking up for Iain", I was addressing this part of your post where you suggested the fans protect him:

"This should be no surprise. It's consistent with the behaviour to be expected from vulnerables in a cult when they feel their Messiah needs their support.

It's never Eyan's fault and he's always in the right even when he's done something totally disgraceful and out of order. So they attack to protect their Messiah."

Hopefully that clarifies what I meant!
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Ex TLNA fan

Well-known member
The O'Brien creature is a true hypocritical socialist as they all are.
Just as rabid environmentalists hide the diesel generators behind the stage as they pontificate to their flock and jet around the world to further their cause
Socialists from the deeply racist Marx on profit in the capitalist system as they run it down.
Iain is just an "innocent" in the world of politics.
They are the kind of 'left' that thinks neolib Gordon Brown was radical...:ROFLMAO:
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Charles the Furred

Active member
Feels a bit unfair to bring his ex-wife into this - far as I know, she rarely if ever associated herself publicly with Iain. Well, you wouldn't, would you?
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But if they've been brainwashed (which was a fan myself I would obviously dispute - but then maybe that's what I've been conditioned to do), isn't criticising them for sticking up for Iain a lot like criticising someone who's been hypnotised for clucking like a chicken every time they hear the word "kettle"?
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Active member
I'll admit my tongue was a bit in my cheek there, as I find the brainwashing idea to be a bit out-there.

You do make an interesting point, though. Another of Iain's mantras is "They all turn eventually" like it's some inevitability, which has always seemed odd. Does he think Gatford will "turn"? Or Matty? They've both been with him for decades.

It takes any responsibility away from Iain for him to believe that everyone will "turn" on him, which I think is a bit unfair. Babcock certainly didn't deserve to be cut away like he was.

(That said, Alan Caddick definitely "turned" - he wrote on a Facebook group that Kath was a b**** and he hoped they both f***ing die. I don't miss his calls.)
It’s always the caller that ‘turns’, as opposed to Iain, the one common denominator.😜

I appreciate your post was a bit tongue in cheek but I just don’t find any of it funny. Any of it all. I used to but he’s trouble and it makes you reassess what is actually ok and what is not.

Voice that concern and watch the pile on. Really troublesome.

Brainwashing in this specific case is just cognitive conditioning. It's not like vulnerables were forced against their will and held captive like some American cult.

They were already of the disposition of wanting to be controlled before they joined the TLNA cult. They were looking for a Messiah and Eyan gives that to them. They gravitated willingly towards Eyan as some kind of charismatic guru.

Many are prepared to sub to TLNA when they simply can't afford it. So they go without, imo, more important things like food and savings to cover basic expenses.

They're vulnerables who are looking for a home. And Eyan gives that to them. But keeps them under his control with pressure. They all want to be his best friend.

Sticking up for Eyan?

I can't see any situation when Eyan has ever needed to be stuck up for or defended? If anyone can share any situation where Eyan has been the victim and needed to be stuck up for by his vulnerables that would be very interesting. Sounds like trying to justify the behaviour of his fans, tbh, LOLs.

Many times Eyan has indeed said "Eventually they turn on you, they all turn on you".

Yet, every time Eyan has fallen out it's been entirely his fault. But in his mind he can convince himself people "turned" on him.

It's the very definition of NPD.

It's quite delusional and a bit sinister, tbh. Quite worrying how Eyan genuinely believes this and Kaffbo buys in to this delusion.

His cult will tell Eyan exactly what he wants to hear: that he's the victim in every single situation and he's never wrong. The vulnerables are that delusional because of willingly signing up to conditioning, manipulation and hero worship. They even pay for it!

Eyan is the absolute very last person who should be allowed anywhere near any psychologically vulnerable people. I can see Eyan making someone end up a lot worse. They're some really bad counsellors out there who have some serious deep seated issues themselves. There're many cases of Eyan type counsellors taking advantage of vulnerables.

I'm sure Eyan said his course wasn't "accredited" and was therefore cheaper.

But, I'm sure Eyan also said that all courses aren't "accredited" anyway. I think Eyan is right on this as "counselling" is not regulated by legislation or any kind of government oversight. It's a bit of a Wild West "profession" and anyone can set themselves up as a "counsellor" with a certificate downloaded from the internet

Before anyone says I'm saying "Eyan downloaded his counselling qualification off t'internet" I'm not! I know he's undergoing some kind of class room/placements based training from some kind of "organisation" as it's mostly all he talks about in his shows.
Ahh, ok. I retract the accredited comment. My bad if that is not factually correct.
It’s still really bad though, isn’t it😕
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General Kim

Chatty Member
£35, rumpy or not...if Iain (and Kath?) found it difficult to maintain boundaries with listeners thinking they are 'friends', imagine inviting fans to pay to sit on their couch. Counselling or no counselling...this could cause a whole new world of difficulty.

1. Fans know your address.
2. Fans have paid a substantial amount of money to talk to you in your house.
3. Will fans be able to maintain a therapeutic relationship with someone they look up to so much? Will they be able to manage any perceived 'rejection' when their hour is up?

Of course, they can pay another £200.

If they can afford to.

Or, they might feel even worse than when they started?
Many important points raised regarding professional standards and boundaries.

Definitely a recipe for a predictable disaster. Only need one fan who with a belief in some notion they are destined to be with Eyan, a stalker type scenario, and that isn't going to end well.

I suppose Eyan offering his fans the opportunity to stay over with him (pizza included) is one thing. But offering a counselling service is an different matter. I'd say a demarcation between a professional space and personal space is essential when it comes to counselling. It's not like other 'home businesses'.

I'm sure other counsellors operate from their home address without any issues. Or maybe they do have issues with a patient suddenly turning up unannounced?

Eyan operating from his home address has advantages for him, but also comes with some serious disadvantages.

I suspect Eyan isn't actually keen on in-person counselling sessions as he'd prefer Zoom calls or sessions to be conducted outside.

Perceived rejection? I'd say that will happen. Then a sense of dependency will form next.

What I don't understand is why would someone choose Eyan in the first place?

He has no experience, is priced at a bizarrely high amount and is the last person I would ask for any kind of advice from.

Why would someone not go with an experienced counsellor at £65 an hour and choose Eyan instead?
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Charles the Furred

Active member
Thanks for letting me know about your struggle. I can try and help if possible.

I wouldn't want to presume to what you allude to through a process of conjecture. So if you could elucidate further with some particular aspects, that would be greatly appreciated. Outline and define what caused the struggle. That would be a good starting point.

Also, if you could describe the emotions you experienced during your struggle. That would be helpful in assisting my understanding of your struggle.

One question, if I may ask at this stage, why tell me? But, I'm delighted you have, tbh, as it's good to share.

If it's a matter of reading comprehension, for example, on your part, then I'm more than happy to explain in a suitable way tailored specifically to you.
Are you sure you're not the Gregorian lawyer's split personality? This reads like one of his tweets...
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Active member
I bet a certain presenter is becoming a little peed off and embarrassed.

"New callers only show" was a regular thing back in the day on Talk.
He really is in an awkward position as he still has the Patreon gig going as backup and can't rid himself of his dedicated dependents.
True, else it would be like Tescos banning their loyalty customers… perhaps he shouldn’t have sold his soul!
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Pat Mustard

Active member
Superb! LOLs.

Superb because it's spot on and true.

Kaffbo: there's trouble t'mill, Eyan needs me. Eyan needs to tell me in person about his wank fantasies about me. Eyan's having a Menkell Helf Crisis!!!!! I'm going to scoot over to Eyan's on me scooter! Must dash! Kids will be OK with beans on toast again.

Hubbo: Best you move in with Eyan, luv. To be honest luv, Eyan needs a live in carer. Don't worry about me and the kids. We'll be fine. Eyan is a true hero. Oh, and btw, don't bother coming back. Luv.

The toad known as WOPHD not happy. Maybe he needs to "chat to Kaffbo" to feel better? Kaffbot needs to set up an emergency Chat Bot service for TLNAers in need. Now that she has divorced and can devote her full time to TLNA. Kids these days pretty much look after themselves anyway.

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I think we may have touched a nerve.
"Stupidest c#nts his ever seen"
He's never clapped eyes on me.
(As Kath would say)
As for him and the rest of the TLNA crew they are largely what you'd imagined them to look like.
The Irish fella seems out of place as he looks presentable.
From what I remember.
That Baker meme is a perfect representation of the rest.
I know it doesn’t quite fit but if there was audio saying over that saying
"Eee Schnorbitz" in that dopey Bernie Winters voice.
But instead of the dog's name replace it with "Iain" or "Kath" as they respond to an errand given to them by one of their masters.
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