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Charles the Furred

Active member
Well he has offered to piss on her to save a trip to the loo.
Suggested his semen as a face cream.
And would piss in every room in her house with his piéce de rèsistance reserved for the master bedroom.
Having a shit on the carpet.
So given that he could imagine such things let alone say them in front of her.
Nothing surprises me with that creature.
He can't heeeelp it, he's a seeeeeeex addict...
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Pat Mustard

Active member
That's something JOB would say...😁
You sure, sweetcheeks?
JOB ,the foundling, wouldn't have a word said against Corbyn.

Things are more fish hook than horseshoe...
Things are more fish hook than horseshoe...
Fish hook?
Oh. I don't know why I bother!
That's it!
Class dismissed!"
Teacher waits for the room to clear before opening his desk drawer for something "medicinal" and wonders whether he's wasted his life.

I hadn't heard of Belfield until a couple of months ago and had to google him to find out who he is...
That's what you say now.
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Well-known member
Welcome to our new members!

Tattle is free, just like the Rude Awakening on Jack FM with Iain (f)Lee!

No £1000 pizza party charges or bargainous £200 therapy sessions here. Not even the cost of two coffees a month!

💷 👛 💸
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Active member
Gingerbread does tend to go a bit stale and lack lustre, within a short space of time. Therefore, lacking “Mass Appeal”……kind of reminds me of someone…

Partridge type DJ #metoo
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Pat Mustard

Active member
WOPHD calling everyone here paedophiles in the same post where he's bragging about being allowed alone with his nephew for the first time...
Oh dear.
Even the female contributers?
Welcome @BrettPilky01

Don't know if her divorce is finalised. Sure I heard Kaffbo saying something on the Clinton Baptiste podcast about enjoying sleeping on her own. I could be wrong and mixed it up as I wasn't really paying attention tbh because I was hoping the podcast would end.

I can't see how Kaffbo being in Eyan's thrall would help her marriage or make her husband pleased.

Found it quite embarrassing when Kaffbo copied Eyan when he bought his scooter. As Kaffbo suddenly realised she has the exact same interests as Eyan and bought a scooter.

I'm surprised Eyan hasn't made Kaffbo start collecting Monkees merch as well.

Wonder if Kaffbo's Hubbo was impressed with how much control Eyan exerted over his then wife?

I remember when Eyan went berserk when Steve Allen intimated Eyan & Kaffbo were shagging. A reasonable possibility to think about considering how close they were.

How embarrassing that must have been for Kaffbo's Hubbo.

I think Eyan complained to OFCOM. LOLs.
Dish the goss.
Steve Allen said that when?
Oh it doesn't matter.
That ol' queen bores the life out of me.
However I strongly suspect he may be right.
But what woman would tolerate the disgusting things he has said?
On air!
Obvs not his wife given the divorce.
And what husband would allow her to be spoken to like that?
If I'd had said one of the vile comments he has said to Kath.
Well...I'd receive a slap so hard that I'd be spinning in the swivel chair under the stairs for a week.
And they'd be a very angry man to answer to as well.
And rightly so.
He has been a very negative influence in her life.
And it shows.
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Ex TLNA fan

Well-known member
I listened to a random Gervais/Merchant/Pilkington podcast the other day, from 2001 or 2002. Guess who emailed in? Gatford! Can't escape the cunt.
So that could mean if you listened to more of it, then What On The Tapes and Alistair may have emailed in. 😂
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What I do not understand is this, Eyan for years has said "Just because you call in or you support the show we are not friends...." yet he said he thought Gregorian was his friend.

Maybe it's all theatre and Big G and WOTT will suddenly pop up in Iain's house during a TLNA show! :D
WOTT would have to leave the house and have a crane transport him and an ambulance on standby for the heart attack
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Well-known member
So, the Rude Awakening has begun!

Set this for the morning...⏰...what lols await?
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General Kim

Chatty Member
Yes, the call to Eyan was only offering support and sounded heartfelt. He was literally breaking down overnight live on the airwaves which Kaff happily allowed to be broadcast. Very dark were those Talk Radio shows from a deeply troubled Eyan and the sad, miserable individuals that it attracted.

Still Eyan has capitalised on the call by playing the victim and nobody knew how much he was suffering for the past 10 years. That call has roped in more views than all of his other low effort content and was swiftly created into a great opportunity to rope in a few more Patreon punters out of sympathy.

Eyan not in this morning on his morning show, had he had a wobble or not trusted on dealing with today's news?

I'm also fascinated that Kaffbo has a 'regular' job which she alluded to on a recent podcast. I'm sure her colleagues just love her office zingers and raucous Northern cackle.
Haven't listened to any podcasts recently so missed whatever Kaffbo has said about a 'regular' job. I doubt she can claim her presence on Clinton Baptiste's podcasts as a 'regular' job.

Maybe Kaffbo has reverted back to her Manc roots and works in a chip shop now?

She'd be great at the Manc chip shop chit-chat,

Kaffbo: "You alright luv?...extra large chip butty for you? Want some extra batter and grayyveh?"

Manc customer: "Yeah thanks, doing fine petal me Kaffbo lass. Can't wait to sit down and eat me chip butty and watch a bit of Corry. It's dead good"

Kaffbo: "Can't beat a bit of Corry, it's mint. Can of pop me ducky?".

Because Kaffbo's chip shop manager has given Kaffbo some sales "upsell" training: always ask the customer if they want a can of pop! Try and do some of your clever zingers/observations that you used to do when you were on Twitch with that celebrity radio/TV presenter Eyan Lee. The customers love it! Remember, Kaffbo, if you keep the customers happy - you get a chip butty bonus!

Regarding the call to Eyan, from allegedly Mr B, I didn't see any problem with it whatsoever. The caller, allegedly Mr B, was comprehensively and entirely right about every thing he said.

Eyan did his best to try and shut down the truth by doing his usual cheap pathetic diversionary tactics. Like many other radio presenters do: Nick Abbot and James O'Brien being the worst at shutting down callers.

The problem is these days Eyan simply won't allow any calls like that. Eyan has changed so much and protects himself by insulating himself.

No way Eyan can handle a call like that anymore. Eyan hasn't got what it takes.

Couldn't agree more. Those were depressing days for listeners and TR TLNA did attract nothing but vulnerables and addicts to call in.

TLNA: The Late Night Addicts.

Eyan did indeed jump on the "let's bash Mr B" bandwagon with his unproven call. Because that's what it is; unproven that it's Mr B.

I would actually say: Eyan has gone backwards in terms of talent. Massively backwards. It's so noticeable.

Peace & Love.
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Active member
The thing with the dick pics these days is definitely enough to ruin someones career, he's really lucky he did it when he did. People have been ruined for similar things on YT/Twitch and the like and lets be honest thats the new media now. Which is why it personally bothers me, he could of made it big and spring boarded himself.

While I don't think the dick pic is the biggest issue bar the vulnerability of those involved it's simply he keeps getting worse as a person from the TR arc.

Him limiting his audience maybe subconsciously has left little room for him to grow understand any mistake he is making currently. Echo chambers are never a good thing, which is why I presume this thread is open to anyone even fans.
Unfortunately, it’s not illegal to be a complete prick, whilst on Live Video….
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Active member
I may have to try to listen again, my impression before was it was better than tlna, except the regular, predictable tlna crew calling in every bloody chance they get. Tedious people with little to add. The Irish one in particular, really boils my piss!
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Ex TLNA fan

Well-known member
There was a longer explanation on Friday’s “show” (Iain wandering around town for an hour). He said Richard began to turn during the leadership elections as he said I&K were being mean about Tory MPs/Tory voters and RG said it wasn’t in the spirit of the show, they are meant to be mental health aware etc.
A few emails were exchanged between Iain and Gregorian about Belfield. Richard’s argument was that Iain had mentioned Belfield numerous times in the past despite Iain’s videos claiming he had never mentioned him before due to fear.
Eventually RG called him at the end of a TLNA show screaming that Iain was a liar. They have agreed never to talk to each other again. 🥲
It is very naive of I&K to slag off just the Tories. Don't they know that you couldn't get a cigarette paper between the Tories and Starmer's Labour?
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