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Active member
Found this thread by chance on the old tippy tappy. Been following Iains Lolcow career for many years aswell as his carer/enabler, zinger dropping, Manc feminist ex producer.

Particularly interested in Eyans new venture, I can only imagine the blinded and weak sycophants will slide further into debt wanting an hour chat with their leader. Alistair in particular. In one show said he needed to cut costs then the next day spent £100 to host his own Talk Radio show.

The Patreon numbers are tanking but it's income and zero effort needed for two 'shows' a week.

Really detest Eyans new fear mongering rouse re the enrgey crisis and wanting to hold support meetings in the hope it'll result in some additional paying punters.
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General Kim

Chatty Member
Wonder how many of the TLNA incels secretly resent Kaffbo now?

Now that Kaffbo's shacked up with Eyan.

Two types of TLNA incels:

1. The males who fancy Kaffbo, but their hopes of ever getting off with Kaffbo are well and truly zero now. But they can't resent Eyan for getting off with Kaffbo, because he's their leader.

2. The females who resent Kaffbo because she's got Eyan all to her self. Dashing their dreams of having a relationship with Eyan.
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Active member
It's like the old saying goes - it takes two to tango. Sometimes it's Iain's mood which makes things go sour, sometimes it's the caller's, and usually it's a mix of both.

The biggest problem always seems to be that the callers in question don't "get" the show or its sense of humour. And the problem then is that no amount of talking or explaining it will change that. That's a big part of what makes the calls so awkward to watch.

I do think Iain needs to learn how to handle those calls better, though. He isn't the only one with mental health problems, and I think those people almost always pretty clearly have a lot of their own baggage they're bringing to the table. I mean, don't we all, right?

Because there's been a lot fewer free shows, none of this has happened in quite a while, not that I've seen anyway. Perhaps his counselling course will have made him more empathetic next time it happens.
Honestly, the show I heard a bit of, he had posted a link to zoom and had kids on their telling each other to go f*ck themselves. Seriously. One identified himself as 12, and Iain said “oh! Just ignore them”.

I don’t get the show. Don’t want to. It’s dodgy. Now.
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Did Iain deliberately block WOTT knowing he would cry about it and thus scare the acolytes into pretending the statement doesn't exist?
That’s got to be why. Many people like WOTT and whatever we think of him, politely replying to RG didn’t deserve a block.
It is very telling that none of the usual fans have unfollowed Richard. There will be DMs taking place that I&K have no control over. Their fans are silently reading everything that RG says and forming their own conclusions.
Next week either the whole thing crumbles and the reason given will be “not getting the numbers” or it will be damage control time. If its the latter then I would expect a show before Thursday.
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Pat Mustard

Active member
A typical TLNA show atm: Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...Alex Belfield...MeMeMe...
When it comes to Alex, Iain should.
🎵"Let it go. Let it go"
But his big gob and bitterness in being "cancelled" by all the major broadcasters won't let him.
Is he venting this "on air"?
If so most of his audience won't have a clue who Alex Belfield is.
You'd think he'd have learnt by now about bad mouthing other celebs.

He seems to have gone all Steve Allen.
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I know attractiveness is subjective, in the eye of the beholder and all that.

Kaffbo can look reasonably good when she scrubs up, gets glammed up and makes a lot of effort. Also pictures don't always reflect reality. Seen Kaffbo on the Aylesbury walkabout video and she looked rough as.

Helena, on the other hand, is a classy lady. How on earth did Eyan talk her into having a relationship with him? Did Eyan do his hypnosis act on her?

Honest to god I don't know what she saw in Eyan. Hope it wasn't the big bucks he was earning at the time.

Not surprised she had to divorce him. Let me guess why. Helena "turned on Eyan, they always do in the end...".

Saw Helena for the first time on BBC news during the Queen's funeral coverage in Windsor and she's quality.

I bet Kaffbo hates Helena for many reasons.

Helena can deffo easily find a new bloke with a professional job, shed load of cash (but Eyan can keep on paying the child support thank you very much), quality motor that doesn't need a new clutch so they don't have to run a "go fund me" on Twitch, doesn't send deek pics, isn't a narcissist, has a good sense of humour and top looks.

Hello General Kim!

Helena, if you're reading this. Open a Tattle account and get in touch.

Depends on what switched-on means?

Being full of "Maya Knew" pearls of wisdom isn't my idea of switched on.

Being full of Manc (faux) smart arse sass isn't my idea of being switched on either.

If she's switched-on how can she be making some rather obviously dumb decisions?

I'm interested to know on what basis she's switched on as it's a genuinely interesting "anti-echo chamber" point.

Or, has got exactly what's right for her? A perfect match. She's found her lifetime perfect partner. Match made in heaven.

Her personality, imho, certainly doesn't warrant anyone "better".

Personally can't see how anyone better would want to be with Kaffbo. One to avoid.

If anyone can and should do better it's Helena.

Eyan and Kaffbo don't deserve better. Look how they both screwed up better.
The difference between Helena and Kaffbo is like the difference between a steak and a cheap McDonalds burger
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Ex TLNA fan

Well-known member
Both Eyan and Kafbo blocking people like crazy and Kafbo locked tweets. It’s as if she follows him mindlessly without any shame. To think, every new follower, could be “the one” watching. Takes all the fun away from the two or so new ones they get a month.
Why lock tweets when nothing of interest is ever tweeted by the tweeter?
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Active member
Oh, yeah, I saw a bit of that. Didn't agree with that at all. A lot of the Zoom stuff has been quite good fun, but I wish he'd just left the kids be.

EDIT: I just tuned in. They've got the Zoom open again. No 12-year-old kids this time. Just Alistair, Dave, Jim and Bodell.
What’s the motivation to fund them? Genuinely curious.
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VIP Member
I wonder is he cancels his counselling clients at such short notice too.

I bet Jake was pissed about having to leave the house and drive there at such short notice.
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Active member
The smugness in the voices of these three is incredible. They really do think they're doing us all a favour.

I suppose they are doing Iain a favour since for a "phone in show" there's a distinct lack of calls. Hopefully it picks up over the next year, but it isn't looking good so far. The parts that aren't phone ins are actually pretty good though.
The show certainly has potential. Just hope he can be consistent, but what with hearing Dim Jolly’s voice, then having to cope with the “Usual Suspect's” calling in… I’m not sure how much I can endure.
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Active member
Dead weight? o_O
What a total wanker!!

Regardless of our dislike to Iain, to act like this towards a friend, not a “mate”, a friend, a trusted friend I would guess. You’d have to be a complete Cunt. What a Wanker Cunt. A total, wanker Cunt!!!

Great show this morning on Jack. I don't think there was a single caller, but Iain sending Will out with a photo of him to ask the general public if they recognised him and literally everyone saying no was great. Although the highlight for me was Iain asking Jo if she'd ever hurt her anus (yes, he used that word) while ice skating.

I worked in an age when an actual fight between management was seen as ok…. The 1990’s. I actually became the manager of my shop because the “newly” previous manager was quaking in a phone box. But Des was an arsehole, so I do not care! (Radio wise this was Ceaser the Geezer, then James Whake on talk radio).

Even then, I like to think I would never talk to my staff/colleagues, like that. We had a laugh, lots of, because the job was shit. But always respect.

If anyone did catch Iain's live reaction to Belfield getting a lengthy prison stretch, it was genuinely odd. He broke down completely, on camera, and Kath was there to scoop him up.

The victims who went through court didn't appear to have that strength of reaction (on camera).

When the Belfield Files were announced as a series, I think most expected a bit more evidence of the lengthy harassment Iain claimed took part over the last 10 years.

It makes sense that a Lawyer friend might be curious about evidence.

Come on Big G, tell all!

In any case, another Tweet Delete!
I saw a bit and it was a bit “cringeworthy” to keep watching. Iain was trying to milk this like it was a magic cow. Kaff acted like her Teat could comfort that little bull….
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Pat Mustard

Active member
It does explain why WOPHD can't afford a £25 video capture card if his benefits are being sanctioned for refusing to work.

Also explains why he can't afford to sub to TLNA.

I would have thought after climbing his way up to the highest echelons of TLNA and being granted almighty power over chat comments, free TLNA membership was one of the perks? So he wouldn't need to pay for it?

Where can one purchase a TLNA pen bag? I need one. LOLs.
Kath's knocking 'em out on her Etsy site or something.
It'll have a cat on it no doubt.
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Charles the Furred

Active member
Why is Iain Lee skint. He’s getting money from his mum. Why? His grifting has been on point.. what went wrong?

I don’t get it.

Also, there’s a very predatory vibe re him using the “ohh don’t cancel me “ phrase, after everything he says, that is dodgy. It’s just dodgy… (this is textbook behaviour from a troubled individual,like him)

In years to come , we will say why did we miss it…) Always the way.

This chancer is a qualified counsellor now . He’s bought a new sofa bed. FFS.

He's taking money from his mum? Where did he admit this? And where's the cancel thing from? If he can't make his finances work with two jobs and a Patreon grift, he really needs to learn about being responsible. In every sense.
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VIP Member
I hope any WOPHD fans have been following his latest creative endeavour... posting images of his extremely dusty children's toy collection from his filthy flat. It's always a surprise when people like that seem so unaware of how dirty their environments are. Maybe he did try to clean them up a bit and he genuinely thinks that level is fine? You can get a bottle of Mr Sheen for only a pound, sort it out for Christ's sake.
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