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She’s saying there’s a school bus alright but there’s only a patchy service mid-morning for those kids who are heading in later because they were tired or waiting for their uniform to come out of the tumble dryer or whatever.
Curse these ruddy bloody Tories.
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“If I worked my manager wouldn’t let me lie down when I had a headache or have 4 days off for my periods”

No they wouldn’t Sarah. Most people have to power through things like chronic migraines, endometriosis, Crohn’s, and even cancer treatment because they don’t have it as cushty as you and don’t beg on the internet, therefore HAVE to work.

Infuriating person.

ETA: you obviously don’t want to work, which is your preference. Fine. But pretending you “can’t” is insulting to the people getting up and doing it every day because they have no choice.
There's a cleaner in my work in her late 60s. The loveliest person. Crippled with various ill health conditions but can't afford to retire. Husband used to pick her up from work but he's got dementia and can can no longer drive. Waits for the crap buses outside work now putting further time on her working day. These are the women this cunt is stealing from whilst claiming socialist and feminist values. The only positive element in Sarahs sorry story is that her life sucks arse exactly as she deserves, full of estrangement and isolation while our cleaner is loved and considered a right fuckin legend by family and colleagues alike. You reap what you sow.
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She was scheduled for treatment during Covid when costs were extraordinary and the NHS was on its knees and SHE DIDN‘T SHOW UP.

I hope the gynae looks up her records and files the referral down the back of the radiator.
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Finding it hilarious she’s gone all influencer when a grand total of 2 people interact with her. I didn’t think you could possibly get more tragically desperate for engagement than retweeting your own tweets, but I can now confidently say quoting your own reply to someone and replying to the reply is awful. God imagine having that pitiful engagement on every single thing you post. I’d be too mortified to carry on

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I’m going to attempt to offer Sarah some kindness.

Sarah, if you happen to read this although I’m 99.99% sure you won’t because you don’t read Tattle, this is your prompt to book a driving lesson. Today.

I’ll even give a breakdown of how it can be done because I acknowledge you seem to think your way out of everything that could benefit your lives and you get overwhelmed with finding solutions:

If you don’t already have an instructor in mind, post on your local Facebook page, much like you did when you were looking for a carpet layer to say, “Hi, can anyone recommend a local driving instructor?”

People will then flood you with suggestions. Try and pick one or two who have had the most recommendations and drop them a text. I say ‘text’ because if they’re with students they might not be able to take your call.

“Hi, my name is Sarah and I’m interested in starting some driving lessons with you. Please could you give me a call at your earliest convenience to discuss your prices and availability? Many thanks.”

When they call, ask what they charge and whether they offer discount for block-booking.

It might be steeper to pay up front and have a short month where you cook budget meals, but it’ll save longer-term money. If that’s really out the question, then try and budget for an hour a week. Lessons are about £50 an hour now, so that’s about £200 a month, but you said you’re close to being test-ready already so it shouldn’t be long that you need to make some sacrifices. Cancel all your needless subscriptions temporarily and put up with the £20 “slower” broadband deal for a couple of months. That’s £70 freed up. Take some walks to the shops, or send your sons, that will probably save £80+ on taxi fares. Be a bit more frugal about shopping and utilise your budget cooking - you will easily be able to shave £50-£100 off your shopping bill. This is so so so doable. Yes it might mean “going without” a few extra treats but think about it, short term sacrifice will lead you to a longer term gain. FREEDOM. You have to start living like nobody is coming with a wad of cash to bail you out, you’ve got to do some sums and make it work with what you already have.

Next, ask the instructor if you can book your first lesson for the first week of May which is 3 weeks away. It’s likely they wouldn’t be able to get you booked in immediately anyway if they’re popular/busy. It also gives you chance for your ‘payday’ to come around and for your period to be gone and your iron tablets to kick in.

Next, get your theory test booked for in a couple of month’s time. It’s about £30 I think. There’s an app you can get (£4.99) to refresh your memory and do mock tests. I think it’s called ‘Theory Test 4 in 1’. If you book it for the summer you can get some practice at it, and some driving practice with an instructor in, before you do your theory. If you fail it, book it again straight away. Just keep trying. You’ll get there.

If you can’t afford a driving lesson per week (you can though, you can make it happen with being a bit stricter for just a couple of months) then try one or two a month. Your progress will be slower but it’ll still be progress.

You already have a car, imagine the freedom of being able to hop in it and go places! Not just shopping either. I know you said you really wanted to go on lovely walks and see waterfalls. I’ve googled. There are lots of locations in Kent you could do this if you could drive there, your summer holidays could be filled with nature walks and wild swimming and picnics with your lads. You could probably fill your petrol tank twice and a bit for what it costs to go on the train for a big day out once. You can think about your career a bit more too, once you can get out and about on your own terms a bit more. You can start off with some volunteering somewhere to ease your way back into a routine and remember who the fuck your are and what you can achieve. Bonus as well: Nobody at the McDonalds drive-thru knows/cares if you’re in your pyjamas and have nipped out for a McFlurry and a doughnut during your time of the month. Just imagine how your life could look! You’ll be able to say a big ‘F U’ to everyone who ever doubted you too, you can drive past all your haters like yeah, I did it, I fucking did it, look at me taking my life in my own hands like the legend I am. Toot, toot motherfuckers!

Think about your twins as well. You can be their “chariot” to pick them up from their sleepovers. Also, what are they, nearly 14? If you pass your test this year, you will be “qualified” enough to sit with a learner driver in 3 years. That means that when your twins are 17 you will be able to help them to learn to drive too! How amazing would that be! You can help them to gain independence and freedom for themselves, it’ll be the best gift you ever gave them. It’ll only be a couple of years now before they’re wanting to go out with their mates. Imagine how much they’ll all love that Choppy and Squish’s mum has said she will pick them all up from the club at 3AM to save them on a taxi and how much they will shower you with drunken appreciation. You’ll get to be the first to hear all of their hilarious stories from their night out while they’re all still pissed. What a laugh and a treat!

Honestly, the doors this will open for you…

Just do it Sarah. Don’t think about it, don’t hesitate and try and find a million and one reasons why you can’t. Just for today, take can’t out of your vocabulary and post that Facebook group post asking for driving instructor recommendations. Get that first lesson booked. The only stalling I wanna read about is the car, not your motivation. If you feel nervous that you might be a bit rusty, that’s normal. Your instructor isn’t expecting you to be perfect, your instructor won’t even care that you’re still without a full licence at 45 if that’s what’s holding you back. They get loads of mature learners. You absolutely can do this. TODAY. NOW. RIGHT NOW. You got this 💪

To do today:
1. Ask Facebook for driving instructors
2. Book a lesson for May
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Did she really describe people typing things on to a website as 'screaming at her'? She did, didn't she?
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Jelly Bean

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She said what? 'Date rape is different'?
And so what if someone is 'off their face' - they still shouldn't be raped. Basic fucking stuff for most people.

And of course she supports Simon Harris. Of course. She probably sees him as another hapless Tattle 'victim' who has done nothing wrong 😂
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She embarrasses herself almost hourly.

For the record. I costed out America and Mexico for this and decided I couldn’t really justify it - but it would be a highlight of my life to see something like this and I will be watching it streamed live. Oh - and the MANY people that attend JUST my local astronomy society for their monthly public talks, also the thousands that visit Leics Space Centre monthly, and the massive local public buzz about the new planetarium currently being funded and built in my area beg to differ with you, you incredibly stupid and ignorant waste of skin and blubber.


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She didn’t actually make that millionaire spaghetti thing did she? She hasn’t got a
She says in the post she cooked it 🤷🏼‍♀️

There will also be 30 spam Temu links a day, various begs once I figure out an alternative to BMAC, tweets where I call my kids fat thickos, lists of things I might get around to doing in ten years, incoherent pissed up rambling and a timeline that makes no sense because I’m so monumentally dense I think retweeting my own tweets INCREASES my engagement rather than gets me shadowbanned for spamming. Not to mention vague references to a disability I definitely am not making up because I’m a lazy bone idle workshy grifter who hasn’t done a days work in my life at the grand old age of 50.
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I got nicked on my 18th birthday with a badge on a lunchtime smoking a joint behind the mod building opposite downing Street. Not my smartest day
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Jelly Bean

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Only interacts with her kids so it looks like it's one of them Mother of the Year is calling a cunt.
Oh dear. Did the twins want to go to school but she'd rather they stayed at home playing Minecraft (or whatever children do these days)? Maybe they said 'actually mother neither of us feels at all ill'. That would annoy her.
Or maybe His Lordship refused to give her gin money?
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