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Nice Sarah didn't last 12 hours. Back to being an abrasive demanding know all. The doctors clearly got the measure of her. Stop wasting nhs time, those appointments are for sick people, you're just a fat pisshead who crams herself full of shite and stay up gambling all night. Of course you feel crap.
Sort it out? Sort it out by telling you to take a fucking iron tablet you absolute tool?
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I would suggest that her bathroom clattering whilst she plays with her hair at 2am would be very disturbing to her growing young teenage boys but who are we kidding - they are playing with their new Xbox controllers in front of a giant TV at that time anyway.
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It’s become very apparent that the only threads she ever gets interaction on are the ones with room for others to give health advice. People on Twitter love to impart their health wisdom/pseudoscience at every given opportunity, don’t they?

She then responds to all of the tips and advice with “it’s actually [insert self diagnosis]”, “can’t do that”, “can’t do that either”, “I have a feeble excuse not to try that as well”, “I already know that”, and “apparently I know more than the doctor because I read Google’s top result for my leading question”. It’s always excuse excuse excuse, not going to change to help myself, still want pity for it though. Never does she go, “Oh thank you so much, I’ve just cooked myself a nice fresh curry from scratch packed with nutrients, and whacked some cubes of frozen spinach in because someone educated me that you absorb more iron from frozen spinach than fresh. Who knew! Thanks for the tip! Can’t wait to feel better!”

Instead she just whines about exaggerated and/or imagined health conditions that she wilfully makes worse, not because she wants help, but because she wants strangers to give her attention and she feels entitled to their time (and knowledge, that she always disregards) for nothing. She exploits their good nature for the brief dopamine buzz of a comment notification because it makes her feel momentarily more connected and less lonely. It’s just so tragic and desperate.

This is also the exact mentality that led to her multiple and excessive crowdfunds: wanting strangers to give her something for nothing. BMAC has been cut off so she’s emotionally grifting instead now. She can’t ask for pounds but she can ask for pity! Give me give me give me, I won’t say thank you, I won’t use what you give me to better myself, and I will just keep asking for more.
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The thing I'm looking forward to most about the upcoming labour landslide is twats like this still having utterly shit lives after blaming everything on the Tories for years. Labour have no mandate to fix horrible defective personalities.
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Thread title by @byefeliciax, nominated by @L3moning, congratulations, you both win a trolley full of beige food from the Aldi you're not banned from.

Sarah is trying to set herself up as some sort of budget influencer, by begging people to reply to her threads with budget tips and recipes. She gets about as much traction on these posts as she does on any of her others, namely, no traction at all.

She's also trying to pivot to chronic illness Twitter by posting her blood test results and asking if a doctor can give her advice. Wisely, not doctor seems to be prepared to risk their GMC licence and so she got no traction there either.

She stays up until 3AM, mindlessly scrolling through Insta and Twitter, and then complains she's so tired she must be anaemic. Not according to those blood tests, she's not.

She's now begging people to use her referral links for Shein and Temu so she can waste more money on shite that's been produced by slave labour. So very, very socialist of her.
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I think to attract charm, humour and personality you kinda have to have charm, humour and personality.

Imagine Sarah on a dating app!

Photos: from at least a decade ago when she was 9 stone lighter, 10 years younger, and not as grey.

Bio: 45 year old SAHM of my teenage babies, DV survivor, got an English degree and dropped out of a psych masters donkeys years ago, never had a job though, don’t have any hobbies, quite like Wetherspoons when I can afford it, looking for a bloke to twat my adult son when he doesn’t put the bins out, I don’t like poor men who haven’t ever achieved anything or got their shit together by their 40s so I expect you to be minted and happy to drive me around to all of the pharmacies and Aldis in Kent and cook for me every day because I’ve got heavy periods. Not got much to bring to the table myself so hope you do. I like to talk about: myself, my self-diagnoses, my kids self-diagnoses, misguided political opinions, being poor. Don’t match me if you’re Tory.

Conversation: “I can’t really meet up with you because I don’t have a driving licence, but I’m currently crowdfunding for an intensive driving course. My BMAC link is…”
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Slimming World is a MLM scheme and the diet is full of shite advice apart from filling half your plate with veg but the social aspect of it will do her good if she can hold the nasty in and refrain from shouting that's feft darlin when she's told she's lost a pound.

You've gotta feel for any group she night turn up to. There'll be much slapping of pockets and claims of a lost fivers when it's time to pay up .
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Hey you guys, I was in a Police Station today for about 20 minutes and they didn't clock me. Haha.

I was just having some documents witnessed but my point is if Scarah hadn't been so slow reporting us I could've been half way to Canterbury Correctional Facility For Wayward Trolls by now.
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Sounds highly suss that. Police have got better things to do than monitor kids school attendance. School have despatched the bizzies cos she's known to be aggressive when approached is my best bet.
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Newsflash they aren’t interested in any of your crap either, that’s why you feel compelled to retweet it all and still get no engagement
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“Mu Christmas nightie”
Nearly 2 and she thinks they were too young to experience domestic violence going on around them in the household.

I’m speechless tbh.

View attachment 2864001
She’s fucking thick.

My mate’s son was presenting as having ADHD. He was kicked out of all mainstream schools he attended, such a lovely lad but so so so angry and disruptive. He was getting shit all support from CAHMS and was in a PRU. The family ended up taking him private to find out what was going on. It was concluded privately that it wasn’t ADHD, but in fact it was the effects of trauma from the domestic violence he witnessed when he was a toddler. He has no conscious memory of it, but the trauma of not feeling safe and living in a high stress environment was ingrained. Thankfully he’s had some incredible support and he’s grown into a really well rounded young man, but that didn’t happen overnight and it took a lot of work and help and accountability from his parent.

To think that just because they were 2 and can’t remember it it won’t have affected them is naive. She was yelling and picking fights and crashing around and they were exposed to a hostile environment during their formative development. For someone so apparently educated in child psychology she is dumb af.

Put the ASD assessment forms on hold and ask for THRIVE assessment.
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Sensible Susan

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I think round our way it's the school first, then if nobody's answering the door the police get called in case there's a welfare or safety issue.
That's the worst part for me, the way they all mock safeguarding (Reanne and Anderson are the same). Gives me the rage. Safeguarding your kids is not just your responsibility Sarah.
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How is she not bored? The idea of spending all day on Twitter tweeting into the void is just so depressing.Averaging over 100 tweets a day. Good god.

The sickness benefits thing is annoying. Autism isn’t always the same so you kind of have to do the PIP/DLA on a ‘when it’s bad‘ scenario. If your kid can’t cope with supermarkets 90% of the time and then one day when the stars align and there have been zero other stressors they are okay, then the lying on the floor screaming and having to drag them along the aisles is your reality (I‘m wearing an ‘ask me how I know‘ badge right now). Aand if you never know how it might go, then I think you also have to go with worst case.

I don’t want to make this thread about me (or about my child as it’s his private information) but his autism restricts and curtails our lives enormously.

But about half of PIP claims are for depression or anxiety. And that’s so nebulous that it’s very easy to fudge.I also really worry we’re pathologising negative feelings.

Feeling anxious that you might miss your bus or that you’ve not done a great job are normal. Finding work boring and not fun is also normal.

I do worry that we have a generation of younger people (not including sarah in this) who are so addicted to the dopamine hit of computer games that the relentless dull grind of daily working life feels almost unbearable.
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She needs to stop appropriating ARFID (avoidant and restrictive food intake disorder). It’s a hideously debilitating condition and children can die from it. If you have a child with an extremely restricted diet and one of their safe foods requires an oven, there’s no way you’d be without one for any length of time.

It’s clear she has no direct experience and can’t decide whether she wants head pats for feeding her kids healthy food or to invent random autistic traits she’s heard people talking about.

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It's tricky I think, as a lot of the Twitter PIP crew are claiming for conditions which, to be quite honest, could arguably be made better by spending a bit less time online in an echo chamber and a bit more time out in amongst it.

For physical stuff (and severe mental health conditions), I can (and have also advised folk) see where the 'on your worst day' comes from, especially with things like Parkinson's, ME or MS (of which I know/am related to folk with all three of these conditions) where your worst day is absolutely dreadful and you can't move, but an alright day means you can pop to the shops. I don't think you should be excluded from that support on the basis of one or two 'good' days a week when the PIP could enable you to make your life easier when you're having a bad day or a flare but unfortunately the way the system is set up is that you kind of have to exaggerate to an extent if you're not laid up 24 hours a day.

Lazyitis unfortunately wouldn't be counted under the above for me. The 'on a bad day' came out of really seriously disabled people being unable to claim what they needed and unfortunately it's been co-opted by folk who feel that they're entitled to money that is meant to be claimed by people who absolutely cannot work or need financial help to enable them to work and live their lives as well as they can. Not for nails, holidays or indeed shopping.
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