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Girty Drifter

Well-known member
I think she *can* learn, she just learns the wrong things. She’s not interested in self improvement, but she’s seen that posting private information and raging against perceived injustices gains people like Reann Jenkins attention and engagement, and that is what she craves. Hence all the current posts.

She love-hates here, because she sees this as engagement and, however negative it is, she enjoys it. Any attention is good attention. She thinks she gets ‘one up’ on us by posting her horror show for all to see, without realising what a monster it makes her look. I imagine she looks very smug as she posts things that illustrate what a shitshow she is, because she just can’t see what she’s become and she certainly doesn’t take any responsibility for her actions. We’ve repeatedly seen that.

She raises a number of red flags for me and I’m sorry that services are so stretched they don’t appear to be involved. Those children deserve far better. She also has a whole host of unmet needs that she doesn’t recognise and receives no support with. She is stuck spiralling in a pit of self-sabotage, but she just can’t see it. Problem is, she needs to want to change for intervention to be successful, and she’s not there yet.
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That poor doctor. There is 💯 a flag on her name and all the doctors in the practice argue about who has to see her next. I’m still completely unclear about what she thinks her disability is?
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Sensible Susan

VIP Member
The only way Sarah could live this down now would be to say it was an April Fools josh and she forgot to delete, her being so ill.


Comments x 2: Sarah
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4.3k views: All of Tattle maybe?
Cringetastic 😬😬😬
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It’s become very apparent that the only threads she ever gets interaction on are the ones with room for others to give health advice. People on Twitter love to impart their health wisdom/pseudoscience at every given opportunity, don’t they?

She then responds to all of the tips and advice with “it’s actually [insert self diagnosis]”, “can’t do that”, “can’t do that either”, “I have a feeble excuse not to try that as well”, “I already know that”, and “apparently I know more than the doctor because I read Google’s top result for my leading question”. It’s always excuse excuse excuse, not going to change to help myself, still want pity for it though. Never does she go, “Oh thank you so much, I’ve just cooked myself a nice fresh curry from scratch packed with nutrients, and whacked some cubes of frozen spinach in because someone educated me that you absorb more iron from frozen spinach than fresh. Who knew! Thanks for the tip! Can’t wait to feel better!”

Instead she just whines about exaggerated and/or imagined health conditions that she wilfully makes worse, not because she wants help, but because she wants strangers to give her attention and she feels entitled to their time (and knowledge, that she always disregards) for nothing. She exploits their good nature for the brief dopamine buzz of a comment notification because it makes her feel momentarily more connected and less lonely. It’s just so tragic and desperate.

This is also the exact mentality that led to her multiple and excessive crowdfunds: wanting strangers to give her something for nothing. BMAC has been cut off so she’s emotionally grifting instead now. She can’t ask for pounds but she can ask for pity! Give me give me give me, I won’t say thank you, I won’t use what you give me to better myself, and I will just keep asking for more.
Does this mean we’re not getting anymore budget meal threads? 🥺
I still don’t know what to do with my turkey steaks, two packs of mince, crisps I don’t like and branded flavoured water.
No wonder my iron is low, I’m wasting away here Sarah!
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I was SO ILL I couldn’t make a roast. So I used completely different ingredients to make a dried out spag Bol instead.

Also #myovenisbroken
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Let's see...someone who writes a constant babble of typo ridden rubbish ricocheting between nice and nasty, got fixated on someone else's fella who had to go the police to shake her off, turned on said fellas girlfriend with multiple rants that included mocking her dead family, accused her of being behind various accounts including posters on here. Get a mirror you mess.


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Ah yes, "very private", but, as Green Day didn't quite say, do you have the time to listen to me tweet a hundred times per day, about nothing and everything all at once?
I'm going to have that in mu head all day now.

PS it's really hard to write mu, it must just be stuck in her phone as a real word now. Mu.
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If I wasn't so terrified of leaving clues for the matrix dying to do my door in I'd tell you all about the time my pic was in the local paper staring at an eclipse through a Mars bar wrapper like an absolute doughnut dying to be Stevie Wondered. Oh ffs me an my mouth, don't summons me Saz.
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The only way Sarah could live this down now would be to say it was an April Fools josh and she forgot to delete, her being so ill.

View attachment 2857202View attachment 2857215
Comments x 2: Sarah
Re-post x 1: Sarah
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4.3k views: All of Tattle maybe?
Cringetastic 😬😬😬
I would simply pass away with embarrassment if I called my following “quite big actually” and this is the engagement I got on a post I was desperately promoting.

In other news, she’s absolutely sloshed already:

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I’m back around to thinking she must be a made up character because no one can physically have this little self-awareness…


ETA: imagine trying to get your calcium intake from CHEESE and then kicking off at people (correctly) saying you eat shit.
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I wonder if it’s occurred to Sarah that she’s only got 4 years to get her shit together. She’s got 4 years to get her health on track, get on the road, establish a steady career, clear her debts, and have a stable earned income. That’s a relatively short amount of time at her pace. (How many months to defrost a freezer? To renew her broadband? How many years to get a cooker sorted? How long to build a piece of flat pack furniture? She booked a driving lesson yet? Applied for a job?).

In 4 years her twins will be turning 18 and she will lose a massive chunk of her benefits. In fact, in 2 years she could lose all the kid benefits if they don’t manage to stay in mainstream education. The child element of UC at its current rate for two kids is approx £585 per month. Child benefit per month for 2 is about £170 a month. That’s £755. Then take into account that her housing element entitlement will reduce too because she can only claim as one person for one room, so she’s looking at having to cover a shortfall of about £1,000+ a month with no cute babies to exploit for crowdfunding.

She thinks she’s in poverty now? Wait until her income drops to only 1 single person’s allowance of UC and ESA call her up to renew and do a health assessment and realise that her ankle is now healed and her other “health issues” don’t actually warrant not working. She’ll lose that too.

I had a single, no-dependents friend who was unemployed for a while. Their UC didn’t even cover their share of the rent and utilities in a shared house and it left them in minus figures for food, toiletries and other essentials!

What’s her plan then? Keep telling the kids they’re so sick and inept that they have to live with her forever and help her cover the bills out of their benefits and blag Carer’s Allowance for them? Does she not want her kids to have aspirations? Opportunities? Careers? Lives? Families of their own? Of course not! Because then she’ll have to pull her finger out and actually work herself.

In 4 years His Lordship will be 30. Does she really want him still chain smoking and gaming in his bedroom with an internet girlfriend who lives on the other side of the world, while her adult twin sons still share a bedroom and claim £300 a month benefits in their own right (that they’ll rinse on non-essentials and expect Mummy to still feed them because she never taught them money sense) because they flunked their educations and followed in her footsteps arse-prints on the sofa? What kind of life is that for anyone? I wouldn’t wish that on an enemy, let alone my own children.

Alternatively the kids might wise up to the psychological abuse and neglect from their narcissistic mother and contact their paternal families who seem to have a good work ethic and support system. If she’s not going to inspire and encourage any of them to do better than her, their dads might. But then it’s just Sarah, Twitter, a double bedroom tax, a broken oven, and a car she can’t drive, with about £500 all in in benefits entitlement to cover everything.

Either way you look at it, her imminent future looks pretty bleak if she doesn’t get it together. A change of government isn’t going to miraculously make her future more fruitful, that’s all on her, and she doesn’t have the time nor resources nor intellect or personality to establish herself as a Psychologist. She should probably just find a new (and realistic) dream.

Time is of the essence!

She knows nobody is coming to save her, that’s why she keeps asking people to save her.

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Her hypocrisy really shows when she talks about mental health. She didn't care about the mental health of the innocent Aldi employee she filmed and posted and instigated a pile on against, did she?

It truly baffles me how people like Sarah come to exist. What evolutionary purpose can it possibly serve to have no self awareness and alienate everyone you come into contact with? When I knew someone like Sarah I drove myself mad, walking on eggshells trying to gently help and make her see she was the cause of all her own problems and they'd be so easily solved if she just made a tiny effort to help herself and didn't pick a fight with everyone in earth. Like Sarah she lived in upside down world where she'd insist she was the victim, but all the evidence she desperately produced only demonstrated the opposite. It's fucking mind boggling.
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Her character assessment of “a woman in Aldi” who people “got up in arms over” is based on three interactions. She has recounted all three in detail. The first were conversations about company policy on trolley release: they were not arguments.
When you initiate a conversation in this frame of mind:

It is unlikely to go well, and you will be unlikely to achieve what you intend. It means that this self-assessment:

is unlikely to be accurate. Your surprise at how the other party reacted to your conversation indicates that you do not actually understand how you come across to other people. It’s the impact, not the intention that matters.
The third was a row. Based on these 3 interactions and ONE person who messaged her to say “she has shouted at my four year old”, she now judges that the Aldi manager “treats customers like fucking shit anyway”.

Funny isn’t it, that you don’t actually KNOW people managing your local supermarket either… but then you wouldn’t record them and plaster them all over the internet for monetary gain (as evidenced by refusing to take the video down because Aldi didn’t pay out), talk about how they would have been assaulted where you grew up, and go along with people talking about visiting the store and wishing harm on them… would you?
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Sensible Susan

VIP Member
I’m sorry I got it so wrong. I don’t think I’m going to post on these threads any more because the more we talk about her, the more her need to defend herself outweighs any interest in protecting her children’s right to privacy. She may not care about that but I do.
Please don't stop. She picks and chooses the comments she posts from here and milks it for all it's worth.
Never answers the genuine concerns we have for her family to tell us we're wrong.
Also, I happen to think plastering 'LOL' all over those court docs is in really bad taste :mad:
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