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Did she actually just say, "bung [it] in a curry"?

It's like a cult of fuckers
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She reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Homer sees someone hooked up to ventilator and goes 'all this time I've been breathing on my own like a sucker'.
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A 5lb block of own-brand cheddar is better value than 5lbs of Babybels #WhoKnew
She’s running quite a #ThriftyKitchen now isn’t she? Wait, why does that sound familiar…

Well I have to give you that one Saz, you’ve blown the nation’s previous queen of thrift into the weeds with that one. She was advising people to use a car jack and a pair of bolt cutters or something to get into their tuna chunks.
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“The people in the shop are so dense”. She speaks with such disdain about the people who serve her. And that some old fella probably had a genuine need for that mobility scooter. It’s so easily done to mindlessly muscle memory a key into your pocket.

I bet she had the energy to stand and argue with Asda’s staff for 10 minutes about accessibility, reasonable adjustments, and her rights.

The entitlement is off the charts!
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She has absolutely no concept of how the working world actually works, does she? Uni doesn’t qualify anyone for any guaranteed career. Being a jobless bum all your life but then getting a masters in Psychology when you’re 50 odd doesn’t then give you free rein to get any old job in mental health with a salary that takes your fancy! You still start from the bottom and make your way up like everyone else had to.

You can have all of the education the world has to offer, but without any experience (and/or a decent personality) that’s null and void, and just some very expensive pieces of paper. Nobody is going to take her seriously. Can you imagine her finishing her Masters and trying to get a “good” job?

“I applied for a job but you didn’t get back to me. Name’s Socialist Sare.”

“Okay, well I took a look at your CV and I noticed that it’s, well, blank?”

“It’s not blank! I have degrees!”

“But there’s no work experience?”

“Yeah but I’ve been a single muvva to my babies for ages.”

“How old are your kids?”

“They’re in their 30s now.”

“Right. Well, it’s unclear what your work experience is. Can you tell me what your last job was?”

“Well I’ve never actually had a job, but I did grow up on the shop floor and watch my parents work so I know roughly what working looks like.”

“Do you realise that you’ve applied for the position of an Educational Psychologist?”


“Can you tell me what you think qualifies you for the role?”

“Well I’m very, very clever. I was in top set for everything in school. I did a beauty course and then an English degree and then a Psychology masters. I have prequalified Ed Psych experience because an old mate of mine worked with kids for a bit and I diagnosed my own son with Autism.”

“And that was formally acknowledged by a post-qualified professional?”

“No, they didn’t think he is ASD but I know he is ASD because he gets a gacky mouth if he eats two Easter eggs in a row.”

“Thank you, Miss Goodwin, I think we’ll leave it there. We have a cleaning job going that might be better suited to your experience level if you’re interested?”

“You’re a misogynist! You’re gaslighting me! Don’t you know I’m a DV victim! And I broke my ankle once! How can you expect someone with a Masters degree to CLEAN?! You fucking Tory bitch!”

If she was deadly serious about and capable of having a career in mental health, she could have done any number of things to achieve that. She could have worked in care. She could have trained as a mental health HCA. She could have volunteered for Samaritans, like her ex did.

Mind you, I’m glad for vulnerable people that she hasn’t done those things.
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Sensible Susan

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View attachment 2859359

“The people in the shop are so dense”. She speaks with such disdain about the people who serve her, the entitled cowbag. And that some old fella probably had a genuine need for that mobility scooter. It’s so easily done to mindlessly muscle memory a key into your pocket.

I bet she had the energy to stand and argue with Asda’s staff for 10 minutes about accessibility, reasonable adjustments, and her rights.
I'd prefer to think the 'dense people in the shop' heard her coming and hid the key.
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From over 100 tweets a day. She's literally just screaming into the void.
Reminds me of my cat Susan. She screams at the bricks or the bees outside, we can tell she's not sure why but she has an inherent need to just yell at things.
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Her TL overnight is a shimmering mass of fake outrage, whatabboutery and memes about as funny as blood in your piss. If you are concerned about the UKs insane welfare bill and the prospect of your life being stolen to foot it for 54 years you mustn't know or give a shit about stinking rich tax evading corporations - the comforting simple dichotomy of the twitter halfwit who thinks they're about to blow your mind. You know who's depressed- ppl having 5 days a week taken from them being spoken to like shit for minimum wage. All this old testament howling and garment rending seems to assume working people are like sulvainian families skipping off into the forest deeply happy and in rude health to perform a few cheering tasks a day and pushing their wheelbarrow full of gold home. Look around you. Working ppl are broken. Cos of cunts like Sarah on the take with no intention of ever doing their bit.
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She bought 20 bags of crisps for £2.99, but nobody likes cheese and onion so it actually cost her £2.99 for 15 bags of crisps.

In the same shop, she could have bought 3 x 6 packs of flavours they do like for 99p a packet. That’s £2.97 for 18 bags of crisps.

1/10 for budgeting effort. 11/10 for being a total embarrassment.

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bet she got hair dye on her lip! 🙄🤣

I did notice the ridiculous amount of ‘oh no, I can’t do that’
one comment, I’m sure, was ‘cut out crap and eat less’ pretty sure there was an excuse for that too! 🙄
There is always an excuse.

Someone suggested a while ago she signed up for the cheap broadband package for people on benefits. She said she can’t because it’s not fast enough. (It absolutely is).

She spent weeks saying she was going to build the flat pack drawers that she wasted £160 on. Then she said she couldn’t because she couldn’t find her screwdriver. (It costs less than a fiver for a new one if she cba to look for it).

It was suggested she doesn’t pay for all of the streaming services in one go because it’s just wasted money, you can’t watch them all at once anyway - especially not when your telly is broken. She said she couldn’t cancel any because her kids would get bullied for not having them all. (They wouldn’t).

Someone offered to buy her a cheap cooker. She ignored them completely, and carried on saying she needed this specific model that is £600+. (You can get cookers, even integrated cookers like she needs, for under £300 inc. installation. Curry’s actually have one for less than she spent on the drawers she’s not built in the 3 months since she bought them).

It was suggested that she stops wasting her money on masses of ultra processed carbs and sugary snacks because that’s not going to nourish growing adolescent bodies or fill them up. She said that not having £600 worth of Breakaway biscuits a month was tantamount to child abuse/neglect. (It’s not, it’s the other way around).

It was suggested she sees friends more often. She said she can’t because she hurt her ankle a couple of years ago and was shielding in 2021. (It’s 2024 now).

She was going to file a police report, but couldn’t because she was oh so busy.

She could save money on buses instead of taxis, but can’t because buses don’t run past 6PM and she can’t possibly just shop earlier in the day than that.

It was suggested her food shop bill could be less. She said she wasn’t prepared to deprive her family of biscuits and costly convenience foods.

It was suggested she sell the car she’s insuring and MOT-ing but can’t drive to free up funds. She can’t because she might drive one day.

She should get a job or go back into some training, but can’t because she’s “not ready yet”.

She was offered treatment for her heavy periods but can’t accept it because Google said a full hysterectomy would be better.

She could start supplementing or consuming more dietary iron to help herself, but can’t because she needs blood tests first and probably just a transfusion instead.

As was so accurately put on here before: she’s got a problem for every solution.
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Step right up lads it’s Temu gambling desperation link time

She HAS to be a character made up for a BBC3 skit.
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I know we're not allowed to speak directly to twitter but please let me off this time:
Sarah, are you aware that the Aldi video went so viral that the man named in your court docs liked and shared it?
Why wouldn't you have him blocked ffs?
Looking at the accounts that account follows (Roblox, Minecraft etc) then I would say that’s not her ex’s account, it’s her son who has the same name: he’s C****** Jr.

So her 13 year old son engages with her Twitter and sees what she posts. Nice one, Sare. Your “baby” can see all the shit you post about his imaginary SEN and how you whacked his dad with a baby gate. BELLEND.
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Starting a thrift thread guys, first thing is remember to bring your own shopping bags, I mean like I’ve been paying for plastic carrier bags for over a decade now and it’s probly cheaper to reuse them if you fink about it
#WhatAmILike #amirite
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Kikini Bamalam

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Can anyone clear this up for me. Is Sarah anaemic? I'm just asking because it is really not clear from her posts, she never mentions it ever?
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Yep. Asda have one she can borrow so she can whizz around shopping for sympathy.

View attachment 2859341

It’s like she’s actually an amalgamation of all of the characters from Little Britain.
That's up there with Jack Monroe booking up a disabled room on the Edinburgh Sleeper train. Disgusting, cosplaying cunts.

That shade of blonde clashes with her skin tone as well. She looks like a nicotined finger now.
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Nice Sarah didn't last 12 hours. Back to being an abrasive demanding know all. The doctors clearly got the measure of her. Stop wasting nhs time, those appointments are for sick people, you're just a fat pisshead who crams herself full of shite and stay up gambling all night. Of course you feel crap.
Person who went to medical school and has a continuous professional development obligation: "your results are on the low side of normal, nothing that can't be fixed with some iron tablets and a better diet."

Sarah, after five minutes with Doctor Google: "I've got a special sort of anaemia and I need a blood transfusion!"
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