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big feral kids in the baby area is the bane of my fucking life. actually put me off going to soft plays
It’s always the parents with their eyes glued to their phone as well just letting their kids do what they want. I imagine Shan was probably the same
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I definitely need to find that website so you can watch YouTube and they don't get paid from it now 😂 😂 😂

As a mother who left her job to look after her child because I didn't want to fork out on childcare going to a job I didn't enjoy and would only comeback with £150 if my wages all went into childcare, it aggravates me so much what she's doing. She's still sending both of them to childcare to "work" but making it out as if she's going to become the perfect attentive parent.

Now my toddler gets 15 "free" hours, I've gone back to work one day a week and the other day I do all the housework and shopping so the other days I can get out and about with my toddler. I fully guarantee what she will be doing for the next 18 months will just be repeating the same content she's already churning out and not actually doing actual things with her children other than going to softplay. 🙄
There's so many parents I know who would love to drop hours or quit their job to get to spend time with their children but can't, and she is doing that and cosplay being a parent.

She also said she had a career plan, genuinely interested to find out what it is if it isn't being a full time beggy youtuber.
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A weekly food shop reel, how revolutionary. I'm guessing the next thing is clean with me vlogs, like we don't have enough of those.
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Given the amount of time she spends at home (no socialising, walks or baby groups) this is surprising. But not surprising because its Shan.
I just don't think he's ready no matter what is age is. Some kids aren't and that's okay.
If you follow the Oh Crap book that a lot of mums use to potty train (including me), the signs are a lot more subtle and start from 18 months. In fact it claims that after 3+ is a lot harder to potty train as kids become more feisty, which is likely whats happened to Shan. If you follow Montessori or EC (Elimination Communication) you can start even earlier and it does work. The whole readiness thing is a myth (though I do think it applies to night potty training)

I think the simple answer is Shan hasnt really tried hard enough. You need to give it 3-4 full days and your full attention to catch the signs that your child is about to pee or poop. It sounds as if she just expects him to do it all and she was potty training him while looking after a small baby, which is a massive no no.

Long story short, after two kids she still has no clue what she is doing. No one should be taking advice from this woman.
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I stumbled upon another account that is all about realisitc morherhood (thanks IG for recommending 🤨). It had a lot more followers and frankly she was really funny. But not once she sounded like she was constantly whinging nor ever critisised her children.

Its only Shan who thinks being realistic means only showing the bad stuff and being negative about motherhood nonstop!
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I saw a Shan clone at soft play yesterday, same hideous halara trousers and stripey jumper. Best part was her baby girl was called Halle 🤣
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I’ve now watched the vlog as I was prepping dinner. My thoughts are:

- stop letting him nap for goodness sake
- the beanbag incident I mean she’s completely to blame for that, she rightly should have been mortified. She needed to give him one warning and then step in and those poor parents having to sit with wet trousers because of the jugs of juice being tipped over. There goes G’s invite to any more parties. They must think she’s a shocking parent! I’d have been fuming
- first and then board has got me fuming too. I’ve used these lots of times over the years through work and it seems as though she’s just printed a load of stuff of Twinkl, a website for teachers, without having any clue as to how to use them properly. With first and then boards, you’re meant to display one just one at a time, so as not to confuse the child. She’s just got a whole day laid out! How on earth is he meant to make any sense of that?! She shouldn’t use these tools unless she’s certain she’s using them properly 😡
- finally, maybe it’s just me but I find it so strange to put tv on and sit in another room and drink a tea whilst my child isn’t there. Sit with them ffs
In those boards as well she was chopping and changing what she used things to mean - sometimes the toys were playtime but in the morning it was supposed to mean nursery. How confusing.
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She actually does that??

Call me a cheapskate but I think that's an insine amount considering how few family members she has. She has no sibling with their own families, like we do, and we've never heard of any nephews/nieces on Ash's side either. So its just their parents and them? I make considerably more than Shan, I have a lot more family members to gift things to and I spend half of that.
I think it depends though. £1200 for Christmas isn't an extravagant amount if you factor in gifts for family (I'm pretty sure she does have neices and nephews on Ash's side) gifts for your kids, days out. Visiting santa can set you back £200 for a family these days, throw in a light show and it adds up - not that I'm sure she does these things, food shop etc.
I actually think this is the only sensible pot she has from all the pots 😁
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Chatty Member
Do not be fooled. This isn't a new friendship. In Shan's case it's an acquaintance to keep her company at an event she is using for klout. She'll ignore her now she is back.
Also notice how she's never made an acquaintance from her followers. She is only interested in people she can take advantage of.
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So its 8.25am and we have already had a insta story with the words "I've been screamed at" in!!
There's no need to word it like that your children are crying because they want you, you are their mother.
They are not "screaming" at you!!!!
Any mother that hears her child(ren) crying and doesn't think "aaaw, what's wrong? come to mummy!" isn't wired up right. She has ZERO maternal instinct.
If they are "screaming at" her, it's probably because they've tried not screaming to be listened to and it didn't work so it's perfectly natural for a child to start shouting to try be heard.
Does a 10 month old even have the capability of screaming? My toddler does, but at that age they just cry. And usually for very basic things, food, nappy, if they got hurt...not much else. It's hardly rocket science with babies that young.
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He saying her and Ash never speak because of G…. Give it a rest man.

Also, we’ve never seen her kifchen like that so I 100% believe she’s putting it on for the health visitor 🙊
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She’s such a twat even when she’s forcing herself to say something nice about her kids and slides of moaning she’s still say something like “but they still scream at me!”

shut uppppppo

She could have shared all those issues without constantly being like “but GEORGE WAS THERE screaming at me!”
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I agree that it sounds like she needs to see a doctor for her own mental health.

I can’t say I’m hugely sympathetic. She has a massive chip on her shoulder. I suspect A is telling her to lay off the vlogging to and she doesn’t want to because of the financial gains. She has a warped the idea that the viewers are like her and are her friends. They aren’t her friends. She needs to put the camera down and meet women in real life. She needs that WhatsApp group to send a voice note to and her friends saying they are feeling the same and all she wants to do is film it for an online community. It just isn’t the same.

I’m watching the vlog and she says the house is a mess and is this what life is just having to tidy it all up after kids destroy it basically. Yep! It is in my house. She’s obsessed with a tidy house. She needs to lower her standards and accept that it can get tidied whilst her children sleep. There’s just no point in trying to have it look spotless when they are about. Whoever said the other day that she must put tv on so there’s no toy mess is bang on imo. She just isn’t helping herself. There will be no change unless she changes.
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I mentioned a while ago how the way she speaks about him has changed. She used to gush about him all the time, what a great dad he was, how much they loved him blah blah. These days she only mentions him to complain or like you say, to make a big deal about him looking after the kids.

If he is a repair man, he might cover a wide area and go door to door fixing things. Usually those jobs are long hours driving all over the place. Its a great environment for him to cheat - I wouldnt put it past him.

I feel sorry for her. Her youtube channel is losing subscribers in the 00s, she's stuck at home struggling to look after 2 small children, her husband is never around and useless and she has been replaced at work. Those are the 'realistic' things she should be posting about.
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I’ve also noticed that she constantly tries to remind herself and viewers that it’s okay if the washing isn’t done, house isn’t tidy, crumbs from weaning . She must really struggle with how she feels about those kinds of things because she mentions them all the time. I wonder if that’s why her tv is always on because she can avoid toys being littered about.
At the risk of taking us back the 50s I would say it does matter. Your dog could be eating toxic food off the floor, your kids need clean clothes. It does matter if those things aren't done.
And as she is home all day, only leaves once or twice a week and has a husband there isn't any reason why these things aren't done. You don't have to be Mrs Hinch but come on get the shit up off the floor.
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Chatty Member
Re: all the chat about Halle's milestones... Didn't she announce that Halle is hyper mobile and that's why she hasn't achieved the gross motor skills yet? If that's genuine and not an excuse... You'd think the physio/paediatrician would give her exercises that she should be doing with Halle, would you? Surely they don't just diagnose her as hyper mobile and send them on their way?!
I am hypermobile (diagnosed by a doctor and various physios) and I feared my youngest could be too as he was a tiny bit behind on gross motor milestones (even though they were all within the normal range). So I took him to be assessed by a professional specialised in babies.

The truth was that it is very difficult to diagnose a baby that young, because they are all hypermobile at that age. It's only when they are much older that you can get a formal diagnosis. That is what I was told at the time at least but it made sense.

Shan never got a diagnosis. She thought Halle might have it BEFORE she went to the baby physio and they never confirmed it, like I suspected. She just googled too much and self-diagnosed. So it was just Shan being all woe is me again.

I have seen extreme cases of hypermobility in babies/infants and they aren't about being a little late with milestones. Those babies are super floppy and can barely move (it's really sad :( ) so it's definiately not Halle's case.

She also announced G might have SEN but was never diagnosed. And that she might have had 'a little postpartum depression' after Halle. As if depression is a piece of cake you just take a little bite out of... 😡
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It’s shameful that she’s put ADHD in the title when he hasn’t been diagnosed. She’s literally just using as as clickbait to up her views.

Side note: insta story of G asking for a snack whilst she relaxes in the hot tub. Why on earth does she have her camera out, filming the whole event? What a life.
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I agree that it doesn't sound like a believable story but then again most of what she says doesn't so I wasn't even fazed anymore 😂
Tbh I think the only thing she could say that I'd find believable is 'I'm a crap mum and massive brat who was and still is far too immature and selfish to start and then expand a family so I hate my kids when they inconvenience me so I've dedicated my life to uploading shit content to get praise and validation from strangers so I haven't felt like I've fucked up my life....oh and my useless husband never helps me or pays me any attention'.
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I wonder if all her followers who support her realise of the irony. That her whole channel's theme is complaining about motherhood yet she does videos on how to succeed at it.
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