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Chatty Member
I wondered if she was still signed up with her agency and I came across their Instagram page. She has two campaign videos there: (the last one and one on the 6th row). As I dont watch her videos I've never seen these snippets before - they are AWFUL. She can't act to save her life and she just isn't convincing. How does anyone believe anything she says?

In one of them, advertising a rather expensive mattress, she talks about the little sleep she gets as a mum of 2 HAS to be good quality sleep. But as if she bothered getting a top of the range mattress if she was paying for it herself - BS! She is an awful liar. The HelloFresh ad is even worse.

In another video on row 7, with the Chrismas PJs, she is clearly showing her two kids' faces. So she is totally ok with selling her children's privacy for a price.

Her engagement on TikTok is appalling as well. I have no idea what kind of an agency would take her in, even as a microinfluencer.
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They only seem to see Ash's sister when they need help. They need to use her shower and I seem to remember months back Shan called her when her car battery died. Other than that there's never any mention of her. She's probably going to Morocco because they need help with the kids
There never seems to be any mention of any family apart from Shans mum. Apart from the occasional mention of Ash’s sister do they have anything to do with his family?
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There's more comments now . I think one other person agreeing then the rest are defending Shan saying how amazing she is 🙄🙄🙄 I'm all for supporting women etc etc but at no point am I okay with praising women for speaking to/about their kids like shit
I bet none of the women that are defending her follow her regularly nor watch her youtube/stories etc. Probably ad-hoc followers, which is why they get the impression that she is amazing.

I am sure many take it as personal attack too, rather than at Shan's.
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Why does she lie so much for klout? This is going so low, even for her.

She has zero intention of making friends with anyone that replies. She won't even reply to their DMs or comments in most cases, just wants the attention so her post does well. It's awful.


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She’s so strange how does she not have a set bedtime routine for her child. Falling asleep on her like a baby. Dinner bath story and bed. This whole laying next to him for hours so he falls to sleep is not a bit of me. I would be looking for other solutions because I’m not wasting hours in my child’s bedroom of an evening when that’s the time I’m using to tidy up and have some me time.
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She just doesn’t seem very loving towards him. Why not sit down with him, sit on the floor with both of them, give him some cuddles, rub his little legs even. Just show him you care Shan, all he wants is some affection from his mummy. Yes as parents we aren’t able to just sit all the time but sometimes our children just need love and attention.
I would be embarrassed to show anyone that video. Surely nobody is watching it thinking “what a good mummy”
I wouldn't be surprised if she is way more miserable/moody around George than she lets on. I mean, she is comfortable with posting a video where she spends the first 3 minutes or so, when interacting with George, eyerolling at the camera, implying she doesn't believe he is in pain, is at times quite short with him. Seems easily annoyed by every little thing her son does. Don't get me wrong. I have 2 young kids as well. Both of them close to Shan's kids ages actually and yes, there are times where you are exhausted and frustrated but the way she deals with it by being so utterly negative about anything George does, is quite frankly appalling. He is only a little boy still. I genuinely wouldn't be very surprised if she isn't as much of a "gentle parent" as she makes out to be online.
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Does it count as Halle standing/walking if Shan is literally pulling her up and forcing her to take steps? How is she not even rolling at 10/11 months? I know every child is different but it does sound like she is really delayed with her milestones. I always heard that girls develop quicker than boys. I walked/talked way earlier than my younger brother. And my little girl also hit most milestones quicker than my boy.

Unrelated but I've just seen a huge drop in the likes/comments in her last IG post. Also noticed about 8 out of her last 10 posts were all of her complaining how hard it is being a mum of two. I'm all for staying for on brand but being repetitive never really led to any real social media growth. She's just pushing the exact same narrative again and again and again...
That does seem late. My youngest was late to walk (17 months) and talk (over 2) but she was rolling by 5 months
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So following on from her back door key saga. She said she's now going to leave the key in the door so the lock can't get picked, is this when she isn't at home too?! But I've always been told and practice to not leave the key in the door if you aren't at home because then someone can't just smash the door and unlock the door. What do others here do? 🤔
I googled it after her saying that and they recommend you take the key out of the lock and put it in a safe place for the reason you have mentioned. I never leave my keys in the door if I’m in bed/out, I will leave the back door keys in if I’m in the house though
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Came here to say the same thing, what the hell?! What kind of sick parents shows their child in nothing but their underwear for the world to see, it’s not even like a was a single second either (not that that would make it any better). The hiding of their faces is absolutely nothing to do with wanting to protect them, it’s purely because Ash put his foot down and said he didn’t want them being shown. I guess he doesn’t watch the vlogs.
So true! Couldn’t believe it. Give the child some privacy for goodness sake.

Yet another ramble about not having an identity outside of being a mum she’s not at work but actively choosing not to go back to work and therefore only being mum! Make your mind up woman, you can’t have it all ways.

I was surprised too (and I’m also calling BS) when she said that G didn’t do Go Ape because you had to be 1m tall and he isn’t. He would be quite small for his age (and he doesn’t appear to be) if he was under 1m. My eldest is particularly tall at 105cm already and I’ve said before her and G are almost birthday twins but I really, really don’t believe he’s that much smaller. I suspect she didn’t want to pay for it or couldn’t be bothered for him to do it.

Maybe this is just me, but I also find it so weird that she never puts A’s washing away. I’m all for sharing the load with your other half but surely it’d take two more minutes to do his? I presume she’s washing it already and she hasn’t left the kids’ clothes for him to put away, she did it.
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I wouldn't be surprised if even if both Shan and Ash worked from home, same hours and even same job she would still be the 'default' parent and he'd leave her to do everything. Seems like the only time he actually watches the kid is when it's the lesser of two options for him or if Shan has one and can stay at home with the other. He sees very lazy and I wouldn't be at all shocked if Shan genuinely believed he would be around and help more but he still palms the kids off on her.
All the cleaning and tidying and drop offs seem to be on her too. It’s like she’s a single parent, I often forget they have a dad too!
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Oh she’s back posting instagram influencers comments 🤣 she doesn’t post the one from Sandra from Norfolk with 7 followers who’s profile picture is a dog though does she
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She's basically thrown a strop because not everybody likes her. She didn't care what negative comments "user547798" says but she definitely does care what every single person praising her says.

Cue a "I took a break from social media and my mental health improved sponsored by better help" vlog.
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Also her latest reel that G was up crying and H woke as well - but Ash slept right through it all.

From the snippets she gives of how he is this does not surprise me. I can imagine she does every night wake, as well as all the stuff round the house
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This is all I can see 🙂
The cladding they’ve used looks so cheap and nasty 🤢 they couldn’t even be arsed/too tight to pay for tiles.

10000% agree that she was far too young and immature to have kids. She is exactly the reason why young mums get a bad rep.
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No way will she take a year unpaid 😂 Her content is shit, I doubt she will ever make enough from YouTube to make ends meet. Halle will eventually be on the move so Shan will have to actually look after her and not just leave her on a play mat, unless she puts her in nursery but then what would be the point of taking a year off?
It sounds to me like she’s feeling really down on herself that her channel hasn’t expanded the way she wanted it to be. She’s obviously very money driven and is keen to work to make it happen. However, she clearly doesn’t enjoy being the SAHP and is struggling with having a bigger “purpose” whilst on mat leave - nothing wrong with this and wanting to work. She doesn’t really want to work in the usual 9-5 type job and she doesn’t want to be a SAHP. She wants to work at home with her work focused on parenting but not do the parenting that will give her work. Make it make sense Shan.
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Oooo what text was that? I don’t remember that!
I can't remember exactly but I think it was something like he'd (unsurprisingly) left a mess before leaving to go work away and she'd sent a message and he replied something like "well do you want your kitchen fitting finished?!"
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I have to agree with Cosmic, that Ash doesn’t seem completely absent.

Admittedly, I don’t watch every single video so I don’t know fully the ‘picture’ that Shan paints.

However… she chose to marry and have children with a man in the military (that’s not to discredit how hard it is for military families, a lot of my family were). Many vlogs/posts when he would come home from the weekend Ash would be cooking tea for them, or playing with George or asleep on the sofa with George so he clearly spends time with the children.

Shan used to regularly post about their weekends trips out or short breaks. I think the thing now is that since he’s left the military and they’ve been in that house, she’s had a list as long as her arm of all the things she wanted done in the house. And who has done it all? Ash!

My other half is pretty domesticated, does a lot of the cooking and is great with our child. We want stuff doing in the house that he would ordinarily do and we’ve agreed (after me being pretty adamant 😂) that we will pay someone so it doesn’t impact on family time and the ability for us both to parent and have a break occasionally.

If you’re going to ask for a whole new kitchen, stud wall in the living room, new bathroom and Christ knows what else, where your other half is primary contractor, I think as a parent you’ve got accept the fact that you’re going to be picking up the slack for a bit.

Also there’s still been several recent clips where Shan has gone shopping alone or she’s said Ash has taken George somewhere.

Not saying this guy is perfect by any stretch but I think Shan probably needs to put her little violin back in its case to be honest.
It's Ash that doesn't want the kids on social media so probably doesn't want to be featured himself
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Chatty Member
I've just done a quick search and Liv doesn't appear to have a tattle thread. That makes me think she can't be that terrible or super problematic, especially as she has 82k followers. I mean I could be wrong but having a tattle thread to me is definitely a sign you are crap. 😅

I couldn't agree more. My favourite mum-influencer has nearly 700,000 followers so obviously more vastly and globally known that Shan. Yet there isn't one single Tattle or reddit forum on her. I searched once and I rememeber I only saw one single post on her which was actually positive.

People like Shan will lead everyone to believe that if you do social media for a living that you will invite criticsm and they will complain about how Tattle is bullying and all sorts. But the truth is, if in general you are a decent human being, that comes across, and even with nearly 1M followers you won't get even a fraction of the critique that Shan gets.

So, Shan, this is fully on you - not us.
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