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Sparklesnest seriousky doesn’t stop going on and on. Who is watching 140 stories about her sons condition? Seriously? She should write the sob stories for the X-factor. it’s all attention with her.. she loves it!!!
Doesn’t mind her 17 year old son going down the pub and getting drunk does she!?
She makes everything about her too it’s sickening
I can’t view her stories for some reason?!!!
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The Oakland home - don’t know how they do it. Bugs me that she puts the same photo up virtually every week showing the outside of the house with the two range rovers parked up! Don’t know the house to home 13 but will check it out. I do wonder if the younger home owners are up to their eyes in debt. How do they do it otherwise. Unless they have fabulously well paid jobs?
Did you have a look ?
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Chatty Member
One account that i used to really like but now cant stand is Miss Shopper. She is so up herself now and such a loud mouthed show off.
She is out for as many freebies as she get and ass licks all the big accounts and company's for her own gain. She doesnt seem at all genuine to me.
Keeps in with everyone and acts like shes some big superstar that everyone worships😂
Hate the way she uses her elderly nana for her own convenience and to get views but yet is two faced about her and how difficult she is.
All the swipe ups have become a joke too.
I didn’t mind Miss Shopper at the beginning but it annoyed me when she was touching everything in the shops and then preaching about wearing masks and staying safe 🙄
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Talesofelmsvale is getting on my nerves at the mo. House is lovely (not completely my taste) but the boring day to day videos of what she’s doing etc. Constantly posing and pouting to the camera.

Also. Moneymumofficial... what exactly is the point?
Just checked her out. How do people get away with basically making up a narrative that suits them but is not actually true. She is shown in a sun newspaper article which states she paid off a 225k mortgage whilst earning 25k! It’s all smoke and mirrors. Thankfully some people have explained that daddy helped her and she married someone with a property that was virtually paid off. So her hubby is “good with money” - not her. Her writing style and grammar are bloody appalling too. You can’t understand most of her replies - is English her second language?
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kaykay 50

New member
Jessica @insidenumber 2.
Constant freebies #adgifted stuff.brags constantly..another lazy girl who wants everything for nothing ...
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Chatty Member
Oh, she just posted an article with their full names, so I had a Google. She's a physio and he's a seniority banker.

Can't believe they bought the "worst house" on the best street for £580k and then spent £140k renovating it. 😨😨😨
Just saw she's on the front cover of real homes magazine this month I'll have a swatch when I'm in Morrisons today
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What another bland, grey, velvet, diamond cheap looking house

Assuming she’s bought most of her 250,000 followers as the likes and engagement on her boring bland grey posts are LOW for those numbers!
Oh is that how you know? I follow a couple of people who have grown very quickly, but their likes are a lot lower than accounts smaller than them. Is it likes or comments that gift it show false interaction?
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Renovation_at_no54, does she think she invented hair washing 🤣🤣
Well done. You had a hair cut, hardly a transformation is it now hun
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Is there a thread for lucys_hillside_house? She’s got far too big for her boots since gaining a few followers and having a few vital reels... thinks she’s gods gift to Instagram now. Hopefully they die down soon and she gets back in her box. It’s not as if her house is even that nice.
Totally agree. I had to unfollow, she’s acting like she’s super famous now!
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Regardless - a negative test or not she shouldn’t have had him over for Christmas. Christmas was cancelled for everyone - no mixing! If a negative test was a foolproof plan then everyone would have done it! Except most of us have brains and know that the virus can incubate! that’s if her son even did the test right- could have waved it around in the air so he was guaranteed a lift home to Essex for all we know!

She is the most egotistical person I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across- have you noticed no matter what happens she turns it back to her- we were being careful as I am vulnerable, rob is on the tablets I was on last year when I was FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE (have i mentioned that!), even when her daughter in law had an accident and now has brain damage Tina reckons she has the same thing!!!

I honestly hope her husband gets better real soon- he seems nice- just downtrodden by her selfish and spoilt ways! I bet she’s a nightmare to live with!

I’ve now seen the crying video and I shouldn’t laugh but she said when her poor husband was being taken away by the ambulance he looks back at her and says “make sure you tell the sparklers about my symptoms!” 😂😂😂 I’m sure he did!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️ He strikes me as less than impressed with her publicly documenting their entire life online!

also she was sobbing with a filter on and all sparkly bits going round her head. You literally could not make this all up!
And she said that the test and trace people told her that these things happen (visiting a public place whilst symptomatic and waiting for results) and that’s why test and trace are there to trace the contacts! 😳

I think she’s so narcissistic she believes her own lies. Of course that’s not why they are there- YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED INDOORS!

also- I don’t think she has read here. She would 100% scream trolls for more sympathy, validation and engagement!
You’re bang on the money.

Christmas was cancelled and she was stupid and selfish. Risked her whole family.

Just because that’s the job of test and trace doesn’t mean you go out Tina!!!!! You wait till you’ve had your result and more importantly until you’re feeling better fgs! Just own your shit about McDonalds and stop lying saying you wouldn’t have used the toilet had you have known. You went in and ordered food and used the toilet the pair of you!!!! And you did know as he had a test so you knew the risks!!! Selfish!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omg did she say Rob said that????? Ffs as if he said that 😂

Yes I’ve noticed it’s all me, me, me. She’s a drama Queen but right now she’s loving this attention. There’s a woman on IG with covid and she’s not been on her phone in days. Yet Tina can’t keep off hers.
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New member
come on! That was the point! Get with the programme! All morals go out of the window when you’re an influenza..not that it seems Tina ever had any to begin with!
Haha I know, what was I thinking? Imagine an Insta wannabe having integrity when they can profit from their family’s misfortune.
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Chatty Member
I think he should have a thread as heeees back just had 2 weeks off and feeling relaxed so I'm sure he's repainted his wall for the tenth time in like 4 months. Actually saw 1930s fixer upper doing a pisstake story on these instagrammers who take a brake. If they need a break that kinda sends a signal that it's a full time job which makes me question how they actually fit their real job into their life although id imagine that's made easier dye to lockdiwn. He still hasn't got round to buy any bloody socks yet and yet he's been busy planning and buying even more accessories 🤔. There is some bedside table styling coming up if you are interested. AGAIN.
He’s just a boke..🤮
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Active member
Talesofelmsvale is getting on my nerves at the mo. House is lovely (not completely my taste) but the boring day to day videos of what she’s doing etc. Constantly posing and pouting to the camera.

Just checked her out. How do people get away with basically making up a narrative that suits them but is not actually true. She is shown in a sun newspaper article which states she paid off a 225k mortgage whilst earning 25k! It’s all smoke and mirrors. Thankfully some people have explained that daddy helped her and she married someone with a property that was virtually paid off. So her hubby is “good with money” - not her. Her writing style and grammar are bloody appalling too. You can’t understand most of her replies - is English her second language?

she puts the most stupid “money tips” up that are just crap in my opinion. Give me Martin Lewis any day. That’s money tips right there!
Read somewhere she must buy followers as she’s got to LOADS in a very short space of time
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Well-known member
I like a bit of a mix too. Some I enjoy that aren’t up their own arses are:


some are quite big but not too irritating lol!
I’ll check these out thank you!
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