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Chatty Member
Yeah and just to add to that - I always got the impression that Holly only applied to Cambridge Medicine because it was the most obvious/obviously impressive thing to do, rather than out of any genuine desire to be a doctor or anything. I think she didn't expect getting rejected, she's mentioned in other videos how it really threw her for a loop.

So afterwards she was unsure of what to do, applied for jobs as a high school biology teacher and got a job offer, but then refused it. She went on a gap year, took up online tutoring which she made into a business and talked for months about wanting to study Nutrition, only to change plans again (after getting several place offers and one rejection for Nutrition Masters). So then she decided that doing UCL's Cancer Masters would be the perfect course for her. So lots of twists and turns on that front, which made for interesting discussions on here haha
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From what I remember, her parents' idea of dealing with her anorexia was to threaten her with not going to CB unless she got better so she just proceeded to become vegan and play pretend being cured so she would get to go. She hasn't stopped since.

Her entire reason for being vegan is so she can eat barely-any-calorie vegetables that take up space on the plate so she can show it as proof that she is eating "so much" while conveniently leaving out the fact that all of that adds up to one hamster meal.
She can count on people who don't understand calories to defend her in the comments bc her plates are ~so full~ omg, she must be Naturally Skinny if she easts so much, stop bullying her!
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Chatty Member
Yeah this! And also it's not like Holly has ever been super socially aware or interested in helping other people - I mean after all she has never done any kind of charitiy/social work or anything like that as an extracurricular, at least as far as we know. Everything was always about Holly (Holly's studying/grades, Holly's dancing, Holly's running, Holly's vegan diet, etc).

Sure she'll talk about how her being a vegan is more sustainable etc which fair enough, that's true. But it's not the same as actively helping other people. Even something as simple as tutoring underpriviledged kids for free, or donating blood, or reading to people at an old age home, or helping to organize a protest at university, or... One of the thousands of options you have for doing sth that goes beyond your own immediate self-interest. I'm not saying Holly should be Mother Theresa or anything, but I just find it a bit sad that she's never done any of these (small, mundane) things - especially since I bet there are LOTS of societies and student initiatives at Cambridge.
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How can she be so annoyingly pissed of by anything research and still consider going into it? I mean, I get the feeling of frustration learning something new and have vented multiple nights with friends about learning to program. But her smug arrogant face isn't just some "venting and getting on" but more "I hate it, I'm so much better than this." If you don't enjoy getting out of your comfort zone / arse (memorizing stuff) then why the heck do it? Just find something else and shut the fuck up.


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I commented "please get help :(" under her latest Instagram pic - was one of the first 12 comments - and she's deleted my comment. But I totally agree, there's no way her mental health is better when she's rapidly losing weight to a noticeable degree. It's probably just that she *feels* more in control/ balanced because she's restricting, and that gives her the false sense of control she so desperately craves due to the lack of control she actually has over her surroundings and the lack of certainty over her looming future. It's just an illusion created by her ED and it makes it ever harder for her to give it up.
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Chatty Member
She’s got too much physically on her plate to allow herself to fully flourish.

One second it’s ‘I’m focusing on myself and I’m going to get therapy and really treat myself with kindness’ and the next it’s ‘hey guys! I’ve just started a brand new channel! Oh and I’m a huge ambassador for MyVegan!! Omg and I’m expanding HollyGemia and maybe pulling an all nighter for my masters project which isn’t due for months!! Teehee!!!’

it’s ridiculous.
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does anyone think the reason she's choosing so many medic morning routine is because she is still bitter that she wasn't "good enough" to get in and uses this to compare herself to those who did - and finds reasons why she's better than them? "oh he drinks coffee ooh that's disgusting I could never! ooh I've left the dishes to be washed like he does but I would always wash mine"
Increasingly I wonder if a lot of the choices Holly has made have been based on the prestige, as she really doesn’t seem to have a lot of passion for anything that she’s doing. That or she makes safe choices so that her opinion of herself isn’t challenged. I never got the impression that she was particularly passionate about medicine, but let’s face it, getting into medical school is objectively a tough thing to do and would have been a prestigious thing to succeed at - but to me, the fact that she didn’t even try again or try anywhere else (or at least, she didn’t share that she did) doesn’t seem to me like the actions of someone who really, really wants to be a medic. And honesty, she is just far too immature for medicine, and I can’t see how she’d cope with having to touch and confront body-shapes that differ from her ideal.
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Chatty Member
Summary of her lastest video:

  • Family: tbh I skipped over this bit of the video
  • Realised she doesn't have to share everything online (good! I really don't think influencers need to share all their life online). From the way she talked I think this stemmed from when she posted her binge eating video?
  • "toxic relationship" with instagram (specifically stories), realised she didn't have to have posts on her ig stories 24/7
  • Communication with real people: She often created bad scenarios in her head which prevent her from opening up to other people. She's realised that opening up can be a good thing
  • Not eveything she does has to be for a tick on a to-do list: slowing down and not running herself into the ground, allowing herself to watch netflix/meditate/listen to a podcast without scheduling it in to her life. Feels a lot more balanced as a result
From the sound of things, I am wondering if she is seeing a therapist without sharing that fact. I have never dealt with a therapist, but these all seem like changes to help her balance her life more, which I am sure a therapist would suggest she should do? This would also correspond with her second point about not sharing everything she does in her videos.
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Well-known member
I can't get over the fact she's complained to high heaven about how she didn't want to live at home after Australia because she didn't feel independent... But she lets her mum change her sheets and do all her washing, come on Holly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Also how is she giving productivity tips hahahaha how productive are you if you can't manage a degree and your own washing 😭
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Chatty Member
Pretty shameless begging for a massage gun in that latest video...
I HATE it when influencers do this. The Adidas shoes are what caused me to unfollow her. You've got enough effing money Holly. Buy two and donate one to someone in need or an underfunded community sports team.
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VIP Member
Summary of newest video
-Her MBTI type is INFJ-T
-Her project is in rare genetic abnormalities
-She doesn't know if she wants to do a PhD in cancer biology yet
-She grew up in a household where people swear so that's why she swears (seriously wtf was this question)
-She's single
-She has never wanted to kiss a guy but couldn't
-She doesn't know if she'll ever kiss a boy
-She really misses travelling
-She'd like another cat if she moves out
-It's taken her a long time to feel happy about having a period. She does have a regular period now and wants to make a video centring on her period story. Her body has changed the most it ever has in the last two years. Says a lot about how women are meant to have periods (which felt like she was treading into slightly problematic wording to me).
-She says she is not underweight, she is a healthy weight and her body is functioning normally.
-She is 100% straight and is open to a relationship.
-She has a healthy relationship with food according to herself, especially because she's ok eating nut butters.
-She grew up eating plain food and that's why she continues to do so.
-She will never stop being vegan.
-She has a healthy relationship with exercise now.
-She wonders why people still label her as someone with disordered eating or an eating disorder.
-She's scared about having a boyfriend one day.
-She doesn't know what she wants to do after her masters and wants people to be ok being indecisive.
-She's not vaccinated yet but will be when she's offered it.
So: Q&A: My response to Tattle lmao
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Chatty Member
Not going to lie, lots of Hollys revelations/realisations seem like ones you have when you’re legit 16.

1. Spending time with family and wanting independence is something you usually (in most, not all cases) go through in your teens.... by the age of 23 you have been away from home and have accepted that you’re independent. I don’t think Cambridge did Holly any favours here. She would get over homesickness and be back home the week it was okay.

2. not overposting or over sharing on social media is a conversation you would literally have with your parents at the age of 12.

3. Instagram and the toxic relationship? Like just don’t post? And?

4. Understanding how to socialise properly. Again, something you tend to develop properly in your teens..... something Holly never has done.

5. The to do list thing....... it’s something I think Holly has struggled with for a long time. And in my opinion, thats not something that’s solved in a video. You don’t just iron out a controlling impulsive behaviour in the space of a few months. And she still makes extensive to do lists with the tiniest tasks on???? So idk.

Sort of just seems like a bit of an empty video? Like we have heard it all before so now show us you’re actually acting on those ‘things that changed your life’.... because tbh, Holly really isn’t okay.

Oh and it’s also now known knowledge she reads/has read here. It seems a few of her deep chat videos always reference ‘hate’. Get over it Holly, I’m sorry, but get over it. Don’t want people to make assumptions? Then don’t post your life online at all.
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i just saw that she posted a new byhollyg video and as a biological sciences student, i really wish she'd cover slightly more interesting topics, like taking a complex concept that she's encountered in her masters and breaking it down to make it understandable, or even just exploring something interesting that reaches out of an a-level biology class or an 'introduction to biology' textbook.

the 'guide to an animal cell' video just really irked me in particular - she has a massive platform and it'd be great for her to use it to talk about things that would inspire her young audience, rather than what could be considered watered down khan academy videos.
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I think it's reasonable to ask him to be quiet during the 2-3 hour exam window. But she literally complains in like every second vlog about him practising, rolling her eyes when you can hear him play. Just super disrespectful.
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This doesn't just apply to Holly but YouTubers in general - how can they live with themselves taking all this gifted shit from companies knowing there are so many people who cannot afford these things, need it way more and would actually use it, while they let it collect dust in a corner? Fair enough if you have an Apple device and don't plan on switching, but then contact the company and ask whether you can donate it/do a giveaway/etc or send it back? I don't expect much from brands and capitalists but young educated people (like studytubers) should know better.
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Chatty Member
I get that, but it's hardly ambitious to rely on your current subscribers. I think it would be quite difficult to grow it further if she wanted to! Put perhaps that's not the intention.
Yeah I think the intention is to enable Holly to put "I founded an online tutoring business during my gap year" on her CV and that's it tbh. She never seemed like she actually enjoys being an entrepreneur, imho.
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Chatty Member also what happened to keeping her private life ‘more private’? clearly can’t handle people ‘filling in the gaps’.
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