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I don't know why but the idea of her going away from home and choosing to watch her sister's video while she eats her tea is the weirdest thing to me

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View attachment 580545
she is obviously so codependent to her family - I bet it's just how she was raised and her mental health make her feel like her family is the only safe space she has in the world, but is clearly trapping her from blossoming
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I’m guessing Hollys parents haven’t stepped in because of the idea that an eating disorder is rapidly losing weight and not eating, so if she is eating (although restrictively) it can be fairly easy to cover up, especially as she’s vegan. But she’s 23 right? They might just feel like it’s not their place to comment, or they’re oblivious. That said, I’ve been in holly’s place before and my family were constantly expressing worry over my appearance and actions until I did something about it so it’s kind of a shame to see nothing happening.
It’s ridiculous that she’s sharing what she’s doing though. She went on 2 walks, imaging they were pretty long, and did some stretching and all she ate was some mango, some porridge and some pasta/bean/veg thing. Good luck to her running the marathon, I cba with her anymore it’s a recipe for disaster.
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I hope she gets help. She's clearly intelligent since she graduated the top of her class in one of the top universities in the world.
I don't think she'll get help. She's in too deep. And her family don't seem to care at all.
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yeah I was surprised nothing happened after that hospital visit, the only thing I can think would be that they were so busy they didn't really have time, it was still when corona cases were pretty bad in the uk iirc
I'm not entirely clued up with what happened with her hands, but I'm a junior doc and have worked in A&E before. A&E is basically there to decide 'is there something urgent that needs to be treated now', and you're mostly focusing on the presenting complaint. If docs in A&E tried to do a full work-up, both physically and mentally, of every patient who walks in, the wait times would be doubled - that's not really their job, GPs and psychiatrists etc. are there for more long-term issues. If she's come in with a problem with her hands it's unlikely an A&E doctor is going to delve into her mental health, even pre-covid. If they'd done bloods and seen her electrolytes were really off or something, that might have been a different story, but usually the mental health team will only get involved in A&E if a patient is in crisis.
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Has anyone seen, she's selling her gross used sports clothes on Depop 🤢 I'm all for second hand and sustainability but draw the line at lycra sweat-absorbent shorts lmao
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Chatty Member
If this isn't an eternal mood, my god. Any time I see her plates, I lose the will to live.

My ancestors actually shaking in their resting places right now, I can't believe she would say this. I don't know who drilled this freaky nutrition information into her mind but she needs an intervention.
Unfortunately oil free veganism was quite a thing on the internet maybe 3-5 years ago. Holly's sister also did a video explaining why she is oil-free, and I think her reasoning is that becuase oil is refined it isn't counted as a natural source of fat. Even though if you squeeze an olive you get oil... Totally unnatural
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Literally this!
It really does seem like her parents are super controlling/interfering. I know we only get to see a small portion of her life but there are so many instances of them being really patronising and controlling. It makes me annoyed because their behaviour has obviously had an impact on holly and Emily (with them both suffering EDs).

I genuinely cannot get over the fact that Holly is in her 20s and her mum STILL tells her she can’t drink a smoothie on her bed because she might spill it. There’s something really not right about their family situation :/
I get major Stockholm syndrome vibes from Holly at times. She goes to great lengths to say that she doesn’t want to move out and how great her life at home is, but it really doesn’t come across that way. I suppose her admitting it really isn’t great would be very difficult for her, and honestly, she’s so isolated I do wonder if she actually realises how unusual her home-life is.
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I wonder if she lacks reading comprehension skills as there really wasn’t anything critical there. Either that or for some reason she’s incredibly sensitive about her decision to stay at home for her Masters.
I feel bad for the poor fan who felt the need to apologise
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Swear she’s got about 3 YT channels and 4 IGs at this point? Wtf just keep it all in one place, make a playlist or something ahah
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sorry if this has been mentioned before but i checked her depop
she's selling waist 25 inch jeans and is having to hold them up because they're too big
that's scary
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yeah I agree, my relationship with food improved when I stopped living at home, I don't blame my mum as her whole female side of the family have awful relationships with food so she kind of can't help it, but it still made it difficult for me. Obviously there are SO many factors in any ED but I do think things like all the rules her mum has about not eating upstairs etc have encouraged both holly and her sister (previously) to have a very "rule based" eating approach
I think it’s fairly obvious that the mum has some eating/control issues too. The vibe I get from the family is that they’re quite isolated, and they seem to have developed this attitude of being superior to everyone and everything to account for this. It’s much easier to convince yourself that the reason you’re isolated is because you’re ‘better’ than everyone else and above their boring ‘normal‘ ways, rather than take a long, hard look at how you interact with other people and how your behaviours actually might be problematic. I also think that EDs isolate people anyway and it’s a bit of a vicious circle - people with EDs isolate because they don’t want to be challenged, and when isolated, problem behaviours seem less of a problem because you’ve nothing else to compare them to. If it’s something that runs through the family, which I suspect it is, then it’s a real mess there and I feel sorry for Holly.
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it’s so scarily obvious she is suffering from an eating disorder, she is so frail and thin that I cannot believe no one close to her has stepped in. She is probably stuck do deeply in it that she won’t be able to help herself and will continue to decline without help from others. A stranger watching her youtube can see the restricting and controlling behaviour she has with food and exercise yet her family turn a blind eye. I really hope she gets help soon as it’s awful to see and also could be having a terrible infleunce on her young audience.
it's also possible they have given up... holly has shown how aggressive she can be when things are not done her way and I can see her dad just letting her do whatever as long as she doesn't collapse just to have "peace" at home
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Chatty Member
Sooooo Holly has these posted on her Instagram if you scroll down on her page.
And then she posts this on her story with Beckenham Ballet Academy (otherwise known as BBA) scribbled out.
Pro tip: if you don’t want your followers to know where you went to dance (because it gives away the general area of where you’re from) then maybe don’t have the originals on your Instagram.
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New member
So much wrong with the video,
1) That free laptop disgusted me
2) Should barley meditate for 10 mins
3) She looks so much thinner when she was jumping round her kitchen (compared to Australia, so sad)
4) The living room looks like a prison

I hate being negetive about someone, but she needs help
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I lasted maybe 1/3 into the video, I was done with it when she started with the farting. Newsflash: Farting isn’t actually that funny to most people above age 10.
‘Contact me if you need tutoring for your PhD. Also, lol, fartz 🤪
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Chatty Member
Her dad probably needs to practice. Being a musician is his job.
She acts like a stupid screaming gremlin most of the time, and they all let her.
Thank you! My dad and step mum are both musicians and if I told them to stop practicing I would be kicked out/told to go away. You can’t tell someone who needs to practice something they do for a living to stop. It’s ridiculous. Noise cancelling headphones work wonders for me with some ambient/white noise. Everyone is different but at the end of the day it’s showing how much Holly really isn’t accustomed to other people’s needs and timetables. It’s infuriating.

She also doesn’t need to complain about it every time a note leaves the trombone. If you live with a musician you’re going to hear music. Holly gets to hear philharmonia standards from her bedroom. Something to be proud of not to complain about.
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