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I do think that a lot of her immaturity stems from her mum being pretty controlling, especially about cleaning. It’s like that time she mentioned that her mum would get mad at her for drinking her smoothie on her bed... I was shocked at that because she’s literally 24 and her mum doesn’t trust her not to spill the smoothie? And anyway, even if she did spill it - she’s 24, so she can wash the sheets?
im sure there’s been other instances of things her mum doesn’t like her doing, but it just seems weird that her mum would not allow her to do certain things in the house.
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I’d just like to advocate for those of us who are INFJ and not Holly haha. I’m a very kind, loving, deeply empathetic, introvert INFJ hoping to work in child protection. I’m a big nerd with a warm heart lmao pls I promise there are good ones out there 😂
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Mental health issues are definitely still stigmatized in academia. Being overworked & under-rested, underpaid, always stressed with too many tasks on your hands (meetings, projects, applications, presentations) is kind of expected a lot of the time... and even a lot of mental health discourses are kind of like "pick up yoga as a coping mechanism" rather than "get professional help and reduced hours." I sometimes feel like it's a good space to have discussions about mental health as an abstract that other people need to get help for, while we also use these discussions to let it be know that WE aren't the THERAPIST people, WE are the YOGA people who have enough self-discipline to not need a therapist.

So it could be that Holly is both perpetuating these patterns but is also a result of them. I know neither Cambridge nor competitive dancing, but both environments seem conductive to that sort of mindset.
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I wouldn't even mind if she leant into the Studytube community and did like study sessions, where you can work live with her for a few hours or something. Just something different from watching 10 minutes of her doing the same routine every time :oops:
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I really do think if Holly sorted out her personal life she’d have it all
Would she? She needs some fairly hefty support and intervention and I can’t see her accepting that. Without that, she strikes me as the kind of person who’s always going to be a bit brittle, especially outside of any environment that she can’t rigidly control.
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Hahahaha. This thumbnail of her and Kim Kardashian side by side made me laugh so much. Why would you do something like this? Can this girl even Internet? It's highlighting her physique in the most negative way possible?

(Nothing wrong with an athletic body type that doesn't have those Kardashian curves, absolutely nothing! Every body (that isn't malnourished) is beautiful. My point is this akward comparison that she herself forces on the viewer that puzzles me. Like I, who is much more curvy, wouldn't make a montage of me next to an athletic dancer in this weird comparative way.)
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Chatty Member
Huh I was not expecting that video but I mean, good for her! It all sounds like really good and sensible changes (going off you guys' summaries, I haven't watched it myself yet). But still, part of me is always a bit sceptical when someone is like "hooray I figured my mental health out on my own in three easy steps and I'm all good now!" Idk just from my own experience it's often not that easy and more 'superficial' changes like taking more time off, while good, are often not enough over the long term.

Basically I just hope that this is not similar to 2017 Holly proclaiming "I self-cured my eating disorder over the summer by going vegan, I'm fine now!!" Cause we all know that this was wishful thinking more than anything else. I just hope I'm wrong/too cynical and this time around Holly is really getting better.

Also it's perfectly understandable if she doesn't want to mention on the internet that she's seeing a therapist - but I still thinki it could be really beneficial for her viewers if she did mention it? If she is in fact seeing one, that is. Lots of her viewers are younger and look up to her and have plenty of issues of their own (if the comments she got on that 'binge eating' video were anything to go by, for example).
Totally agree. Sort of like the boy who cried wolf situation? We have seen Holly go through so many emotional breakdowns over the years and it’s a cycle. It becomes hard to believe her ‘5 things that changed my life’ have actually changed her life when there’s little shift in her behaviour. She’s changed tiny things, and 5 simple steps will not ‘cure’ your mental health.

It’s like she’s trying to find the answer to mental well-being as if she’s answering an exam or essay question.
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Oh look, a video of Holly talking about all the things that she needs to address. Except, you know, the blatantly obvious.
It should have been titled "My response to Tattle". Funny how she said growth and change, but not healing.
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That photo is disturbing! I think the damage is probably irreversible now and Holly must live a very painful difficult life.

It shouldnt matter how emotionally absent the Dad is, when your 23 year old daughter starts looking like your mother and 70+ i think its time to check her into a facility, there house is worth over 1 million, they have the resources for private treatment, most suffers could only dream of
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Can anyone recap the video? I got four ads within two minutes. I'm not watching that.
As far as I was able to pay attention, it was stress, stress, studying, running, stress, exam, Holly’s mom made some cookies that looked nothing like cookies because there was no sugar or fat in them, stress, the end. Apparently it was sponsored but I must have missed that part because there were so many actual damn ads.

oh and at least two green smoothies I think
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because Holly has an ED, looks super unhealthy and having a normal menstrual cycle at her age is a sign of ED recovery
But you could still be very unwell with an ED and have periods. I just find the whole thing of commenters nagging people to talk about their period is odd and weird. For example, on one of Ruby’s recent videos there were a few people wanting her to do a daily routine when she has a period. The charitable explanation for that is perhaps the studytubers have an audience with a lot of young women from countries where periods aren’t discussed that openly and they’re looking for advice, but the more cynical part of me thinks that there are some right weirdos out there and there’s a much less innocent explanation. It’s not like there aren’t already loads of well-made, educational videos out there on YouTube that cover female health - I don’t really think there’s a need for someone like Holly (who let’s face it, can’t add much informed, mature information to the discussion) to tell us whether she uses a mooncup or not.
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Most of you have probably already heard this but Nikki Grahame has just died from anorexia after suffering for years with repeated relapses and not being able to get the help she needed on the NHS. It really made me think of holly, she has suffered for years now too and I really pray she is able to get the help she needs asap because she is clearly deteriorating rapidly and it is a scary road to go down. The longer you stay sick the less likely you are to ever fully recover.
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Her life is boring and repetitive and she misses travelling or doing things outside of her house. Also, she is changing and is aware that she will not be a student forever and is excited to do new things! And while she said that it's fine that most people go to her videos for productivity, she also wants to do different videos, while knowing that the youtube algorithm wouldn't promote them as much. 18 minutes to say this...
Didn't she pretend to be "finally be feeling better" recently? I can't with this shit. This ongoing cycle of semi-deep, pseudo-insightful growth shit and then pretending to be better, just to admit that she wasn't well the last week's a few days later, just to present another "cure" that she didn't find without any professional help. The pattern just doesn't change! .... Just find a way to connect to yourself and your feelings and don't pretend a YouTube channel is therapy.
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I suppose it is up to Holly but I feel by not mentioning she’s in therapy she’s promoting her behaviours/not addressing any issues she’s been putting up online.

By posting damaging behaviours on her YouTube channel, even if she doesn’t intend on this happening, she’s promoting it. People idolise her. If she is in therapy and her perspectives are changing then she needs to address her wrong behaviours somehow. It’s not healthy to just keep silent on this when she’s already put so much online.

She’s going to have to gradually transition out of over sharing because to go from posting nearly everything to practically nothing about yourself she’ll be promoting her negative behaviours more.
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Unfortunately this is what happens when you spend too long being underweight. Lack of estrogen honestly fucks your body up so badly
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She's getting so bad.... her chest is even flatter than before, just don't wear bras, she's only wearing them so she can body check more easily it's bloody obvious

She put a question sticker in her IG story asking what the totally new activity she's doing tomorrow can be. I answered "using oil in your food" let's see how long it takes me to get blocked hahah
even if she does she's just been too much for me to handle anyway that I wouldn't mind at this point, she'd be doing my mental health a favour
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Speculation m'lud but I can't imagine she's too thrilled about Emily's 'vegan boyfriend (TM)' (hence the third wheel bouldering and vid about Emily being her BEST FRIEND) as Emily indulges her going 🤪gremlin mode🤪 or whatever. Even if VB is as bizarre as Emily I'm pretty sure he'd find it incredibly annoying and would like to just chill out alone with his vegan girlfriend (TM).
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Chatty Member
The video also featured lots of Holly complaining about how absolutely horrible it is to have a 24hr exam, how insanely high her stress levels are (but apparently it's normal for her cause that's her 'exam mode'), how worried she is about the exam/grade, how she just wants to curl up and cry because the stress from the exam is so intense, and how awful it is to have a 24hr period for an exam.

I mean I've never had a 24hr exam but like. her emotional reaction seemed a bit disproportionate to the event lmao
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Chatty Member
Can someone tell Holly walking into things/dropping things isn’t a personality 🙄

Her “not like other girls” routine is also jarring.

I agree she was acting strangely here.

Her new routine ‘series’ seems an odd attempt to gain more followers? So when people search for these big you tubers Holly’s videos come up...
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