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What happened to Skater Helen and the group she started she got T-shirt’s and everything?

That dinosaur with tits lives rent free in my head.
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I swear all Helen’s trips involve the same thing walking, pubs and chip shops.

Since we’re talking about holidays I guess it’s a safe space to admit my family was that family you used to see having a picnic on the side of the road 🙈.

Considering my dad was and still is a trucker you’d of thought he’d of jumped at the chance of lying on a beach not driving but nope.
He did cave eventually and we traded picnics on the grass verge of a dual carriageway for Spain much to my sister and I’s delight.
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How long before Sophie goes from calling us “meanies” to actually they have a point after seeing her fabulous aftercare skills?
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I'm not much of a poster here, but I'm so confused by that tattoo. Not so much the style, it's not my thing but each to their own.
But, why Elton John?! As far as I'm aware she's not a superfan of his, it just seems so random.
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No one fucking cares that you don't care about football, Helen. It's okay for her to state her opinion about something, but when someone has an opinion about her it's wah wah bE KiNd, what about just keep it to yourself if you don't have anything nice to say? Doesn't apply to her, I guess.
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Dairy, chocolate, alcohol are all triggers for migraines, so are flashing/ bright lights.

Its like she's made herself a headache den.
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She went to A&E for a migraine? I get migraines so I’m not one of those “it’s just a headache”, they kick your arse but I don’t know if it warrants a trip to A&E especially as she managed to take a quick snap for her insta story.

I thought that too her driving home from the train station she seemed off her cake.
Like I get that migraines are bad and I’m not dismissing them but I’m sorry what a waste of time, just get Fiwl to go to boots and get some serious painkillers, turn off your neon and all your tablets and lie in the dark.

Thing is - that whole story time, she didn’t need to share it because it’s just such a non-story but she’s such an attention seeker.
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Chatty Member
My brother has the same car (through work, does a lot of site visits so is necessary). It’s huge, absolutely huge. I guess she has to fill her time somehow, and new car will keep her busy for a couple of days. Why does she have to morph into her partners? Didn’t really seem that interested in cars before Philly appeared
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Oof, that little dig at Helens “best friend” in the car vid when she was going on about her sobbing episode caused by getting rid of the golf.

“I texted my best friend about it and they said uh Helen that’s not ok. BUT I told my therapist and he said it makes me a very caring and empathic person” *cue the smuggest smirk you’ve ever seen*

Think she needs shot of this therapist IMO, she’s just being told what she wants to hear.
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She packed a swim suit, she obviously planned to go swimming somewhere.

The ink is going to fall out and is going to look even worse
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Chatty Member
I know she isn't a graphic designer so hasn't got the eye for every detail but to be fair, I am not one either and yet, beyond the typos, I'm shocked at how badly she executed that list on the left hand side.
She starts with first line = date in smaller font, second line = place visited in bigger font, then on the 7th day she fucks up and has "AUGUST" on the second line where "Land's end" should be (which is now a tiny third line), then the next day it's 3 lines all of the same font size when it could have fitted on 2 lines like at the top. Sorry for nit-picking but for someone who is a "creative" it's just ill-thought out, like most things she does.

(also : she has far too much time on her hands, it's not a special surprise holiday for Phil so why the fancy programme?)

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Deffo not androgynous…..I’ve never seen one single androgynous outfit from her. Girly ones, absolutely. Could add oxymoronic to the list…..
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Chatty Member
Ugh, fuck off my country Helga

(I know, this is gratuitous and mean, but I've had enough of her. All beauty spots in Wales are absolutely heaving, she could have gone on a week day before the school holidays for a start. Dimwit)
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VIP Member
I bet she did that weird high kick thing in class and flashed them all.

Its not out of the realms..
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Sorry to go back to the fringe. I'm adding nothing new here, but I can't get over how bad it looks.
I once cut my own fringe after a mini-breakdown-I-need-to-change-something-about-my-appearance-right-now™ and 2 bottles of wine, and it still looked better than that.
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