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So she said she had been tracking her periods and “what’s going on down there”....I hope we’re not going to see a “whoopsie” pregnancy in a few months time! She’s made it clear in the past that she really wants a baby but I just don’t think she seems ready for that kind of commitment at all. I might be reading too far into that comment though 😂
If/when she becomes pregnant, she'll still claim shes a size 14 🙄
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😂 hahah! Wtf is that about?! Calm down love or elaborate
I guess putting down the context would make it seem that it isn’t about her but it’s alllllllways has to be about her. Bitch, nobody’s trying to cancel you. You are a nobody in comparison to Jenna and Shane’s level of fame. Jesus Christ.

But if this post is something she feels that’s she’s experiencing, girl please. Yes you should apologise to your audience for the whole breaking social distance to have your mates over for a party, as well as any problematic behaviours you have. If you want to complain and cry “cancel culture” instead of addressing the issues then don’t be surprised that people are talking. People want you and any other public figure take accountability of your actions, how will you ever learn from your mistakes or grow and gain trust with your viewers if you keep putting your head in the sand?

But then this is the girl who openly stated on her live the other day that she does what she wants, when she wants and doesn’t give a fuck what people think... soooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I'm guessing she ran out of video ideas and thought she would just go shopping and buy bits so she could do a haul and then did a half-assed attempted at an "organisation" video. Truly that was awful. We don't need a video to teach us how to buy a few baskets and put stuff in them. And when she showed us how she had organised her tins - it was just a drawer full of tins! And the fact she couldn't say 'hypochondriac'.
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It's easy to say we are all trolls on here to avoid engaging with some of the real concerns people have. If you read back there is a lot of concern for her drinking etc, some from people who have first hand experience of damaging alcoholism.

Many used to be fans who have become disillusioned and this is just a space for us to talk about that. Most YouTubers delete even a hint of criticism so you're left thinking 'am I the only one who has noticed she's drinking every single day??'. Then you pop on Tattle and other people are talking about it too.
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The whole time watching her trying to run she was reminding me of someone then it hit me, a mardy X factor contestant from ages ago!!

also do NOT believe the next day she ran 5k in 30mins haha

Also also, I only really eat chicken and fish. Next day; ham sandwich.


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I miss the old purple haired Helen, she seems like a completely different person now ( of course I don’t actually know her, but she really does seem quite different) I dunno..she seems lost. It is crazy watching her repeat the same cycles over and over..
I used to love watching her videos and now I could care less. I still will go back and watch the older ones though. She just doesn’t seem genuine..
i genuinely believe with all this money she’s splurging on unnecessary shit like garden furniture and yet more clothes, she should invest in a therapist. She cycles through the same problematic relationships when her relationship with herself, her diet and her body are obviously not healthy. She needs to look after her head - I think that would help her massively.

washing her hands might help, too.
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THIS! Zero sex appeal yet trying so hard, I wonder if her bf took the pics 🤣😳 I hate how she’s so proud to promote obesity and everyone praises her for it, people who have tried to be healthy during this time should get praised not someone who has showed zero self control how is she not embarrassed by herself! Her caption is also a total joke ‘battling guilt’ yeah right you have done nothing but eat and buy crap for weeks if you felt that bad you would of done something but you would rather stuff your face and drink all day long and make up a million excuses, ‘the last thing we want to do is add more pressure to ourselves’ ‘understanding balance on my terms’ honestly WTF 🤣😂🤣😂 she just write total nonsense all so she can jusifty to herself her unhealthy lifestyle!
Yes, insane how she gets hero worshipped for being fat and getting her rolls out. "Body positivity" has been overtaken by the obesity promotion movement. Surely true body positivity would show people who truly love their bodies, or want to - whether that's people with disabilities or amputations, people with acne or stretch marks or body hair, people who care for their bodies, but whose bodies aren't always reflected in the media. As opposed to people who abuse their bodies day after day then tell you how beautiful their rolls are. If a smoker posted photos of their yellow fingers under the guise of body positivity I doubt they'd get the same praise.
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She is quite short remember, so someone taller that looks as “big” as she does might be an 18 - but no way is Helen an 18
She absolutely is NOT an 18 and the shaming of her size is a joke, shes petitie and thick set. So what? Would love to see what all these people harping on about her weight look like.

How is she out at the pub? I thought they weren't allowed to open yet?
Really? Its her house 🙄
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Just got back from the protest in my town. Lots more people there than I expected. I hung back and social distanced where I could. Some people got a bit too close but 99% of people wore masks. It was nice and peaceful. I'm glad I went.
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Chatty Member
How has she aged in the last 3 years?!?! - If you go back 3 years on her videos she looks so much younger, healthier and happier!

Girl, ditch the shitty boyfriends, stop having your mates round ALL the time, and concentrate on yourself!
I don't think the make up, hair and 'style' help. Her whole aesthetic these days is that of a woman in her 40s plastering it on and showing her saggy cleavage in an attempt to look younger. She's no longer fun, interesting and edgy. And she's no longer relatable. Used to love it when she introduced us to stuff we could actually do or buy. Now it's all ad's and paid promotions or expensive crap I can't afford. Her gift guides for the last two Christmases have been a joke. All 'gifted' and promoted expensive sizzle. Used to love her content and she was the only youtube I always watched. Now she's so cringe. She's changed unbelievably. It's very sad.
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Spending all that money (and can I add driving a hired van ALL THE WAY TO LONDON to do so) to do up her garage FOR THE BOYFRIEND WHO ONLY MOVED IN FOR LOCKDOWN is pretty extravagant!
seems mental that she hired a van to get all that shit just cos she didn’t want to wait for delivery?! The garage renovation she’s just decided to do must happen THAT SECOND.

then moans that Ikea doesn’t have alot of stock and big queues... funny that! Every other twat has decided it’s life or death that they go buy house tat too. Pfft.
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I agree she seems to baby her boyfriends, I bet they don't pay much rent. I bet they don't contribute to the food bill, yet when Josie lived there they split the Asda bills and eventually Josie couldn't afford to pay for the hiked up rent and cleaner....

When the money runs out I can see Helen spiralling. That would be horrible of course. She has a penchant for stuff, but really she should think about the non-longevity of her social media career.
The whole Josie thing was sad, I remember Helen bitching about how Josie didn’t do anything and even had her comment section of her videos would complain about how lazy Josie was.

Do you think that the whole Josie having to pay half for a cleaner was really a way for Helen to try and make her leave? She knew Josie’s financial situation so why pressure her into paying for that? It’s weird as when Helen lived there with Maff she didn’t need one, and when Josie moved out and Mark moved in she didn’t get one... she obviously hasn’t got one while living with the new leach, so either she’s always been very capable of cleaning herself or her clone boyfriends are the maids 🤣
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I don’t follow Dani so haven’t seen her instagram posts only from what’s been on here but I agree I think she knows they’ve been caught out. I will definitely be watching the video and seeing what she has edited out to try and make it look like she’s had less people round. I know everyone is mentioning the absence of the boyfriend too but she still has 2 cars outside her house so I think he is still there just not on her social media. (We put the bins out sometimes for her)

There were others round that I saw that weren’t even mentioned on her story so it’s almost as if she’s asked them to keep quiet and not post about it! she made them all breakfast fry ups in the morning after which they sat and ate under the gazebo as well.
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I just can't believe she's managing to keep her tutoring job while showing all this crap online. Not exactly a good example to students (and they must follow her). I'd be ashamed.
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I agree she seems to baby her boyfriends, I bet they don't pay much rent. I bet they don't contribute to the food bill, yet when Josie lived there they split the Asda bills and eventually Josie couldn't afford to pay for the hiked up rent and cleaner....

When the money runs out I can see Helen spiralling. That would be horrible of course. She has a penchant for stuff, but really she should think about the non-longevity of her social media career.
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