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Sorry for OT but this is what I find so difficult about ethical fashion, it’s way out of my budget per item and while I understand it’s covering the cost of fair trade and fair wages, I hardly even make a liveable wage at the moment. So I do agree it’s a bit of a slap in the face for L&Y to be gifting influencers who a) can already afford it, and b) don’t give a monkey’s about being more sustainable.
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Yikes at her view count for her gallery wall video, almost for 24 hours up and only 6,600 views 🤣

Of course she will just say that it MUST be YouTube's algorithms fault.... 😏


Minnie is back, calling her a Queent 🤣
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I think this is the bottom line of why this thread has really picked up pace lately... We all found her at some point or another and really related to her style, her shape and her size. We all change, get thinner or fatter, or just more mature etc.... She represented a really cool 'size 14' style guru. Now she's completely in denial and it's really grating. Embrace being a size 16/18 and explore what clothes work for your body now woman!! That's what we actually want to see. Not trousers that should be wide leg looking like they are cling film!

Also have a damn wash woman.
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sending all my love to everyone here ❤ idiots like Helen are all to happy to talk random “just relax and be cool” shit, but they genuinely have no clue the struggles people go through.

also they’re called antidepressants because that is exactly what they are? and there already is such a thing as mood levellers, I’ve tried several of them for bipolar disorder and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
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I am also wondering if she's opening up about her mental illness struggles as a way to get people to lay off her for her terrible actions during the pandemic.. as in, 'feel sorry for me and don't pick on me cos i'm ill'

As like many of you, I have been on a lot of different meds and had addiction struggles. It is a cause perhaps of bad behaviour but it's not an excuse. It's not a personality trait or a way to get out of life unfortunately. Nor is she being 'relatable' or a 'hero' for talking about it.

Something about this just
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I hate the filter she uses, it's literally making my blood boil.
As a person with hearing loss it makes it pretty much impossible to understand what she is saying. She never captions, i would message her but every single reply, comment, interaction is ignored completely.
Every other local 'influencer' reply. What is the point of Helen having a following if she never interacts with anyone or listens?
Can you guys help make her more aware about how she's excluding the deaf community from consuming her content for the blatant disregard of us.
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I dont actively comment on this thread that much but just wanted to say the mental health discussion on here warms my heart - talking about personal experiences can be so hard but its such a strong way to destigmatize mental health conditions, especially the ones that dont get talked about as much in mainstresm media as anxiety&depression. Much love and recovery to all of you ❤
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Not GREAT advertising to post about your PT's workout class and then how often basic movement gets you out of breath directly after that?
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It would actually serve her right if she broke her leg and was still stuck indoors when lockdown restrictions ease. That would be a good bit of karma.

And what sort of entitled dick thinks they can tell someone to ‘remove themselves’ from someone else’s post?
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I stopped watching 10 mins as shes literally talking shit. Thanks for the summary Luna!!!

Also the only joy in her life is shopping and food? What about Phil? What about her dogs? What about the fact that shes got all this money to blow on absolute shite while there are people out there struggling to make ends meet?
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How do people keep jewellery on in the bath!? Especially that much jewellery and around somewhere you generally need to scrub to ya know.. be clean !? I understand like earrings to some extent but the chains must be so grubby and rusty and her neck rolls must never get a good wash! .. I know her story has already been discussed but for some reason I literally cannot get past this!? I was a stickler for cleaning baby neck rolls after feeding bottles when I worked in childcare, so maybe it’s a residual icky feeling 😂
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I was thinking about her comments on her weight gain and how flippant she was about not caring about eating all the shit she shoves in her gob because she'll just lose it one day when she can be arsed.

Its obvious that she's feeding her depression with food, her comments about food and drink being her only joy at the moment screams huge red flags.

I don't think its very wise to promote a "fuck it, eat what you like because the world is shit and we've all gained weight anyway" lifestyle. Especially since she admitted she's miserable as fuck with her "extra timber".

Like if she was happy with her body then that's fair enough, but its obvious she hates how she looks but is, as usual, blaming the pandemic and everything else rather than herself.
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Good lord she’s such a dense bint.

I’m on anti-depressants (10+ years bb) and without them I wouldn’t be here. They keep me calm, levelled the majority of the time.

The times when I’m off then (which I would not reccomend) remind me why I’m on them.

There is no shame in having support with your mental health, Helen knows naff all - the woman put chemicals on her face 3 days in a row when it’s specifically says to put it on 1/2 times a week - so fuck me sideways if I’m ever going to take her advice/opinions.

Love and supportive ‘vibes’ (eww) to everyone who needs it. You’re amazing and Helen wishes she was half as mint as the people on this thread ❤
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How the hell did she get a dentist appt in this city after also admitting she hasn’t been in years?! I haven’t been in years and they chucked me off the books BEFORE covid. I’m sure it would have still happened during covid as so many people are trying to get into a dentist at the moment. She def said it was an emergency. Really really not essential Helen 😳😳😳😳 you’re not meant to be going anywhere so who cares if your tooth is chipped til we come out of lockdown ffs. (Of course if it had exposed a nerve that would be different, but she openly admitted she hasn’t been to the dentist for years even for a filling that’s giving her grief, so if hadn’t been cosmetic she’d have left it for sure)
I'm surprised that she got an appointment so quickly. She must have said it was an emergency. Probably threw the line that her face is her job or some idiotic shit. Didn't she say that she thought the chipped looked kinda kewl?!

I remember Monami Frost's daughter chipped her tooth in the first lockdown. She didn't get it fixed because it wasn't an emergency and she was fine leaving it until it was safer to get it fixed, Monami's 12-year-old daughter has more maturity and understanding of the situation than Helga.
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Its ok guys! They were talking about it the other day, so that makes it sooooooo much better. 🙄

Helen's mate is back.

Erm.... You compared a woman's shaven vagina to that of looking like "a wee baby if you wanted thrilling times"

Maybe read what you type out loud next time, love. Maybe ask yourself "does this make me sound like a giant pervert?" before you cry comment police.
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I find her talking about mental health so triggering. I’m not gonna watch whatever she’s saying cause from what she’s said before she’s not a good representative for discussing it.
Ive been on Sertraline myself and can’t say it did anything for me. Name the antidepressant or antipsychotic and I’ve tried it. I currently take Amytriptaline, helps me sleep but that’s about it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Therapy was the most effective thing for me - I did over two years or Schema Therapy and it was life changing. It’s fucking hard work though, actually doing the work. Understanding that maybe you’re part of you’re own problems. It’s brutal 😂 My therapist often told me “he didn’t like the person I was choosing to be today.” I don’t know how Helga’s gonna cope with some truth bombs heading her way 😂
I’m only talking from my own experience but I find that people think that taking an antidepressant makes you “happy”. I fucking wish. Now painkillers and benzodiazepines they make you happy and calm but it’s not real. You know, there’s no actual proof antidepressant work? They only have to perform higher than a placebo in a trial? Weird shit, there’s loads of research on it. Anyway, enough rambling. Helen’s an arsehole 🤟🏻
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