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The tide has turned with the comment section on the daily mail very very little support for m&h
The Megbots are frothing about the BBC and Nicholas Witchell.. But the clip is gold. Looking around, most of the Royal Reporters have said something similar about the stroppy and ungracious Harkle statement. Let's not forget they've been funded to the tune of several millions in the past year.

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I agree Harry has lost more than he obviously realises at this stage. His USP is his connection to the Royal Family. Without his patronages and his duties, what even is he? The monarch’s grandson lolling around in a mansion in CA? I fear he has been completely brainwashed and is now absolutely controlled by Meghan and this is hurdling down a bad road towards a sad ending..
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Thanks to all for being so welcoming....

Another thought - I wonder if a change in the law is being discussed regarding the lessons learned in this debacle? If a prominent member of the BRF wishes to become a private citizen, surely a more dignified and planned 'leaving process' should be strategised that everyone knows how it would work? For example, if Prince Louis wants out, ( as he will slip further and further down the royal food chain) he should know that all titles will go, sign a NDA that he cannot discuss his time (or profit from) the BRF, not use his BRF past for future monetary gain. He would become a complete private citizen just like the rest of us and be left to his own devices. No surprises, no threats, no demands. Just an amicable farewell and be invited to private family occasions only. Much clearer and easier for all.
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Where did you see Disney did that?
After the Elephant documentary, there was a comment from a senior Disney executive that included these gems a) the Sussexes needed Disney more than Disney needed them and b) they were a controversial couple.

Ok found it.. Apologies to Hazza, it was THE DUCHESS they didn't much like.

The film boss told Mail on Sunday: "Meghan needs Disney more than Disney needs Meghan. She's a controversial figure.

And as of today, Meghan needs the Royal Family more than the Royal Family needs Meghan :ROFLMAO:
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I'm very sorry and you would be the last person I would mean to offend. You're one of the kindest people here and have a heart too valuable to be broken. Please accept my apology.
Thank you so much for your apology and I really appreciate It.

I guess as a U.K. citizen, I feel very ‘raw’ right now. We have the EU trying to make things as difficult as possible for us leaving their union. We also have Meghan calling the UK a racist country. I am very proud to live in the UK and I don’t think the majority of us are racist at all. All of my friends and family are very kind people.

Right now, it feels like the EU hates us for leaving, and parts of the UK and the US hate us for being ‘racist‘ to Meghan. It just feels so very wrong. The U.K. as a nation is not racist and we give very generously to help other nations every year. We are a very tolerant nation and my very mixed home community is testament to that. It hurts to be accused of being something you are not.

Again, thank you for your apology. I think I am being over sensitive and I apologise to you too for over reacting. We are being bombarded by M&H stuff in every newspaper here, several times a day. There is no escape and it gets too much sometimes.

I am a very proud U.K. citizen and so I was very quick to take offence. I am sorry for overreacting to your comment. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I think all this week’s news from H&M has taken its toll on me. It became too much and I just exploded.

No hard feelings whatsoever. I think I have reached peak H&M tolerance and I am taking things that were meant as a joke, far too seriously. That is my issue, not yours. I apologise for biting your head off. Xxxxxxxxxxx
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Scotch Mist

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My future predictions:

1. Harry's fall from grace will continue and he will be sucked in by some unscrupulous people. This will lead to huge amounts of money going missing and/or being laundered probably through Travelyst. Remember that only his name is associated with Travalyst NOT hers.

2. Smeggy will continue to syphon off money from Hazno without him knowing. She will have offshore accounts set up.

3. Smeggy will promote Arsewell with her sick little stans. It might initially make some money but little will go to charity. Arsewell will be Smeggys communication tool and she will continue to stir race relations and malign the royal family as racist.

4. Smeggy will get a girl baby from the surrogate in the Summer perfectly timed to ensure that Hazno can't possibly return to the UK.

5. If the new doll is pretty she will start merching baby stuff. Meanwhile in the UK people will be asking questions about the child being in the line of succession.

6. The Oprah interview will mainly consist of Smeggy crying victimhood and Harry being promoted as a romantic hero who has knocked back the nasty UK for her.

7. They will do a series for Netflix. This will be fly on the wall cameras following them around as they go about 'do gooding'. It will fall flat to all but the sugars as the Harkles don't have a sense of humour, any personality or humility. It will eventually be cancelled. People will only watch it to get some royal gossip and nothing of any great note will come out. The Harkles will be seen as the new Kardashians for a while but it won't last.

8. Hazno will start to feel more and more that he has no role and his life is empty. He will turn to drugs/drink big time and become dependent.
Hazno will definitely be arrested for a DUI or worse investigated for fraud. At some point hw will be going to jail.

9. This is when Smeggy will throw him under the bus, grab the rest of the money and divorce him citing his unreasonable behaviour.
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The Harkles idea of service in normal times is a 10 min photo op or a zoom lecture in COVID times. They've done very little for their UK patronages since leaving.

I think this week the Oprah stuff and now all the pr about Phil was the final straw and I suspect the isolation pr came after a call in which he was told not to come because Phil isn't allowed/doesn't want visitors and they don't want him here at the moment because they know it would increase concern about Phil's condition with the public.

As I said earlier my friends father is at end of life (24 to 48 hours yesterday) and the hospital has changed their policy in the last 24 hours in that no visitors are now allowed to see her father until the hospital phone them, then only 2 are allowed to make the 90 min journey to hopefully make it in time to be with him as he passes.

There is no way an entitled brat would have time to fly from another country. He still has no clue what he has lost he really is that thick and she really is that abusive and manipulative.
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Another lurker from across the pond! Hello all!

I could be totally wrong of course, but I don't see the Oprah interview being all that big of a deal over here. Oprah really isn't that influencial over here anymore & no one cares about JCMH or his psycho, yacht girl wife. Other than maybe teenage & 20 something, ultra woke, Tiktokers.

I feel like when I see their faces, it's always on the over of People or OK! magazines. Which are nothing more than tabloids that will run whatever you want them to run for the right amount of $$. That doesn't mean we Yanks actually care about them. I can tell you I'm more invested in what those two are doing than anyone else I know...and that is simply out of hatred. 😆

If I was Brenda, I would be shrugging my shoulders & rolling my eyes about this. I hope PP will recover from whatever ailment sent him to the hospital. However, I think it has more to do with being 99 & not stress from these two. I may be way off, but I don't think the dynamic duo of Oprah & Rachel really strike fear in the RF.

(P.S. I hope the Anne health gossip is just that, gossip. I like her. And boy would I love to watch her rip into Smegsy behind closed doors)
Welcome! We yanks can take over the boards!

Oprah is losing relevance on the public side for sure. People are forgetting that she used to have a show, and as the younger set comes up most of them have no idea who she is. Her influence lies in behind the scenes stuff, the many people she knows and in her wealth. It's odd to me that she would choose this to be the first time in years for her to come out of retirement to do a prime time special. Hazzno & Megz are important enough for Oprah to do a 90 minute prime time special. Not George Floyd, not covid, not the election. An ex-royal and his no-name actress wife.
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Pom Bear

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it is shit. they should have done like the RFU.
(sorry Oz Tattlers)

That's a really good point, actually. I wonder if another factor in Her Madge dropping this statement NOW is a bit of a "Here Warby. One shall fix it for you [fucker]"

Where is Pombear? All ok?
I'm still lurking 🥰🤗😘 xx
I struggled to keep up as it's moving so fast so I'm still around but sadly don't get to read everything and more lurk for the time been 🙂😘 xx
I also found Meghan and Harry irritating me more and more I had to take a break for abit 💕 xx
I still be popping on from time to time but not as active.
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Think they are keeping the titles 🙄 but I hope you are right.

The Sussex statement basically says 'We are going to carry on interfering in the UK, telling people what to do,' thanking people for their service' and generally Ex-Royalling away.
LOVING how the RFU literally didn't even wait for the ink to dry and were like "Bye Felicias!" and literally did a Jonny Wilkinson drop kick " Shortly after the announcement, the Rugby Football Union confirmed that Harry would be stepping down from his role as a patron. " fucking awesome.

now as for H&M response.... unbelievable. It is basically screaming, in public, like spoiled entitled teens "You Can't Make ME! you can't tell us what to do or how to live our lives OR who we hang out with or where we go or anyfing." It is the 2021 version of "you don't OWN "Royal"". It is being set up so that any attempt by the RF to stop them from playing dress up, gatecrashing events, hosting faux awards, mimicking TTC in their garden with CBS coverage and Harry in his unreturned uniforms -- any attempt will be used as demostration of racism, overreach, bullying etc etc. I'm surprised that they bought a house that had Italianate inspirations. I would have thought they would have sought out a mini Versailles or Buckingham Palace or Downton Abbey so they could host pretend Dim and Kween events, giving out CBEs and knighthoods with LightSaber knock offs.
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I think the start of PP bladder issues was during the jubilee when he insisted on standing on that boat on the Thames for hours. Was hospitalised after that IIRC. He’s a cantankerous old sod but I thought his sense of duty for his wife’s jubilee celebration was quite touching, even though he was uncomfortable.
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What annoys me (of many things) is that they throw the York girls as an example of making their own income while still being in the family.

They have "proper" jobs, and are not working Royals. Their "job" is not promoting themselves and selling their speeches or anything else connected to their family to the highest bidder.

If they decided they wanted to work in a more mundane job, they would have a lot less flak.

What they are trying to do is commercialised royalling in the US, and that is why they are getting grief and what no one in their right mind likes or even thinks they will be successful at. They've no intention of getting their hands dirty for longer than a photo op, and just expect the money to roll in.
All this. The York girls have salaried 9-5 jobs their job isn’t selling “themselves” to Netflix/Spotify.
I’m not saying the girls didn’t get those jobs because of who they are, but they are hardly cashing in the RF to the highest bidder by any means.
If these 2 pair of what Freda says got salaried jobs with 28 days Holiday a year (plus a request for non paid leave to do their patronage’s) I’m sure this may have been salvageable - but they didn’t . They wanted to sell out the RF and TQ bossed it and bossed them.
They got what they wanted...only they didn’t. They wanted to use the RF to make Monet, pure and simple and she had Meegains number from the oft. Yesterday’s news was great, happy weekend everyone. X
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The end of an era????
An era? What utter shit - it wasn’t a fucking era. It was 15 tedious, woke, meaningless minutes.
How nice to see that Scrapie is in such a rage that his plug has fallen out! Two days is a long time in politics... wasn't Scabby gloating the other day that Wills would be fuming and worried? All Markus Anderson's hard work snaring a prince with the old kipper Minge as bait, and it's turned to s...t!
Best news about them for over two years for me personally :love: Am celebrating in bed with a stiff Horlicks and double choc-chip biscuits.
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Scotch Mist

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The Harkles statement was so childish saying that they remain committed to their duty & service to UK..... " !?!?! What duty?? They are private citizens! They really do think they can still have their cake & eat it!!!! They still consider themselves "important"!!

So are the twats going to continue releasing cards through charities like Mayhew? Nope I guess that they will be Markled now as their use is over.

Their next move will be to get Archewell off the ground as their social media platform where they can spout endless nonsense about their good works.
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Scotch Mist

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People Mag keep pumping out the Baby No 2 PR non-stop. This is just one of today's pieces

But with Meghan's newly announced pregnancy, PEOPLE understands Prince Harry is determined to at least make it back to the U.K. for the ]long-awaited unveiling of the statue to his mother, Princess Diana, that's taking place at Kensington Palace in July. That is the event he is hoping to be able to return for, those close to him say.

Translation: The statue of St Diana is more important than his actual grandmother's 95th birthday or his actual living grandfather's 100th. Who are HMTQ and PP. But Haz will only show up for the statue, which must mean he's guaranteed a photo-op for that.

I'm pretty sure that Chris Ship genuinely did scoop the Oprah story, as you can tell that this week was Baby News on their PR grid, and maybe an Oprah blitz was planned for start of March?
Yes I agree. A bloody statue unveiling is vastly more important than visiting any elderly relatives 🙄
Still William will be able to appear in a nice shiny uniform with gold braid if he wants and poor little Hazno will just have to get out his grey suit again 😁 do it William 😆
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I love the photo of baby Augie with his parents. That's the Sussex thunder stolen again, today.
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Happy Lady

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Title for next thread no. 59 - We're right behind you well done Liz, sorry Hazza you've lost your fizz, while deluded Megs thinks she's the bizz
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