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Maybe Prince Harry will become the new Paul Burrell... offering royal commentary for C5 documentaries from the comfort of his LA home. We can but hope
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The Sky headline is now' Sussexes Quit'

The bit about clinging on desperately with both hands to all things ROYAL for the past year is curiously missing 👐👑

Both Rugby patronages and National Theatre have pushed out goodbye Tweets. Excellent
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I've mentioned before that I turned against this pair in the engagement interview where he said that the RF would be the family cringe never had. I too am an only child of a single parent and I thought it was really disrespectful - if someone git said me and my mum weren't a family, I'd deck him. And that's before we discuss how the RF aren't the Waltons and cringe has a family - half siblings and aunts and uncles.

But the wedding - were Charlie had to escort her down the aisle. Why didn't Dora do it? (I know the answer but indulge me) Its quite common nowadays for mums to do this role and I'm sure she'd have loved it.

And this brings me to my second point, Dora - at the wedding all alone - did she not have a pal or somebody so that she wouldn't be alone - I've seen pictures of Dora's family and it looked like she had a sister. When Eugenie got married thats why Beatrice wasn't the bridesmaid - so she could be with her mum and Fergie wouldn't be alone. Its a bad day when the Yorks are more normal than you!!!

So my opinion is that this pair have been playing a game from the beginning, everything to gain the maximum publicity with Dora joining in with them.

And the final statement - its been said before - don't let the door slammed you on the arse on the way out.
There is a rumour that Dora has a long-term partner and she was not invited to the wedding..... Yeah - feminist woke Megsy didn't allow Dorito to bring her gay lover to her wedding..... really guaranteeing that there was NO ONE else from her corner at the wedding and frankly making Dorito look kinda pathetic.
fuckers. They're both fuckers
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Do you think it is more serious than the RF and press are making out? So as not to panic the public with all the other awful news at the moment re COVID deaths etc.

I just keep seeing with word ‘cautionary’ all the time. Almost as if, thou dost protest too much.
Cautionary is always the RF’s go to so as not to cause any concerns. When King George was convalescing after a lung being removed it’s was never disclosed and he was ‘in good spirits’
Also when Princess Margaret had a stroke and died in the same hospital where Phillip is now, she was under observation.
I do sincerely hope Phillip holds out and gets his card from her Maj.
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Does American news coverage really do TTC? It’s fancy pageantry and the wheel is great to watch but apart from that it’s just a lot of marching and seeing if anyone faints or gets stepped on by a horse. But Meghan standing on a box while Harry rides a hobbyhorse round the garden would also be entertaining.
It's sad, but he is just going to turn into Uncle David, exiled abroad, never really having a purpose.

The difference is, MM won't stick around like Wallis, she will bleed him dry then fuck him off.
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Lovely pic of Eugenie and Jack and their son, August Philip (knew that would be in there somewhere ❤)

And we can see baby's face! That's how you do it.
View attachment 446829
Definitely NOT a Darren doll...🤣 A wonderful photo, and yes...they can remain private, and yet share bits with the public. In a normal, very real, unobtrusive sort of way. Lovely ❤
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Chilli pepper 19

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As is often the best way with people like this, stand back, don't say anything and let them hang themselves. The Palace did just that and its working. Same with Trump in America, he went too far.

Interesting that more and more press seem to be turning against them
You're completely right. How many times have we been frustrated with what looked like inaction by the palace only to be proved wrong. They totally played them the whole time and can't wait for Oprah as I think it'll be the final nail
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Scotch Mist

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Harry is a fool and will be left standing with no support, no friends, no money, no dignity ... nothing.

Remember the chat about Stretch Recipes on here back in thread #45? Nothing is a coincidence ... Meghan was hired to cause turmoil in the Royal Family and has succeeded. Everything is connected ... all the players are, well, 'playing' their parts.

I've read this before and I'm not convinced. Who are the murky controllers who are plotting against the royal family? The Russians, the Chinese? I want someone to explain exactly who these people are and why the fuck should they really give a stuff about the royal family because I don't believe that the global elite are all in some plot together.🙄 however I do believe that Soho House is very shady......

Meghan hatched a little conspiracy with her mates from Soho House to trap Harry. They crafted her image so that she was presented as perfect for him not the used hooker she really was. Marcus set her up with Harry and Scabies the rent boy was set up as 'royal reporter' purely to be her mouthpiece. Soho House is a sleazy organisation that panders to the elite, roast chickens, boys, girls, drugs whatever you want I'm sure it's provided to their top clients.
At some point in the future they will be exposed like Epstein.
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Lovely picture of Baby Brooksbank ❤. That's how you do it.

Well played TQ for waiting to see how the Oprah interview goes before dealing with the Dukedom. Think that's hanging by a thin thread right now....

Harry will remain Baron Nobody with his charmless Lady McGrifty. That's Mystic Baguette's prediction.

The Richard Kay Daily Mail piece that @freda19 linked is rock solid 100% BP approved tea, right down to exactly how long TQ spent listening to Hazza whinge on the phone. Amazing. Can't wait for the Sunday Times tomorrow ☕
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So true! They defaulted straight to the corporations they say they're not a fan of, and bought a mansion. It's a very Buddhist, humble, charitable lifestyle. As others have said they play at charity and philanthropy like bored Stepford wives .. it's admirable, but it's not the same as public service which means doing everything however boring or disinteresting, even when it cramps your style. Plus most people with serious charitable organisations - the Obamas, Oprah, Bill Gates etc...they were something first, they had the money first, they had clout for developing themselves and their position in life.
That's the thing. She genuinely sees herself as some sort of cross between Oprah and Michelle Obama when in reality she just got lucky and married right. If she had not married Harry she'd still be on Suits and trying to get her lifestyle blog of the ground trying to be Gwyneth Paltrow.
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Rachel and Harry are toxic people. They bring out the worst of us. I can only apologize so much. But I am so happy Liz 'stripped' him of his 'titles'. Go to Oprah, slag-off the Establishment that brought-you-up. The Royal Family will last longer than some tawdry f*cking reality TV show that is your life son.
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Iconic Member
I don’t understand why this is “breaking news” I swear they already said they won’t return like last year or something? Am I missing something? can someone explain please
if you followed Brexit, it’s basically Brexit without the Northern Ireland fuckery and fish, less fish.

its now official, even though the UK mentally left the EU a long time ago, as did the Markles.

the fish are now being delegated between the Markle’s and the royal family.

the Markles say they gave up the fish... but we all know the fish were cordoned off and their boats sent home.

I think I’ve gone too far 😐
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The phrase don’t let the door hit your arses on the way out is very apt here!!
Let’s hope he doesn’t come crawling back when everything goes tits up!
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Newbie here having delurked to comment.
I don’t feel sorry for Harry at the moment but in time I think he will come to realise exactly what he has lost once the dust has fully settled and the allure of M has faltered slightly, he’s lost his job, his family, his friends and his country to follow her and I think that resentment of that will start to creep in, not a good thing for any marriage especially one in the public eye (well, only when it suits them as otherwise Privacy!!!)

Harry is his own person to make decisions and M can’t be blamed for it all but the fall out of any future divorce will not be pretty
Excellent first post. I fully agree.
He will be all gung-ho and "They're a bunch of cunts, who needs the Brit bastards when I have my smeggy and my carefully engineered rug rats."

Then after a few glimpses of Wills in his purty uniforms and that gold braid, that coveted gold braid 😭with medals dangling on his chesticles the rot will set in. And once that little ginger cunt gets a bee in his bearskin bonnet he doesn't let go. He will seethe and fume and he has no outlet other than smeggy. No friends and no connections, so his resentment will focus on her. "You said we'd be universally feted and that we'd have the world at our feet begging for a place at our table with HUGE names throwing money and freebies at us. And you said I'd have roast chicken every day. You lied. This is all your fault " stomp stomp stomp ....
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My mum has a conspiracy theory that Phillip's death won't be announced until the screening of the Oprah interview to derail it. She's usually quite sane, but she's determined about this one haha.
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After the Elephant documentary, there was a comment from a senior Disney executive that included these gems a) the Sussexes needed Disney more than Disney needed them and b) they were a controversial couple.

Ok found it.. Apologies to Hazza, it was THE DUCHESS they didn't much like.

The film boss told Mail on Sunday: "Meghan needs Disney more than Disney needs Meghan. She's a controversial figure.

And as of today, Meghan needs the Royal Family more than the Royal Family needs Meghan :ROFLMAO:
As ever. The finder of things we knew fine well we'd read but hadn't a clue where.
I love it when you remove doubt.
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I have never liked Oprah TBF. Do people think she saw the invite to M&H‘s smedding with $$$$$ in her eyes? I do. Oprah won’t do things out of the goodness of her heart these days. She promoted Smeggy’s poo latte as a thank you for inviting her to the smedding. She is interviewing them now to promote her goodself and gain producer brownie points for getting a possible ‘royal scoop’. She is just as mercenary as they are.

In fact, think of all those ’celebs’ Smeggy invited to the ’smedding’, they were all there for mutually agreeable future promotions. She has already cashed in on James Corden, now Oprah. I think the Clooneys will be wheeled out at some point re surrogacy. Elton John will probably sing at an event for them, like he did Candle in the Wind. Wonder what ChavDave and NotPoshVicky can do for them? That PR LONDON person was right. This has been very carefully orchestrated from the engagement onwards. Unfortunately for Smeggy, the coronavirus got in the way. Karma?
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First big post here and need to get a few things off my chest (ie. rant....)

What I don’t really understand is the reason for not officially removing the HRH. The BRF /journos quote that lessons learned from Diana (and removing her HRH) would make the BRF look churlish and spiteful. But the reasons are completely different. Diana never wanted to go into ‘business’. Diana never wanted to use her title to make money, become a billionaire etc. MM and JCMH do. They want/need their HRH/Duke/Duchess etc to fill their bank accounts. That is plain and simple. Why are the BRF refusing to acknowledge that?

Secondly, there has definitely been a media blackout on them both and parts of their lives, probably at the request of the BRF. Will the press continue to uphold that agreement? Would the BRF want them too? I imagine the press know everything about MM’s past - why agree to continue to conceal it?
Also, Diana was the mother of the future King. I think she should have kept her title and that the removal of it was wrong. However, these pair of chancers are too far down the lineage to ever make the "top job" and IMO are now irrelevant in the RF and to a lot of the public. Harry always looks uncomfortable when they're together and his wife is clearly a shrewd schemer and it's so obvious. She wouldn't have looked at him twice if he hadn't got the status that she desperately wanted. They had the fabulous, very expensive fairy tale wedding and the privileges that went with being a member of the RF but she very quickly tired of it. I'm not sure what she thought her life would be like in the RF because she must have had guidance on what would be expected of her. She showed her true colours during the South African trip and she took us all for fools as she looked at the interviewer with those doe eyes and complained that nobody had asked her if she was OK. She's so false and quite creepy and was never RF material.
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Article in the Hate Mail now has 23k comments. The top rated comment expressing outrage that they got to keep their titles has close to 37k upvotes. :unsure:
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