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I don't think it's anything to do with being American. For me its totally about her behaviour and it started with those stupid bananas before it was even confirmed they were a couple. The blatant dropping hints here there and everywhere and then Haza firing off at the press to stop hounding her and to leave her alone and yet there was nothing in the press about her at all only the staged photos she had set up.
I dont think her being American matters at all.......
but what does matter is that as an American, she didn't bother to find out that Britain culturally isnt the same country as the USA. Yes we share a language, but there are massive differences as well! If you choose to marry and live in a new country, i would expect her to make a bit more effort to get to know the culture and history of the country, instead of just assuming its the same as the USA!

I think she assumed being a Princess would be like something out of a Disney film, like the Princess Diaries, where Princesses get to play dress up and go to dance at balls......Where she would be waited on hand and foot, and every desire immediately fulfilled by teams of servants.......without finding out that the life of a senior Royal isnt much like this at all!

I also think she miscalculated the British sense of humour, irony and sarcasm.... and takes silly headlines personally!
And Im generalising hugely here......There is also a difference between perception of a Hollywood/Californian over the top sugary attitude, compared to the more tongue in cheek, diffident, stiff upper lip British mentality!

and I think there are also massive differences in how racism and religion are seen on different sides of the Atlantic. Remember things like Meghan and Harry had no idea that Britain had been celebrating Black History month in the UK for years.... and the style of the preacher at her wedding, was 'unusual' for British viewers, because he gushed so much and didnt stop talking!
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Just checked Wikipedia about HMTQM dying in the 00s. I did correctly remember that she died Easter weekend, but she'd been pretty frail for months before that. She was at home throughout, though, never got admitted to hospital and eventually died in her sleep.
i really couldn’t say for certain as I’m fortunate to have not had a miscarriage, but if it was really early (which given her description I expect it was) and assuming there were no complications and no surgery needed then I suspect you can try another transfer as soon as your cycles return to normal.
Who is going to give Archewell money? That’s been their goal, to have a ‘charitable foundation’ that covers their substantial living costs and gives charities zoom calls and felt tipped bananas rather than actual donations.
The Oprah interview is going to stuff Netflix if they give up the good stuff on the Royals and then they have nothing to offer. No talent, no staying power, no draw because no charm. Very very unlike the Obamas who they want to emulate. Michelle especially is a great speaker and great with kids. Megs is neither.
Yes interesting- I am slowly reading the Obama memoir and it really struck me how solid their backgrounds are. Very committed to their families, past and present. Very appreciative of their upbringing and opportunities that came their way. Actually from reasonably humble beginnings (although clearly nurtured by parents and given rich starts in other ways). And above all- they really worked hard and slogged it out - taking a fair amount of flack along the way. Whether you like them or not the difference between them and the Harkles is vast.
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Iconic Member
Hope someone asked Meghan if she’s ok.
Don’t want to trigger her with PTSD the poor pet, Oprah where you at??
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After all their shenanigans it feels like a line has been drawn under them now. Everyone İ am sure feels emotionally relieved, and we can watch their dramas across the pond with side eye. Oprah has been deprived of interviewing Royals (they are now ex- or will be when the show airs), apparently deprived of revealing the pregnancy (Chris Ship uncovered the Oprah tell-all forcing their hand), no more embarassing zooms with the QCT or Rugby organisations......full steam ahead Archewell and shameless merching....
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ETA. Victory! They've gone! 🎉

It's really funny that Boy George and John Lydon are united in thinking Megz is an attention-seeking phoney. '15 minute Princess' is spot on.

If Russell Myers of the Mirror has been briefed that Harry can travel under diplomatic status and avoid quarantine, that's either wrong or prompts all sorts of other interesting questions. Like what Visa is he currently using, when will this diplomatic status be withdrawn as he's a private citizen, does it apply to Her Megness...
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I know what missing from today's scenario, a press pack and photographers outside their mansion in Montecreepsonlyo.

Where is the pap scrum? Not one photo of these two unless it's an organized pap walk. I don't get it and I've never seen anything quite like this before.
Great spot.

I'd have expected a freelance journo to do a piece to camera from the mansion gates or something. Shouting at a passing gardener 'any comment from THE DUCHESS? How does it feel to lose 17 jobs all on the same day?'

You know that any UK figure would be doorstepped, so why not the Harkles. Genuinely puzzling.
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Chilli pepper 19

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How long before she files for divorce?! I say summertime 😂😂
I think a few months ago she would do but who's going to want her? She's too old and soiled goods. I strangely get a sense of satisfaction that they'll be stuck with each other but will desperately despise each other, wanting to leave but know they can't
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In my suspcious mind I'm thinking Kim thinks she is doing Megs like a favour and that they can like catch up and commiserate together, do some like brainstorming, like in a like sisterhood and like become like best friends and she can like show her like the ropes on how to like spin bullshit into like gold. 🤮

Why does the media insist on calling them a "young couple"? She is knocking on the door of 40 and he is on the wrong side of 35, it's mind boggling. :rolleyes:
The ‘young couple’ and ‘young mother’ horseshit really boils my blood. Young? At nearly 40?!?

Also when Smegma refers to herself as a ‘young mum’. WTF?!

I had my daughter aged 33 and when I went to the various local mums n tots groups I felt like her grannie! All the other mums were 17-19, early 20s and there was me (only early 30s then, I have to say) feeling ancient. However, credit to the group I attended the most, no one treated me as an ‘old mum’ (cos I wasn’t!!!) and all the other young mums chatted to me the same as they did to their same age group.

It transpired to be a very, very lovely supportive, friendly group - lots of kind, chatty women and no bitching or judging others. It was so very refreshing. Although, I had to laugh when one young mum from the group asked me if I could go into the local shop to buy some tobacco for her. When I asked her why she couldn’t go in to buy it herself, she announced, “I got barred last week for punching the owner in the face.” Ahem. I went in and bought the tobacco quick smart in case she was going to punch me next!!!🤣🤣🤣
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Prince Philip is the opposite of "woke" but he also never expected something for nothing, and has always put duty and work ethic above everything else. Now, I don't deny his some of his comments have gone beyond a joke, and have strayed into "offensive" - but given the age and times he grew up in, and the fact that he has never complained and has relentlessly adhered to protocol ( despite this meaning walking behind, and wholeheartedly supporting a woman - for years - before feminism was really even a word!) I think we can forgive him. You'd think a "feminist" like Meghan would appreciate that...

He showed ACTUAL bravery during the war, and diligently supported the military for decades. His mother loved him, but had a lot of "issues" - he was basically abandoned as a child. He has never once bleated on about this or has done the "no-one asked if I was OK" massive PR exercise/ crap.

( I fucking hate the fact she did that in an impoverished country - everybody else has a moan with a few selected, trustworthy friends about their in-laws - they wouldn't be so disloyal as to slag off their husband's family to all and sundry - but to do this TO THE WORLD, from a position of top 1% of wealth, in a country where many don't have basic rights or healthcare... or even food .... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Gah!)

Anyway. I digress!

If I were JCMH, I'd be on a plane, leaving the vacuous shite of Hollywood "fame" behind. His wife likes to talk about being "authentic".

His Grandpa is.

I know what values I want my child to learn.

Ditto Princess Anne. [Relentlessly hardworking and formidably loyal RF member - who has also managed to carve out her own niche, and have "un-royal" children. An ex- Olympian. Makes me worry when the rumours say that RF staff are preparing for "someone unexpected" and the news is calling her "uncharacteristically frail" ]
Lovely post 😘 So right what you said that Hazzno should get on a plane now, not wait and wring his hands waiting to see what happens to his grandfather. He will only have one chance to do this and if he misses it God help him he will pay a heavy price. Whether Prince Philip comes home fine nor not is irrelevant. If Hazzno stays in the US this will also reflect very badly on Minge PR wise as she will be seen as not urging him to go. I bet she's very pee'd off at this medical inconvenience detracting from her big moment with Oprey. :LOL:
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I've mentioned before that I turned against this pair in the engagement interview where he said that the RF would be the family cringe never had. I too am an only child of a single parent and I thought it was really disrespectful - if someone git said me and my mum weren't a family, I'd deck him. And that's before we discuss how the RF aren't the Waltons and cringe has a family - half siblings and aunts and uncles.

But the wedding - were Charlie had to escort her down the aisle. Why didn't Dora do it? (I know the answer but indulge me) Its quite common nowadays for mums to do this role and I'm sure she'd have loved it.

And this brings me to my second point, Dora - at the wedding all alone - did she not have a pal or somebody so that she wouldn't be alone - I've seen pictures of Dora's family and it looked like she had a sister. When Eugenie got married thats why Beatrice wasn't the bridesmaid - so she could be with her mum and Fergie wouldn't be alone. Its a bad day when the Yorks are more normal than you!!!

So my opinion is that this pair have been playing a game from the beginning, everything to gain the maximum publicity with Dora joining in with them.

And the final statement - its been said before - don't let the door slammed you on the arse on the way out.
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Sky confirming Commonwealth Universities roles and QCT roles have gone.

Also Rugby Roles and National Theatre. Not sure about London Marathon.
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"We can all live a life of service. Service is universal".
Is she referring to the special range of services one can get on board certain yachts?
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They keep HRH but can't use it, and Hazza has been told he is The Duke and that's it for commercial purposes. Won't stop 'Prince Harry's sizzle reel' turning up on the Spotify quarterly results briefing... but BP will watch and then 'reluctantly' act.

The acid test coming up is how the Oprah special is promoted and introduced.

What a nasty spiteful message they have released as a 🖕to the Queen and RF. What would you think if you were interested in working with them? That would certainly put me off.
Disney pegged them as 'a controversial couple' and had nothing more to do with them. Disney are wise.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Megz doesnt understand the reason why she cant be be like the Obamas though. Basically because she has ahcieved nothing, and all she wants is a type of fame which actually relies on achievement, because she thinks she's above the Kardashian type fame. This makes sense to me, but its Friday and I'm already on the wine !!
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1) they were going to leave in March for sure but this fortnight of exciting events: court case, pregnancy, Oprah, and Philip has just speeded it up. To save face, Omid has had to say they chose to leave a month earlier, a point made to ensure we all know they are not desperate to hang onto the RF and that they controlled the narrative.
2) also they shot themselves in the foot with their parting statement. If they had said a humble thanks we've decided non Royal life really suits us, good bye but we'll continue to partake in charity events, the media would have swayed feedback with a "good luck". Instead they sent a sour grapes statement and everyone thinks "oops that's embarrassing" and ended up scrutinising each sentence.
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I find it so hard to put into words what I think about Meghan. And Harry by extension. I find this thread sort of exhausting because everyone is so right. She’s a charlatan, a fake, a hustler, a narcissist, a sociopath, an arrogant nobody. We all know this. What I find interesting is that the discourse has even become possible, ie tacky Rachel Markle off a low rent cable show can be making waves in the British royal family. The sight of her face makes me sick and Harry should be ashamed.
She should have stuck to tacky men’s health shoots and deal or no deal, but no she thought she was worth so much more.
Out of interest, you guys should watch ‘I wanna marry Harry’ it’s on YouTube. Fame hungry trashy Americans desperate for Harry and the prestige that would come with that kind of fame. Meghan is no better or different than these girls, the only difference is she had the connections to make this happen and to work her narc charms.
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Chatty Member
This is going to sound terrbile...I know!


Do you think Prince Phillip is taking one for the team by going to the hospital. That way if Smeghead and Ginge go on Oprah they will look terrible slagging of the RF
The man is a wit and has military strategy training, I back him.
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