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Anyone know if they'd be able to come back in a few years or once they're out are they out forever?
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If they have not yet been paid for the interview
I can see it being pulled as they no longer have any bartering powers. They are Puke and Douches in name only no patronage’s to give them any clout
They will disappear into the ethos as no one will care or remember them and in the history books they will only be remembered as being a pair of what Freda says
Freda will have more internet views then them 😂
Good title for next thread in there from Nannytoo2
Harry and Meghan #59 Puke & Douches in name only no patronage’s to give them any clout
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That's not how I see it. I seen or heard that they were going to bring forward the decision before 31st of March this week or recently (so much has been happening hard to keep track)

If I was them I'd want to just get this sorted and out there because it must have been decided for a while now (there's nothing shocking in the loses really- that lot all had to go ) . That shuts up all the talk over the sussexes and the end of the year thing so now all the attention can turn to PP if. it is the case , he sadly may not have long to go. I certainly wouldn't want that still seemingly dragging on . Thankfully we now know what's going.

I don't see any mention of them losing Duke and Duchess .
No it was just my little conspiracy brain going wild thinking out loud 😊
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Sorry but 'what you don't know can't hurt you' - unless of course you are told and then you are going to have some interesting questions and the evidence of what your scummy parents did to keep you from your rellies...
she is a narc. It will be presented as ALL the RF's fault. She was the victim and the kiddos were protected. Trouble is, since they will not have been allowed to set foot outside of the house, they will not know about such things as mobile phones, internet, a newspaper....

It could be worse for Hazza I suppose, at least he's not princess Latifa??? sorry, that's really poor taste. hope to god someone gets her out and the murky Maktoums have a spotlight shone on them - in fact, HaM could do that, that's the sort of thing they like doing?!
Nope - since Megsy probably has Hazno in a similar situation, the LAST thing she would to is a shine anything on that for fear of someone seeing some similarities and sending in the SAS
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liar liar

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Yes! Ahh, that tap! It makes me want to scream! So controlling. And his body language afterwards just says it all. I don't think he's totally innocent, but she really is a piece of work. Two flawed people in a toxic relationship for all the world to see. Blink twice if you want rescued, Harry!
Do you watch the Alex Bellfield vids? He is great on these two and Katie Price - he does b'casts Wednesday and Sunday nights.
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I read that ANL might be deterred from appealing by the current "pregnancy". But as she was wearing a moonbump in the Farchy pregnancy, the new pregnancy must at least be suspect in ANL's view. Where does this leave the 5 friends who rushed to defend the "heavily pregnant" Minge in People magazine?
Meh - I don't think that will be a factor as the earliest that they could even dream of presenting anything is the Autumn. What I'm in 2 minds about is there are 2 scenarios 1) she gets SLAMMED in the costs/damages hearing - do ANL appeal and essentially challenge that costs finding, at the risk of pissing off Warby, but fighting for the points that some of us have raised earlier: giving them their chance to "have their voice heard" and a chance to establish that the letter was not, in fact, private and so therefore there was no breach of privacy>? or do they announce it as a de facto "victory" (which would sit in my craw, tbh). or 2) she gets awarded or there is some half-assed, limp costs decision - do ANL appeal in the knowledge that WArby doubled-down and essentially put his decision into financial terms as well as legal ones (ie an appeal will be a very uphill battle)?
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Don't think so. The Harkles PR tried to big it up with 'Harry will be negotiating personally with TQ' stories. BP shut that down âgés ago (or tried to) by saying it was all decided last year and no input from Harkles was needed.
Ah right! For some reason I thought they might have backtracked that statement. 😅
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But aren't inheritances exempt in divorce hearings in California?
ERgo why there needs to be time for some serious financial engineering.
I’m obviously chuffed that the titles have all gone, but this whole thing has been like a very weird game of chess - the Queen has them in check, but they can still keep playing...for now. Wonder what the next move will be?
Here is footage of Harry and his beard planning their next move
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I think the only way Hazzno could redeem himself now is if, upon hearing the sad news of PP going to hospital, he says to Smeggy, “You know what? I’m done here. I’m going home to see my great grandad and I won’t be coming back.“

I think the British public might just forgive him if he did that. But I bet he won’t...
I agree. I was thinking that myself. If he wanted stop this he would have to walk away now. I’m sure that’s the biggest reason she had another baby. If he was used to Archie not being in their lives for whatever reason, that glue to her is gone. She needed a new reason to make sure he will stay.
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Thanks to all for being so welcoming....

Another thought - I wonder if a change in the law is being discussed regarding the lessons learned in this debacle? If a prominent member of the BRF wishes to become a private citizen, surely a more dignified and planned 'leaving process' should be strategised that everyone knows how it would work? For example, if Prince Louis wants out, ( as he will slip further and further down the royal food chain) he should know that all titles will go, sign a NDA that he cannot discuss his time (or profit from) the BRF, not use his BRF past for future monetary gain. He would become a complete private citizen just like the rest of us and be left to his own devices. No surprises, no threats, no demands. Just an amicable farewell and be invited to private family occasions only. Much clearer and easier for all.
I guess there needs to be an "or else". The carrot/stick analogy whereby there is an incentive to support and follow through such an initiative by a lower ranking royal. They got a cold shower with the abdication of a king from his actual throne. I guess there was, until now, less of a sense of urgency to clarify what is abdication and what does it entail for a non-monarch? but you're right - hopefully this does pave the way for a cleaner exit so that you don't have the risk of a grifter coming in and destabilising everything/resorting to borderline blackmail.
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Here's some tea on Oprah. She won't ask Smeggy anything contentious and will buy into her victimhood 100%
Latest Harry markle.
Re Oprah, in Sue Smith's video she also mentions Oprah and Weinstein were friends for over 20 years and Seal, the singer, said that she was aware of his predatory nature
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I am trying to keep up with everything and to work out the nicknames and initials - but what does "JCMH" stand for, please?
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Well-known member
Ironic as well considering that fateful comment at the engagement interview where H said his family could be the family she never had...and then they both turned on the RF, H is unrecognizable these days - the lights gone out :(
It was never on
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I am so conflicted by that first pic. She absolutely looks pregnant, and has done a classic Smeg move by adding embellishment to draw attention to the waist area. On the other hand, I'm also getting a strong whiff of bearding...anyone else?
Who is he? He certainly looks effeminate.

ETA: It's a very unflattering dress if she's not.
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