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I am being extremely sarcastic here...but....

That poor woman Meghan, had to ask for special dispensation from the English courts to delay the legal hearing against the Daily Mail....She was unable to appear in person or on a zoom call until this Autumn. For an undisclosed personal reason...presumably the pregnancy

How will the poor woman cope with a 90 minute interview with Oprah? Will it be face to face or will it be a zoom call?

Personally I would find a 90 minute interview 1 on 1, as stressful as a court case I hope it doesnt affect Meghans pregnancy or cause her undue stress!

I hope her press representative, Omid is able to reassure us that she will be OK!! Shall we ask the sugars to put pressure on Oprah to pull the interview in case it over stresses poor Meghan!!
I wish it was Piers doing the interview.....
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Scotch Mist

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The weak minded fool Hazno has been well and truly played by the grifter but we no longer care.
He said that he didn't want Archiedoll to have the same upbringing as him despite the enormous privilege he had.

His childhood was kept private and he went to the best schools. During the holidays he had palaces to live in and the press didn't hound him or his brother when they were children. Anyone thinking differently is an idiot. Now they hide Archiedoll under the guise of protecting him when it will be far more difficult for Archiedoll and future doll Harklelina growing up in LA.

Now, no one cares. Not really. Certainly not like people cared in the beginning. They wanted to find freedom out of the constant public attention, and they have finally done that. Because, frankly my dears, no one gives a damn. Irrevelency, here they come.
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I personally don't think they'll reveal much in the Oprah interview, if they go ahead with it. I think it'll be about Diana, how she was mistreated, the rabid press in the UK, racism in the UK, how they've tried to modernise the Royal Family, motherhood, how their marriage has become stronger....a lot of syrupy things that will hint at the goings on in the Royal Family but will not actually reveal much. I just don't see Harry knowing much about the politics within his own family. I think as the spare he won't have been told things he didn't need to know. Meghan will show some terribly affected acting, there will be tears and welling up and "Oh how we've suffered!!" but I don't see how anything they say can tear down Harry's family when they (the Royal Family) have endured a lot more than one mediocre actress in their time.
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The only TV show Meagain deserves is Jerry Springer!!
you know where she thinks she is there to talk about how her privacy has been invaded and how she is not okay
and Jerry brings out
Thomas Markle
Samantha Markle
The surrogate(s)
and a whole load of moon-bumps and Darren dolls!

Now that is one TV programme I would want to see!!
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Chilli pepper 19

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I could be wrong but I actually think in the long term this is good for the RF. It's obviously going to be a racist pity party but actually who cares? People in the UK know they're a joke and I can't imagine many people in the US are suddenly going to get out on the streets protesting. All it'll do is generate some immediate headlines but burn any remaining bridges. Who'll in Hollywood would want to touch them after this. All this screams to me is desperation because they've lost their titles and their Netflix deal too.

Yet again they show how they have no long term focus
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I think a lot of the issues stem from

1 ) she's American, its not the race issue it's the nationality issue. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be royal, and what it means to to be a senior royal. Senior royals work hard (or should do). Its also shown in a lot of American and foreign commentary from countries without a royal family. Royal doesn't equal celebrity.

2) Meghan displays more and more individualistic and narcissistic traits

3) Prince Harry is a troubled man who has not dealt with issues. He has been enabled by the RF and his father (likely through guilt) so he has been babied (also he is the youngest). The worldwide public have also enabled him, he was and is seen as a young royal and a bit of a lovable rogue even though he is almost middle aged
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Iconic Member
Ooh’s mother updates on the latest news, according to ooh’s mother.
(This will be boring and derailing so I’m putting it behind a “you don’t have to pay wall”
please skip if you’re not bored enough to read it, Oh and this will also look like it’s exaggerated for comedy value, I promise this is all out of her mouth 😐) I finally have a place to get this out 😂

- Scooby, who is at times called Scooter/Omar/Omid, could be working for both Meghan and Oprah, it’s important to remember a few months ago my mother also thought he could be Archie’s father, the resemblance is uncanny. 😐 I think she got him confused with another guy she was supposedly shagging? but I digress.
he’s now working for Oprah. because you know, why the fuck not. He both wrote the letter to the father and leaked bits of it to the press.
Meghan wrote the book, he just put his name to it (that I do agree with)

(Side note; I haven’t asked if he was shagging Meghan or the Surrogate.)

which brings us onto the birth certificate and the fact Meghan removed her name because she’s not the birth mother and when the second baby comes she knows she can’t put her name on that birth certificate either. I’ve no idea if this is an actual theory or my mothers theory. The royal family know this but Meghan
And this will forever be my favourite error off all time)
worked on the yacht that Einstein owned”
oh no no not Albert. The other one. 😕
So she’s blackmailing them. And until Harry is away they’re giving her what she wants.

I could continue, I really could continue 😂 but, derailing 😂
My mother is not dumb, far from it! She always gets names wrong, Piers is regularly called Piers Martin,
she thankfully doesn’t say this shit in public for fear of me locking her away
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As someone who has suffered more than one miscarriage, I can say that when you do fall pregnant again, you are paranoid about every single thing you do that is either inadvisable or could lead to harm. It totally dominates and ruins your enjoyment of pregnancy, even just minor things that you would normally shrug off. You are always thinking 'what if?' No way would I be lying on my back with a bump that big in order to get a cringey Kodak moment. (Nor inadvertently encouraging vulnerable expectant mothers who might not know about this to emulate me).
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I’m sick of how many sugars are blasting Eugene and calling her irrelevant and that H and M aren’t overshadowing her and they have lent her Frogmore... excuse me she’s a blood princess!
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On Loose Women, all gushing about it and berating nasty daily star for their headline, except for Jane Moore.

Jane Moore choosing her words carefully!
Jane Moore is / was a tabloid journalist. Didn‘t she work for The Sun (part of ANL)? I bet she is seething underneath at what these two grifters have done straight after their court case ‘win’. She will be able to see right through them.
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The sugars have now decided that the RF are deliberately bumping off Prince Philip to prevent the interview because of what might come out. You couldn’t make it up 🤦🏻‍♀️ are we on 50 pages already ? 😱😂
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WTAF 😂😂 I have to laugh. HOW is BP allowing them to get away with this? Honestly baffled. What an almighty farce and an absolute shambles. I do think it’ll be a train wreck but really it shouldn’t even be happening and BP look very weak right now.
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So it's mainly about her and Harry gets wheeled on at the end? What an absolute cuck.
She wouldn't even be on Oprah's radar were it not for who she is married to.
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I've seen some conspiracy theorists suggesting Soros.... and given the litigation bills, I'm embarrassed to admit I am starting to believe it. It is important to note how the mood in the US has dramatically shifted in the last year. Unless you are a card-carrying supporter of all things woke, and a loud one at that, you aren't wanted and you "are the problem". Seriously. Unless you are a very vocal member of the woke brigade, you are "part of the problem". Also if you are white, you are privileged and part of the problem. Since her wedding, I have been told by MANY fellow Merkins that "all brits are racists", "the UK is the most racist country in the world", "Brits are the most racist people in the world" etc and use Meghan's story as a demonstration of this. If I dare say something like "that is a bit of a generalisation, isn't it?".... I am "part of the problem". This interview will be huge. I think we are looking at a tipping point, sadly.

Wills has better things to do with his time. Let Hazzard spend an hour with Zara and Mike.
First off, I love you and Resident and all our American friends,(sorry, I forget who's who) including the missing legal lady who was so helpful to us but then was snowed under at work and disappeared (miss you Mrs). But really, for the exact reasons you list the Royals won't give a shit about American opinions that we can all see are being enforced on you guys by the woke storm troopers stomping on your necks. They've enough going on this side of the pond to keep them distracted. If Biden shows up for the Trooping or whatever then Brenda will be as diplomatic as always and be a perfect hostess because she's a well born lady, but she won't give a shiny shit what he, or even Americans in general think of her or her family. Honestly, these things level out and there are plenty of wise heads still lurking in the shadows of the States who see through smeggy and her type. She has no influence. Has been Oprah the coffee flogger is her last chance. Smeggy will pull out all the stops and it will make a bit of a splash and then all she'll have left is the sprog story and has been hazza and dreams of what smeggy wanted but didn't get ... the emerald tiara, living in Windsor Castle and her ginger puppet on the throne.:ROFLMAO:
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Loving the mail comment wondering whether she will go into labour before the birth this time.....
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