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The biggest worry is that Charles could let them back in when he becomes King.
How could you ever look your Dad in the eye again after everything they’ve done? That’s only so far, Christ knows what gonna come out in the interview! As many people have said, no one is ever gonna welcome them back in the UK so Charles would be hard pressed to find them a job 😂 I can’t imagine anything wanting them to be their patron.
I see her agenda but I’m so shocked at how easy Harry is finding it to hurt his family.
I still can’t believe they actually had the opportunity to do some amazing and worthwhile with their status and they’ve done - this. Just shows how thick and self serving they really are.
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she won't be much of an expert on the RF because she didn't hang around long enough to learn, but then unless you're a member or very close to the RF noone will be an expert. She can make up any story she wants.

What do you think 90% about her 10% him?

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The Victory of the Yacht Girl

'I won', Claimed the Yacht Girl,
Her smile beaming wide,
'I took on the press,
And proved I didn't lie.'

'I want to have privacy,
Please, stop invading my life,
I am being treated unfairly,
And it's been causing me strife!'

'My husband and I are the victims,
And we have been so hard done by,
No one understands what I go through,
I've cried my eyes dry!'

'So please, leave us alone now!
We shan't play your games!
I want to be a regular family,
I do not crave all this fame!'

'But, oh, one more thing,
Before I fly off to my coven,
Have I forgot to tell you all,
We've got a bun in my oven!'

'Yes! That's right, have a look!
Aren't I a radiant, blooming beauty?
I'm assure you I'm carrying this one,
And I've cancelled Harry's tour of duty'

'Yes! Yes! Admire me!
For aren't I a trooper!
I took on the world,
I truly am super!'

'So hang out the bunting,
For it's time for a party!
For I always get what I want!
Oh wait, where's Archie?'
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Will it be another 11 month long pregnancy like the last one or will she count the months properly this time.
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Have to say İ love TQ wearing gold....
Oooh. That is another thing that was rude. Meghan’s engagement ring was made with Welsh gold. It’s traditional and very symbolic.
But it wasn’t sparkly enough for her was it? So she had the stone reset into a platinum and a diamond band. That was incredibly disrespectful. Don’t think Diana would have been impressed with that.
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Main news of last thread:

- Smegma won her court case 🙄
- She’s dusted off the moonbump again 🌝

So, let’s start thinking about names. Here is my list so far, make your suggestions and I will add them to the list!






Frances (Diana’s middle name)





Netflixetta (thanks @Baguette)





Spotifyiana (thanks @Baguette)


Archie 2







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If that’s her real tummy then she looks about 5 months gone seeing as she’s so naturally slim. So a June baby just in time to clash with the Trooping of The Colour and Prince Philip’s 100th Bday. She’s a total cu&t
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G'almighty, these boards are going to be buzzin' for months.

I can't wait!

Edited to add. This makes Warby look like a kippers dick, doesn't it?
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I see your point but he said that she was entitled to her privacy. the ANL position was that the letter was not private. was never meant to be private and they weren't given the opportunity to present their position as to the NON-privacy OF THE LETTER. the letter was also ADDRESSED to the father so frankly he had to have some say in the matter of its privacy. If he had ALSO wanted to keep it private and it was stolen from his dresser drawer - then yes 100% it would be a breach of privacy. But that isn't the case. If it was her private diary. or an email that she sent to a friend that her housekeeper saw, printed out that gave to ANL: yes. Breach. but it was a letter that we have been told was MEANT for public consumption (by Omid), that her friends quote and referred to openly (so no longer private) and that her father willingly gave to the press to defend the mistruths that were being said about the contents of the letter, to defend the defamatory and demeaning claims that were being made about the contents of the letter. This was a letter that was seen not just by the 5guys but went through typewritten and emailed drafts that were seen and commented on by the palace aides. What we don't know is if in those drafts, or if in the letter itself, the words "private and confidential" were to be found anywhere (header, footer, "re"). That might sway me a teeny weeny bit but not much. ANL's position was that it was not a breach of privacy as the letter was NOT PRIVATE. and they weren't even given a chance to present their position.

ETA - However I am not a lawyer or a judge so I am giving a full "mea culpa" that I'm not qualified. For me, I know that ALL written communications that I write I assume that it might be seen by others that the intended (which keeps me from using 4-letter words!) and very often, to avoid any doubt, I top/tail my more sensitive (work) emails with "private and confidential" -- just to be safe. For very serious work communications, I watermark the document/communication with "private and confidential" just to be extra safe.
I agree with you, but maybe he's gone with the fact that even if 50 guys helped word it and fact check it ... it was still a personal letter and he's likely bored off his tits with it all so stripped it to that basic fact. No different to an author using factcheckers and proof readers, the finished item is still the authors.
I'm hoping ANL appeal and get to produce the evidence of just how non-personal it was before Thomas even got a sniff of it. The fact checkers, palace aides etc are one thing, but sharing content with 5 twats who swim in the same cess pool of fame whores and whose noses should have been kept out of it makes it more like an open letter to the New York Times.

I accepted your last night's challenge, here you go.

The aftermath.

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I compiled all the words everyone contributed. I think we had about 49 of them. It is one GIANT A** bingo card for smeggy's giant A** LIE :ROFLMAO:
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It’s her Diana/Bashir moment - we knew it would come. After that their relevance will fade rapidly.
So she tells Oprah that everyone in the UK is racist. She’s told everyone that for the last two years. People will either believe her or make up their own minds. She’s gone in early with the big interview and after that everything else will be a rehash as they have no access and will probably never return to the UK. The people who believe her have probably never travelled anywhere anyway so it’s not like UK will lose the future tourists.
I’m actually surprised it took this long. She was hoping finding freedom would be her “true story” moment but omit is no Andrew Morton. Now she wants her pan aroma interview. Both the book & bashir cost Diana a lot, including forcing the end of her marriage.

Meghan was only 16 when Diana died, and I think she has a romanticised teenage view of her. Her copycat moves are based on that view not reality.
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Chatty Member
I don’t think people on this thread are evil or vitriolic at all. Despite our sniping and swearing about the gruesome twosome, I think this thread is very friendly and supportive. We agree to disagree and we all get along swimmingly overall.

Yes, we probably go over the top expressing our frustration and annoyance sometimes, but that is what this thread is here for. A place to let off steam amongst like minded people and have a laugh along the way.

People who criticise Tattle have very likely not read more than a page or so of the various discussions. At first glance, a reader might be shocked at the forthright opinions. However, if they read further and delve deeper, they will see the threads are more than just talking about celebs etc. There are real communities on here and there are a lot of very supportive, kind posters who know when to step in and say the right thing when they see a poster is struggling. We have dealt with bereavement and relationship break ups, for example, in between our celeb discussions. Posters feel ‘at home’ on their threads of choice. They feel part of something, which is very important during this pandemic when many people are isolated and feeling lonely.
Yep I think a lot of the worst comments are born of out of pain and frustration in the real world - have been a. Fair few bereavements recently and everyone struggling in the pandemic. At first glance this thread can appear atrocious but when you follow it and spot the genuinely intelligent insights it becomes useful - comments that go too far are pushed back upon or ignored. Tattle life is a community and people are lonely, it's a way of dissecting the things we see, as humans have done for generations on generation. The frustration with H&M is frustration with a lot of general ills on the world. Like it or not they are public figures, influencers and seem to be entering politics. Some of their behaviour makes people genuinely uncomfortable (for me personally, she does indeed represent narcissistic qualities that maybe someone reading this thread can now recognise in the future). From failing to try and assimilate or respect the culture she knowingly married into (would we be as kind if Harry behaved a certain way with her family?) To alienating lifelong friends and almost every family member there is a concern there. Hiring an aggressive PR firm, the constant press assaults, the constant intimidation about criticism - its Trumpesque but she has the intelligence to coat it with charm and "I am a very nice and philanthropic and hurting" - I have met these people over and over again in psychiatry, they're matchless for manipulation and I can see it and it deeply troubles me that she is given access to all these people, especially young people, and Harry is pretty isolated over there with mental health issues and you just know that he is uncomfortable with some of these things too. The constant reputation bashing is such a narc quality, they absolutely destroy anyone who crossed them whilst behaving as though they are sainted. I was so happy for her when they first started dating and even up to marriage - I thought she'd feel secure and settle down but it's becoming more and more and more screw loose. I can't help worrying about what precedent this sets for politics or public sympathy or press freedom and ancient traditions - and it worries me this is lost in convenient accusation of racism - yes the there is obviously a pocket of racist assholery white that is not the full story - we all have a right to be concerned and to chat to others about these things in a corner of the internet. As long as no one is abusing other users or messaging or threatening or harming this couple intentionally, it is perfectly valid for people to examine their motives )which genuinely scare me as mad as that sounds, and talk amongst others who feel the same way. They are in the press all the time and there's is always so much to talk about - I also suspect like other tattle threads it's less the content and more about building relationships and conversations with other humans, who we all miss. This quote from lipstick alley summed it up for me !


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I wonder if Warby will have been informed that the Harkles will be starring in a 90 min interview with Oprah on 7 March, just 5 days after the next court case hearing?

No doubt he will have seen the worldwide pregnancy announcement just 3 days after he granted her a privacy win by summary judgement. Do you think he will have had an OH SHIT WHAT HAVE I DONE moment? Or will he already he have known that this announcement was imminent as he already knew she was up the duff, hence the reason for postponing last autumn?

I can’t but help think that Warby now just looks like a mug. Another idiot conned by the magic minge. I hope he FEELS like a mug and makes these feelings known at the next hearing on 2 March. She can’t get away with pissing off every single person she meets, can she???!!!
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Harry hadn’t really done any of the day to say senior royal stuff up to that point. Neither had Kate and William, their royal engagment total was way below Charles HMQ, Anne and even Prince Philip before he retired. They went to the sport, the Olympics, Wimbledon, anywhere they got a box and a good view. The did royal premiers and Royal Ascot. They did Trooping and the balcony at the jubilee. I have been very critical of all the younger royals for picking and choosing the fun jobs rather than opening hospitals and wings and glad handing the organisers of various things. w&k shut themselves up in Amner and helicoptered to a few things - at least now the kids are at school they are in London more.
Harry had also been out of it with going to play soldiers and doing charity stuff in Lesotho etc. So maybe he ‘not being that bright’ really didn’t know what was expected.
I have no problem with William and Kate having done/doing fewer engagements than Charles etc at the moment. They have very young children and I think it's important that they get to spend time with them and show them a proper family life, rather than being a distant parent and giving them a dysfunctional family life, like has been the norm in the past. They will have many years where they have all the responsibility, but by then their children will be older and self sufficient.
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Scotch Mist

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Interesting Harry not joining first mega bitch segment about the royal family just the life in the US slant.
To Meghan this is her Diana moment. What I find even more two faced is the fact they have issues about privacy right, yet constantly invade the privacy of others via all manner of content, talking any chance they get about the RF and people who they perceive to have done them harm. She was devastated by her father and sister going to press yet she's perfectly happy to do books and interviews on her husbands family. If they weren't royals, would she have this interview? She said she felt exploited by family but she is one to talk. Can you imagine her reaction if Kate and wills went on Oprah to talk about her? She'd have a fit.
It's not good for her brand to be constantly talking about this, people get bored with salty sallies. She literally has nothing else to talk about. Her philanthropic work is a joke, what does she even do?!

This is a massive own goal IMO. They're not a sympathetic couple, and most of their truth speaking is heavily mocked, and they're alienating the press.
It's actually quite funny that Hazno is just an 'add on' at the end 😁 what a blow! Not even the most important person to be interviewed 🤣
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I've looked at Skippy and think she's a sandwich short of a picnic as far as 'secret agent Harry' being tucked away safely in the UK is concerned.

On the other hand, it's no secret Harry was looking to get married, as in the Royal system a wife would get him titles, a country estate and a court of his own. Its also no secret that his various 'habits' and personality problems made him pretty much unmarriageable. The RF pushed the 'hot Harry' and 'Hero Harry' PR hard for years and still couldn't get any takers for him. So it was always going to be a 'contract marriage' by another name, where someone took him on for a few years. The someone was Megz. It's not really a conspiracy, just an arrangement, the way I see it.
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