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I wish I had some substantial tea to spill but sadly not. All I have is that an acquaintance of mine moves in celebrity circles and has acquaintances in common with Meghan. They are usually very open about the people they know but when asked about Smeg they clammed up. I had asked whether she was as difficult as had been rumoured and they said something noncommittal and looked awkward. Very unusual for them. I didn’t press them on it as they were obviously uncomfortable
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Priceless quote from an article in the DM

''Unusually, the majority of the picture is taken up by a tree - with the Duke and Duchess themselves covering only less than a third of its surface area.''
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Welcome to all the newbies! We're actually quite a friendly bunch. I don't subscribe to the weirder stories on here, but unlike Harry, we're all about the right to have an opinion or "have our voice heard" and #free speech!!

I feel I'm on my own in thinking that Warby had to do his job as the Law dictates, (and not based on whether everyone wants to see a trial/Meghan get her comeuppance!) but hopefully he will make everybody happy if he decides to award costs in a similar way to Harry's court case!

Anyway, the Palace 4. Why did they suddenly appear at the 11th hour? Why didn't they appear earlier in the trial? And why 4? Why not one - if it was merely to "clarify" that Megz had involvement with FF, as has been suggested - we'd only need a Palace 1 for that.

Here's my whacky Tuesday Theory. What if they all can show they had involvement in the creation of this letter? Warby has left the door WIDE open for any other claims to the copyright.

So, in this scenario, Megz is up to her sweaty pitstains in legal bills, and looking forward to that nice fat pay cheque - I mean the privacy thing will be a token payment - the copyright payout is where the ££££££ is ....except in swoop the Palace 4. What if all FOUR of the Palace crew can also claim ownership? Megz will only receive 1/5.... and Brenda would get 4/5!!

And Megz with all those eyewateringly high legal bills to pay, too. ( unlike Gangan) Oh dear!

Hopefully the masters of shade who masquerade as the "men in grey" will have thought of a suitably brilliant charity for it. There must be a doll hospital somewhere that could benefit from some extra funding...

🤣 🤣
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Sold her story to Oprah. Holy shit. If HM strips them of their titles after the interview iis aired, it will look vindictive. If she strips them of their titles before the interview, it give more fuel to the racism claims that she will undoubtedly spew with gay abandon. If Warby had ruled in favour of pursuing the hearing, I am pretty confident that this Oprah announcement would have been shelved or shut down completely. What we have now is an emboldened, threatening, unharnessed dervish who has nothing to lose adn everything to gain. I bet she also put in an invoice to Charles recently that he hasn't paid just yet..... and this was a gentle reminder of what she can do now.
Thanks Hizzonner Warby. Thanks a lot.
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H will burn all bridges after this interview! He will be nothing when William becomes King especially if they slate Charles or HMQ

they cling on to titles but yet criticise the RF, I don’t understand when their minions/sugars criticise and say the RF are nothing or should be abolished... then why do they throw around words like King Archie and use M and Hs titles? That’s literally the only reason you have ever heard of her . They have no idea 🤷‍♂️ it’s infuriating honestly
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Well, the cat is finally out of the bag. I mean, this pregnancy has been (pretty accurately) called for months. Meghan disappearing (I am sure we will get a story about spotting or extremely bad nausea soon), the round face, no sightings below the shouldersHarry’s sudden mood change....
I think she might be along further than 4 months. While many recommend to wait one cycle after a miscarriage (I have only ever heard a longer recommendation when there were bigger complications involved- which wasn’t the point if you believe her story) many start trying again ASAP and it’s completely normal to conceive in the first cycle. It’s also completely normal to take a bit longer. Her bump is quite defined already. She got very big at the the last time, so it was to be expected that she would be showing pretty early on. I say this is a early to mid five month bump with the baby being due in July (but she could very well be six almost seven months already- I just think she would look bigger if so). The news about Harry coming alone with the weak excuse for Meghan confirms it for me. I guess he will be a no show as well because she either goes over term (somebody I expect a planned c-section though) or because the baby has just come. On the other hand, playing dress up Prince could exactly what he would do instead of caring for his son and the new baby and mother. I have to admit whatever he would do in such a situation it will look bad. (Coming from a society where parental leave after birth for at least 8 weeks is the norm nowadays- many take 12 or even longer. And that means staying with your family not having lots of free time to meet friends or enjoy hobbies.)
I wouldn’t be surprised if the new babe is a girl. IVF is a theory for Archie I actually could believe. If you also believe in some sort of health problem with him, IVF might be logical (depending on the root cause).
It will be interesting if she opts for disappearing for the whole pregnancy or at least after 8 months. She was clearly unhappy with how her body looked the first time but had to fulfill engagements (per their stupid power horse narrative they chose for her). Same for afterwards. We might not see too much, and we might not hear too much (because let’s face it- if she doesn’t starts something nothing gets started). Sounds good do me.

@NutMegandCinnamong looks like the surface of a belly band or one of those high waisted shape wear slips for pregnant women. To press it in form. Laying back it would normally look flatter and wide- if she isn’t six months along already (she could have very well conceived again at the end of July).
I remember that @bbb333 posted here last November (just before it was reported in the news), that Meghan had had a miscarriage and now was pregnant again. So, I would say that she is about six months pregnant now.
I felt bad for that poster because some people mocked their post but they've been proven to be correct.
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Scotch Mist

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Wow according her high smeginess we have no right to know anything about child number 2 Harkelina.🤭
Well I for one couldn't care less about her kids and they shouldn't be in line for the British throne 😡
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Like many I liked her at the start. I Know I might even like her If I met her. But her behaviour is so awful that it would take a pretty fantastic personality to get past the bad memories.
And she can be as private as she wants. She can release as much information as she wants, on her time line and in her way.
What she can't do is be unhesitatingly believed and adored. Because there are so many contradictions in her life and what she says. I couldn't care less if she tells us everything because no doubt what I would do is shrug, maybe raise an eyebrow, because I really don't care about her life.
I care about her influence on those who are too young or vulnerable or even star struck to understand that she is not helping or supporting them just spending enough time to get publicity. For her not for them.
And I care that she is dragging our history down. The RF have been right bastards at times. In many ways it can read like a game about who killed who and who overthrew who. But it is my royal family. And I can criticise them if I want.
Not some pushy user who won't take the time to learn the rich and inspiring history of this country but instead will take all she can and then run while denigrating both the country and its inhabitants.

So when people say she can reveal as much info as she wants. I agree. Just make sure she knows what the truth is first .

Ps the baby bump thing. Anyone can hold on their baby bump. Most people do. Even strangers at times FFS. But you don't stand with one hand on top and one underneath, encircling and highlighting it regularly and monotonously. thats what was annoying about it.

ETA that rant was my revenge for giving me 12 pages to read. And wanting to make a comment but forgetting what I should quote to make the comment. All I did was work a couple hours late and I get to this. And it's not even the 12 pages it's that you gave me those 12 pages and I still had to make dinner and mediate the kids whilst trying to read.
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Scotch Mist

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I wonder when removal of everything is going to hit home for Hazno? I bet he's enjoyed himself in the last year seemingly having it all but the allure of a Hollywood lifestyle is going to wear off eventually when he realizes that he is nothing without being a Prince.

He's the one who is going to feel the loss of all his military titles, privileges and patronages. It won't affect Smeggy in the same way as she only cares about money and fame. It will be easy come easy go for her. She must be the most selfish wife in the whole world to do that to her husband.
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I can't post scabies tweet, twit what ever the fuck you call it but is he having a dig at William with his 'incandescent' twitter doofything?

Somebody seriously needs to smack him and pull her Royal Reporter credentials.

As for her? This shit doesn't surprise me but Handbag Harry should really be ashamed of himself, I wish PP was younger so he could rip him a new one.
Here it is...yes, Omid is most certainly having a dig at William saying that he will be ‘incandescent with rage’ upon hearing about the Oprah interview. Very snide. Especially as he just told everyone to #bekind after talking about Caroline Flack. Steaming hypocrite.

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One thing you should about me, I get too deep and let things affect me greatly. This has done me in. Can some of you give me hope please? I want this fail spectacularly, even supporters turn against her, Hollywood stars don't go around on social media praising these two cunts. This starts Oprah failure.

I feel like crying because its going be 90 minutes of hate directed at will and Kate. My heart breaks for them. His own brother, kate who's never hurt anyone. They're the ones that should he doing this interview exposing how vile the harkles are and the true nasty bullying they've done.

I start work that week and I'm scared it'll be a bad showcase for me as I'll be too deep into thinking and worrying about this.

Where's the justice? Truth? What if they win and make the monarchy collapse? Make will and Kate hated and that they never make it to the thrones?
In 5 years she will be shilling weightwatches like Fergie. Doesn’t matter how much money she makes from ANL and Oprah, it will all be spent on PR. Don’t let it worry you that much, I bet the Queen is rolling her eyes and shrugging.
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Scotch Mist

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The moonbump looks about 6 months to me.
Smeggy has had this all planned out. She will be pregnant when the Queen takes away the patronages and military titles feeding in to the sugar nuts screaming about a 'poor pregnant woman' being attacked by the cruel racist royal family. The stans will be outraged whatever happens. Thus Smegg can claim the victimhood prize again 🙄

Hazno won't be able to come back in the Summer for any length of time (if at all) as she will be due to give birth or the dolly will be fedexed at that time. A long weekend is all he'll get (if he's lucky). Personally I doubt if the narcissistic controller will even let him come for a few days.

The royal family must utterly detest her. She's determined to win against them at all costs and Harry will probably never see his grandparents alive again.
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I think that she is using a surrogate again. As people have said, using a surrogate is already ‘a thing’ for celebrities in LA and it is much easier to do there than in the U.K.

Everyone has been commenting about how little MM has been seen in the press over recent months. When she has been seen, it has only been her face and shoulders.

Being in the US gives her the prefect excuse to hide away until the baby is ‘born’. Plus, she has the pandemic as a ready made excuse not to be seen in public. I don’t think we will see copious amounts of bump clutching like last time as she made such a balls up over it. I imagine she will stay out of public view and we will only see her from the shoulders upwards in an zoom calls etc.

It will most certainly be a girl. Does anyone know if you can legally choose the sex using IVF or a surrogate in the US? I have no idea but I bet they will have chosen a girl somehow.

If she is using a surrogate, will it be a different one?

Another thing that points me to the surrogate suspicion is the pure timing of it. The pregnancy was the perfect excuse used to postpone the trial, and the birth will be the perfect excuse for both her and H not to come over to the U.K. for all the landmark events this year. Even a woman in her most fertile years would struggle to get pregnant so quickly and ‘on-demand’ like this. It is far too obvious, esp due to her age.
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They may also have to choose between his grandfather's funeral/paying respects and his interview. Also if it ends up being heart issues then stress could be a factor. It has potential to really blow up in their faces. I would never treat my grandparents like that

I suspect if Prince Phillip dies it will be a quiet private funeral followed by a big public thanksgiving type ceremony when covid allows
Pretty sure he'd already specified he didn't want the full state funeral. The news will be full of it for days on end, though.

The narrative will be all about the brave, stoic Queen, losing her husband in the midst of this crisis, how Will and Kate have been loyally serving the crown, gratitude to the NHS.

Bit tough to muscle in on that, when you've been sitting it out in the sunshine, moaning about how no-one loves you. The UK tabloids will be all over them.
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Imagine using your pregnancy as a PR opportunity 🥺 these guys don't realise how far they've gone. They left for privacy, but hired an aggressive PR firm - hmm. All their income relies on public facing content. She wants to be an American Royal, but the magic doesn't work when you are all over press in ugly moments of constant bitterness. Although there certainly was racist press and responses, and the upper classes can be incredibly racist (see the experiences of Emma the Countess of Weymouth, who is half Nigerian, and who I adore! Why did they never make friends?!) sometimes all of us have to look beyond the "they don't like me because I'm female/my skin colour/my hair do" to reflect on whether it is our actions and personality traits that alienate. Very little that Meghan does seems to me to be particularly entrenched in her mother's culture - the lack of natural hair...even the way she speaks is white Californian celebrity...the clothes she wears and the way she decorates is also very mainstream Hollywood...I don't even think there is much for racists to pick on - she has been white passing most of her adult life. Why would people say it's racist to complain about this pregnancy announcement? Like yes it's not really very British royal, is that racist or just monarchist? Is that wrong? Do we have to like someone taking century old traditions and flogging them commercially? Is not liking that evil? Honestly sometimes the world seems craaaaaaazy, I can't follow all the arguments,

but yeh for people who left a whole palace for privacy and keep suing over privacy, it's very reasonable for papers to make jibes about privacy loving people making national press releases on a calculated day of the year at a time that gains maximal exposure, they release a lot late on sundays so they're in the papers all week.
the longer time goes on the more I feel they are genuinely trying to engineer a fluffy lovely beautiful fantasy view of themselves so the more it feels fake. Where I come from we don't callously use a combination of a pregnancy and the world famous Diana's footprints, for desperately needed good PR. You tell your friends and family, you pick a week or two after the birth of someone else in the family (geez they're even meant to like Eugenie), and Just generally act like you're happy but private instead of shoving your husband's bare feet all over the internet. They're weird, they are so weird. It's all spin and they're about to get dizzy and fall over!
Nothing wrong with being a thirsty influencer chasing social media 'likes' and Twitter highs, if that's what floats your boat. But it's a huge downgrade from being part of the Royal Family and not compatible with all the litigation around 'privacy'. They don't seem remotely likeable, just weird, touchy and messy in the details.

Heat Magazine said that filming was about to start for Netflix. Now the pregnancy is confirmed, I think we know what is coming. A very private 60 minute pregnancy special.. Cameras in the birthing suite? Why not? 💰
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Chatty Member
This is my favourite thread on the site. I am in a few others but I like the ‘friendliness’ and banter of this one. However I’ve seen some reactions to our thread and people are horrified. Saying we are unstable, vicious, comparing us to middle aged white men obsessed with Diane Abbott, saying it’s evil and vitriolic.
It has troubled me a bit because I suppose I am wondering if I’m vitriolic and evil. I don’t think we are but if anyone wants to jump in with reassurance that’d be great. I think we examine and dissect the behaviours but H&M behave so unimaginably sneakily and selfishly that a lot if our theories do seem cuckoo. But that’s because their behaviour is quite incredible and constantly going to new levels of awful.
peopke are convinced that all the hatred is due to racism but it’s not. I really don’t think so. I suppose much if my upset is seeing a British institution, the RF obv, being damaged and maligned by one if the royals and someone who was here for 5 minutes. The constant slights thrown at the other members. It’s horrible. But it isn’t anything to do with Meghan’s race. It’s her behaviour. People can’t see further than the allegation if racism though and I don’t understand if it is me who is blind or them. You know the horrible, extreme, racist remarks that were in comments and unmoderated forums? They quote those as an example of what people who don’t support M&H are like.

Why do people buy into her victim narrative? Meeting women who have been raped in Africa and then she’s crying and whinging on camera that she was just trying to cope with being a new wife and no one supported her? Wtf? How can people not see the self obsession and victim hood? Newly married life is typically fairly happy and blissful. Hence the phrase Honeymoon Phase. Especially if you have no money/housing/career worries. The best medical care and a whole team of people around you to meet your needs.
If trolling is bad surely you don’t have to look at it? You can be shielded from it?

Are we really delusional hags? I don’t think we are. But people read this and are horrified. I’m not phased by bad language. I like to swear. Maybe that has something to do with it.
I don’t know.
What do you think?
I think there will always be people who disagree with each other and to be honest I think people in this thread are far more moderate than the Sussex squad. If people want to use the excuse it is only possible to dislike the things a half black woman does due to her skin, whether it ranged from innocent walking along the pavement, to beating a baby, it's very clear that somewhere on that spectrum it is possible to disapprove of actions in spite of ethnicity. If people don't even want to address that, they don't have critical thinking faculties. People are always entitled to their own opinions, people here are rarely aggressive bullies going out of their way to doxx or abuse other members, the Sussex squad and reporters eg Omid are salty to the extreme. People's abilities to identify their own thoughts and behaviour or try and reflect on why other people think as they do, like to blanket label people into categories or label people as extreme or nasty, rather than engage with the thought process. I recognise this thread isn't kind about Meghan and Harry but no one is sending them hate mail, seeking out their address, or attempting to bully them. People can't meet up at the moment, gossip and justified criticism is what would happen at the least benign But innocuously presented book club, and I think people just need to address that. Harry and Meghan have cult worship / they can't do wrong in the eyes of their fans, and are immune from wrong doing as she is half black but we all recognise that's fantasy and delusional. This is human nature and it always has been. If you don't respect the people posting hate, don't listen to it.

We also shouldn't forget that a lot of concerns and theories are in mainstream media, palace insiders and their contacts - Lady C - and reported by the RF too. I'm not sure it's this thread that is broken!
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Looking at this from Oprah's point of view, she's cashing in her chips now. She's getting the one interview with Meghan that might be interesting, until the divorce. Aired in the US so those pesky English defamation laws don't apply.

Oprah's given them accommodation (allegedly), someone's production company has been paying for the Netflix filming as there was an NDA around who was signing the crew paycheques (allegedly), we've just been told that 'someone' financed Megz lawsuit...

After Oprah gets the interview, I bet the Bank of O is closed for business.
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