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👏👏 loving the poetry you cultured lot😉 Heres my go....

There once was a yacht girl from L.A
Met a stoopid Ginger prince one fine day
She showed Ginge her minge
Went to Africa for a whinge
And we wish they would just Go Away.
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I know that this was probably well intentioned but would Smeggy and Hazno have done well in Africa?

She may have mixed race heritage but to be honest it's a bit racist to suggest that this is really some sort of qualification to work in Africa. I guess it was thought that it would make her more relatable to people over there but in my view there are more important things to consider namely true compassion and being willing to really help people.

As someone accurately posted earlier Smeggy has done more to encourage racial divisions than to actively heal them. She would have swanned around over in Africa thinking that she was better than everyone else.

Frankly the Harkles did the Queen a favour by leaving.
Scotchy honey, African people of colour would regard her as white. Not a doubt in my mind on that score. They would probably be very clear on that too. She can get away with her playing the race card when it suits her in Murica, but among those she claims to champion and belong to she will be just another priveleged white person playing lady of the manor among them.
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I find this thread a welcome and brilliant distraction from the shitiness of life right now. I often save it to read in bed at the end of the day.
It’s so distracting. And great that we are bonded by frustration and contempt for The Grifters. Nothing like mutual dislike to bring people together. 👍🏻
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Smegatron's statement:
View attachment 432801
But Smeggy if we had reliable fact checked news none of your made up PR puff pieces would ever be published because they are always full of exaggerations and lies.
At least in this case the letter was real and not made up by the paper! The only thing dehumanising here was your treatment of your father.

You cannot tell us that Netflix are paying you a 100 million unless we see a receipt to prove it. We do deserve the truth not constant garbage.
She has set no such precedent, the boastful cunt. :mad:The ruling was already there regarding how much of the document could be published, warby simply went with that. It makes not a jot of difference in how they are treated in the press generally, it just makes the press stick to the letter of the law regarding documents.
How can the press fact check when the Cuntchops refuse to engage in discussing stories? During the Birth Certificate shit one reporter contacted them and they responded(saying the palace did it/told them to), but once the same reporter got back to them with the Palace denial the door was slammed in their face ... no response. So they are cherry picking what to respond to.
This has got the press backs up. Undoubtedly some of them are happy to see ANL get their arses lightly tapped on this one, BUT they will not be happy at the spin the harkles are putting on it. It's not a blanket ban on negative harkle stories, as they'll soon find out. Likely the press will hang firetill after the march court date, but after that the gloves will be off in the red tops and harkle support will berestricted to the bike riding, vegan,wokey, mushroom latté drinking luddite style papers like the Guardian.
Nasty bitch had to include "mom" in her thankfull acceptance speech as another "fuck you" to her "daddy".
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Maybe all papers should grant her wish and never post anything about her ever again even positive stuff. The narcissist would hate that.
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Meghan said her "comprehensive win" means "we have all won", adding: "We now know, and hope it creates legal precedent, that you cannot take somebody's privacy and exploit it in a privacy case, as the defendant has blatantly done over the past two years.
The above from the BBC.
So now the talented one not only has film, audio and possible book deals. She is also lording it over the legal world (after all she has loads of knowledge formerly being a paralegal so know her stuff) AND is able to create this precedence over privacy, a thing she wholeheartedly believes in.

And tell that to all the surprised people on her zoom calls where she gets their life history to swot up on. So you can't exploit it for a privacy case but you can exploit it in real life for people who don't have the ability to sue.
This is all fine. Her statement will be pissing off all the newspapers, not just the Mail. They will bide their time and I'm confident they will take her out in due course.
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Oh twatting hell!!!!

I am furious! 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬

How the HELL has this smug bitch managed to win on her privacy claims when that letter was written for publishing in FF?????

I am glad she hasn’t won outright on her copyright claims.

I just knew that Scobie would only mention the positive side of the news. The Sugars will be dancing in the streets.

I hope the newspapers accurately report that it was NOT an outright win.

Is everyone else thoroughly pissed off? Does anyone have a bit of hope that she will get hammered for at least SOMETHING?

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From Royals at War by Dylan Howard.

There's the reason I deem you the Finder of All Things.
You're not just a common Archivist but our very own Indiana Jones and can unearth little treasures long hidden and deemed lost forever.

Poppea will be thrusting that post at her mum .... "look see, I telt ya!" (with a German accent obviously)
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As for the Queen, I do not envy her on trying to resolve this conundrum of the cunts.

Any decisions she makes will be labeled racism by the sugars and People magazine, as they seem to love Meghan.

Look at my country, we are so woke it is scary.

The Crown is looking at a precipice. I do not think that I am exaggerating. I am sorry to say this because, like many, I love and respect the Queen. I think that when the Queen is no longer with us, there will be a move to be rid of the monarchy. It is the way of the world at this time. It makes me sad.
The Queen and Prince Philip are looking back at all their years of duty and service. And then they look forward. They see the world is going crazy. They see their legacy in danger.

And then they see this cunt. A yacht girl nonetheless throwing shite on all their work and sacrifice.
And what can the Queen do? She takes their titles, Meghan will be Princess Henry, but, her fans will call her Princess Meghan. Leave her a Duchess? Remove the title of Prince? Is that even possible?
And there is a very real problem. Harry has mental health issues. She does not want him to die of a drug overdose or commit suicide. Or have Meghan murder him and have it look like a drug overdose or suicide.

We left the 1950’s long ago. This is not that world. The Queen has a lot on her mind at this stage of her life. The last thing she needed was Meghan, Duchess of Destruction. And I blame Harry 100% for that.

So, while I am upset about this summary judgment, the real problem is what is to be done with the Duchess moving forward. Because she is a damaged human being who has no qualms about taking people down with her, even the Royal family who does not own the word royal.
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I think it'll be the worst experience of his life. He'll be getting absolute shit from the witch for being there and god forbid he's seen smiling. The public will make it clear what a cunt we think he is and I expect his family will not be going near him or trusting him with anything. Would you trust him not to be secretly recording everything for Netflix. I can't wait
Apparently on his final day in the UK he went straight from a final meeting with Brenda for tea and a 'farewell chat' to the Sentable event where he was due to speak and was visibly angry already when arriving but spent over an hour on the phone with smeggy arguing with her and getting more upset because she had promised to be there with him for that final meeting and for the sentable speech so that they could leave the UK together.... yanno "two 'young' lovers walking hand in hand into the sunset " kind of Hallmark birdies-dipped-in-paint Finding Freebies violin moment. Was gonna be dramatic and poignant and all that shit for the cameras. But smeggy stood him up. She backed out at the last moment leaving him to face the family alone, do the sentable gig and then do the walk of shame to the Canada bound plane alone. So by the time he went on stage at the gig he was really really upset and it showed. He looked a mess and I truly don't think it was the triumphant exit he envisaged and that she had promised him. Seemingly those who were there at sentable behind the scenes said he was shouting down the phone about her letting him down and he was so in the moment that he just didn't care that others(security organisers etc) were around overhearing this.
My point is that she can't be trusted to keep her side of a bargain and in the recesses of his feeble brain that surely must have been a huge red flag (on top of her fucking off to Canada with dolly child on a £175 budget flight the night of their leaving announcement) that she will not have his back in time of need. She looks after numero uno, bottom line. If he has to stay in the UK for a prolonged period he will be worried what she's up to, what meetings or agreements she might make regarding her/their future without his input. Not to mention Machiavellian Markus, always lurking like a bad smell, the smeggy version of Rasputin, harder to get rid of than a dose of the clap. Makes no difference that hazza might love the flabby little tits and manky minge of her ... he knows she's not reliable or trustworthy. His head will be more of a mess than ever if they spend time apart.

By the way, in that speil posted about her being busy busy busy and working like a demon at meetings, filming, blah bloody blah while he's in Blighty there is no mention of her popping out a sprog between meetings or of him missing such an event. Not a dicky bird. Very odd.
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Hugs to you @NutMegandCinnamong . That is very hard.

I feel vapid posting this now but in case it detracts, I've just seen this on the BBC website:

Michelle Obama is to star alongside puppets in a Netflix show that aims to teach children the joys of home cooking over eating ready meals.
Mrs Obama will play a supermarket owner opposite Waffles and Mochi, who are from The Land of Frozen Food.
The former US first lady described the series, which is titled Waffles + Mochi and drops next month, as a "hilarious, heartwarming, and simply magical show".
She and husband Barack are among the executive producers.

Oh no. I hope we don't seem something similar coming from Markle and Debacle. Can you imagine what might ensue if that hapless pair tried to teach little 'uns how to roast a chicken?
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3rd? Not sure what it says now but when you started this thread I was joint top with 39 votes. Unless you’re taking into account something different aside from likes?

I think next time you start a thread it might be a good idea to list the others who were close and the number of votes they got so it is clear how the decision is made. Others sometimes do this.
Come on now, it is only a bit of a laugh. I made several suggestions for a new thread title, but they didn’t get enough votes, but so what? It is all a bit of fun. I am not annoyed that I didn’t win.

To be quibbling over how many votes you got compared to the winner of the thread title seems very petty. It also takes the shine off the person who won the new thread title. Give over suggesting people list all entries, votes, and how they made their decision. This is not the local council elections. Nobody has no time for that here.
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Scotch Mist

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If I was part of that poetry zoom group and they appeared I would have disconnected faster than Usain bolt can run!!
Those people at the meeting are now plastered all over social media. What about their privacy?

I bet not all of them are happy about having their faces and bedroom splashed over global media when someone shows up unannounced to what should have been a private class.

The Harkles have no respect for anyone, those kids are just cult fodder to use for their own creepy self serving agenda manipulating young people.

Hopefully the more intelligent in that generation will realise that they are actually middle aged losers desperately trying to cling on to some sort of relevance.
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I doubt very much that the Queen or any of the royal family had anything to do with this, although they would have advised Smegatron not to go to trial and air her dirty underwear in public.

The judgement was given according to the copyright laws which the MOS infringed.
My gut instinct is that Warby thought the outcome was clear (letter was private in nature, ANL published too much of it, Megz owned copyright entirely or at worst jointly) and did not want a Depp style circus, so somehow or other in the autumn Megz team decided to ask for summary judgment.

If she was always going to win, then denying her the publicity she is so thirsty for is the least worst outcome. In a way.

Her thirstiness and love of grandstanding is presumably the reason they didn't ask for summary judgment on day one. So she's dragged Thomas Sr through this month after month after month. Disgusting.
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Thank you for explaining how it is calculated. I was just going by likes and a second later we were both on 39.

I guess I have missed any opportunity of winning this popularity contest.

This lockdown is really hitting me hard. I am on my own and really desperate for some real company. Apologies for any misunderstandings.
I click like when someone someone says something I like. Most of the time I don't even look at the poster's name as that's irrelevant in most contexts anyway. I'm pretty sure there's nothing sinister going on in terms of whose suggestions get chosen ❤
While nobody here is a substitute for face-to-face interaction, reach out and people will (try to) lift you up :)
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Thread title suggestion, # A Narcissistic Showman and an unjust judge, will the tabloids spill all to remedy this grudge?
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